Casey Anthony

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"Duct tape had been placed on her head while her body was still fresh or while she was alive."

What the fuck does this statement mean?

"still fresh"?

Freshly alive?
Freshly dead?

I wonder if when introduced by the State, this statement will be open to interpretation by the jury?
"Duct tape had been placed on her head while her body was still fresh or while she was alive."

What the fuck does this statement mean?

"still fresh"?

Freshly alive?
Freshly dead?

I wonder if when introduced by the State, this statement will be open to interpretation by the jury?
She's done...........The tape is what killed that poor kid.

She didn't drown. She wasn't cholroformed. She was murdered by her mother.

After watching those jailhouse tapes. Listening to the cops tell her she was lying. Listening to her claim that it is SHE who is the victim, that bitch is guilty.
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From my understanding, the mandible of Caylee was intact? The tape was placed while she was still "warm". Freshly dead. Or not dead quite yet.
From my understanding, the mandible of Caylee was intact? The tape was placed while she was still "warm". Freshly dead. Or not dead quite yet.

The disgusting bottomfeeding liar Casey Anthony should be put to death when she is found guilty Grace. Justice will be served to this evil creature of the night.

"Whoever sheds the blood of Man, By Man their blood shall be shed". :clap2: ~BH
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Hmm. Went to google and found this, Sociopath vs psychopath:

Sociopaths have normal temperaments, and their personality disorder tends to effect their lives regarding parenting, peers, and their intelligence.
Sociopaths can be anyone from your mother, father, best friend, neighbor or even your co-worker, and you would not even realize that they are dealing with this disorder that affects everything in their daily life. Sociopaths go above and beyond themselves to make sure that other people around them have no idea that their life is something other than what it is. More than likely you have met one or two sociopaths in your life and not even realize it.

Psychopaths on the other hand are very flamboyant with how they deal with their disorder. Some famous psychopaths that you might know about are Charles Manson, Richard Ramirez, Theodore Bundy and David Berkowitz. These four men are famous for being some of the most notorious and manipulative serial killers in history. Not all psychopaths are as out there as these four men, however their rage is almost always as intense, it just depends on how they channel it.

Characteristics of a sociopath are as followed :

1. Sociopaths are very charming.
2. Sociopaths can be extremely manipulative and will try to con you whenever possible.
3. Sociopaths feel that they are entitled to everything.
4. Sociopaths will lie continuously to get what they want. They can even sometimes manipulate a lie detector.
5. Sociopaths have no remorse, shame or guilt.
6. Sociopaths will show love and happiness only when it serves their purpose. None of the feelings are genuine.
7. Sociopaths have no room for love in their life.
8. Sociopaths need to have excitement in their lives or live on the edge.
9. Sociopaths have lack of empathy hen their victims suffer pain that they have caused.
10. Sociopaths believe that they are all mightier than tho, there is no concern on how their behavior impacts others.
11. Sociopaths usually have a long history of juvenile delinquency as well as behavior problems.
12. Sociopaths will never take blame for anything they have done to anyone no matter if it is family or friend.
13. Sociopaths have many sexual partners and tend to act out many sexual acts.
14. Sociopaths rarely stay in one place for a long time (home/work).
15. Sociopaths will change themselves if they know it will keep them from being found out.

Characteristics of a psychopath are as followed:

1. Psychopaths use superficial charm to lure their victims.
2. Psychopaths are extremely self-centered.
3. Psychopaths must always do something to keep themselves from boredom.
4. Psychopaths are very deceptive and tend to lie continuously.
5. Psychopaths show no remorse of guilt towards their victims.
6. Psychopaths are very predatory and usually will live off other people.
7. Psychopaths have many sexual partners in their lifetime.
8. Psychopaths are very impulsive with their lifestyle.
9. Psychopaths are always blaming other people for their actions.
10. Psychopaths never have a realistic view of their lives. (king of the world or from another planet)
11. Psychopaths always want psychological gratification in sexual and criminal activities.
12. Psychopaths tend to try suicide, rarely succeeding.

