Casey Anthony

YOU are the jury. What's your thoughts so far?

  • guilty.

    Votes: 9 90.0%
  • not guilty.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • undecided.

    Votes: 1 10.0%

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  • Poll closed .
this is beginning to sound like scott peterson all over again..tons of 'circumstantial' evidence, but no one will put her at the scene or in the act...

( speaking of 'circumstantial' evidence, I'd bet everything I own and possess she knows exactly who and how and when and was a party to it even if not on the spot....)

Of course it is possible she knows what happened even if she did not do the crime. But this is a CAPITAL murder case. Who is important enough for her to DIE to protect? And why?

Casey isn't protecting anyone, she is only trying to save her own ass.
And from all the evidence that is indeed the TRUTH, her own little baby girl wasn't important to her~
I've notice this alot on It seems that when someone's argument runs out of steam, they resort to name calling. Alot of people said the same to me because I refused to Ryan Widmer guilty. Look, can we at least look at testamony and evidence before we call someone guilty or not guilty (you know, like the US Constituion demands). The only idiot is the one who claims to know all the facts before they are presented. I would like to know how she did it (if she did) or what says evidence says that she didn't?

Great, Then go run with all the fat women to the Court room and watch it. I still would like to hear the evidence as well. Sure, We have a legal process which I support, but that doesn't mean that I have not already formed my own opinions on her guilt. Sorry if you don't approve Master Yoda. Look, I have followed this from the very beggining. She's a liar, and only a blind moron can't see that. But again, Everyone deserves their day in court. ~BH

YAWN! What peice of evidence tells you that she's lying and guilty? I'm intrested in hearing it.

Ok. All the websites that she visited (not naming them all) that were found on her hard drive. Not reporting the crime for over a month. Going out and partying like a slut during that month. The smell in her car. The tape placed on her daughters mouth. All the lies she has told, Including the nanny lie, which the change of her story into an accidental drowning clearly reveals. = LIAR. I am sure that I am missing some other things. Those are just the ones on top of my head.

Basically, Only a complete dumb shit doesn't see that she's guilty. ~BH
Casey may very well NOT have done anything malicious. BUT, her pathological lying will lead most everyone to believe she did. I sincerely believe she knows much more than she is telling, but even if the truth comes out ( I don't buy the GA, pool stuff, etc), it may very well not set her free, because of her constant deceit. I mean seriously, the whole convoluted workplace runaround with detectives reminded me of the Seinfeld episode where George supposedly bought a house in the Hamptons.....

And, of course, no one likes the look on her face. I DO wish someone would post what would be an appropriate look for her to have on her face.

In America we have the right to face our accusers. 6th Amendment, I believe. What is the ideal 6th Amendment look for one who is facing her/his accusers in a capital murder case? Inquiring minds want to know!
How about some remorse?

Wouldn't remorse indicate guilt? And what does the face of a remorseful person look like anyway? If you are accused of a crime of which you are not guilty, why would you look remorseful?

You see, this person can't win. Neither could you in a similar situation.
Casey may very well NOT have done anything malicious. BUT, her pathological lying will lead most everyone to believe she did. I sincerely believe she knows much more than she is telling, but even if the truth comes out ( I don't buy the GA, pool stuff, etc), it may very well not set her free, because of her constant deceit. I mean seriously, the whole convoluted workplace runaround with detectives reminded me of the Seinfeld episode where George supposedly bought a house in the Hamptons.....

And, of course, no one likes the look on her face. I DO wish someone would post what would be an appropriate look for her to have on her face.

In America we have the right to face our accusers. 6th Amendment, I believe. What is the ideal 6th Amendment look for one who is facing her/his accusers in a capital murder case? Inquiring minds want to know!

Reminiscent of the Cindy Sommer trial.
this is beginning to sound like scott peterson all over again..tons of 'circumstantial' evidence, but no one will put her at the scene or in the act...

( speaking of 'circumstantial' evidence, I'd bet everything I own and possess she knows exactly who and how and when and was a party to it even if not on the spot....)

Of course it is possible she knows what happened even if she did not do the crime. But this is a CAPITAL murder case. Who is important enough for her to DIE to protect? And why?

