Casey Anthony

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George Anthony Testifying for the State May 2011

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Casey Anthony: Murder Trial Day 14 - 5/26/11 Part 5 (George Anthony)‬‏[/ame]

State -- Did you look into the trunk?

GA ------ Never had a chance.

George Anthony's Taped Interview with the FBI 2008

Casey Anthony George Anthony Statement 2008

Page 44/Line 123

SB --- Okay. When she popped the trunk are you back at the back of the car?

GA --- Yeah. Yeah. There was definitely, I could see clothes back there.

SB --- Okay.

GA --- She has a plastic blue bin that's collapsible. . . we all have'em in our vehicles.

SB --- Yes.

GA --- And oh, and the gas cans were inside this blue bin that she had. 'Course she pulled'em out . . .

SB --- Gallon cans?

GA --- Yeah, it's like a two and half gallon can. It's like a circular one and then I had a smaller plastic one that I keep the stuff for my trimmer and stuff just to add . . .

SB --- Yeah

GA --- . . .um oil with that one so I keep that one seperate from the other one. There's two of them.

SB --- Okay.

GA --- So, she handed'em to me, they're empty. And I said you know, I said thanks a lot I said, like I said you make me out to be a fool and I . . . make me look stupid and I don't appreciate that. She saiys, dad we'll talk and I said, yeah we're gonna talk later because this is just getting out of hand.

Page 71/Line 15 (About looking in car at impound lot)

GA --- I did look around the trunk for a second. I'm like okay and there was a blue bin inside of it. That same blue bin I told you where my daughter had the gas cans.

Casey Anthony is not the only liar in this family.
George Anthony is a liar.

And no, George is not the one on trial here. But, maybe he should be.

If he lies about this, what else is he lying about?
I don't know that George is a liar, I will be happy to get thru Casey's trial first, then if they want to try Cindy and/or George, we'll go from there :)
I don't know that George is a liar, I will be happy to get thru Casey's trial first, then if they want to try Cindy and/or George, we'll go from there :)

All goes to George's credibilty.

He either saw in the trunk or he didn't.

Which testimony is one to believe?

Black and white. No gray here. Sorry.

This example is just the tip of the iceberg in his . . . err . . . ummm . . . lies.

George has no credibility. And hopefully the judge will let the jury see that.
It really is a mess isn't it?? This whole story. Sad doesn't begin to cover it, strange doesn't begin to cover it.
Ohmigosh, I was thinking, what if something comes out to shock the hell out of everybody??
Can there be an explanation that none of us has thought of??
I can only imagine what the jurors are going thru. I hope they get their thoughts all together, be as one, so to speak. I'd hate to have one hold out, and end up with a hung trial......oh shit.
Casey Anthony was suffering from postpartum depression. That can cause you to harm yourself or your child. I mean this happens. Just something I have been thinking about. I just looked through a bunch of photos of Casey and Caylee and they are such loving and happy pictures and wondered what would make someone kill their own baby. Casey seemed to adore Caylee. After looking at those pictures, I just don't know what to think.
Casey Anthony was suffering from postpartum depression. That can cause you to harm yourself or your child. I mean this happens. Just something I have been thinking about. I just looked through a bunch of photos of Casey and Caylee and they are such loving and happy pictures and wondered what would make someone kill their own baby. Casey seemed to adore Caylee. After looking at those pictures, I just don't know what to think.

Caylee was soon to be 2.
Isn't PPD more apt to happen during the first year after the Mother gives birth??...sometimes within months even.
LIke Andrea Yates. She just had the youngest...couple of months old I think.
There are just some really evil people out there. They snap. I dont think Casey killed her kid on purpose. I think it was an accident, but she freaked out. Once she began the lies, she was caught between a rock and hard place. And still is.
I now have changed my mind about her punishment. No death. But she needs to spend some time in jail just for being a pain in the ass with all this confusion she has caused. She's a fruitbar. Some jail time, lots of therapy. She didn't deliberately murder Caylee.
LIke Andrea Yates. She just had the youngest...couple of months old I think.
There are just some really evil people out there. They snap. I dont think Casey killed her kid on purpose. I think it was an accident, but she freaked out. Once she began the lies, she was caught between a rock and hard place. And still is.
I now have changed my mind about her punishment. No death. But she needs to spend some time in jail just for being a pain in the ass with all this confusion she has caused. She's a fruitbar. Some jail time, lots of therapy. She didn't deliberately murder Caylee.