Sociopath Vs. Psychopath: There is a Difference - Associated Content from Yahoo! -
From my understanding, the mandible of Caylee was intact? The tape was placed while she was still "warm". Freshly dead. Or not dead quite yet.

"This duct tape was clearly placed prior to decomposition, keeping the mandible in place."

That's what it says.

I don't know.

This statement:

"Duct tape had been placed on her head while her body was still fresh or while she was alive."

. . .bothers me.

It's confusing.

I thought the State's posistion is that Caylee died from suffocation of having her head wrapped with duct tape? That the duct tape was the murder weapon.

This statement sounds either or to me. The way it's worded makes it sound like the tape was placed on her head while her body was still fresh (dead, but not decomposed) or while she was still alive.

Which is it?

I can't wait for this report to be entered into evidence. I'm curious as to why the wierd wording.
Don't know anything about the case, hope justice is done.

Find it sad that she has become a tabloid sensation via hack "lawyers" Nancy Grace and Greta Van Susterin.

Attractive women are good for ratings.
Hmm. Went to google and found this, Sociopath vs psychopath:

Sociopaths have normal temperaments, and their personality disorder tends to effect their lives regarding parenting, peers, and their intelligence.
Sociopaths can be anyone from your mother, father, best friend, neighbor or even your co-worker, and you would not even realize that they are dealing with this disorder that affects everything in their daily life. Sociopaths go above and beyond themselves to make sure that other people around them have no idea that their life is something other than what it is. More than likely you have met one or two sociopaths in your life and not even realize it.

Psychopaths on the other hand are very flamboyant with how they deal with their disorder. Some famous psychopaths that you might know about are Charles Manson, Richard Ramirez, Theodore Bundy and David Berkowitz. These four men are famous for being some of the most notorious and manipulative serial killers in history. Not all psychopaths are as out there as these four men, however their rage is almost always as intense, it just depends on how they channel it.

Characteristics of a sociopath are as followed :

1. Sociopaths are very charming.
2. Sociopaths can be extremely manipulative and will try to con you whenever possible.
3. Sociopaths feel that they are entitled to everything.
4. Sociopaths will lie continuously to get what they want. They can even sometimes manipulate a lie detector.
5. Sociopaths have no remorse, shame or guilt.
6. Sociopaths will show love and happiness only when it serves their purpose. None of the feelings are genuine.
7. Sociopaths have no room for love in their life.
8. Sociopaths need to have excitement in their lives or live on the edge.
9. Sociopaths have lack of empathy hen their victims suffer pain that they have caused.
10. Sociopaths believe that they are all mightier than tho, there is no concern on how their behavior impacts others.
11. Sociopaths usually have a long history of juvenile delinquency as well as behavior problems.
12. Sociopaths will never take blame for anything they have done to anyone no matter if it is family or friend.
13. Sociopaths have many sexual partners and tend to act out many sexual acts.
14. Sociopaths rarely stay in one place for a long time (home/work).
15. Sociopaths will change themselves if they know it will keep them from being found out.

Characteristics of a psychopath are as followed:

1. Psychopaths use superficial charm to lure their victims.
2. Psychopaths are extremely self-centered.
3. Psychopaths must always do something to keep themselves from boredom.
4. Psychopaths are very deceptive and tend to lie continuously.
5. Psychopaths show no remorse of guilt towards their victims.
6. Psychopaths are very predatory and usually will live off other people.
7. Psychopaths have many sexual partners in their lifetime.
8. Psychopaths are very impulsive with their lifestyle.
9. Psychopaths are always blaming other people for their actions.
10. Psychopaths never have a realistic view of their lives. (king of the world or from another planet)
11. Psychopaths always want psychological gratification in sexual and criminal activities.
12. Psychopaths tend to try suicide, rarely succeeding.

