Casey Anthony

YOU are the jury. What's your thoughts so far?

  • guilty.

    Votes: 9 90.0%
  • not guilty.

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  • undecided.

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Unless there is one idiot on the jury she will do time. I don't think they have beyond a doubt proved premeditation, but i think they will find her quilty of murder in some form.

Though She should fry, she doesn't deserve a minute of happiness.

I agree...but I think they will come back with the baby drowning, and the illegal thing they will get her on is burying the child. That will be the hindering part. They didnt actually prove she killed the child. Its all circumstantial evidence. Overwhelming but circumstantial.

Lohan time...Lohan time...

(Then the movies and the books she and her mother will write.) Wait for it..
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Unless there is one idiot on the jury she will do time. I don't think they have beyond a doubt proved premeditation, but i think they will find her quilty of murder in some form.

Though She should fry, she doesn't deserve a minute of happiness.

I agree. Even if the prosecution hasn't shown premeditation, she can still be found guilty of first-degree murder.
Unless there is one idiot on the jury she will do time. I don't think they have beyond a doubt proved premeditation, but i think they will find her quilty of murder in some form.

Though She should fry, she doesn't deserve a minute of happiness.

I agree...but I think they will come back with the baby drowning, and the illegal thing they will get her on is burying the child. That will be the hindering part. They didnt actually prove she killed the child. Its all circumstantial evidence. Overwhelming but circumstantial.

Lohan time...Lohan time...

(Then the movies and the books she and her mother will write.) Wait for it..

No one covers up an accidental drowning, they call 911.....
Unless there is one idiot on the jury she will do time. I don't think they have beyond a doubt proved premeditation, but i think they will find her quilty of murder in some form.

Though She should fry, she doesn't deserve a minute of happiness.

That reminds me of something my mother used to say to me when I would ask her for advice (she was wise, and I never knew exactly what to do). She would say, "It's doubtful one can find happiness at the expense of another person's misery." She probably prevented me from doing something stupid more than once just by saying that little shibboleth.
Unless there is one idiot on the jury she will do time. I don't think they have beyond a doubt proved premeditation, but i think they will find her quilty of murder in some form.

Though She should fry, she doesn't deserve a minute of happiness.

I agree...but I think they will come back with the baby drowning, and the illegal thing they will get her on is burying the child. That will be the hindering part. They didnt actually prove she killed the child. Its all circumstantial evidence. Overwhelming but circumstantial.

Lohan time...Lohan time...

(Then the movies and the books she and her mother will write.) Wait for it..

No one covers up an accidental drowning, they call 911.....

but but but, she was molested by her dad. This I believe was told to us by her mother who said she did the search results..?
I just need more answers!! I don't believe the State proved first degree murder or murder in general because they can't tell me when, where, how, what?? And honestly I want to but more so NEED to believe it was an accident, because it's hard for me to fathom a mother killing her child!!!
Unless there is one idiot on the jury she will do time. I don't think they have beyond a doubt proved premeditation, but i think they will find her quilty of murder in some form.

Though She should fry, she doesn't deserve a minute of happiness.

I agree...but I think they will come back with the baby drowning, and the illegal thing they will get her on is burying the child. That will be the hindering part. They didnt actually prove she killed the child. Its all circumstantial evidence. Overwhelming but circumstantial.

Lohan time...Lohan time...

(Then the movies and the books she and her mother will write.) Wait for it..

Nope OJ time, OJ time
I just need more answers!! I don't believe the State proved first degree murder or murder in general because they can't tell me when, where, how, what?? And honestly I want to but more so NEED to believe it was an accident, because it's hard for me to fathom a mother killing her child!!!

We've seen way too many mothers kill their own children over the years, it's not so hard to believe any more.
I believe she is guilty beyond reasonable doubt.

I also believe that tot talk show host to be a vile person to make money off that poor child's death.
I believe she is guilty beyond reasonable doubt.

I also believe that tot talk show host to be a vile person to make money off that poor child's death.
I just need more answers!! I don't believe the State proved first degree murder or murder in general because they can't tell me when, where, how, what?? And honestly I want to but more so NEED to believe it was an accident, because it's hard for me to fathom a mother killing her child!!!

We've seen way too many mothers kill their own children over the years, it's not so hard to believe any more.

This is so real. :( What stress factors cause it to be so? Even mothers that have appeared happily married to successful men have been guilty of such.

