Casey Anthony

YOU are the jury. What's your thoughts so far?

  • guilty.

    Votes: 9 90.0%
  • not guilty.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • undecided.

    Votes: 1 10.0%

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  • Poll closed .
Yeah, everyone is corrupt and she is just a railroaded sweetheart :rolleyes:

What ever makes you feel good :lol:

Ahhh R.D.

I thought we were past the snarky comments?

And I don't believe I have ever said Casey Anthony was being railroaded. Nor do I believe I have ever said she was completely innnocent. In fact, I know I haven't.

I've posted a shit load of evidence via sworn interviews, testimonies and depositions that prove the lying going on in this case. Yes, Casey is not the only liar in this case. Gasp! You just hate it when I post links that don't fit into your "fry Casey Anthony at any cost" mind set. Apparently Agent Savage thinks there are a whole lotta liars in this case too.

Sorry about that. It's in black and white . . . and out of other people's mouths.

Again, don't shoot the messenger.
It's not my deposition.

Sigh...I've decided to keep quiet about this case until the defense gets its turn and submits its evidence. With the entire press, and every message board/blog discussion already 99.99% concluding that Stacy is guilty before she's even had her day in court, what's the point?

That's exactly what is wanted here.
Be like minded and add to the rush to judgement or be silent.

If you were screaming Casey is guilty, forget the fucking trial, you would be recieved here with a totally different attitude.

Hang in there MM.
There's a bully on every message board.
Ahhh R.D.

I thought we were past the snarky comments?

And I don't believe I have ever said Casey Anthony was being railroaded. Nor do I believe I have ever said she was completely innnocent. In fact, I know I haven't.

I've posted a shit load of evidence via sworn interviews, testimonies and depositions that prove the lying going on in this case. Yes, Casey is not the only liar in this case. Gasp! You just hate it when I post links that don't fit into your "fry Casey Anthony at any cost" mind set. Apparently Agent Savage thinks there are a whole lotta liars in this case too.

Sorry about that. It's in black and white . . . and out of other people's mouths.

Again, don't shoot the messenger.
It's not my deposition.

I'v read the pages, you're as dishonest with your interpretations imo as JB. Why not just post the exchanges instead of your edited take on them ?

Btwn the voices in your head and my many posts indicating I was interested in the trial, not your PI work snark best decribes our dealings with eachother at this point

We all know the back stories - and I have never claimed the Anthony's were the salt of the earth and I have been honest enough to say many times I have not been swayed yet by the defense. In all honesty Texas, there are so few posting in this thread how difficult is it for you to just stick the trial facts?

Oh my God.
The bolded statement above makes you as big of a liar as George Anthony.
How does my quoting someone's words qualify as dishonest?

Face it R.D.
I won this round. ^5

:lol: :lol: :lol:

No -in the world of black and white you lied.

I know you consider that a win. Thats how you roll. I do hope it's fiction you write :eusa_pray:

We're done. Have a great day Texas
LA just testified - in the trial - casey said Zanny and her sisiterheld her down in a parkand took Caylee and told her he was an unfit mother. Also that Zanny changed the password

It seems so crazy they kept believing her.
"If we were going to lock up everybody that lied to us in that investigation, I think Orange County would have a serious overcrowding issue." -- Nick Savage, Lead FBI Agent for the Casey Anthony case.
"If we were going to lock up everybody that lied to us in that investigation, I think Orange County would have a serious overcrowding issue." -- Nick Savage, Lead FBI Agent for the Casey Anthony case.

No shit. That would most certainly include the lawyers for Casey Anthony, as well as some of the police officers, and maybe even some lawyers for the prosecution. It's a legal process, which involves politics at some point in time, and we all know, politics is a category full of liars!
I haven't even watched today. Looking at casey's weasel face and listening to JB is enough to make me puke.
I haven't even watched today. Looking at casey's weasel face and listening to JB is enough to make me puke.