Sociopath Vs. Psychopath: There is a Difference - Associated Content from Yahoo! -

Not well read in sociology .... farming .... pharming .... eh and the like, but it seems to me more evident that those two types of individuals as well as some other not so favorable types are becoming more mainstream. :eusa_whistle:
I believe Florida follows the M’Naghten rule when it comes to an insanity defense. Basically the defense would have to prove either that the 1) defendant does not know the nature and quality of her act, or 2) she does not know what she was doing was wrong.

What I'm wondering is if the defense is trying really hard to make Casey look insane because they aren't shying away from her lies coming out in testimony. It almost looks like Casey had fabricated her own imaginary world, friends, jobs, etc. with the elaborateness of the lies that she told and that her mother testified to. Most all the people she mentions do not even exist. It's possible Casey actually BELIEVES her own lies. Even if the defense doesn't actually plead insanity (and I think I read somewhere that Casey did not want to plead insanity), they may be hoping to spare her the death penalty and she just get life in prison because the jury will think she is insane. The tactic reminds me of what happened in the movie "Primal Fear".

It's certainly much easier to believe that from the evidence and testimony that has happened than George covered up an accidental drowning and that he was molesting his daughter.

Can the jury use that as an excuse even though JB didn't claim any diminished capacity. Or am I an idiot and he did in a round about way?

I don't care if she is medically speaking insane or not. The punishment should be death imo

eta: This mornings tapes. "Hi, how are you?" cheerful and giggle giggle.
"My heart is aching, I just want to be back with my family" "I just want to get out of here" Each time Caylee is an after thought

Read my earlier post. Just how is someone supposed to act who is behind bars 24/7 and allowed only 3 visits per week? She is cheerful and happy to see them, but you like everyone else seem to imply that she acts cheerful and happy during the entire visitation, when in fact, it lasted all of 15 seconds.
Meh...she's a self serving phoney

Oh, and Dr. Drew is an idiot. He's an internist and the death of Jeff Conaway proved him to be a poser schmuck
Ok. The dogs hitting on two spots in the yard. I think they hit two spots because thats where the body was placed while a location was being tested to make a hole. None could be found that would suffice, so the body had to be put back IN the trunk. Dryer sheets were kept in the car to hide the smell.
(How does this woman drive around with the body of her daughter in the trunk beginning to rot?)
She finally decides to wrap the body in the bags, tape for whatever reason, her mouth, then place the sticker. Placed in the woods and that's it. The question is...was it Casey alone, Casey with help (her father)?
Do I think it accidental, the death? Yes. The mess started when she refused to tell it was an accident and tried to cover it up.

You know, this makes sense.
Casey places her little girl's body on the ground, to try and find a spot where she could hurry and bury her.
Then that spot didn't work, so hurry and move her body again, try something new.
All the while, Casey was unware these little doggies have good noses!!
From my understanding, the mandible of Caylee was intact? The tape was placed while she was still "warm". Freshly dead. Or not dead quite yet.

I understood it this way as well, the tape was placed on her immediately after she had died. So her skin tissued was still warm and well.....soft a baby girl's.
From my understanding, the mandible of Caylee was intact? The tape was placed while she was still "warm". Freshly dead. Or not dead quite yet.

I understood it this way as well, the tape was placed on her immediately after she had died. So her skin tissued was still warm and well.....soft a baby girl's.

IIRC the State maintains the tape is the murder weapon. I believe it was place while she was alive
And here I am thinking again, about the tape.
Maybe the tape was placed on Caylee because Casey thought she was already dead??..or maybe, she saw Caylee in such a near death state, and she went into panic mode, and decided to wrap the tape around her so she could stop her from breathing any longer??
Also, anyone remember the time when Casey's neighbors say they saw her white car backed into the driveway, something she normally never did.
How long after June 16th was that??
Because maybe if Caylee died in the trunk, and Casey rode around with her in the trunk for a few days, the smell was getting bad, then Casey decided to maybe dig a hole in her backyard and bury the little girl.
She did back her car in for some reason and the neighbor also stated Casey asked to borrow a shovel.
Does anyone here have a link to all of this trial's witnesses testimonies?

