Casey Anthony

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LIke Andrea Yates. She just had the youngest...couple of months old I think.
There are just some really evil people out there. They snap. I dont think Casey killed her kid on purpose. I think it was an accident, but she freaked out. Once she began the lies, she was caught between a rock and hard place. And still is.
I now have changed my mind about her punishment. No death. But she needs to spend some time in jail just for being a pain in the ass with all this confusion she has caused. She's a fruitbar. Some jail time, lots of therapy. She didn't deliberately murder Caylee.

If she did drown (and I think she did), and it was an accident, it will come down to who was watching her in the pool the morning of June 16th, or did Caylee just climb up, over and in on her own. Cindy Anthony made it a point to testify clearly that she had taken the ladder down after their early evening swim on returning from visiting Cindy's father the day before (15th). Casey left about 12:30 on June 16th, and according to George Casey, she had Caylee with her. But did she?
Do not defense attorneys try to get their client cleared? Is not JB a defense attorney? Is he not posing before people outside with a woman on each arm, smiling happily? Will he not get exposure from this case? Isn't it his duty to get his client a Not Guilty verdict and anything goes to achieve that?
I think Casey is a nutbar, yes. But I am still open to what everyone has to say and sometimes utterances I read make me go hmmmmmmm as well. Can you try to just discuss without being so snarky?

I apologize. But I'm going to have to mute the television whenever these news analysts chime in. They make me see red, because they seem to be the only voices out there available for the public to hear, and they're heavily invested in tabloiding Casey to death, literally. So when I see similar comments here, my head explodes.

Just hope the jury is smart. We had an old man here in my neighborhood that some hot heads around here tried to railroad. The jury bought none of it.

If you read trials from decades and centuries go by, you see how many people actually were railroaded. Currently we have The Innocence Project working on some modern day convictions of innocent people.

The Innocence Project - Home

I don't think Casey is a saint. But I see reasonable doubt lurking in every corner.

I haven't looked at the link yet, but I'm sure Amanda Knox is mentioned there who was railroaded by the Italian judicial system. I know it's on appeal now, but that was one helluva concocted criminal trial based on zero evidence except the prosecutor's "gut feeling."
LIke Andrea Yates. She just had the youngest...couple of months old I think.
There are just some really evil people out there. They snap. I dont think Casey killed her kid on purpose. I think it was an accident, but she freaked out. Once she began the lies, she was caught between a rock and hard place. And still is.
I now have changed my mind about her punishment. No death. But she needs to spend some time in jail just for being a pain in the ass with all this confusion she has caused. She's a fruitbar. Some jail time, lots of therapy. She didn't deliberately murder Caylee.

If she did drown (and I think she did), and it was an accident, it will come down to who was watching her in the pool the morning of June 16th, or did Caylee just climb up, over and in on her own. Cindy Anthony made it a point to testify clearly that she had taken the ladder down after their early evening swim on returning from visiting Cindy's father the day before (15th). Casey left about 12:30 on June 16th, and according to George Casey, she had Caylee with her. But did she?

So, basically, what some of y'all are saying is- it may be that all 3 of the Anthony nuts can be involved in little Caylee's death, am I correct??
I can't see that honestly.
I don't know what I see anymore, but this case has went up and beyond the extremes.
The cover of the People magazine this week, I just purchased it, the main topic is Caylee Anthony Murder Case and it has the beautiful photograph of little Caylee (attached below-isn't she just precious).
Then it has a photo of Casey, and it reads: Mom's Shocking Defense, Secrets & Lies. Bombshell testimony, new claims of sexual abuse-inside accused killer Casey Anthony's trial strategy.
I haven't read it yet, maybe later this evening I will.


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Good research! I went to a workshop in Nashville last year where the difference was explained this way:

The key difference is that the psychopath thinks what he/she is doing is the right thing. Example: 'I beat my wife because it makes her a better person.'

The sociopath knows he/she is doing wrong, but doesn't care. Example: 'I beat my wife at least once a week just for the hell of it.'

And what is the person who chooses both excuses called? (Call me been there...)

Not sure I get your drift here. The psychopath would be the more innocent of the two because his perceptions of reality are inaccurate.

