Casey Anthony

YOU are the jury. What's your thoughts so far?

  • guilty.

    Votes: 9 90.0%
  • not guilty.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • undecided.

    Votes: 1 10.0%

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  • Poll closed .
rd or nancy ? hmmmm , rules ? research the law nancy , and enjoy that crow ! REASONABLE DOUBT ! im not a bleeding heart for anyone . if you follow florida law ( which obviously you cant ) she will not get the death penalty . hung jury for sure if not a return of not guilty on all counts . get over yourself nancy , base your statements on facts of law not biased uninformed predudiced opinions . nancy would be proud of you !

Can't you find something better to do with your summer vacation? Go ride a bike or go swimming. Youngsters need the sun and physical activity.

Your way or the highway? Some things never change, R.D.
exactly ! and motive and intent must be proven with facts , not guesswork or biased opinions . which is all the state has shown . add that to them not allowing the defense to put on all its evidence shows the jury that the state is hiding vital info . constant whining objections to each and every question asked leads the jury to suspect the state of being dishonest and sways them to a not guilty verdict . if your so sure of your case then sit down and shut up .
Have you guys seen the pics of Casey Anthony partying it up during the time her daughter was supposedly "missing"? man it looks like she had a blast, how can a person supposedly concerned about her missing daughter behave this way? she is guilty as fuck.

The same week this poor child was murdered Casey was in a "Hot Body Contest".

Good Lord, that's such old news--like at least 3 years ago, that stuff was plastered all over every tabloid on the globe.

Well then Caylee's murder is old news, cause she died at least 3 years ago, when Casey was in the hod bod contests.
Yeah, and George says he didn't have an affair. George tries to say he didn't collect payment for all his media interviews, then says he "doesn't remember" how much or which ones paid him. George conveniently doesn't "remember" a lot when his back is against the wall. Funny how that happens to a lot of them.

The lovely Cruz did too before she didn't.

As for the rest of the post - sometimes I think you are watching a different trial than most of us are watching.
awwww , poor nancys . cant handle the truth . the whining begins . want some meat tenderizer for your crow ? the trial has just restarted , watch and learn . lol ! but that requires an open mind which obviously you arent capable of . you only hear what serves nancys purpose .

Let it roll off. They're not going to change their positions, because they won't admit they might be wrong, even about a few minor things.
Casey didn't take the stand...ho-hum. Why??
Most news reports say because she's such a pathological liar, who the hell would believe anything she says??
rd or nancy ? hmmmm , rules ? research the law nancy , and enjoy that crow ! REASONABLE DOUBT ! im not a bleeding heart for anyone . if you follow florida law ( which obviously you cant ) she will not get the death penalty . hung jury for sure if not a return of not guilty on all counts . get over yourself nancy , base your statements on facts of law not biased uninformed predudiced opinions . nancy would be proud of you !

Can't you find something better to do with your summer vacation? Go ride a bike or go swimming. Youngsters need the sun and physical activity.

Your way or the highway? Some things never change, R.D.
You have a point Maggie

Plus you're getting boring in your projection and/or total lack of self awareness.
awwww , poor nancys . cant handle the truth . the whining begins . want some meat tenderizer for your crow ? the trial has just restarted , watch and learn . lol ! but that requires an open mind which obviously you arent capable of . you only hear what serves nancys purpose .

Jesus who are you Casey Anthonys bitch or something?

Talk about people who need to grow up. What the fuck is WRONG with you people? Others are entitled to an opinion other than the mass media's and the mass hysterical following that the mass media has. And we have a right to that opinion whether or not you and the other high-fivers here think you can shut us up just by some boorish fratboy insults!!!
I believe the tot mom did it and will die for it.

Talk about immoral and weak character: look right at Nancy Grace. That woman and her crew have made a fortune of telling and retelling the poor child's story. I don't know if they want justice, but they sure want $$$. Hell with them. Told Nancy so, her mouth went into that cat's anus look she gets when she gets pissed.

Enough of this thread.
nope , just a reasonable person with an open mind uncluttered with bias or uninformed opinions . ( like all jurors and humans should be ) that is disgusted with all you nancy grace robots spouting your twisted non-factual closed mind bs into the air we breathe .

You are not making any sense clown, put down the Vodka its too early to be drinking yourself into a stupor.
awwww , poor nancys . cant handle the truth . the whining begins . want some meat tenderizer for your crow ? the trial has just restarted , watch and learn . lol ! but that requires an open mind which obviously you arent capable of . you only hear what serves nancys purpose .

Jesus who are you Casey Anthonys bitch or something?

Talk about people who need to grow up. What the fuck is WRONG with you people? Others are entitled to an opinion other than the mass media's and the mass hysterical following that the mass media has. And we have a right to that opinion whether or not you and the other high-fivers here think you can shut us up just by some boorish fratboy insults!!!