Starting from day one with the State's first witness, through yesterday?

Thanks in advance.
Does anyone here have a link to all of this trial's witnesses testimonies?

Starting from day one with the State's first witness, through yesterday?

Thanks in advance.

I don't..sorry. You can Google and come up with everything it seems in the Casey Anthony case.
But sitting there and going thru it all, whew....not sure I have the time nor patience to do that~
Casey does remind me of my own daughter. I know they are totally different people no doubt. But some of Casey's actions, are familiar to me. I had a psychologist tell me, that the reason my daughter didn't want me to have my granddaughter, was because she wanted to get back at me. Make me hurt. And because I loved my granddaughter so much, my own daughter saw that as a way of getting at me, to hurt me. My daughter has some serious issues. But then, so does Casey Anthony.
Does anyone recall if it was ever mentioned that Casey and Cindy were close, had a close bond as Mother and daughter?? I don't remember if I heard anything about that.

I don't recall that. But I have worked with women who have been abused by their fathers. In my own experience with them, they are not close to their mothers because they believe their mothers could have protected them from the abuse and did not. Many of them also do not want their own children alone with the grandparents because of the abuse issues which they fear will be visited on their own children.

Forgive me if it seems I am picking on everything you say, cause I'm not, honestly.
But I was an abused child. I was verbally, emotionally and physically beaten by my Dad (SF)..and when my Mother tried to help, he turned and beat her.
But never one time, not once, did I ever blame my Mother. She loved me more than life itself. We tried to get help, but sadly, there was none back then.
Anyway, my main point is, my Mother and I were/are VERY close!! We shared a bond that made other daughters jealous *smiles*
It was awesome, I miss her...she passed away in 2005, lung cancer.

That is not an unusual scenario with physical abuse. The mother often steps in and is also beaten. But it can take years before she actually leaves the situation.

However, sexual abuse is a different animal. And in all honesty, most of the ones I have worked with the moms DID know about the abuse and did nothing because they were financially dependent on their husbands and/or didn't want to go to work.

You are comparing apples and oranges. And again, you just can't take your own situation and extrapolate it any farther than to yourself. Not only have I worked in this area for 22 years, there is ample research. It's out there. I assure you, I am not talking out of my ass.

If you believe your mother had no choices here, then so be it. Believe that. But women can find something to do to support their families even if it is just cleaning houses. I've seen a lot of those as well, and they have my deepest respect. I legally required to report abuse, but even if I weren't I would report anonymously. There is no way I would EVER tell a woman to stay in an abusive situation, and if the child is being abused physically or sexually, I would (and have) report them to child services. People tell themselves what they need to believe so there are plenty of rationalizations and excuses but no real valid reasons here.
She's disassociated from reality, but I don't know what the clinical diagnosis is. When the defense begins, they will be questioning at least one psychiatrist on her state of mind, and she was also seeing a prison psychiatrist on a daily basis all during the time she was locked up.

My personal impression is that Stacy at some point developed an alter personality. She is so believable when talking about this Zanny person, I think Casey herself was Zanny (or other invisible babysitters) when she had to be. There were also two other nannies with different names that she mentioned. Her communication was almost exclusively done by texting, not by her own voice, which also raises an identity question for me.

Stacy couldn't deal with the tragic death of her daughter (however it happened), and it may have been the final event that pushed her over the edge, which is when Zanny the Nannie took over and started babysitting. That kept Caylee alive in Stacy's mind.

