Case closed, Zimmerman's a gonner

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The respondent has no other recourse but to attack the character of the witness as a means to prove his point. He has no argument.
OOOOHHHH "hostile"...
Prosecution just got the witness to agree GJ was exhibiting "hostility" toward the guy he was following ... the black man.

Now the dispatcher appears happy, that he was able to let that off his chest.

You can't debate the facts! You just attacked the dispatcher for being white! My god man, what am I to do with you?!?!

That is why you lose every discussion on the board when you talk stupid, like you just did.

You are a troll, nothing else.
Upon reflection, I have concluded that it would be a "bad" thing to have one's head pounded repeatedly onto the pavement.

It would also be a "bad" thing to be shot.

And upon still deeper reflection, one can ALMOST make out a hint of a glimmer of a correlation between the two events.

Upon reflection, I have concluded that if there is going to be a murder trial, it is preferable to be the one on trial rather than the one in the cemetery.

I have not yet reflected more deeply than that.

Interesting... Me, I'd rather die for a cause than rot in prison for killing a teenage boy.
Upon reflection, I have concluded that it would be a "bad" thing to have one's head pounded repeatedly onto the pavement.

It would also be a "bad" thing to be shot.

And upon still deeper reflection, one can ALMOST make out a hint of a glimmer of a correlation between the two events.

Upon reflection, I have concluded that if there is going to be a murder trial, it is preferable to be the one on trial rather than the one in the cemetery.

I have not yet reflected more deeply than that.

Interesting... Me, I'd rather die for a cause than rot in prison for killing a teenage boy.

You gonna answer my question? Why did you go after the dispatcher's race?
Ilar and the reactionaries here are known for the lying, bullying, harassing, and cheating, but the bill eventually comes due for them.

They think the mainstream of the GOP somewhere on the other side of Lenin politically.


I take it dt is your sock.

Right on cue.

You are a reactionary tubby, thus with absolutely any worth here on the board.

You really shouldn't start drinking until you're done posting for the day.
the lawyers are chauvinist and they feel that if they pick an all women jury they can tell them stories about video games ,buying candy, and racial hatred.
the lawyers are betting that women won't be very bright. women won't care about self defence .

the reason why 5 out of 6 are "white" is so they can say Zimmerman was convicted by a nearly "all white jury"
(i predicted this in a previous post)

Zimmerman has no defense attorneys. they should have demanded half the jury be from the Montana Militia.

no reason to follow the case ,you're just going to see a shadow puppet show for the next year or so.

(6 jurors, what is there budget cuts?)

Should they re-write Florida law just for Zimmerman?

With a 6 person jury the chances of getting all women are 1 in 64 (assuming a 50/50 chance of each). Considering the hundreds upon hundreds (thousands even) of juries that are selected annually in Florida, it should come as no surprise if even dozens of them turn out to be all women - or all men. What you are doing is akin to assuming a roullete wheel is rigged just because it hits black 6 times in a row. Yes, the chances are fairly low but not so low that the event should almost never occur.
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I was just listening to part of the testimony...the prosecution is trying to make the point that Zimmerman said he was black two times (one time unsolicited)...suggesting profiling. This is unfair, IMO.

1) Zimmerman was asked what color Trayvon was...GZ says "he looks black" other words not sure, but I think hes black.

2) The next time GZ gave color was shortly after when he could see trayvon walking in his that time he said "hes black" other words confirming what he was unsure of before.

I hope the defense addresses that...prosecution suggesting something that is not true...I dont like that.

Oh geez...just heard Omara get up and do exactly what I thought he should...nice job on his part! The first time GZ said he was black it wasnt definitive...the second time he said it, he was confirming that he was indeed black.

Prosecution appeared to be reaching with their suggestion of profiling, IMO. Im telling you...the prosecution has a good case, but they need to get away from the race card..its conjecture and easily rebutted in court....not smart, IMO.

If the cops are called out to look for someone how much sense does it make to NOT include the person's race in the description?
I take it dt is your sock.

Right on cue.

You are a reactionary tubby, thus with absolutely any worth here on the board.

You really shouldn't start drinking until you're done posting for the day.

He and a couple of the vilest of the vile have taken to calling me "tubby".

Naturally, as a middle aged woman, I assume they've hacked into one of my accounts and are circulating a picture of me.

What cretins.
the lawyers are chauvinist and they feel that if they pick an all women jury they can tell them stories about video games ,buying candy, and racial hatred.
the lawyers are betting that women won't be very bright. women won't care about self defence .

the reason why 5 out of 6 are "white" is so they can say Zimmerman was convicted by a nearly "all white jury"
(i predicted this in a previous post)

Zimmerman has no defense attorneys. they should have demanded half the jury be from the Montana Militia.

no reason to follow the case ,you're just going to see a shadow puppet show for the next year or so.

(6 jurors, what is there budget cuts?)

