Casey Anthony

YOU are the jury. What's your thoughts so far?

  • guilty.

    Votes: 9 90.0%
  • not guilty.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • undecided.

    Votes: 1 10.0%

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rd or nancy ? hmmmm , rules ? research the law nancy , and enjoy that crow ! REASONABLE DOUBT ! im not a bleeding heart for anyone . if you follow florida law ( which obviously you cant ) she will not get the death penalty . hung jury for sure if not a return of not guilty on all counts . get over yourself nancy , base your statements on facts of law not biased uninformed predudiced opinions . nancy would be proud of you !

Can't you find something better to do with your summer vacation? Go ride a bike or go swimming. Youngsters need the sun and physical activity.

I agree, these kids on summer vacations ruin our adult discussions.
I thought as long as there is reasonable doubt, than the client should be non guilty.

Even if only one juror feels that way

The defense did such a bad job I doubt it will happen. They failed to place the body in Kronks hand prior to finding it, they screwed the pooch as far as the abuse allegations in the OS, they never got to the "accidental" drowning .

No, the defense created reasonable doubt about Kronk's role in location, especially with the son's testimony that his father bragged he was going to be a media sensation "soon" and the Kronk's own admission that he poked around the body with a stick or something. The fact that the defense couldn't prove what was said in the opening statement by now is moot. Kronk may not have hidden the body and moved it, but he sure knew it was there before the flooding (which might have disturbed any duct tape as well as slightly moved the body to another position), and he kept details about poking around the body secret for some reason.

As for the accidental drowning, once again, I think the defense was stymied from going any further with attempting to prove it, based on that pretrial order. Even Holloway's statements about George saying "it was an accident," or "I believe it was an accident" (pick your choice), was barely allowed to be pursued any further.
awwww , poor nancys . cant handle the truth . the whining begins . want some meat tenderizer for your crow ? the trial has just restarted , watch and learn . lol ! but that requires an open mind which obviously you arent capable of . you only hear what serves nancys purpose .
awwww , poor nancys . cant handle the truth . the whining begins . want some meat tenderizer for your crow ? the trial has just restarted , watch and learn . lol ! but that requires an open mind which obviously you arent capable of . you only hear what serves nancys purpose .

Jesus who are you Casey Anthonys bitch or something?
She won't take the stand.

What do you all think? Disappointed? :lol:

I know the jury is instructed not to consider a defendant's refusal to take the stand as an admission of guilt, but how can you not? If I knew I had nothing to hide, I'd scream it from the rooftops. I know its a gamble and pride driven testimony can cost freedoms, but I am thinking my integrity is pretty valuable.

Honest people want to get to the bottom of things, liars just want it all to go away.

On the other side, I am not sure I could convict based on the states presentations.

So, GA was playing with Miss Cruz, heh? I sure hope he confessed to his wife before today!

No, you wouldn't. Some people (me included) take outrage and indignation taken to the limit as a sign of guilt. ("The lady doth protest too much, me thinks...") Defendants rarely take the stand in their own defense in any event, because they are the one witness that can be totally unpredictable.
Have you guys seen the pics of Casey Anthony partying it up during the time her daughter was supposedly "missing"? man it looks like she had a blast, how can a person supposedly concerned about her missing daughter behave this way? she is guilty as fuck.

The same week this poor child was murdered Casey was in a "Hot Body Contest".

Good Lord, that's such old news--like at least 3 years ago, that stuff was plastered all over every tabloid on the globe.
I still refuse to slam on her, period. Though I am not a fan of the Jane Valez-Mitchell show I really like what she said this evening about the fact that when children grow up without respect for the truth they are not going to understand the importance of recognizing the truth as adults.

Also, accordingly, what of George's supposed affair? He did NOT have sex with that woman? When she clearly states they did. No, he isn't the one they are focused on, and yes I do defend him, considering... However, it is a strange thing.

Casey has a life coming to her, be it in prison or not. It almost seems it took this for her to be delivered from the situation at home. Yet, that would be the ultimate controversy, it seems. She was going to bury her daughter just as they had buried their deceased pets, apparently. Mentally Ill? Delusional? Or well-taught?

I agree. Casey needs extensive mental evaluation, long term. The last thing in the world she should do if she is released or gets a minimal prison term, is return to that horrid home. Someone surely will be murdered if that happens.
No, the defense created reasonable doubt about Kronk's role in location, especially with the son's testimony that his father bragged he was going to be a media sensation "soon" and the Kronk's own admission that he poked around the body with a stick or something. The fact that the defense couldn't prove what was said in the opening statement by now is moot. Kronk may not have hidden the body and moved it, but he sure knew it was there before the flooding (which might have disturbed any duct tape as well as slightly moved the body to another position), and he kept details about poking around the body secret for some reason
Right. How does that create reasonable doubt?
As for the accidental drowning, once again, I think the defense was stymied from going any further with attempting to prove it, based on that pretrial order. Even Holloway's statements about George saying "it was an accident," or "I believe it was an accident" (pick your choice), was barely allowed to be pursued any further.

