Casey Anthony

YOU are the jury. What's your thoughts so far?

  • guilty.

    Votes: 9 90.0%
  • not guilty.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • undecided.

    Votes: 1 10.0%

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Yes, she should be released right away and President Obama should award her the Medal of Honor and a check for $100 million. :thup:


Are you getting the impression Magg's isn't even following this case. She's just wingin' it to have something to argue about?
none of them have contributed anything brilliant let alone factual , just biased opinions . they just cant comprehend that their opinion doesnt matter . its the law that matters and must be followed by the jury . and since the state has not and cant prove its case , they cant stand it . so they whine and call people names and use foul language to make themselves feel better and superior .
Kronk's testimony brings to light the fact that Caylee's body was NOT found intact in the swamp with a piece of duct tape placed over a heart then placed over her mouth. The searchers had scoured that area before the flooding and found nothing. Suddenly the body appears and it's not intact; Kronk testifies he poked at it (specifically the skull). There is reasonable doubt as to why the body was not discovered before all that happened, and especially whether or not the duct tape played any part at all in her actual death because that piece of tape might have been ripped off the bag during the flood and simply landed on her face. Remember too that all the prosecution had was a photoshopped version of the duct tape, the heart, over the mouth as it "might" appear. It was not a real photograph. So again, there is more than "reasonable doubt" that duct tape (which the prosecution uses as it's primary murder tool) is even at issue, as well as whether the body had in fact been moved around, and if so from where? A few feet or a few miles? Since no one can answer that, it is reasonable doubt.
That's just silly
Reasonable doubt as to the drowning accident comes directly from George Anthony, whether he said he "believed it" to be an accident or he actually claimed it was. At the very least, HE is the one who plants the reasonable doubt. No one else.

It does not. You can't make things up he never said that and it does not go towards manner of death.

Whatever. Hey, I just heard the earth rotates around the sun. Wanna argue with me over that too?
Remind us again Maggie how you don't take part in petty nastiness :eusa_hand:

You said early on:

What does that comment have to do with petty nastiness? Did I preface it with "No, you fucking moron or something equally as nasty? I made a statement, based on my experience in the legal profession where I have indeed seen that happen, but I did not present it in a nasty way.There was no need to.

Bolded: You were simply wrong. No. Anything said in open court during a trial or other proceeding is absolutely privileged from any civil suit such as libel or slander. -- Judge O.H. Eaton

Red: Well? Nothing, the defense rested with nothing. How do you justify your holding on to that unproven accusation as truth?

As you well know, R.D., when someone lashes out at me, I'm fully capable of giving it right back. I also don't start out any any post, ever, by out and out calling someone a name. If you can find one where I have ever done that, then I shall bow to your superiority. Do you really want me to name names of other members of USMB who are not posting in this thread but who are indeed bitches and bastards who can never, ever say anything at all without lacing it with insults? I don't think I need to go there, but you get my gist.

If you say so:rolleyes:

Now how about answer the questions regarding the trial in that post too?

I thought I did. I think that's your problem. I don't care what kind of precedent you show me, I can guarantee that there have been slander charges brought against attorneys for libel stated in a court proceeding. How they get around any "ruling" is unknown. But it happens.

Oops. I made a mistake. I didn't answer that question, until then ^. Lemme guess what you'll start "kidding me" about after that.
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Prosecution just proved that Cindy Anthony was at work at the time the chloroform searches were done on the home computer. Cindy lied under oath.

She lied to cover her daughter, I could tell just by looking at her.

She would have known about that computer search long before testifying, so why did she attempt to backtrack now? What happened in the last two weeks to make her want to protect her daughter? Does Cindy now know exactly what happened? Does Lee?

Hey she tried to cover her daughter, gave it a shot and failed, what can I say?
Today on rebuttal:
Compliance officer:
-C. Anthony was working at 1:41 PM EST on March 17

- 3/21/08 Activity throughout the afternoon on C. Anthony's terminal until 15:06:29 C.T. that is 4:06

Supervisor Deborah Polisano:
Cindy cannot log onto Gentiva computer from home.
That the workstation locks up after 15 minutes of inactivity.
It's against policy for someone to use someone else's computer. It's a compliance issue.
She could not work from home either. No VPN or telenet.

Denies ever fixing Cindy's time card
There would never be a time where a worker would be at home and receive comp time as if at work - that would be illegal.
No one would work on someone elses user name or computer

Records show that Cindy was doing work and making changes to patient records on Gentiva's computer during the time frame when somebody was on the Anthony desktop computer looking up neck breaking and "how to make chloroform"

Cindy lied to protect ICA who was doing the searches. Can you say pre-meditation?

By whom?

Sorry, but regardless of anything the prosecution, media, or even you say, there is NO PROOF that Casey Anthony murdered her child.

Yes, she should be released right away and President Obama should award her the Medal of Honor and a check for $100 million. :thup:

Is that one of your purely brilliant postings?
Whatever. Hey, I just heard the earth rotates around the sun. Wanna argue with me over that too?

No, you're right. In fact I have told you how right you are in almost every reply to you.

