Case closed, Zimmerman's a gonner

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OOOOHHHH "hostile"...
Prosecution just got the witness to agree GJ was exhibiting "hostility" toward the guy he was following ... the black man.

Now the dispatcher appears happy, that he was able to let that off his chest.

You can't debate the facts! You just attacked the dispatcher for being white! My god man, what am I to do with you?!?!

>>>You can't debate the facts!
Not debating facts, discussing witness provided expert opinions.

>>> You just attacked the dispatcher for being white!
Don't know what you are talking about. Besides, I'm white so it would be ok anyways, <sarcasm smiley>

>>> My god man, what am I to do with you?!?!

Dunno bones :) (assuming that was a star trek reference)

TK owned again.
You can't debate the facts! You just attacked the dispatcher for being white! My god man, what am I to do with you?!?!

That is why you lose every discussion on the board when you talk stupid, like you just did.

You are a troll, nothing else.

Ironic post from the board's #1 irrelevant asshole.

You get your ass kicked daily here Jake, yet you continue to insist others are losing. Regardless of your ego, you do not get to lie.

Who's the score master, or do you guys all keep independent scores? To that end is there an official list maker?
OOOOHHHH "hostile"...
Prosecution just got the witness to agree GJ was exhibiting "hostility" toward the guy he was following ... the black man.

Now the dispatcher appears happy, that he was able to let that off his chest.

You can't debate the facts! You just attacked the dispatcher for being white! My god man, what am I to do with you?!?!

That is why you lose every discussion on the board when you talk stupid, like you just did.

You are a troll, nothing else.

I'm not the one hijacking threads and making socks. You should shut the fuck up now. You have not even tried to debate me, nor has RKM, who still hasn't answered why she targeted the dispatcher's race. I'm still waiting on both of you to have an argument, within my lifetime at least.
He did not attack Zimmerman. The Prosecutor said there was no blood on Trevon's hands, none of Zimmerman's blood was on Trevon, Trevon's blood was on Zimmerman though.

He killed that kid in cold blood.

Defense showed dirt stains on the knees of Trayvon Martin's pants. Sorry, argument invalid. He was beating the shit out him.
The kid was fighting for his life. When he asked Zimmerman "why are you following me" Zimmerman should have identified himself as Neighborhood watch and he didn't so what was the kid to think?
When cameras were on Zimmerman at the police station there were no obvious injuries?

Police Video: Zimmerman In Cuffs, No Apparent Injuries « CBS Miami

You're quoting outdated information. There were photos showing his injuries before he saw the doctor. Please, argue someone who isn't as gullible as I am.
You are a reactionary tubby, thus with absolutely any worth here on the board.

You really shouldn't start drinking until you're done posting for the day.

He and a couple of the vilest of the vile have taken to calling me "tubby".

Naturally, as a middle aged woman, I assume they've hacked into one of my accounts and are circulating a picture of me.

What cretins.

Libs have this character affliction that causes them to attack physical traits of those that are besting them in an argument. The fact that they are calling you tubby is in fact, a compliment. Next attempt to discredit you will be by calling you a lesbian. If you're lucky, you may even beat them bad enough that they will start PMing you gay porn.
Hey! It's BigDerp!

How are you? Meet the Dummy Kormac. You and he ought to get along famously. You can duke it out for who can huff and puff more and produce less.

I would love for you two to disagree on something. The whiffing sounds would be fantastic
So you're saying he contradicted himself?

Is there another feed carrying a different version of the trial?

M O'M on cross asked the dispatcher if there was anger, if he was concerned about, etc. etc. etc. and the dispatcher said no.

Maybe other people are watching NBC's version.

Yeah, i'm on HLN, the prosecution in cross had him admit it was exhibiting hostility. Not anger, hostility.

Oh HLN explains it. lol

Do youtube and watch the whole thing or [MENTION=42969]jon_berzerk[/MENTION] has a great legal link for summary of the days events. I can't remember what it is, I usually try to watch the whole thing.

Maybe I missed "hostility" - I was a little in and out on the dispatcher.
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Is there another feed carrying a different version of the trial?

M O'M on cross asked the dispatcher if there was anger, if he was concerned about, etc. etc. etc. and the dispatcher said no.

Maybe other people are watching NBC's version.

Yeah, i'm on HLN, the prosecution in cross had him admit it was exhibiting hostility. Not anger, hostility.

Oh HLN explains it. lol

Hostility does not equal profiling. Remember that.
Hey! It's BigDerp!

How are you? Meet the Dummy Kormac. You and he ought to get along famously. You can duke it out for who can huff and puff more and produce less.

I would love for you two to disagree on something. The whiffing sounds would be fantastic
shit stain go fuck yourself.
That is why you lose every discussion on the board when you talk stupid, like you just did.

You are a troll, nothing else.

Ironic post from the board's #1 irrelevant asshole.

You get your ass kicked daily here Jake, yet you continue to insist others are losing. Regardless of your ego, you do not get to lie.

Who's the score master, or do you guys all keep independent scores? To that end is there an official list maker?
The official list maker is currently PINK
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