Casey isn't protecting anyone, she is only trying to save her own ass.
And from all the evidence that is indeed the TRUTH, her own little baby girl wasn't important to her~

If she didn't do it, but she knows who did, there is a reason she isn't telling. If not protection, then what?
And, of course, no one likes the look on her face. I DO wish someone would post what would be an appropriate look for her to have on her face.

In America we have the right to face our accusers. 6th Amendment, I believe. What is the ideal 6th Amendment look for one who is facing her/his accusers in a capital murder case? Inquiring minds want to know!
How about some remorse?

Wouldn't remorse indicate guilt? And what does the face of a remorseful person look like anyway? If you are accused of a crime of which you are not guilty, why would you look remorseful?

You see, this person can't win. Neither could you in a similar situation.

Why do you feel the need to defend this creature? Just curious. :razz: ~BH
Casey may very well NOT have done anything malicious. BUT, her pathological lying will lead most everyone to believe she did. I sincerely believe she knows much more than she is telling, but even if the truth comes out ( I don't buy the GA, pool stuff, etc), it may very well not set her free, because of her constant deceit. I mean seriously, the whole convoluted workplace runaround with detectives reminded me of the Seinfeld episode where George supposedly bought a house in the Hamptons.....

:clap2: on the George Costanza reference. Anyway, I'm sure many won't believe her and she may have no credibility with the jury but that does not prove that she is guilty of murder.

Very true. I am very interested how this turns out. Like some, I had a preconceived notion of guilt....Until the trial started. I think there are major holes in the PT's case, but i also thought JB foolish to trot the stuff out on opening that he did.....
Casey may very well NOT have done anything malicious. BUT, her pathological lying will lead most everyone to believe she did. I sincerely believe she knows much more than she is telling, but even if the truth comes out ( I don't buy the GA, pool stuff, etc), it may very well not set her free, because of her constant deceit. I mean seriously, the whole convoluted workplace runaround with detectives reminded me of the Seinfeld episode where George supposedly bought a house in the Hamptons.....

And, of course, no one likes the look on her face. I DO wish someone would post what would be an appropriate look for her to have on her face.

In America we have the right to face our accusers. 6th Amendment, I believe. What is the ideal 6th Amendment look for one who is facing her/his accusers in a capital murder case? Inquiring minds want to know!

Reminiscent of the Cindy Sommer trial.

Got a pic?
Of course it is possible she knows what happened even if she did not do the crime. But this is a CAPITAL murder case. Who is important enough for her to DIE to protect? And why?

Casey isn't protecting anyone, she is only trying to save her own ass.
And from all the evidence that is indeed the TRUTH, her own little baby girl wasn't important to her~

If she didn't do it, but she knows who did, there is a reason she isn't telling. If not protection, then what?

She did it maybe? ~BH
Casey may very well NOT have done anything malicious. BUT, her pathological lying will lead most everyone to believe she did. I sincerely believe she knows much more than she is telling, but even if the truth comes out ( I don't buy the GA, pool stuff, etc), it may very well not set her free, because of her constant deceit. I mean seriously, the whole convoluted workplace runaround with detectives reminded me of the Seinfeld episode where George supposedly bought a house in the Hamptons.....

:clap2: on the George Costanza reference. Anyway, I'm sure many won't believe her and she may have no credibility with the jury but that does not prove that she is guilty of murder.

Very true. I am very interested how this turns out. Like some, I had a preconceived notion of guilt....Until the trial started. I think there are major holes in the PT's case, but i also thought JB foolish to trot the stuff out on opening that he did.....

Of course we ALL know that OJ was innocent! :lmao:

Of course it is possible she knows what happened even if she did not do the crime. But this is a CAPITAL murder case. Who is important enough for her to DIE to protect? And why?

Casey isn't protecting anyone, she is only trying to save her own ass.
And from all the evidence that is indeed the TRUTH, her own little baby girl wasn't important to her~

If she didn't do it, but she knows who did, there is a reason she isn't telling. If not protection, then what?

I'll say what I have said from the beginning.....I believe it was Casey who killed her daughter. I don't think it was intentional, I do believe it was an accident and the girl freaked. So just tried throwing some story together, to make it look less hard on her, than it was evidently going to be..maybe she thought the body would never be found, and she could continue with the nanny stole the baby story, who knows.
Bottom line, to me, my humble opinion, Casey knows exactly what happened, and she was the killer. But sadly, we will never find out the whole truth.
And, of course, no one likes the look on her face. I DO wish someone would post what would be an appropriate look for her to have on her face.

