Casey Anthony

YOU are the jury. What's your thoughts so far?

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This is the ONLY person I've seen interviewed who asks some relevant and critical questions that are not framed to demonize Casey Anthony and which have not yet been explored in court:

As easy as it is to hate Casey, there’s no real evidence she killed her child and our emphasis on her being a bad mother is distracting us from paying attention to the facts that matter.

For example, last week’s testimony included statements from several witnesses that the car Casey was driving at the time Caylee went missing, a car that belonged to Casey’s mother, smelled strongly of a dead/decomposing body.

The news coverage that followed had “experts” debating whether rotting food, can produce a similar odor. But the real question is – who had custody of the car at the time Caylee went missing? Casey was last seen in the car with Caylee on June 16, 2008.
Around June 17-19, Casey was driving a borrowed Jeep and telling people that Caylee was with a nanny and her car was in the shop.

Casey got her mother’s car back a few days later, but Caylee was nowhere in sight. On June 25 she told one of her friends that it “smelled like something died in my car

On June 27 the car was abandoned, and on the 30th it was brought to a tow yard.

The critical question raised by these facts is – who had the car and who was with Caylee when her dead body landed in the trunk sometime between June 17 and June 22.

It’s possible Casey killed her child, but if she put her own child’s dead body in the trunk, why would she tell her friends that she smelled rotting flesh in her car? Casey knows more than she is saying – and she clearly helped cover up the truth – but the absence of evidence will never prove murder.

Read more: WENDY MURPHY: Why Casey Anthony will be acquitted - Quincy, MA - The Patriot Ledger
Everyone, including Aphrodite (which surprises me) keeps acting puzzled over Casey's "stone face." I don't get that. How is one supposed to act in that position? Is there a protocol? Earlier, she threw up. Was that acceptable emotional response? Apparently not according to the lynch mob.

Obviously Casey has seen the various videos before, probably several times, as her defense was prepared, so there would have been no shockers for her so...she wouldn't have "acted" shocked. And she may have even seen the photos of the body and reacted like any mother would. She cried and became ill.

So I broke my declaration not to return here until the defense begins. But I forgot that Dr. G would be testifying. Still all circumstantial, folks. Carry on.

LOL!!!! Yeah Maggie, I am sure that her Attorney repeatedly showed her pitcures of her deceased daughter right? Is that what you're trying to convince us all that really happened? LMAO! Again! You're all alone with your defense of this scum sucking maggot. Well, Other than your buddy Sunshine, who is a complete puke bag. :eusa_eh:

Can't you take a break from defending this bottomfeeding low-life maggot for a mother? Hey? Casey looked just like she should look when those pitcures were shown. She got sick because it reminded her of what she did, and how it smelled in her car. She murdered her little daughter. Don't try to sugar coat this filthy humanbeings actions. She should be skinned alive on PPV. What a dream eh Maggie? That's my dream. :razz: ~BH

The photos of the "dead body" were superimposed photoshopped pictures, not videos. I was talking about the videotapes of her conversations in prison with family members, stupid.

Now run along to your own website and shaddap if your only contribution is to insult others who have just as much right to an opinion as anyone else.

What? :razz: I didn't call you any names in my last post. I called your idiot friend Sunshine names. You're the one calling me "stupid", so shut up already yuh hypocrite. Oh yeah, Everyone is demonizing your hero Casey? LMAO! Face it (yes I owe you one) you're probably the only idiot on the planet who feels sorry for this monster. Well, other than Sunshine. You must have bumped your head really hard Maggie. I suggest a trip to the Doctor's office sister. ~BH
LOL!!!! Yeah Maggie, I am sure that her Attorney repeatedly showed her pitcures of her deceased daughter right? Is that what you're trying to convince us all that really happened? LMAO! Again! You're all alone with your defense of this scum sucking maggot. Well, Other than your buddy Sunshine, who is a complete puke bag. :eusa_eh:

Can't you take a break from defending this bottomfeeding low-life maggot for a mother? Hey? Casey looked just like she should look when those pitcures were shown. She got sick because it reminded her of what she did, and how it smelled in her car. She murdered her little daughter. Don't try to sugar coat this filthy humanbeings actions. She should be skinned alive on PPV. What a dream eh Maggie? That's my dream. :razz: ~BH

The photos of the "dead body" were superimposed photoshopped pictures, not videos. I was talking about the videotapes of her conversations in prison with family members, stupid.

Now run along to your own website and shaddap if your only contribution is to insult others who have just as much right to an opinion as anyone else.

What? :razz: I didn't call you any names in my last post. I called your idiot friend Sunshine names. You're the one calling me "stupid", so shut up already yuh hypocrite. Oh yeah, Everyone is demonizing your hero Casey? LMAO! Face it (yes I owe you one) you're probably the only idiot on the planet who feels sorry for this monster. Well, other than Sunshine. You must have bumped your head really hard Maggie. I suggest a trip to the Doctor's office sister. ~BH

I've notice this alot on It seems that when someone's argument runs out of steam, they resort to name calling. Alot of people said the same to me because I refused to Ryan Widmer guilty. Look, can we at least look at testamony and evidence before we call someone guilty or not guilty (you know, like the US Constituion demands). The only idiot is the one who claims to know all the facts before they are presented. I would like to know how she did it (if she did) or what says evidence says that she didn't?
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The photos of the "dead body" were superimposed photoshopped pictures, not videos. I was talking about the videotapes of her conversations in prison with family members, stupid.

