Casey Anthony

YOU are the jury. What's your thoughts so far?

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    Votes: 9 90.0%
  • not guilty.

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  • undecided.

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I wasn't aware the defense is trying to establish a body was never in the car.

Thats just crazy, I think it's over if thats the case.
Yes, the O. Henry ending!

Casey trying to cover up for Mom (the last one known to take Caylee swimming in the pool) yet Casey gets the death penalty for killing her own daughter by being a good daughter?

Earlier on I had asked if Casey and Cindy were close as Mother/daughter, and I don't think anyone answered with a Yes.
So if they aren't close, and at times it sure seems like Casey has hatred for her Mom, why would Casey cover up for Cindy?? That has to be the most weirdest conclusion I have heard yet.

Not a conclusion. It was a what-if scenario based on the writing style of O. Henry.
You clearly are mentally ill Maggie. Why exactly is it that all you do here is defend the scum sucking maggots of the earth? I bet you thought OJ was innocent too? Yeah, I figured so. LMAO! Doctor must have dropped you on your head eh? People like you should be locked up 24/7 in a straight jacket inside a padded room. No worries though Maggie, You get cable and internet access. You will just have to learn how to type with your toes. :razz: ~BH


LOL. Maggie handles you well.

Guilt is a verdict that is determined by a jury. One is not guilty until this occurs.

LMAO! "Maggie handles me well?" Maybe you need to study her and I's history? MaggotMaggie doesn't handle anything concerning me at all. In fact, all she does is run like the cowardly bottomfeeding maggot that she is anytime I post a response to her. In fact, it took a joke like you to fabricate some made up history of responses to me for her to finally respond with nothing more than a weak minded retort. Just keep on defending the scum of this earth along with MaggotMaggie. You are now on BH's scope. :cool:

To be honest with you, It pretty much wouldn't suprise me if nutcases like you two would not do the same thing that this creature did to her child. Why else would you so strongly defend such a scum bag? One has to wonder about you types. Course, Maybe you're just a bottomfeeding defense attorney, which would make sense because all you care about is making money off of murder and other peoples pain and misery. You both are sick and disgusting. :razz: ~BH

We have a history? The only time I ever respond to your posts, in which you never have anything of substance to say on a topic, is to chuckle. You remind me of Yosemite Sam.

sam-a.jpg #1052

They should, this is going to be some of the best stuff yet!
Actually, the real Body Farm Guru is Dr. Bill Bass, a well-renowned forensic anthropologist who founded the University of Tennessee's Body Farm....located right outside of Knoxville, TN. (which is less than 1 hour from me).
He is the author of more than 200 scientific publications, as well as an acclaimed nonfiction account of the Body Farm. I have both of his books.
Dr. Arhad Vass entered Dr. Bass' Ph.D. program and was a great help in inventing a forensic clock that could run backward, starting the moment a body was found. When the forensic clock stops, it can tell a person the time of a murder victim's death. So he should be the one to help aid in the precise time line of little Caylee's death.

Oh my God, Dabs.

The only thing I find myself concentrating on his speech impediment.
It's drving me fucking crazy.
I keep trying to listen to the testimony . . . but then get lost in the cartoon character that keeps flitting through my head . . . walking flies on a leash.

It will be interesting to see how close he can supposedly get the time of death.
That could be a ball buster, either way.

I wonder if this is the same guy.

Dead fly art, surprisingly hilarious (15 Photos) : theCHIVE
Do you people not read everything??
Somebody please show me where I said I wanted Casey to fry.
I have mentioned more than one time, that I am NOT for the death penalty.........not just in this case, but in general, all around (except in special situations)
I never said I wanted Casey Anthony to fry....I said I wanted her to rot in jail, do prison time.
She did something wrong, she should pay, some time, for her crime.

I say thank God she was white....this is a perfect example of the 2 kinds of justice in America. White justice and black justice.
Clearly, she is putrid scum of the Earth. Any woman that abandons her child, abuses said child, and causually disposes of said child is no mother, but a monster. And here we have a trial, where minutia is considered and offered up as a reason not to administer the maximum penalty.
If she were black, she'd be dead already. BS.