In America we have the right to face our accusers. 6th Amendment, I believe. What is the ideal 6th Amendment look for one who is facing her/his accusers in a capital murder case? Inquiring minds want to know!
How about some remorse?

Wouldn't remorse indicate guilt? And what does the face of a remorseful person look like anyway? If you are accused of a crime of which you are not guilty, why would you look remorseful?

You see, this person can't win. Neither could you in a similar situation.

Hello? Anyone home McFly? KNOCK KNOCK TAP ON HEAD. You in there or is it all empty fucking air?
Remorse for her DEAD CHILD. Even if innocent, REMORSE for the DEATH of her daughter. Remore for d.e.a.d. Remorse she will never see her again. Sadness that her little girl is KAPUT. You know. That thing we feel when a beloved one DIES.
Someone killed that little girl. I can't say it was Casey but it sure looks like it.

If an adult finds a 3 year old child in a pool not moving, they call 911. They do not tape the kids mouth with duct tape and put the body in a bag to dump it somewhere.

It's murder and it was Casey that hid the disappearance.....

So the hell with the US constitution right? Someone died so someone has to pay and it doesn't matter if they actually did it or not!

Agreed that someone should have called 911 and the duct tape sounds sinister, but I haven't seen anything that said she did that and didn't the grandpa's neighbor say that the kid was over there? Because, Casey was out shopping, arting and having a good time?

Now, I know that it's murder and Casey seems to be mentally ill, but that doesn't mean that she's the one that killed that baby. This is why we have a justice system and the constitution demands a fair trial. I'm not saying that she's not guilty either, she could've done it for all I know.

I'm the only one on the poll above that voted undecided. I refuse to make a judgement without evidence. I just wish to know how some people in the USA can claim to be Christian and Conservative people who stand for their constitution and yet constantly and easily violate everything that tose tenants stand for, with a smile.

Christianity says you are not to judge.
Judging those without a fair trial un-constitutional, un-american and not Conservative.

Oh please, this isn't even close to resembling the Anthony case. Would you cover up a childs accidental drowning or would you start CPR and scream for someone to call 911?

You didn't ask for a similar case.

And I can tell you that given the range of intellect in adult people not EVERY adult responds to the same situation in the same way.

Read the case. there was no cover up, there was an alleged cover up which never happened. Now what half way normal adult would not call for help if the found their child unconscious in a pool? What half way normal adult would then determine that the kid was dead so they taped her mouth shut? Please give us a believable scenario where tape would be added to a dead childs mouth. And then explain maybe why Casey hasn't told us the whole story if it was an accident.
How about some remorse?

Wouldn't remorse indicate guilt? And what does the face of a remorseful person look like anyway? If you are accused of a crime of which you are not guilty, why would you look remorseful?

You see, this person can't win. Neither could you in a similar situation.

Hello? Anyone home McFly? KNOCK KNOCK TAP ON HEAD. You in there or is it all empty fucking air?
Remorse for her DEAD CHILD. Even if innocent, REMORSE for the DEATH of her daughter. Remore for d.e.a.d. Remorse she will never see her again. Sadness that her little girl is KAPUT. You know. That thing we feel when a beloved one DIES.

So everyone reacts in exactly the same way to a given stressor, and it is written on them like a billboard?

You are equating remorse with grief. And there is a quantum difference.


noun /riˈmôrs/ 

1. Deep regret or guilt for a wrong committed
* - they were filled with remorse and shame

Define remorse - Google Search


noun /grēf/ 

1. Deep sorrow, esp. that caused by someone's death
* - she was overcome with grief
Define: grief - Google Search
Someone killed that little girl. I can't say it was Casey but it sure looks like it.

If an adult finds a 3 year old child in a pool not moving, they call 911. They do not tape the kids mouth with duct tape and put the body in a bag to dump it somewhere.

It's murder and it was Casey that hid the disappearance.....

So the hell with the US constitution right? Someone died so someone has to pay and it doesn't matter if they actually did it or not!