Now run along to your own website and shaddap if your only contribution is to insult others who have just as much right to an opinion as anyone else.

What? :razz: I didn't call you any names in my last post. I called your idiot friend Sunshine names. You're the one calling me "stupid", so shut up already yuh hypocrite. Oh yeah, Everyone is demonizing your hero Casey? LMAO! Face it (yes I owe you one) you're probably the only idiot on the planet who feels sorry for this monster. Well, other than Sunshine. You must have bumped your head really hard Maggie. I suggest a trip to the Doctor's office sister. ~BH

I've notice this alot on It seems that when someone's argument runs out of steam, they resort to name calling. Alot of people said the same to me because I refused to Ryan Widmer guilty. Look, can we at least look at testamony and evidence before we call someone guilty or not guilty (you know, like the US Constituion demands). The only idiot is the one who claims to know all the facts before they are presented. I would like to know how she did it (if she did) or what says evidence says that she didn't?

Great, Then go run with all the fat women to the Court room and watch it. I still would like to hear the evidence as well. Sure, We have a legal process which I support, but that doesn't mean that I have not already formed my own opinions on her guilt. Sorry if you don't approve Master Yoda. Look, I have followed this from the very beggining. She's a liar, and only a blind moron can't see that. But again, Everyone deserves their day in court. ~BH
What? :razz: I didn't call you any names in my last post. I called your idiot friend Sunshine names. You're the one calling me "stupid", so shut up already yuh hypocrite. Oh yeah, Everyone is demonizing your hero Casey? LMAO! Face it (yes I owe you one) you're probably the only idiot on the planet who feels sorry for this monster. Well, other than Sunshine. You must have bumped your head really hard Maggie. I suggest a trip to the Doctor's office sister. ~BH

I've notice this alot on It seems that when someone's argument runs out of steam, they resort to name calling. Alot of people said the same to me because I refused to Ryan Widmer guilty. Look, can we at least look at testamony and evidence before we call someone guilty or not guilty (you know, like the US Constituion demands). The only idiot is the one who claims to know all the facts before they are presented. I would like to know how she did it (if she did) or what says evidence says that she didn't?

Great, Then go run with all the fat women to the Court room and watch it. I still would like to hear the evidence as well. Sure, We have a legal process which I support, but that doesn't mean that I have not already formed my own opinions on her guilt. Sorry if you don't approve Master Yoda. Look, I have followed this from the very beggining. She's a liar, and only a blind moron can't see that. But again, Everyone deserves their day in court. ~BH

YAWN! What peice of evidence tells you that she's lying and guilty? I'm intrested in hearing it.
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this is beginning to sound like scott peterson all over again..tons of 'circumstantial' evidence, but no one will put her at the scene or in the act...

( speaking of 'circumstantial' evidence, I'd bet everything I own and possess sher knows exactly who and how and when and was a party to it even if not on the spot....)
Someone killed that little girl. I can't say it was Casey but it sure looks like it.

If an adult finds a 3 year old child in a pool not moving, they call 911. They do not tape the kids mouth with duct tape and put the body in a bag to dump it somewhere.

It's murder and it was Casey that hid the disappearance.....
this is beginning to sound like scott peterson all over again..tons of 'circumstantial' evidence, but no one will put her at the scene or in the act...

( speaking of 'circumstantial' evidence, I'd bet everything I own and possess she knows exactly who and how and when and was a party to it even if not on the spot....)
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The photos of the "dead body" were superimposed photoshopped pictures, not videos. I was talking about the videotapes of her conversations in prison with family members, stupid.

Now run along to your own website and shaddap if your only contribution is to insult others who have just as much right to an opinion as anyone else.

What? :razz: I didn't call you any names in my last post. I called your idiot friend Sunshine names. You're the one calling me "stupid", so shut up already yuh hypocrite. Oh yeah, Everyone is demonizing your hero Casey? LMAO! Face it (yes I owe you one) you're probably the only idiot on the planet who feels sorry for this monster. Well, other than Sunshine. You must have bumped your head really hard Maggie. I suggest a trip to the Doctor's office sister. ~BH

I've notice this alot on It seems that when someone's argument runs out of steam, they resort to name calling. Alot of people said the same to me because I refused to Ryan Widmer guilty. Look, can we at least look at testamony and evidence before we call someone guilty or not guilty (you know, like the US Constituion demands). The only idiot is the one who claims to know all the facts before they are presented. I would like to know how she did it (if she did) or what says evidence says that she didn't?