I am not arguing at all with you. The facts do.
By whom?

Sorry, but regardless of anything the prosecution, media, or even you say, there is NO PROOF that Casey Anthony murdered her child.

Yes, she should be released right away and President Obama should award her the Medal of Honor and a check for $100 million. :thup:

perhaps she could pay her debt to society with an entertaining reality show

Hey if she gets off why not? look at her pics on Google, she knows how to have a good time.
Today on rebuttal:
Compliance officer:
-C. Anthony was working at 1:41 PM EST on March 17

- 3/21/08 Activity throughout the afternoon on C. Anthony's terminal until 15:06:29 C.T. that is 4:06

Supervisor Deborah Polisano:
Cindy cannot log onto Gentiva computer from home.
That the workstation locks up after 15 minutes of inactivity.
It's against policy for someone to use someone else's computer. It's a compliance issue.
She could not work from home either. No VPN or telenet.

Denies ever fixing Cindy's time card
There would never be a time where a worker would be at home and receive comp time as if at work - that would be illegal.
No one would work on someone elses user name or computer

Records show that Cindy was doing work and making changes to patient records on Gentiva's computer during the time frame when somebody was on the Anthony desktop computer looking up neck breaking and "how to make chloroform"

Cindy lied to protect ICA who was doing the searches. Can you say pre-meditation?

By whom?

Sorry, but regardless of anything the prosecution, media, or even you say, there is NO PROOF that Casey Anthony murdered her child.
By whom what?

Cindy lied - what don't you understand?

So? She gets slapped with perjury. So should George.
Whatever. Hey, I just heard the earth rotates around the sun. Wanna argue with me over that too?

No, you're right. In fact I have told you how right you are in almost every reply to you.

I am not arguing at all with you. The facts do.

If you've got some facts, I'm all eyes. Please please PLEASE give me some facts upon which you base your contentions. Fact is a four-letter word, and not easily confused with "suspicion."
As you well know, R.D., when someone lashes out at me, I'm fully capable of giving it right back. I also don't start out any any post, ever, by out and out calling someone a name. If you can find one where I have ever done that, then I shall bow to your superiority. Do you really want me to name names of other members of USMB who are not posting in this thread but who are indeed bitches and bastards who can never, ever say anything at all without lacing it with insults? I don't think I need to go there, but you get my gist.

If you say so:rolleyes:

Now how about answer the questions regarding the trial in that post too?

I thought I did. I think that's your problem. I don't care what kind of precedent you show me, I can guarantee that there have been slander charges brought against attorneys for libel stated in a court proceeding. How they get around any "ruling" is unknown. But it happens.

Well you thought wrong. But you're right it happens.

Not to doubt you but a link or proof THJE is wrong would be nice.

I'll remind you:

You said early on:

No, the defense made a direct accusation against Casey's father. If those allegations are proven untrue, those three lawyers are toast and won't ever practice law again, plus unimaginable damages awarded in a nice defamation lawsuit against them. Do you really think they would risk that? Something's going on; they know something that has never been exposed before.

So I asked:
Red: Well? Nothing, the defense rested with nothing. How do you justify your holding on to that unproven accusation as truth?

If you've got some facts, I'm all eyes. Please please PLEASE give me some facts upon which you base your contentions. Fact is a four-letter word, and not easily confused with "suspicion."

One you're running away from is Cindy lied about doing the chloroform searches on the home computer and the ramifications of that perjury

Even Bozo and ICA understand this is not good, not good at all.
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i said it before, and i will say it again...Casey will be hit with hindering an investigation or something similar but she will not be found guilty of killing her child. She did it, but there is too much circumstantial evidence.

Unless she confesses, she wont do any real time for killing her own child. God bless America!??
If you've got some facts, I'm all eyes. Please please PLEASE give me some facts upon which you base your contentions. Fact is a four-letter word, and not easily confused with "suspicion."

One you're running away from is Cindy lied about doing the chloroform searches on the home computer and the ramifications of that perjury

Even Bozo and ICA understand this is not good, not good at all.

I really have not bee following too closely, but how did they prove she lied about this. I knew she was full of crap when she first tried to say Chlorfil vice chlorform, but how did they prove it was a lie?
hey gravity boy , what does typing skills have to do with the fact that your head is in your ass ? i choose to type any way i want , not to please you . who cares how anyone types ? or spells ? it has no bearing on the fact that you live in your nancy grace kingdom . bottom line is i struck a nerve in the nancy grace fan club here and your closed mind bs is exposed . by someone who knows the laws of the state of florida and trial procedure . if you will take notice i have never stated my opinion on her guilt or innocence . or anyones guilt or innocence in this trial . i am looking at this trial based on facts and proceedure . not a biased opinion . as i said before nobodys opinion matters , yours or mine , state or defense . the jury must follow the law and since the state has proven absolutly nothing and cannot , she will not get the death penalty . it will either be a hung jury or not guilty on all counts . the jury has no choice if they follow the law which they must or she walks on that issue . so stop whining about typing or spelling it doesnt change the facts , nor does it matter , just something else for you to whine about .

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