Agreed that someone should have called 911 and the duct tape sounds sinister, but I haven't seen anything that said she did that and didn't the grandpa's neighbor say that the kid was over there? Because, Casey was out shopping, arting and having a good time?

Now, I know that it's murder and Casey seems to be mentally ill, but that doesn't mean that she's the one that killed that baby. This is why we have a justice system and the constitution demands a fair trial. I'm not saying that she's not guilty either, she could've done it for all I know.

I'm the only one on the poll above that voted undecided. I refuse to make a judgement without evidence. I just wish to know how some people in the USA can claim to be Christian and Conservative people who stand for their constitution and yet constantly and easily violate everything that tose tenants stand for, with a smile.

Christianity says you are not to judge.
Judging those without a fair trial un-constitutional, un-american and not Conservative.

Yoda, I don't know what Conservative or christian has to do with this. I am sure there are many Liberals and Athiests that believe she is guilty. Believing someone is guilty is very different than convicting someone. It's nothing more than people giving an opinion. I have not seen one person here say that she doesn't deserve her day in Court. Are you suggesting that people don't have a right to their opinions? That sounds alot to me like some UnConstitutional thought police crap. :eusa_whistle: ~BH
Oh please, this isn't even close to resembling the Anthony case. Would you cover up a childs accidental drowning or would you start CPR and scream for someone to call 911?

You didn't ask for a similar case.

And I can tell you that given the range of intellect in adult people not EVERY adult responds to the same situation in the same way.

Read the case. there was no cover up, there was an alleged cover up which never happened. Now what half way normal adult would not call for help if the found their child unconscious in a pool? What half way normal adult would then determine that the kid was dead so they taped her mouth shut? Please give us a believable scenario where tape would be added to a dead childs mouth. And then explain maybe why Casey hasn't told us the whole story if it was an accident.

So you are sure she is 'half way normal.' Define 'half way normal.' By what authority do you call anyone 'half way normal'? 'Normal' is a setting on a clothes dryer. I've never seen 'half way normal' anywhere. Beyond that humans are known by their INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES! Individual differences psychology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And you know for sure exactly WHO put the tape on the child based on what? Fingerprints? Maye she autographed it or something?
How about some remorse?

Wouldn't remorse indicate guilt? And what does the face of a remorseful person look like anyway? If you are accused of a crime of which you are not guilty, why would you look remorseful?

You see, this person can't win. Neither could you in a similar situation.

Hello? Anyone home McFly? KNOCK KNOCK TAP ON HEAD. You in there or is it all empty fucking air?
Remorse for her DEAD CHILD. Even if innocent, REMORSE for the DEATH of her daughter. Remore for d.e.a.d. Remorse she will never see her again. Sadness that her little girl is KAPUT. You know. That thing we feel when a beloved one DIES.

So if she breaks down and cries Monday, screaming her child's name, are you gonna come back and say that she's innocent? In court cases, I've seen more often than not that the remorseful, grieving person is found guilty. Those who usually have a blank stare normally have a better chance. Not only that, but hasn't it been over a month since she died? Everyone grieves differently, but no one openly weeps every waking minute on everyday for that long.
She is protecting her own assinine fruitloopy self.
Scott Peterson's mother owned the antique store 2 doors down from my shop. It was called Peterson's Attic. I remember her very well, walking around with that oxygen thing stuck in her nose. Scott would drop in now and then. Stacey worked there once in blue moon.
Scott is sitting on death row. Casey will be joining him soon.

So, with you it's guilty by association, not by actually commiting a crime.
She did it. Accidentally or not. She did it, just as Scott Peterson killed Stacey and their unborn child. If she DIDN'T do it, then she's a sick asshole for partying while that child rotted somewhere. No GRIEF. No REMORSE. Just party time.
Save it. That bitch can sit with Scott as far as I'm concerned. That's my opinion and I'm sticking with it. I don't give a fuck if someone in the audience stands up Perry Mason style and screams I DID IT! I CONFESS! Casey showed nothing...absolutely nothing...while that childs body rotted. Kick her ass in the cell and then snuff her sorry ass out as far as I'm concerned. The night they do it, I'll make sure I go to a local bar and raise one to her as I laugh and party for a few hours.

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