Yeah, as ashamed as I am to say it, looking at Casey makes me wanna hurl. She sits there acts like this is all a bothersome thing to her, like she should be doing other things.......she prolly doodles and daydreams about when she'll go free.
And I loathe the way she smiles at Baez.
Call me crazy, but it wouldn't surprise me if she was fucking him to get free legal *ugh*
If you watch her closely, at women, she sours- but at men, she gets this flirty look on her face, like her fucking smile is gonna save her ass.
I don't think the judge thinks she's any cute :evil:
This case kinda of reminds me of the Ryan Widmer 3 trials in Ohio. Where the prosecution's stories had more holes than Swiss cheese, but at the same time, the defense's story didn't make much sense either. If you looked at it objectively, no one could say (2nd trial jury was hung). Unfortunately, we live in a world where if a wife dies expectantly,and hubby is home, he's guilty of murder, whether he actually did it or not. Same here, a little girl died in a questionable way, so most people will say guilty regardless if she did it or not. Sad, but true. Someone died, so someone must pay. Everything else becomes irrelevant. Most people only cares about constitutional rights as it pertains to them. For a Christian nation, people love passing judgement wantonly.
Last edited:
Maggie said:
Sigh...I've decided to keep quiet about this case until the defense gets its turn and submits its evidence. With the entire press, and every message board/blog discussion already 99.99% concluding that Stacy is guilty before she's even had her day in court, what's the point?

Casey Casey CASEY :eusa_whistle:

Brain farts. Casey/Caylee/Cindy. As I said, I haven't followed in a few days, so I'm back to sorting them all out again.
Ahhh R.D.

I thought we were past the snarky comments?

And I don't believe I have ever said Casey Anthony was being railroaded. Nor do I believe I have ever said she was completely innnocent. In fact, I know I haven't.

I've posted a shit load of evidence via sworn interviews, testimonies and depositions that prove the lying going on in this case. Yes, Casey is not the only liar in this case. Gasp! You just hate it when I post links that don't fit into your "fry Casey Anthony at any cost" mind set. Apparently Agent Savage thinks there are a whole lotta liars in this case too.

Sorry about that. It's in black and white . . . and out of other people's mouths.

Again, don't shoot the messenger.
It's not my deposition.

Sigh...I've decided to keep quiet about this case until the defense gets its turn and submits its evidence. With the entire press, and every message board/blog discussion already 99.99% concluding that Stacy is guilty before she's even had her day in court, what's the point?

Stacy is an innocent party here, it's CASEY we are concerned with :)

Please tell me there really isn't a "Stacy." I get confused enough! :lol:
Sigh...I've decided to keep quiet about this case until the defense gets its turn and submits its evidence. With the entire press, and every message board/blog discussion already 99.99% concluding that Stacy is guilty before she's even had her day in court, what's the point?

Stacy is an innocent party here, it's CASEY we are concerned with :)

Please tell me there really isn't a "Stacy." I get confused enough! :lol:

No, as far as I know, there is no Stacy involved :lol:
I'm all alone :lol:

Interesting tweets to follow :

Bob Kealing
Bianca Prieto
Aphrodite Jones

Everyone, including Aphrodite (which surprises me) keeps acting puzzled over Casey's "stone face." I don't get that. How is one supposed to act in that position? Is there a protocol? Earlier, she threw up. Was that acceptable emotional response? Apparently not according to the lynch mob.

Obviously Casey has seen the various videos before, probably several times, as her defense was prepared, so there would have been no shockers for her so...she wouldn't have "acted" shocked. And she may have even seen the photos of the body and reacted like any mother would. She cried and became ill.

So I broke my declaration not to return here until the defense begins. But I forgot that Dr. G would be testifying. Still all circumstantial, folks. Carry on.
I still don't think Casey killed Caylee on purpose. But what I just can't figure out is...why the duct tape. It just doesn't make sense.
I still don't think Casey killed Caylee on purpose. But what I just can't figure out is...why the duct tape. It just doesn't make sense.