This is more than a study on dysfunction and chaos, it is a reality that we need to be focused on dealing with in such a way that we release mothers from whatever other factors involved so that motherhood is not the curse they seem to bear. :(

It is impossibly difficult for many young adults to live at home at the age Casey was without having children to care for to add in the mix. That particular family may represent more of how more of America really is behind closed doors than not. What outreach programs are available and in what states? Not 'free' or welfare assistance necessarily but real working teams that are active. Perhaps as soon as single mothers have their babies they should be automatically directed and even expected to be a part of an organization or group that not only supports them and their decisions as new mothers but also is need of their input and their focus on their children's success.

I don't know if things like this are common, I'm sure there are areas that have such, there just doesn't seem to be any ADVERTISEMENT of the more positive outcomes, influences if there are.
One you're running away from is Cindy lied about doing the chloroform searches on the home computer and the ramifications of that perjury

Even Bozo and ICA understand this is not good, not good at all.

Not just chloroform but also "Neck Breaking" was also typed into the google search. It was not a "Pop-Up" as Cindy had said. Casey typed that into google search at the same time.

These particular searches were also deleted in order to try to hide the fact they were searched.

She was deleting EVERY FILE ON THE FIREFOX BROWSER, the morning of July 16, while LE was at her house trying to help find Caylee not only shows consciousness of guilt but brass b*lls too.

Then how to explain George Anthony's claim that he saw Casey leave with Caylee sometime in the morning of July 16th with backpacks before he left for work around 12:30? Who is LE and why would "LE" be trying to help find Caylee at that point?

See these are just a few of the timeframe questions that the bumbling defense should have pursued further and tied together. Now it all just hangs out there unanswered.
Then how to explain George Anthony's claim that he saw Casey leave with Caylee sometime in the morning of July 16th with backpacks before he left for work around 12:30? Who is LE and why would "LE" be trying to help find Caylee at that point?

See these are just a few of the timeframe questions that the bumbling defense should have pursued further and tied together. Now it all just hangs out there unanswered.

George stated that he last saw Caylee, with Casey in the above-referenced circumstances, on June 16th, not July 16th. "LE," law enforcement, arrested Casey on July 16th for child neglect, obstruction of justice, and false statements. The timing was laid out correctly during the trial.
Ah..the old, log into two computers at a time thing...good. I am glad they exposed her as a liar.

Will she do time then? Damn, I hope so. Ironically if she does, it will probably be more time than her daughter who will get off.

Why did Cindy have a need to lie? Why was Casey deleting the searches when it was discovered that her daughter was missing?

If there is a complete idiot on that jury Casey may get a hung jury, but Casey is not going to get off. Nobody hides a body of an accidental drowning. She had to hide the body because she killed her.

There's still no conclusive proof that SHE "hid the body." That's the problem with this whole case. If Casey had used chloroform to subdue the child and wanted it to appear she had drowned, that would have been an easier way, and much more explanable to the authorities, than hiding the body in the trunk of her car until she could figure out where to dump it.
Unless there is one idiot on the jury she will do time. I don't think they have beyond a doubt proved premeditation, but i think they will find her quilty of murder in some form.

Though She should fry, she doesn't deserve a minute of happiness.

I agree...but I think they will come back with the baby drowning, and the illegal thing they will get her on is burying the child. That will be the hindering part. They didnt actually prove she killed the child. Its all circumstantial evidence. Overwhelming but circumstantial.

Lohan time...Lohan time...

(Then the movies and the books she and her mother will write.) Wait for it..

The defense's only "defense" now to the jury is just that: The prosecution failed to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Casey was the one who killed her child. Even their chloroform argument is weak, since no trace of the chemical was found in Caylee's body, even in the bone marrow extracted, and the fact that the search for that word or string of words could have been done by anyone having access to the home computer, not just Casey. I'm not saying Casey didn't do the search; I'm just saying someone else also could have, including George. Why was he never questioned by the defense about it, ESPECIALLY since Cindy went out on a limb and said she had done the search, then that turned out to be a lie? George of course would simply say he didn't, and the whole world would believe him. That's the way the trial has gone, imo.
I just need more answers!! I don't believe the State proved first degree murder or murder in general because they can't tell me when, where, how, what?? And honestly I want to but more so NEED to believe it was an accident, because it's hard for me to fathom a mother killing her child!!!

It's not hard for me to fathom, just not in this case. I recall (think I've said this before), earlier in the trial when Judge Perry inserted a question of his own in response to why she would go to such lengths to kill her child and then hide the body, [paraphrasing] "Wouldn't it have made more sense to just leave Caylee with the grandparents for good [if Casey just wanted to be free of motherhood]?"

Yes, problem solved, simple and sweet.

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