Shaking my head in agreement. But, I have never been one for the death penalty, but she certainly needs to spend some good many years in jail. Not saying throw away the key, but she has to pay for the wrong she did, and she has done wrong.
You should go to work at HLN and help out all the other unbalanced reporters. They must be exhausted by now trying to convince everyone that Casey is a wicked woman, period.

Do not defense attorneys try to get their client cleared? Is not JB a defense attorney? Is he not posing before people outside with a woman on each arm, smiling happily? Will he not get exposure from this case? Isn't it his duty to get his client a Not Guilty verdict and anything goes to achieve that?
I think Casey is a nutbar, yes. But I am still open to what everyone has to say and sometimes utterances I read make me go hmmmmmmm as well. Can you try to just discuss without being so snarky?

I apologize. But I'm going to have to mute the television whenever these news analysts chime in. They make me see red, because they seem to be the only voices out there available for the public to hear, and they're heavily invested in tabloiding Casey to death, literally. So when I see similar comments here, my head explodes.

Just hope the jury is smart. We had an old man here in my neighborhood that some hot heads around here tried to railroad. The jury bought none of it.

If you read trials from decades and centuries go by, you see how many people actually were railroaded. Currently we have The Innocence Project working on some modern day convictions of innocent people.

The Innocence Project - Home

I don't think Casey is a saint. But I see reasonable doubt lurking in every corner.
Hmm. Went to google and found this, Sociopath vs psychopath:

Characteristics of a sociopath are as followed :

1. Sociopaths are very charming.
2. Sociopaths can be extremely manipulative and will try to con you whenever possible.
3. Sociopaths feel that they are entitled to everything.
4. Sociopaths will lie continuously to get what they want. They can even sometimes manipulate a lie detector.
5. Sociopaths have no remorse, shame or guilt.
6. Sociopaths will show love and happiness only when it serves their purpose. None of the feelings are genuine.
7. Sociopaths have no room for love in their life.
8. Sociopaths need to have excitement in their lives or live on the edge.
9. Sociopaths have lack of empathy hen their victims suffer pain that they have caused.
10. Sociopaths believe that they are all mightier than tho, there is no concern on how their behavior impacts others.
11. Sociopaths usually have a long history of juvenile delinquency as well as behavior problems.
12. Sociopaths will never take blame for anything they have done to anyone no matter if it is family or friend.
13. Sociopaths have many sexual partners and tend to act out many sexual acts.
14. Sociopaths rarely stay in one place for a long time (home/work).
15. Sociopaths will change themselves if they know it will keep them from being found out.

Characteristics of a psychopath are as followed:

1. Psychopaths use superficial charm to lure their victims.
2. Psychopaths are extremely self-centered.
3. Psychopaths must always do something to keep themselves from boredom.
4. Psychopaths are very deceptive and tend to lie continuously.
5. Psychopaths show no remorse of guilt towards their victims.
6. Psychopaths are very predatory and usually will live off other people.
7. Psychopaths have many sexual partners in their lifetime.
8. Psychopaths are very impulsive with their lifestyle.
9. Psychopaths are always blaming other people for their actions.
10. Psychopaths never have a realistic view of their lives. (king of the world or from another planet)
11. Psychopaths always want psychological gratification in sexual and criminal activities.
12. Psychopaths tend to try suicide, rarely succeeding.