Well I can vividly remember getting shoved aside and slugged for just being physically in his way, and getting slugged because I dared to contradict him. Ironically, except for the bruises, he was the one who usually paid dearly, not with jail time, but he lost a lot of friends over his abuse and got thrown out of two of his favorite restaurants for life because he decided to slap me in front of other patrons. So trying to define his psychotic behavior to Casey Anderson is something I just don't see, because there is no comparison. EVERYONE, even his own family, knew he was a controlling egomaniac which was there for everyone to see because he never tried to disguise it.
It really is a mess isn't it?? This whole story. Sad doesn't begin to cover it, strange doesn't begin to cover it.
Ohmigosh, I was thinking, what if something comes out to shock the hell out of everybody??
Can there be an explanation that none of us has thought of??
I can only imagine what the jurors are going thru. I hope they get their thoughts all together, be as one, so to speak. I'd hate to have one hold out, and end up with a hung trial......oh shit.

Yes, the O. Henry ending!

Casey trying to cover up for Mom (the last one known to take Caylee swimming in the pool) yet Casey gets the death penalty for killing her own daughter by being a good daughter?
It appears George Anthony brought up the pool theory as early as 2008.

George Anthony's Interview with the FBI 2008

Casey Anthony George Anthony Statement 2008

GA's testimony in talking about how he wishes the FBI could just walk in and talk to Casey. But legally because she has lawyered up, they can't. And of course, it's really just more rambling -- note how he is supposed to be saying he wishes Caasey would tell the FBi -- but he actually says "I hope she doesn't." True statement or slip? Who the hell knows in this crazy ass case.

Page 103/Line 1

GA --- But then again is . . . does she have to say, Mr Baez, what do you think, I'm gonna talk to these guys? Well she . . . I hope she doesn't cause I want her to just come out and tell everybody, this is what happened. This is where she's at? This . . . the pool thing or whatever it might be, this is what happened. We can get through this, I know we can.

See, the State shoud run to introduce this part of testimony into record.
Because it almost seems as if he would not mention the pool, if he had any involvement.
Then again, the defense could argue it was the beginning of him throwing Casey to the wolves.

But, it still doesn't change the fact that through his own various differing testimonies, George Anthony lies.

The prosecution wouldn't want that statement entered because the defense would jump on it. Part of the strategy for both is anticipating what the other will use in the course of doing their respective jobs.
I don't think all three Anthony's were involved in the cover up of the accidental drowning death of Caylee Anthony.

I can see the possibility of George Anthony being involved.

I think Cindy Anthony is guilty of being a control freak that didn't like anybody else ruling her roost. I think George Anthony was pretty much pussy whipped by her because after all, she took him back in early 2006 after she had kicked his ass to the curb for spending every last dime they had. That's the reason for the separate bank accounts. I also find it sad that she was so afraid that George would lose yet another job, that she insisted he went to work the morning of July 16th 2008. How sad is that? Yes, your granddaughter is missing. Now get your ass to work. I'm beginning to believe that a lot of the mistruths and lies I am seeing in balck and white, in Cindys. sworn testimonies and deposistions is an actual result of what she had been told about certain people and events by George and Casey. Not direct lies. But the truth to her, as told by them.

George is a liar. I've read it in print and posted various links here. And I think he may lie just randomly, for no reason, like Casey does. Why on earth did he make up that story about chasing Casey down the toll road while she was driving Cindy's vehicle, only to be disproved because none of the Anthony's E Passes had been used? Why would someone make up a story like that?

And it's not just the Anthony's giving testimony differing from earlier testimonies on certain events. Other witnesses in this case have/are too.

This is the case I have ever seen.
It really is a mess isn't it?? This whole story. Sad doesn't begin to cover it, strange doesn't begin to cover it.
Ohmigosh, I was thinking, what if something comes out to shock the hell out of everybody??
Can there be an explanation that none of us has thought of??
I can only imagine what the jurors are going thru. I hope they get their thoughts all together, be as one, so to speak. I'd hate to have one hold out, and end up with a hung trial......oh shit.

Yes, the O. Henry ending!

Casey trying to cover up for Mom (the last one known to take Caylee swimming in the pool) yet Casey gets the death penalty for killing her own daughter by being a good daughter?

Earlier on I had asked if Casey and Cindy were close as Mother/daughter, and I don't think anyone answered with a Yes.
So if they aren't close, and at times it sure seems like Casey has hatred for her Mom, why would Casey cover up for Cindy?? That has to be the most weirdest conclusion I have heard yet.
Yes, the O. Henry ending!

Casey trying to cover up for Mom (the last one known to take Caylee swimming in the pool) yet Casey gets the death penalty for killing her own daughter by being a good daughter?

Earlier on I had asked if Casey and Cindy were close as Mother/daughter, and I don't think anyone answered with a Yes.
So if they aren't close, and at times it sure seems like Casey has hatred for her Mom, why would Casey cover up for Cindy?? That has to be the most weirdest conclusion I have heard yet.