Motherfucker I wasn't even talking to you, shut the fuck up.:thup:
No, the defense created reasonable doubt about Kronk's role in location, especially with the son's testimony that his father bragged he was going to be a media sensation "soon" and the Kronk's own admission that he poked around the body with a stick or something. The fact that the defense couldn't prove what was said in the opening statement by now is moot. Kronk may not have hidden the body and moved it, but he sure knew it was there before the flooding (which might have disturbed any duct tape as well as slightly moved the body to another position), and he kept details about poking around the body secret for some reason
Right. How does that create reasonable doubt?
As for the accidental drowning, once again, I think the defense was stymied from going any further with attempting to prove it, based on that pretrial order. Even Holloway's statements about George saying "it was an accident," or "I believe it was an accident" (pick your choice), was barely allowed to be pursued any further.

Right again. Both were the correct rulings on Judge Perrys part. No reasonable doubt

Kronk's testimony brings to light the fact that Caylee's body was NOT found intact in the swamp with a piece of duct tape placed over a heart then placed over her mouth. The searchers had scoured that area before the flooding and found nothing. Suddenly the body appears and it's not intact; Kronk testifies he poked at it (specifically the skull). There is reasonable doubt as to why the body was not discovered before all that happened, and especially whether or not the duct tape played any part at all in her actual death because that piece of tape might have been ripped off the bag during the flood and simply landed on her face. Remember too that all the prosecution had was a photoshopped version of the duct tape, the heart, over the mouth as it "might" appear. It was not a real photograph. So again, there is more than "reasonable doubt" that duct tape (which the prosecution uses as it's primary murder tool) is even at issue, as well as whether the body had in fact been moved around, and if so from where? A few feet or a few miles? Since no one can answer that, it is reasonable doubt.

Reasonable doubt as to the drowning accident comes directly from George Anthony, whether he said he "believed it" to be an accident or he actually claimed it was. At the very least, HE is the one who plants the reasonable doubt. No one else.
awwww , poor nancys . cant handle the truth . the whining begins . want some meat tenderizer for your crow ? the trial has just restarted , watch and learn . lol ! but that requires an open mind which obviously you arent capable of . you only hear what serves nancys purpose .

Let it roll off. They're not going to change their positions, because they won't admit they might be wrong, even about a few minor things.

LOL if you are really backing up that idiot timesplitter it shows how delusional you are.:lol:
hey dabs , i mean nancy , GFY . wgaf about spelling or grammer ? judging by your icon or whatever you call it we can clearly see your intellect is in the toilet bowl . wipe the brown stuff off your face and maybe you could read and comprehend whats written . but as another nancy wannabee you wouldn admit it anyhow . it doesnt fit your closed mind ideals . those of us who understand the law in the state of florida cant hear you anyway , your irrellivant babble and whining speaks volumes to your nancy grace following . keep marching to nancys drum , it will lead you right back to the sewer you crawled out of .
hey dabs , i mean nancy , GFY . wgaf about spelling or grammer ? judging by your icon or whatever you call it we can clearly see your intellect is in the toilet bowl . wipe the brown stuff off your face and maybe you could read and comprehend whats written . but as another nancy wannabee you wouldn admit it anyhow . it doesnt fit your closed mind ideals . those of us who understand the law in the state of florida cant hear you anyway , your irrellivant babble and whining speaks volumes to your nancy grace following . keep marching to nancys drum , it will lead you right back to the sewer you crawled out of .

I have to say, Grace, you in particular really surprise me with your inhuman perspectives on this. I say that only because in other topics/threads, you don't come across as just another bully who tries to gain favor by acting like a know-it-all bitch (or bastard as the case may be) or someone who is eager to jump into the mob mentality fray. There are a hundred explanations as to why people "act" the way they do at any given point in their lives. And you don't know WHY Casey chose to act out, so calling her a "pig" is over the top.

Remind us again Maggie how you don't take part in petty nastiness :eusa_hand:

You said early on:
No, the defense made a direct accusation against Casey's father. If those allegations are proven untrue, those three lawyers are toast and won't ever practice law again, plus unimaginable damages awarded in a nice defamation lawsuit against them. Do you really think they would risk that? Something's going on; they know something that has never been exposed before.
What does that comment have to do with petty nastiness? Did I preface it with "No, you fucking moron or something equally as nasty? I made a statement, based on my experience in the legal profession where I have indeed seen that happen, but I did not present it in a nasty way.There was no need to.

Bolded: You were simply wrong. No. Anything said in open court during a trial or other proceeding is absolutely privileged from any civil suit such as libel or slander. -- Judge O.H. Eaton

Red: Well? Nothing, the defense rested with nothing. How do you justify your holding on to that unproven accusation as truth?

As you well know, R.D., when someone lashes out at me, I'm fully capable of giving it right back. I also don't start out any any post, ever, by out and out calling someone a name. If you can find one where I have ever done that, then I shall bow to your superiority. Do you really want me to name names of other members of USMB who are not posting in this thread but who are indeed bitches and bastards who can never, ever say anything at all without lacing it with insults? I don't think I need to go there, but you get my gist.
Yeah, and George says he didn't have an affair. George tries to say he didn't collect payment for all his media interviews, then says he "doesn't remember" how much or which ones paid him. George conveniently doesn't "remember" a lot when his back is against the wall. Funny how that happens to a lot of them.

The lovely Cruz did too before she didn't.

As for the rest of the post - sometimes I think you are watching a different trial than most of us are watching.

I totally agree. The one I watch picks up on every nuance, including body language, embellishments of truth, outright lies, and bias.

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