Right again. Both were the correct rulings on Judge Perrys part. No reasonable doubt
I still refuse to slam on her, period. Though I am not a fan of the Jane Valez-Mitchell show I really like what she said this evening about the fact that when children grow up without respect for the truth they are not going to understand the importance of recognizing the truth as adults.

Also, accordingly, what of George's supposed affair? He did NOT have sex with that woman? When she clearly states they did. No, he isn't the one they are focused on, and yes I do defend him, considering... However, it is a strange thing.

Casey has a life coming to her, be it in prison or not. It almost seems it took this for her to be delivered from the situation at home. Yet, that would be the ultimate controversy, it seems. She was going to bury her daughter just as they had buried their deceased pets, apparently. Mentally Ill? Delusional? Or well-taught?

So did Caylee. Why isn't SHE the focus of your post?

Coulda/woulda/shoulda? How is that helpful in a murder trial? Might's well not even have one. Just hang her high and call it a day. Caylee has no voice anymore. Even if children don't die tragically, they rarely do anyway.
nope , just a reasonable person with an open mind uncluttered with bias or uninformed opinions . ( like all jurors and humans should be ) that is disgusted with all you nancy grace robots spouting your twisted non-factual closed mind bs into the air we breathe .
Have you guys seen the pics of Casey Anthony partying it up during the time her daughter was supposedly "missing"? man it looks like she had a blast, how can a person supposedly concerned about her missing daughter behave this way? she is guilty as fuck.

The same week this poor child was murdered Casey was in a "Hot Body Contest".

She's definately a pig no matter what the reason. She knew that child was gone. The jury will put themselves in that position and ask themselves, would I behave that way if my child was missing even for one day?

The defense case was lacking. She should have taken the stand, it was a risk but she might have saved herself.

I have to say, Grace, you in particular really surprise me with your inhuman perspectives on this. I say that only because in other topics/threads, you don't come across as just another bully who tries to gain favor by acting like a know-it-all bitch (or bastard as the case may be) or someone who is eager to jump into the mob mentality fray. There are a hundred explanations as to why people "act" the way they do at any given point in their lives. And you don't know WHY Casey chose to act out, so calling her a "pig" is over the top.
I still refuse to slam on her, period. Though I am not a fan of the Jane Valez-Mitchell show I really like what she said this evening about the fact that when children grow up without respect for the truth they are not going to understand the importance of recognizing the truth as adults.
Really has nohing to do with ICA imo.

Also, accordingly, what of George's supposed affair? He did NOT have sex with that woman? When she clearly states they did. No, he isn't the one they are focused on, and yes I do defend him, considering... However, it is a strange thing.
What? You defend him as you accuse him of lying?

She lied on the stand. The fact is in her 2-17-10 deposition she swore there was no affair in the same interview where she indicated he thought it may have been an accident , and she admits that he has no first hand knowledge.

She also claimed on the stand this was before the police came to her. Um, police visits come before the deposition

What about the text messages from George to River? What about the "home visits"?? Puleeze, the man has a history of affairs, of alcoholism, of fraud, of...lying...
wow ! i didnt realize nancy grace had so many relatives ! and whiners about spelling and caps . wgaf ? bottom line is this , the state hasnt proven its case in any way . if nothing else they have shown the jury that the prosecuter and state ( judge included ) is biased against the defense by not allowing evidence and testamony to be heard that would tell the true tale . sorry but next week all you nancy grace wannabees will be eatin large portions of crow when the jury comes back with NOT GUILTY or a hung jury . and the state will not spend the money to retry her . get your forks and spoons ready nancys , not all the jurors are one track mind nancys like im readin here . it only takes one juror to spoon feed you your crow . enjoy ! oh yeah and to the couple of neanderthals that responded by name calling and etc , your intelligence looks so much better to all with your choice of words and wit . your nancy grace mentality shows everyone that your opinions are to be ignored . based on bias not the law or fact . hate me all you want , common sense will rule with this jury , the state has not and cant prove its case .more investigation should have been done before bringing this case forward . miss anthony may be guilty as hell or innocent as hell but the state has left this jury with no choice if they follow the law . nothing has been proven , just different opinions or interpretations , no dna , no fingerprints , no nothing . just pure guesswork , or personal biased opinions to further political careers . i cant wait to read all the nancys whining and crying next week when the crow is served .