I wish we, as people, could get through one high profile event with out the race card being played.
Maybe that's why Judge Perry keeps shooting the Defense down at almost every objection?
Maybe he's secretly doing his part to insure this white girl goes down.

<insert eye-rolling emoticon here>

(And BTW -- I'm a Cajun. Just thought you should know that before you reply.)

The judge is definitely favoring the prosecution, but of course you won't hear any of the hot ladies of the press say that.
Shhhhhhhhh. He's out huntin' wabbits.

It drive me bonkers too. Very hard to grasp what he is saying, speaking for myself. But...I can't go with just trusting this guy's nose. He isn't a chemist. So unless something else comes up, nothing has been proven about Caylee's body being in that trunk.
I agree the judge seems to be favoring the prosecution. Seems his mind is already made up. So....appeal coming up once this one is over and if she is found guilty.
I'm wondering where the hell Casey was when she was whippin' up this said Cholorform?

*Sidenote -- remember that the computer these searches were on was the family computer and remember although Cindy was defintely at work, with George's propensity to lie --- mais, one just can't be sure.

Anyway, my laptop and desk Pc are mine, only mine. ALthough, both are in the family home. I was thinking yesterday as I was researching for one of my projects -- "Jesus Christ! These search terms might make someone go hmmmm . . . Why the fuck was she researching that?

Regarding the chloroform, I wonder if THIS connection will be pursued by the defense.


Chloroform, also called trichloromethane, is a colorless liquid with a pleasant odor and a slight, sweet taste. It dissolves easily in water. Chloroform is both a synthetic and naturally-occurring compound, although sources from humans, such as septic systems and other water treatment processes involving chlorination, are responsible for most of the chloroform in the environment. Chloroform enters the air and water from some industrial processes, leaking containers, and waste disposal. It also is a byproduct of the chlorination of drinking water, municipal and industrial wastewater, and swimming pool and spa water. Chloroform may also enter the environment via the chemical breakdown of chlorinated compounds.
Vass is Elmer Fudd. Makes it difficult to take anything he says seriously anyway.

They should have had Dr. Bill Bass himself on the stand, I heard he was involved with this case, personally, at one point in time, wonder why he wasn't the one on the stand??
Unless he was busy.
This Vass guy just worked with Dr. Bass, but Dr. Bass is the person who runs the Body Farm. But Vass is supposedly great at his job~
Dr. Bill Bass has said that Vass used to spend months examining things under the microscope, sometimes not even leaving the premises, to determine all the facts. Dr. Bass also mentions that in many of the cases they are called in on, when a body is found and a time of death has to be pinpointed or determined, it has been Vass who is very skilled, he can get the time of death to a matter of days or hours even! (according to bugs, maggots, decomp tissue, etc.)

The Bass & Vass Body Farm? Someone send a note to SNL to do a skit channeling John Belushi.

LOL. Maggie handles you well.

Guilt is a verdict that is determined by a jury. One is not guilty until this occurs.

LMAO! "Maggie handles me well?" Maybe you need to study her and I's history? MaggotMaggie doesn't handle anything concerning me at all. In fact, all she does is run like the cowardly bottomfeeding maggot that she is anytime I post a response to her. In fact, it took a joke like you to fabricate some made up history of responses to me for her to finally respond with nothing more than a weak minded retort. Just keep on defending the scum of this earth along with MaggotMaggie. You are now on BH's scope. :cool:

To be honest with you, It pretty much wouldn't suprise me if nutcases like you two would not do the same thing that this creature did to her child. Why else would you so strongly defend such a scum bag? One has to wonder about you types. Course, Maybe you're just a bottomfeeding defense attorney, which would make sense because all you care about is making money off of murder and other peoples pain and misery. You both are sick and disgusting. :razz: ~BH

We have a history? The only time I ever respond to your posts, in which you never have anything of substance to say on a topic, is to chuckle. You remind me of Yosemite Sam.


Yeah that makes two direct threats he had made to me, one by PM. Of course I have them saved in case anything untoward happens to me.
Won't the bones show traces of chlorine?