The name of the condition is Dissociative Identity Disorder. (Not dissAsociative). No doubt she has been tested and diagnosed to the hilt. However, even if this is the case, it would never fly in court. Dissociative Identity Disorder is the old Multiple Personality Disorder. People are tired of it because it sounds so much like 'the devil made me do it.' Even if it were true, I'd never use that defense. It virtually guarantees a conviction.
Does anyone else notice, again I ask...about the homicide part??
The autopsy states Caylee's death was a homicide, by undetermined means. That means she was murdered. Somebody killed her.
How can they keep talking about an accidental drowning??
Accidental drowning is not a homicide.
Damn, I am so confused.
Caylee was still either "fresh" or alive when that tape was put on her mouth. Murder. Who did it? That is what the trial is about.
Here's what I think: I think casey fucked up. She accidentally killed caylee. But maybe caylee was not dead. She was comatose maybe. The choloroform did a number on her and casey didnt know HOW to wake her up. Hmm. Opportunity. She won't live anyway, she thinks. How do I explain this to the hospital, to dad and mom? They will say I'm a bad mother. Meanwhile, caylee is not waking up. Stuck. Rock and hard place. What to do. Leave her in trunk and think about it. Thought about it. Ok. Wait til ma and da are gone. Then go to house and bury her cuz she is surely dead since she still won't wake up and she is in the trunk. But when she does get home, or prior to, caylee dies. Bury her in yard. Oops. Can't. Ok. Dump her in sack, tape her mouth, place sticky on tape, throw in ditch.

So why not bury her in some remote place rather than within one mile of the Anthony homestead? And do it long before she stunk up her car? I can poke so many holes in that theory it ain't funny.

Nope. Too many unanswered mysteries. The day and evening of June 15th, Cindy and Caylee had spent the day together with Cindy's father, then later gone for a swim in the pool. Casey allegedly left the house on the morning of June 16th with Caylee and two backpacks (according to George). Casey never returned and her odyssey of living arrangements and lies about Caylee's babysitter began that day. Hmmm...

I am always amazed at the lack of creativity involved in disposing of a body.
The forensics are what will break or make the prosecution. So far, Casey is screwed.

How so? The forensics will simply say the same thing: Homicide. It doesn't say who did it, of course. There are no fingerprints, and no evidence whatsoever indicating it was Casey that did it. Only supposition because she's a loose canon.

She's going to get jail time, I can't see any way out of that.
25 years??...maybe only 15??.....if not life??
No matter to me, because she won't have it very easy in a prison, like she has it in a county jail cell. Things are bound to be much different.
She will be on the list of every woman in the prison.....and Casey, wonder if she will act all tough or be a scared little girl, like her daughter was when she was dying??

Prosecutors are seeking the death penalty. They may have written the pleadings to state something like, 'if you can't find her guilty of capital murder, then......' which would involve jail time.

There is a common misconception that child abusers/killers are placed in the general prison population and that they get their just rewards there. That is not the case. Once a child abuser is threatened by another inmate they are put into protective custody within the prison. There are entire units dedicated to this type of protection. And they run amazingly well because child abusers aren't interested in adults. So with only adults on the unit, there is no one to abuse.
They are paid to defend her. I think JB thought up the drowning thing and casey went along with it. I also bet it was JB that said "hey, lets say you were molested too" and she went along with that as well. She wants to get off. Period. JB wants the glory of getting her off. Period. But I think he failed because it was a dumb move.

You should go to work at HLN and help out all the other unbalanced reporters. They must be exhausted by now trying to convince everyone that Casey is a wicked woman, period.

Do not defense attorneys try to get their client cleared? Is not JB a defense attorney? Is he not posing before people outside with a woman on each arm, smiling happily? Will he not get exposure from this case? Isn't it his duty to get his client a Not Guilty verdict and anything goes to achieve that?
I think Casey is a nutbar, yes. But I am still open to what everyone has to say and sometimes utterances I read make me go hmmmmmmm as well. Can you try to just discuss without being so snarky?

Not always. Sometimes they just have to get their client the best deal that can be had.

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