Should they re-write Florida law just for Zimmerman?

Should they rewrite Florida law just for Trayvon?
Upon reflection, I have concluded that it would be a "bad" thing to have one's head pounded repeatedly onto the pavement.

It would also be a "bad" thing to be shot.

And upon still deeper reflection, one can ALMOST make out a hint of a glimmer of a correlation between the two events.

Upon reflection, I have concluded that if there is going to be a murder trial, it is preferable to be the one on trial rather than the one in the cemetery.

I have not yet reflected more deeply than that.

Interesting... Me, I'd rather die for a cause than rot in prison for killing a teenage boy.

The respondent has no other recourse but to attack the character of the witness as a means to prove his point. He has no argument.
OOOOHHHH "hostile"...
Prosecution just got the witness to agree GJ was exhibiting "hostility" toward the guy he was following ... the black man.

Now the dispatcher appears happy, that he was able to let that off his chest.

You can't debate the facts! You just attacked the dispatcher for being white! My god man, what am I to do with you?!?!

>>>You can't debate the facts!
Not debating facts, discussing witness provided expert opinions.

>>> You just attacked the dispatcher for being white!
Don't know what you are talking about. Besides, I'm white so it would be ok anyways, <sarcasm smiley>

>>> My god man, what am I to do with you?!?!

Dunno bones :) (assuming that was a star trek reference)
You are a reactionary tubby, thus with absolutely any worth here on the board.

You really shouldn't start drinking until you're done posting for the day.

He and a couple of the vilest of the vile have taken to calling me "tubby".

Naturally, as a middle aged woman, I assume they've hacked into one of my accounts and are circulating a picture of me.

What cretins.

They must be 'chubby chasers.'
the lawyers are chauvinist and they feel that if they pick an all women jury they can tell them stories about video games ,buying candy, and racial hatred.
the lawyers are betting that women won't be very bright. women won't care about self defence .

the reason why 5 out of 6 are "white" is so they can say Zimmerman was convicted by a nearly "all white jury"
(i predicted this in a previous post)

Zimmerman has no defense attorneys. they should have demanded half the jury be from the Montana Militia.

no reason to follow the case ,you're just going to see a shadow puppet show for the next year or so.

(6 jurors, what is there budget cuts?)

Should they re-write Florida law just for Zimmerman?

Should they rewrite Florida law just for Trayvon?

Was there a law against an all woman jury in Florida that they re-wrote?

BTW - the suggestion that women aren't concerned with self-defense is absurd. Every time there's a serial killer scare the women in the area arm themselves.
Hello? RKM? You aren't answering my question.

Here, tap your toe. Maybe that will rush her up a bit!

Well at least the dispatcher just admitted to the conversation from GZ as exhibiting hostility.

So you're saying he contradicted himself?

Is there another feed carrying a different version of the trial?

M O'M on cross asked the dispatcher if there was anger, if he was concerned about, etc. etc. etc. and the dispatcher said no.

Maybe other people are watching NBC's version.
You have some evidence that contradicts Defense's opening argument?

Trevon Martin does not get to attack a guy that is following him because he is black. For too many, being black is an excuse for antisocial behavior. It's a piss poor excuse!

He did not attack Zimmerman. The Prosecutor said there was no blood on Trevon's hands, none of Zimmerman's blood was on Trevon, Trevon's blood was on Zimmerman though.

He killed that kid in cold blood.

Defense showed dirt stains on the knees of Trayvon Martin's pants. Sorry, argument invalid. He was beating the shit out him.
The kid was fighting for his life. When he asked Zimmerman "why are you following me" Zimmerman should have identified himself as Neighborhood watch and he didn't so what was the kid to think?
When cameras were on Zimmerman at the police station there were no obvious injuries?

Police Video: Zimmerman In Cuffs, No Apparent Injuries « CBS Miami
OOOOHHHH "hostile"...
Prosecution just got the witness to agree GJ was exhibiting "hostility" toward the guy he was following ... the black man.

Now the dispatcher appears happy, that he was able to let that off his chest.

You can't debate the facts! You just attacked the dispatcher for being white! My god man, what am I to do with you?!?!

That is why you lose every discussion on the board when you talk stupid, like you just did.

You are a troll, nothing else.

Ironic post from the board's #1 irrelevant asshole.

You get your ass kicked daily here Jake, yet you continue to insist others are losing. Regardless of your ego, you do not get to lie.
Well at least the dispatcher just admitted to the conversation from GZ as exhibiting hostility.

So you're saying he contradicted himself?

Is there another feed carrying a different version of the trial?

M O'M on cross asked the dispatcher if there was anger, if he was concerned about, etc. etc. etc. and the dispatcher said no.

Maybe other people are watching NBC's version.

Yeah, i'm on HLN, the prosecution in cross had him admit it was exhibiting hostility. Not anger, hostility.
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