Which begs another question......Since the prosecution had no clue the defense was going to go with accidental drowning until opening statement, can the prosecution still have tests done on the body even as the trial goes on? Or no? And aren't they supposed to tell each other what they are doing prior to the trial itself? I forget the word used when one does not disclose intent.
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I wasn't aware the defense is trying to establish a body was never in the car.

Thats just crazy, I think it's over if thats the case.

I think it was for awhile, but no way for 31 days. I'll have to review the timeline again to be sure, but didn't Casey first abandon the car in a parking lot near a pizza place when it ran out of gas? Can't remember when that was, but it was sometime in June, not July.
Shhhhhhhhh. He's out huntin' wabbits.

It drive me bonkers too. Very hard to grasp what he is saying, speaking for myself. But...I can't go with just trusting this guy's nose. He isn't a chemist. So unless something else comes up, nothing has been proven about Caylee's body being in that trunk.

Just when the point was about to be made that rotting flesh smelled like rotting potatoes, HLN broke in for one of their endless commercial interruptions. That's when I turned it off.
LMAO! "Maggie handles me well?" Maybe you need to study her and I's history? MaggotMaggie doesn't handle anything concerning me at all. In fact, all she does is run like the cowardly bottomfeeding maggot that she is anytime I post a response to her. In fact, it took a joke like you to fabricate some made up history of responses to me for her to finally respond with nothing more than a weak minded retort. Just keep on defending the scum of this earth along with MaggotMaggie. You are now on BH's scope. :cool:

To be honest with you, It pretty much wouldn't suprise me if nutcases like you two would not do the same thing that this creature did to her child. Why else would you so strongly defend such a scum bag? One has to wonder about you types. Course, Maybe you're just a bottomfeeding defense attorney, which would make sense because all you care about is making money off of murder and other peoples pain and misery. You both are sick and disgusting. :razz: ~BH

We have a history? The only time I ever respond to your posts, in which you never have anything of substance to say on a topic, is to chuckle. You remind me of Yosemite Sam.


Yeah that makes two direct threats he had made to me, one by PM. Of course I have them saved in case anything untoward happens to me.

It won't. BH is just another one who thinks bellowing insults is the best way to participate in discussions.
LMAO! "Maggie handles me well?" Maybe you need to study her and I's history? MaggotMaggie doesn't handle anything concerning me at all. In fact, all she does is run like the cowardly bottomfeeding maggot that she is anytime I post a response to her. In fact, it took a joke like you to fabricate some made up history of responses to me for her to finally respond with nothing more than a weak minded retort. Just keep on defending the scum of this earth along with MaggotMaggie. You are now on BH's scope. :cool:

To be honest with you, It pretty much wouldn't suprise me if nutcases like you two would not do the same thing that this creature did to her child. Why else would you so strongly defend such a scum bag? One has to wonder about you types. Course, Maybe you're just a bottomfeeding defense attorney, which would make sense because all you care about is making money off of murder and other peoples pain and misery. You both are sick and disgusting. :razz: ~BH

We have a history? The only time I ever respond to your posts, in which you never have anything of substance to say on a topic, is to chuckle. You remind me of Yosemite Sam.


Yeah that makes two direct threats he had made to me, one by PM. Of course I have them saved in case anything untoward happens to me.

Yeah, Saying that I will make you age 5 years everytime you log in here is "threatening you"? LMAO! Yep, You are delusional. Get over yourself, you're not that important to me. You're clearly mentally ill. ~BH
We have a history? The only time I ever respond to your posts, in which you never have anything of substance to say on a topic, is to chuckle. You remind me of Yosemite Sam.


Yeah that makes two direct threats he had made to me, one by PM. Of course I have them saved in case anything untoward happens to me.

It won't. BH is just another one who thinks bellowing insults is the best way to participate in discussions.

Well, Atleast you're smarter than her. Fact is, I just don't get how you always take the side of the bottomfeeders. Whoever they currently are, you're right there to support the vermin. You don't want insults? Ok, This gal killed her daughter, plain and simple. ~BH
They keep talking about the cans of death. Barf.
But...nobody has hit on the possibility of bacteria? Why would anyone want to deliberately inhale rotten air? There is no way on this earth I would expose myself to that.

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