I think it depends on who you ask. Cindy speaks of wanting to spend girl time with Casey, of shopping trips and of sharing videos and tears . . . Casey tells people her mother is crazy and that she doesn't want to be like her, but then turns around and posts on her myspace page that she wants to be exactly like her mother.

Who the hell knows?
This family is n.u.t.s.
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You should go to work at HLN and help out all the other unbalanced reporters. They must be exhausted by now trying to convince everyone that Casey is a wicked woman, period.

You clearly are mentally ill Maggie. Why exactly is it that all you do here is defend the scum sucking maggots of the earth? I bet you thought OJ was innocent too? Yeah, I figured so. LMAO! Doctor must have dropped you on your head eh? People like you should be locked up 24/7 in a straight jacket inside a padded room. No worries though Maggie, You get cable and internet access. You will just have to learn how to type with your toes. :razz: ~BH


LOL. Maggie handles you well.

Guilt is a verdict that is determined by a jury. One is not guilty until this occurs.

LMAO! "Maggie handles me well?" Maybe you need to study her and I's history? MaggotMaggie doesn't handle anything concerning me at all. In fact, all she does is run like the cowardly bottomfeeding maggot that she is anytime I post a response to her. In fact, it took a joke like you to fabricate some made up history of responses to me for her to finally respond with nothing more than a weak minded retort. Just keep on defending the scum of this earth along with MaggotMaggie. You are now on BH's scope. :cool:

To be honest with you, It pretty much wouldn't suprise me if nutcases like you two would not do the same thing that this creature did to her child. Why else would you so strongly defend such a scum bag? One has to wonder about you types. Course, Maybe you're just a bottomfeeding defense attorney, which would make sense because all you care about is making money off of murder and other peoples pain and misery. You both are sick and disgusting. :razz: ~BH
You should go to work at HLN and help out all the other unbalanced reporters. They must be exhausted by now trying to convince everyone that Casey is a wicked woman, period.

You clearly are mentally ill Maggie. Why exactly is it that all you do here is defend the scum sucking maggots of the earth? I bet you thought OJ was innocent too? Yeah, I figured so. LMAO! Doctor must have dropped you on your head eh? People like you should be locked up 24/7 in a straight jacket inside a padded room. No worries though Maggie, You get cable and internet access. You will just have to learn how to type with your toes. :razz: ~BH

Oh nooooooo, Mr. Macho Man weighs in with one of his elaborate intellectual critiques. Must...hide...under...covers...

I don't know what "Mr. Macho Man" has to do with anything. If being Macho = defending innocent little girls from pigs like you and Casey, I will gladly take that label you perfect example of garbage. :lol: ~BH
State's opening witness for the day: Dr. Arpad Vass.

The Body Farm Guru.

We'll see if the jury can stay awake today.
Maggie, as I've said before, I agree with this red sentence. I never thought the little girl's death was intentional. But I sure would like to know what happened.

So you want her ass fried over what you think was an accident?
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I don't know that George is a liar, I will be happy to get thru Casey's trial first, then if they want to try Cindy and/or George, we'll go from there :)

And JB didn't use the earlier testimony to impeach his trial testimony...again it's not in front of the jury. #1052

They should, this is going to be some of the best stuff yet!
Actually, the real Body Farm Guru is Dr. Bill Bass, a well-renowned forensic anthropologist who founded the University of Tennessee's Body Farm....located right outside of Knoxville, TN. (which is less than 1 hour from me).
He is the author of more than 200 scientific publications, as well as an acclaimed nonfiction account of the Body Farm. I have both of his books.
Dr. Arhad Vass entered Dr. Bass' Ph.D. program and was a great help in inventing a forensic clock that could run backward, starting the moment a body was found. When the forensic clock stops, it can tell a person the time of a murder victim's death. So he should be the one to help aid in the precise time line of little Caylee's death.
Maggie, as I've said before, I agree with this red sentence. I never thought the little girl's death was intentional. But I sure would like to know what happened.

So you want her ass fried over what you think was an accident?

Do you people not read everything??
Somebody please show me where I said I wanted Casey to fry.
I have mentioned more than one time, that I am NOT for the death penalty.........not just in this case, but in general, all around (except in special situations)
I never said I wanted Casey Anthony to fry....I said I wanted her to rot in jail, do prison time.
She did something wrong, she should pay, some time, for her crime.
Maggie, as I've said before, I agree with this red sentence. I never thought the little girl's death was intentional. But I sure would like to know what happened.

So you want her ass fried over what you think was an accident?