wow ! i didnt realize nancy grace had so many relatives ! and whiners about spelling and caps . wgaf ? bottom line is this , the state hasnt proven its case in any way . if nothing else they have shown the jury that the prosecuter and state ( judge included ) is biased against the defense by not allowing evidence and testamony to be heard that would tell the true tale . sorry but next week all you nancy grace wannabees will be eatin large portions of crow when the jury comes back with NOT GUILTY or a hung jury . and the state will not spend the money to retry her . get your forks and spoons ready nancys , not all the jurors are one track mind nancys like im readin here . it only takes one juror to spoon feed you your crow . enjoy ! oh yeah and to the couple of neanderthals that responded by name calling and etc , your intelligence looks so much better to all with your choice of words and wit . your nancy grace mentality shows everyone that your opinions are to be ignored . based on bias not the law or fact . hate me all you want , common sense will rule with this jury , the state has not and cant prove its case .more investigation should have been done before bringing this case forward . miss anthony may be guilty as hell or innocent as hell but the state has left this jury with no choice if they follow the law . nothing has been proven , just different opinions or interpretations , no dna , no fingerprints , no nothing . just pure guesswork , or personal biased opinions to further political careers . i cant wait to read all the nancys whining and crying next week when the crow is served .

There are rules Bozo you don't seem to understand that.

Blubbering misinformed and dishonest bleeding hearts for cold blooded murderers are annoying, but don't rise to the emotion of hate. You think too highly of yourself

Tell you what, R.D. If you were accused of something you either didn't do, or facts regarding your participation were iffy at best, you'd better hope someone like me and timesplitter are on your jury. :lol:
So Casey Anthony is an innocent victim now?

Nope, just not guilty of Murder One. No way, no how. In spite of all those web pics you see of her and her lies and her history, not a single shred of evidence was produced that portrayed Casey as being anything BUT an adoring mother who loved her child with all her heart. Murder One involves motive and intent. It's just not there.
I have to say, Grace, you in particular really surprise me with your inhuman perspectives on this. I say that only because in other topics/threads, you don't come across as just another bully who tries to gain favor by acting like a know-it-all bitch (or bastard as the case may be) or someone who is eager to jump into the mob mentality fray. There are a hundred explanations as to why people "act" the way they do at any given point in their lives. And you don't know WHY Casey chose to act out, so calling her a "pig" is over the top.

Remind us again Maggie how you don't take part in petty nastiness :eusa_hand:

You said early on:
No, the defense made a direct accusation against Casey's father. If those allegations are proven untrue, those three lawyers are toast and won't ever practice law again, plus unimaginable damages awarded in a nice defamation lawsuit against them. Do you really think they would risk that? Something's going on; they know something that has never been exposed before.

Bolded: You were simply wrong. No. Anything said in open court during a trial or other proceeding is absolutely privileged from any civil suit such as libel or slander. -- Judge O.H. Eaton

Red: Well? Nothing, the defense rested with nothing. How do you justify your holding on to that unproven accusation as truth?
Tell you what, R.D. If you were accused of something you either didn't do, or facts regarding your participation were iffy at best, you'd better hope someone like me and timesplitter are on your jury. :lol:

You've got it backwards. All murderers pray for the likes of you two to be on the jury :lol:
So Casey Anthony is an innocent victim now?

Yeah, 'cause she said so. We all know how honest she is, right?? :doubt:

Yeah, and George says he didn't have an affair. George tries to say he didn't collect payment for all his media interviews, then says he "doesn't remember" how much or which ones paid him. George conveniently doesn't "remember" a lot when his back is against the wall. Funny how that happens to a lot of them.
wow ! i didnt realize nancy grace had so many relatives ! and whiners about spelling and caps . wgaf ? bottom line is this , the state hasnt proven its case in any way . if nothing else they have shown the jury that the prosecuter and state ( judge included ) is biased against the defense by not allowing evidence and testamony to be heard that would tell the true tale . sorry but next week all you nancy grace wannabees will be eatin large portions of crow when the jury comes back with NOT GUILTY or a hung jury . and the state will not spend the money to retry her . get your forks and spoons ready nancys , not all the jurors are one track mind nancys like im readin here . it only takes one juror to spoon feed you your crow . enjoy ! oh yeah and to the couple of neanderthals that responded by name calling and etc , your intelligence looks so much better to all with your choice of words and wit . your nancy grace mentality shows everyone that your opinions are to be ignored . based on bias not the law or fact . hate me all you want , common sense will rule with this jury , the state has not and cant prove its case .more investigation should have been done before bringing this case forward . miss anthony may be guilty as hell or innocent as hell but the state has left this jury with no choice if they follow the law . nothing has been proven , just different opinions or interpretations , no dna , no fingerprints , no nothing . just pure guesswork , or personal biased opinions to further political careers . i cant wait to read all the nancys whining and crying next week when the crow is served .

Jesus Christ!
What are the second grade or some shit??
My 6 year old granddaughter can spell and use proper grammar much better than you.
GTFO and come back when we can all makes sense out of your fucking jibberish.

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