Weighing the evidence does seem to he passé these days. The jury system was supposed to be our protection from the tyranny of the government. It seems increasingly there are individuals not in government who make governmental tyranny look like a game of hop scotch. It is no wonder that there are various groups trying to do away with the jury system in America.
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I've notice this alot on It seems that when someone's argument runs out of steam, they resort to name calling. Alot of people said the same to me because I refused to Ryan Widmer guilty. Look, can we at least look at testamony and evidence before we call someone guilty or not guilty (you know, like the US Constituion demands). The only idiot is the one who claims to know all the facts before they are presented. I would like to know how she did it (if she did) or what says evidence says that she didn't?

Great, Then go run with all the fat women to the Court room and watch it. I still would like to hear the evidence as well. Sure, We have a legal process which I support, but that doesn't mean that I have not already formed my own opinions on her guilt. Sorry if you don't approve Master Yoda. Look, I have followed this from the very beggining. She's a liar, and only a blind moron can't see that. But again, Everyone deserves their day in court. ~BH

YAWN! What peice of evidence tells you that she's lying and guilty? I'm intrested in hearing it.

I, too, would like to know what that piece of evidence is.
Casey may very well NOT have done anything malicious. BUT, her pathological lying will lead most everyone to believe she did. I sincerely believe she knows much more than she is telling, but even if the truth comes out ( I don't buy the GA, pool stuff, etc), it may very well not set her free, because of her constant deceit. I mean seriously, the whole convoluted workplace runaround with detectives reminded me of the Seinfeld episode where George supposedly bought a house in the Hamptons.....
this is beginning to sound like scott peterson all over again..tons of 'circumstantial' evidence, but no one will put her at the scene or in the act...

( speaking of 'circumstantial' evidence, I'd bet everything I own and possess she knows exactly who and how and when and was a party to it even if not on the spot....)

Of course it is possible she knows what happened even if she did not do the crime. But this is a CAPITAL murder case. Who is important enough for her to DIE to protect? And why?
Casey may very well NOT have done anything malicious. BUT, her pathological lying will lead most everyone to believe she did. I sincerely believe she knows much more than she is telling, but even if the truth comes out ( I don't buy the GA, pool stuff, etc), it may very well not set her free, because of her constant deceit. I mean seriously, the whole convoluted workplace runaround with detectives reminded me of the Seinfeld episode where George supposedly bought a house in the Hamptons.....

And, of course, no one likes the look on her face. I DO wish someone would post what would be an appropriate look for her to have on her face.

In America we have the right to face our accusers. 6th Amendment, I believe. What is the ideal 6th Amendment look for one who is facing her/his accusers in a capital murder case? Inquiring minds want to know!
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The Duct Tape pretty much convinces me. That and when was the last time someone tried to cover up an accidental drowning?

Teen's death was accidental drowning | investigation, death, teen - Investigation - Corning Observer

When someone has something to lose, a cover up is likely.

Oh please, this isn't even close to resembling the Anthony case. Would you cover up a childs accidental drowning or would you start CPR and scream for someone to call 911?
She is protecting her own assinine fruitloopy self.
Scott Peterson's mother owned the antique store 2 doors down from my shop. It was called Peterson's Attic. I remember her very well, walking around with that oxygen thing stuck in her nose. Scott would drop in now and then. Stacey worked there once in blue moon.
Scott is sitting on death row. Casey will be joining him soon.
Casey may very well NOT have done anything malicious. BUT, her pathological lying will lead most everyone to believe she did. I sincerely believe she knows much more than she is telling, but even if the truth comes out ( I don't buy the GA, pool stuff, etc), it may very well not set her free, because of her constant deceit. I mean seriously, the whole convoluted workplace runaround with detectives reminded me of the Seinfeld episode where George supposedly bought a house in the Hamptons.....

:clap2: on the George Costanza reference. Anyway, I'm sure many won't believe her and she may have no credibility with the jury but that does not prove that she is guilty of murder.
Casey may very well NOT have done anything malicious. BUT, her pathological lying will lead most everyone to believe she did. I sincerely believe she knows much more than she is telling, but even if the truth comes out ( I don't buy the GA, pool stuff, etc), it may very well not set her free, because of her constant deceit. I mean seriously, the whole convoluted workplace runaround with detectives reminded me of the Seinfeld episode where George supposedly bought a house in the Hamptons.....

And, of course, no one likes the look on her face. I DO wish someone would post what would be an appropriate look for her to have on her face.

In America we have the right to face our accusers. 6th Amendment, I believe. What is the ideal 6th Amendment look for one who is facing her/his accusers in a capital murder case? Inquiring minds want to know!
How about some remorse?
The Duct Tape pretty much convinces me. That and when was the last time someone tried to cover up an accidental drowning?

Teen's death was accidental drowning | investigation, death, teen - Investigation - Corning Observer

When someone has something to lose, a cover up is likely.

Oh please, this isn't even close to resembling the Anthony case. Would you cover up a childs accidental drowning or would you start CPR and scream for someone to call 911?

You didn't ask for a similar case.

And I can tell you that given the range of intellect in adult people not EVERY adult responds to the same situation in the same way.

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