Sociopath Vs. Psychopath: There is a Difference - Associated Content from Yahoo! -

Good research! I went to a workshop in Nashville last year where the difference was explained this way:

The key difference is that the psychopath thinks what he/she is doing is the right thing. Example: 'I beat my wife because it makes her a better person.'

The sociopath knows he/she is doing wrong, but doesn't care. Example: 'I beat my wife at least once a week just for the hell of it.'

And what is the person who chooses both excuses called? (Call me been there...)

Not sure I get your drift here. The psychopath would be the more innocent of the two because his perceptions of reality are inaccurate.
No drift. Just hearing both words bandied about on tv about Casey so I went to look them up.
Forgive me if it seems I am picking on everything you say, cause I'm not, honestly.
But I was an abused child. I was verbally, emotionally and physically beaten by my Dad (SF)..and when my Mother tried to help, he turned and beat her.
But never one time, not once, did I ever blame my Mother. She loved me more than life itself. We tried to get help, but sadly, there was none back then.
Anyway, my main point is, my Mother and I were/are VERY close!! We shared a bond that made other daughters jealous *smiles*
It was awesome, I miss her...she passed away in 2005, lung cancer.

That is not an unusual scenario with physical abuse. The mother often steps in and is also beaten. But it can take years before she actually leaves the situation.

However, sexual abuse is a different animal. And in all honesty, most of the ones I have worked with the moms DID know about the abuse and did nothing because they were financially dependent on their husbands and/or didn't want to go to work.

You are comparing apples and oranges. And again, you just can't take your own situation and extrapolate it any farther than to yourself. Not only have I worked in this area for 22 years, there is ample research. It's out there. I assure you, I am not talking out of my ass.

If you believe your mother had no choices here, then so be it. Believe that. But women can find something to do to support their families even if it is just cleaning houses. I've seen a lot of those as well, and they have my deepest respect. I legally required to report abuse, but even if I weren't I would report anonymously. There is no way I would EVER tell a woman to stay in an abusive situation, and if the child is being abused physically or sexually, I would (and have) report them to child services. People tell themselves what they need to believe so there are plenty of rationalizations and excuses but no real valid reasons here.

Regarding red--I believe you, I never said you were talking out of your ass. If you say you have 22 years experience, I do believe you know quite a lot. And I'm sure you have helped many. But I have over 11 years of being an abused person, and while you say I am comparing apples to oranges, I'm sorry if it seems that way. But then, they both are fruits, right??

Regarding blue--my Mother and I left my Dad so many times. Have you ever seen the movie starring Farrah Fawcett, called The Burning Bed?? Where he beat her so badly, she ended up killing him. And the Tracey Thurman story, true story too, her husband hunted her down, and she is now partially paralyzed because he knifed her 13 times, in front of police officers.
I know all stories are different. And sexual abuse is different from other forms of abuse. But when you say there is plenty a women can do to support their family, I do agree, but what happens when the man hunts them down, threatening to kill them?? That happened in my life. So I will not allow someone to make me think my Mother did not do everything she thought she possibly could to save us, save me, because she did. She tried desperately. I get so ill in fact if someone tries to bad mouth my Mother or try and make me think like it's all her fault. All I can say is, you didn't live my life, so if you haven't walked in my shoes, then don't be telling me how uncomfortable they are!
Anyway, this thread is about Casey Anthony, so we should direct it back in that direction.

I am sorry for all the troubles in your life. Sincerely. But remember, it is not necessary to HAVE schizophrenia to treat schizophrenia. Nor is it necessary to HAVE cancer to treat cancer. If anything, the things I have seen in my career have made me much more aware of the limits and boundaries that are necessary to keep us safe.

I always have to chuckle when someone gets snarky that I only have 38 Facebook friends. They are teachers, lawyers, etc. who don't mind having their clients as friends. I have worked with the criminally insane, the worried well, the seriously and persistently mentally ill, veterans, and I have taught. Keeping my name and details out of the public eye keeps them from hunting me down. And some would. Some have. And I have been hurt in the workplace once. That is why I REFUSE to see a patient alone in the clinic at the end of the day and if my employer doesn't like it he can just lump it. I've never been sent home from a job yet.