Do you people not read everything??
Somebody please show me where I said I wanted Casey to fry.
I have mentioned more than one time, that I am NOT for the death penalty.........not just in this case, but in general, all around (except in special situations)
I never said I wanted Casey Anthony to fry....I said I wanted her to rot in jail, do prison time.
She did something wrong, she should pay, some time, for her crime.

You're right you never said's an expression.

Make that one more GUILTY as far as Casey Anthony. That stupid bitch, I have thought her to be guilty from day one. Who in their right mind lets their baby daughter stay "missing" for 31 days and doesn't tell anyone??
OMG, let me at that bitch.
Death is too good for her, I would want her to rot in a cold damp cell, with the bare minimals.
A metal commode that backs up every single day, a stinking sink that stays clogged, meals that aren't fit for the stray dogs running around.
No visitors, no Tv, nothing- just let the bitch sit there and have to think about what she has done, for a long long time.
And I'm not one for violence, but somebody needs to kick her ass a time or two, and prisoners don't take too kindly to child abusers, so she will probably get attacked at some point.
I hate that this Anthony thing has went on for 2 years already and we are just now getting to trial.
But if she gets death, I won't be sad, I just hope she has to suffer some.
This story really gets me pissed!

You people??? Why so hostile? It just seems to me since the start of the trial you have softened. Not that I have a problem with that, I was just asking for clarification.
I don't know that George is a liar, I will be happy to get thru Casey's trial first, then if they want to try Cindy and/or George, we'll go from there :)

And JB didn't use the earlier testimony to impeach his trial testimony...again it's not in front of the jury.

Oh, but he will.

WHy do you think the State wouldn't put that picyure of the gas can into evidence? HA! #1052

They should, this is going to be some of the best stuff yet!
Actually, the real Body Farm Guru is Dr. Bill Bass, a well-renowned forensic anthropologist who founded the University of Tennessee's Body Farm....located right outside of Knoxville, TN. (which is less than 1 hour from me).
He is the author of more than 200 scientific publications, as well as an acclaimed nonfiction account of the Body Farm. I have both of his books.
Dr. Arhad Vass entered Dr. Bass' Ph.D. program and was a great help in inventing a forensic clock that could run backward, starting the moment a body was found. When the forensic clock stops, it can tell a person the time of a murder victim's death. So he should be the one to help aid in the precise time line of little Caylee's death.

Oh my God, Dabs.

The only thing I find myself concentrating on his speech impediment.
It's drving me fucking crazy.
I keep trying to listen to the testimony . . . but then get lost in the cartoon character that keeps flitting through my head . . . walking flies on a leash.

It will be interesting to see how close he can supposedly get the time of death.
That could be a ball buster, either way.
So you want her ass fried over what you think was an accident?

Do you people not read everything??
Somebody please show me where I said I wanted Casey to fry.
I have mentioned more than one time, that I am NOT for the death penalty.........not just in this case, but in general, all around (except in special situations)
I never said I wanted Casey Anthony to fry....I said I wanted her to rot in jail, do prison time.
She did something wrong, she should pay, some time, for her crime.

You're right you never said's an expression.

Make that one more GUILTY as far as Casey Anthony. That stupid bitch, I have thought her to be guilty from day one. Who in their right mind lets their baby daughter stay "missing" for 31 days and doesn't tell anyone??
OMG, let me at that bitch.
Death is too good for her, I would want her to rot in a cold damp cell, with the bare minimals.
A metal commode that backs up every single day, a stinking sink that stays clogged, meals that aren't fit for the stray dogs running around.
No visitors, no Tv, nothing- just let the bitch sit there and have to think about what she has done, for a long long time.
And I'm not one for violence, but somebody needs to kick her ass a time or two, and prisoners don't take too kindly to child abusers, so she will probably get attacked at some point.
I hate that this Anthony thing has went on for 2 years already and we are just now getting to trial.
But if she gets death, I won't be sad, I just hope she has to suffer some.
This story really gets me pissed!

You people??? Why so hostile? It just seems to me since the start of the trial you have softened. Not that I have a problem with that, I was just asking for clarification.

I'm sincerly sorry R.D.....please accept my apologies, I should not have come across as so hostile. I didn't mean it to be that way, but sometimes it's very hard to know what a person is trying to say or what emotions they are trying to express over the internet.
Anyway, I know saying you want 'someone to fry' is just an expression, but it's not one I used.
I just want the truth to come out in this case, and I do believe Casey is guilty....I believe she did murder her baby, but I have read everything that all the posters put out here, and I let it sink in, and some make more sense than others..and if it seems I have softened, then maybe I have.
Maybe the day I made that post you quoted, was not a good day for me......but, I firmly stand behind my saying, she deserves prison time. And I hope she gets it.

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