Maybe the duct tape was an after thought....maybe-I'm saying maybe folks- Casey found Caylee dead.
Of course she went into a panic, then maybe in her troubled mind, she thought she could make it look like somebody did take Caylee, and that someone put duct tape over the little girl's mouth.
Maybe trying to make it all look like an abduction of some sort??
I dunno, I'm grasping too....I didn't see a bit of it today *sigh*....was Dr. G on the stand today??
I'm all alone :lol:

Interesting tweets to follow :

Bob Kealing
Bianca Prieto
Aphrodite Jones

Everyone, including Aphrodite (which surprises me) keeps acting puzzled over Casey's "stone face." I don't get that. How is one supposed to act in that position? Is there a protocol? Earlier, she threw up. Was that acceptable emotional response? Apparently not according to the lynch mob.

Obviously Casey has seen the various videos before, probably several times, as her defense was prepared, so there would have been no shockers for her so...she wouldn't have "acted" shocked. And she may have even seen the photos of the body and reacted like any mother would. She cried and became ill.

So I broke my declaration not to return here until the defense begins. But I forgot that Dr. G would be testifying. Still all circumstantial, folks. Carry on.

LOL!!!! Yeah Maggie, I am sure that her Attorney repeatedly showed her pitcures of her deceased daughter right? Is that what you're trying to convince us all that really happened? LMAO! Again! You're all alone with your defense of this scum sucking maggot. Well, Other than your buddy Sunshine, who is a complete puke bag. :eusa_eh:

Can't you take a break from defending this bottomfeeding low-life maggot for a mother? Hey? Casey looked just like she should look when those pitcures were shown. She got sick because it reminded her of what she did, and how it smelled in her car. She murdered her little daughter. Don't try to sugar coat this filthy humanbeings actions. She should be skinned alive on PPV. What a dream eh Maggie? That's my dream. :razz: ~BH
I'm all alone :lol:

Interesting tweets to follow :

Bob Kealing
Bianca Prieto
Aphrodite Jones

Everyone, including Aphrodite (which surprises me) keeps acting puzzled over Casey's "stone face." I don't get that. How is one supposed to act in that position? Is there a protocol? Earlier, she threw up. Was that acceptable emotional response? Apparently not according to the lynch mob.

Obviously Casey has seen the various videos before, probably several times, as her defense was prepared, so there would have been no shockers for her so...she wouldn't have "acted" shocked. And she may have even seen the photos of the body and reacted like any mother would. She cried and became ill.

So I broke my declaration not to return here until the defense begins. But I forgot that Dr. G would be testifying. Still all circumstantial, folks. Carry on.

LOL!!!! Yeah Maggie, I am sure that her Attorney repeatedly showed her pitcures of her deceased daughter right? Is that what you're trying to convince us all that really happened? LMAO! Again! You're all alone with your defense of this scum sucking maggot. Well, Other than your buddy Sunshine, who is a complete puke bag. :eusa_eh:

Can't you take a break from defending this bottomfeeding low-life maggot for a mother? Hey? Casey looked just like she should look when those pitcures were shown. She got sick because it reminded her of what she did, and how it smelled in her car. She murdered her little daughter. Don't try to sugar coat this filthy humanbeings actions. She should be skinned alive on PPV. What a dream eh Maggie? That's my dream. :razz: ~BH

The photos of the "dead body" were superimposed photoshopped pictures, not videos. I was talking about the videotapes of her conversations in prison with family members, stupid.

Now run along to your own website and shaddap if your only contribution is to insult others who have just as much right to an opinion as anyone else.
The Duct Tape pretty much convinces me. That and when was the last time someone tried to cover up an accidental drowning?

Everyone is in agreement that those are the two biggest mysteries. But the question remains, who dun it? Surely not the butler.

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