I have many issues with the mental health system and its response to women. The real kicker is Dependent Personality Disorder. Every part of that 'disorder' is how southern women are taught to live. Then it gets turned back on them as a disorder. But, I think we have come a LONG way with stalking. Still, it isn't perfect. A TN doctor was shot in the parking lot of a local mall in TN by a stalker who had already done a year for the crime. Seymour Herald ::

A book I recommend is The Gift of Fear By Gavin De Becker.

There are numerous articles on stalking which describe it from low level - repeated phone calls, to lethality, as in the Bazzel case.

Well, my post went a little off topic as well. I agree we should get back on topic.
What is the big deal about the duct tape on the gas can?

It's a big thing because Baez was trying to impeach him with his testimony that day. Because he knew that George Anthony's AUgust 2009 Deposition testimony about the duct tape and gas can was different then as to what he testified to in this trial.

PDF Documents From WFTV Eyewitness News Orlando

Page 159/Line 7

He testifies that he did not put that piece of tape on the gas can. Repeatedly denies it.

Then he goes on to testify that he did put a piece of tape on the gas can.

He testifies in this trial that he put the duct tape on the gas can because when Casey returned them -- the little vent plug was missing.

In the above deposistion of August 2009, he testifies that (page 60/Line 23)

"I put duct tape on there one time myself because the plastic cap that was on there had broken. "

And on page 162/Line 1 he goes on to say:

"I don't know when I specifically did that, but I know that I did it. Becuase whenever I put the duct tape over the vent hole that you've described or told me about, I did it very neatly. I would not have put something on there like this. That's not my style."

He goes on to testify tnat it had duct tape on it before Casey took it and did not have duct tape on it when she brought it back.

So, was the plug missing when the gas cans returned, or had it already been broken off?

Which is the truth?

That's what Baez was working on getting into court. A different version of the same story . . . according to George.

Again, it goes against George Anthony's credibility.
It really is a mess isn't it?? This whole story. Sad doesn't begin to cover it, strange doesn't begin to cover it.
Ohmigosh, I was thinking, what if something comes out to shock the hell out of everybody??
Can there be an explanation that none of us has thought of??
I can only imagine what the jurors are going thru. I hope they get their thoughts all together, be as one, so to speak. I'd hate to have one hold out, and end up with a hung trial......oh shit.

Yes, the O. Henry ending!
It appears George Anthony brought up the pool theory as early as 2008.

George Anthony's Interview with the FBI 2008

Casey Anthony George Anthony Statement 2008

GA's testimony in talking about how he wishes the FBI could just walk in and talk to Casey. But legally because she has lawyered up, they can't. And of course, it's really just more rambling -- note how he is supposed to be saying he wishes Caasey would tell the FBi -- but he actually says "I hope she doesn't." True statement or slip? Who the hell knows in this crazy ass case.

Page 103/Line 1

GA --- But then again is . . . does she have to say, Mr Baez, what do you think, I'm gonna talk to these guys? Well she . . . I hope she doesn't cause I want her to just come out and tell everybody, this is what happened. This is where she's at? This . . . the pool thing or whatever it might be, this is what happened. We can get through this, I know we can.

See, the State shoud run to introduce this part of testimony into record.
Because it almost seems as if he would not mention the pool, if he had any involvement.
Then again, the defense could argue it was the beginning of him throwing Casey to the wolves.

But, it still doesn't change the fact that through his own various differing testimonies, George Anthony lies.
I can't wait to see James Hoover or Roy Krunk on the stand.

The State should call Hoover. I mean he culd tstify to some things on their behalf. Then again, he could equally effective for the Defense.

I don't see the State calling Roy Krunk. Hell, they didn't even mention him in OS, which is kinda odd since he did find the body. But, you can bet your ass the Defense will.

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