Casey Anthony

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The forensics are what will break or make the prosecution. So far, Casey is screwed.

How so? The forensics will simply say the same thing: Homicide. It doesn't say who did it, of course. There are no fingerprints, and no evidence whatsoever indicating it was Casey that did it. Only supposition because she's a loose canon.
But...say it's your daughters car. You are already in a disfunctional family and your daughter is a fruitbar who sucks off your credit cards and you babysit her kid but you still love your daughter. Her car smells like death and your grandkid is missing. Would you call the cops if the car smelled of death?

Besides, forensics looked under the car thoroughly. No dead animal. At any time.


Edited to add: We have an expression here in KY, 'a dog that will kill a lamb will kill a sheep.' If I had a child who I knew to be a killer I would want him or her to be in the appropriate place to keep it from happening again.

Casey was known to be a killer?
The forensics are what will break or make the prosecution. So far, Casey is screwed.

How so? The forensics will simply say the same thing: Homicide. It doesn't say who did it, of course. There are no fingerprints, and no evidence whatsoever indicating it was Casey that did it. Only supposition because she's a loose canon.

She's going to get jail time, I can't see any way out of that.
25 years??...maybe only 15??.....if not life??
No matter to me, because she won't have it very easy in a prison, like she has it in a county jail cell. Things are bound to be much different.
She will be on the list of every woman in the prison.....and Casey, wonder if she will act all tough or be a scared little girl, like her daughter was when she was dying??
And I am beginning to see this as feasible. But how in the world can these actions not present the mother as insane? Rhetorical question. Being of rational minds, we can't help but think "she's nuts."

Can it really be that simple? A young mom felt strapped and burdened by the presence of her young daughter and would *poof* her away for a few hours so as not to interrupt mommy's play time.

I can't help but think of a couple we (hubster and I) knew years ago who once forced nyquil down their 6 year old daughters' throat because mommy and daddy wanted to hang out. I remember that child resisting because she knew what was going to happen and she didn't like it. Needless to say, we promptly left and never returned and maybe a phone call was placed to authorities.

My point is, as inconceivable as it is, I have witnessed this very occurance. :(

As Casey has said directly to her parents in one of those jailhouse videos, "If I had wanted to be rid of Caylee in order to be free, I would have just left her with you."

Of course she would have. Problem solved
, with few, if any, repercussions. Instead she creates this gigantic series of weird scenarios packed with lies just to be free of the "burden" of her child? Who, according to e.v.e.r.y.o.n.e was never a "burden" to her in the first place.

No, No, No...let me tell you why and how I say NO.
I have a daughter, a daughter who is very much manipulative, a daughter who has lied to me, a daughter who has stolen from me, a daughter who has tried to kill me.
This same daughter had a daughter, and to get back AT ME, when she lost her child, because she didn't want ME to have the child, she tried everything in her power, to get her child into state's custody, so that ME, the Grandmother, would not have the child. Casey reminds me of my daughter somewhat.
They are not thinking of their child, or the Grandparents. They want to hurt us Grandmothers, punish us, for who knows what reason.
Rather that see that child in good hands, with family, some crazy gals will go to great lengths to keep the Grandmother (grandparents) from getting the child.
I can see it. I can see Casey not wanting Cindy or George to have Caylee, wanting to punish them in some way. I don't know why. But hand her over?? So she could be free?? If she has as much hatred and anger as it appears she does, letting her parents have her baby, was the last thing she wanted.

Except there is one consensus among the three (Mom, Dad, Casey) that they all loved that child dearly. As far as I know, there were never any disputes about her care, or who cared more, nor any jealousy issues at all. Apparently, from the tape played of the jailhouse conversation on August 16th, Casey and her father had been having issues for "quite some time" and according to Casey they were "just now" (that August) starting to get close again. But nothing was said as to why. I seriously doubt it had to do with paying more attention to Caylee than to herself; probably had to do with Casey finally trying to exert her independence from the family that had smothered her until she was 21 years old.
One more thing that has been bugging me. They have all this talk about Caylee's death being an 'accidental drowning'- yet the official autopsy report, signed by Dr. G. herself, states that the child's death was a HOMOCIDE: by undetermined means.
So where's 'accidental drowning' fit into the homocide category??

We're not there yet.

Uh...yeah we are. The official autopsy is online, for all to see. It clearly states that the Medical Examiner lists the cause of death as HOMICIDE, by undetermined means.
She isn't going to go back and change that now!
The autopsy report is a done deal, signed, sealed, delivered.

I meant bringing it into court, although that might have begun this afternoon. I haven't watched any of the PM session from 2-5PM.
Who is this stupid bitch on HLN? (Name is Issues). The chick with the streaked hair.
I wanna bitchslap her so bad. Along with nancy grace. But I watch it because I tune out their rhetoric and grandstanding and listen instead to pieces I missed.

So do I. But I would think you'd love listening to them, as well as Nancy Grace, all of whom have pronounced her guilty as charged.
Honestly, what does the Defense have? They have already presented their theory of how the child died. That was a huge mistake, in my estimation. The Presecution has presentled, knowingly or unknowingly, evidence that directly contradicts the defense theory. The Defense is now stuck with the lame theory. There is no way that they can go back on the drowning theory. I think she is cooked.

The Defense hasn't even had their time in court yet. When you hear the words "the prosecution rests," the next court business day will see the beginning of the defense phase of the litigation. Until then, the defense team can only try to discredit witnesses and evidence presented by the prosecution, which is exactly what they have done.

If JB can get his shit together, try not to grandstand or pull dramatics out of his hat like he did with opening statement, he may be able to pull off whatever it is he aiming for. That is, if he doesn't make the judge continually sustain him with stupid circus antics.

I agree he sucks as a defense attorney. But I haven't read his opening statement (I'll do that tomorrow), and I really can't believe he would have gone with the molestation theme if he didn't believe he had some clear cut evidence to prove it, and/or plans to go in a direction that can prove Stacy was manipulated because of abuse beginning when she was a child of eight. If he's "trying to make a name for himself," and that line of defense is all bogus, that's not the path to fame.
Law Enforcement

I theorize there was a fight btwn Cindy and Cayse on Fathers day and she snapped. I can't explain the tape around her head in any other way. There is something evil in that.

Jealousy. Her parents don't see HER. They see CAYLEE. Well, fix them, she will. Yep. She will be the vindictive bitch she already admitted she is. She will wrap tape around that little face and head. Take THAT mom and dad.

Oh please. Now you're sounding as nutty as the the family.

I'm just exploring ideas, Maggie. Lighten up.
Yeah, some fucking evil one wrapped duct tape around the baby's mouth. How could anyone do something so cruel?? And how could anyone defend someone like her??
And how can they say accidental drowning, and yet....explain the damn duct tape!??!!??!!?!!

They are paid to defend her. I think JB thought up the drowning thing and casey went along with it. I also bet it was JB that said "hey, lets say you were molested too" and she went along with that as well. She wants to get off. Period. JB wants the glory of getting her off. Period. But I think he failed because it was a dumb move.

You should go to work at HLN and help out all the other unbalanced reporters. They must be exhausted by now trying to convince everyone that Casey is a wicked woman, period.

Do not defense attorneys try to get their client cleared? Is not JB a defense attorney? Is he not posing before people outside with a woman on each arm, smiling happily? Will he not get exposure from this case? Isn't it his duty to get his client a Not Guilty verdict and anything goes to achieve that?
I think Casey is a nutbar, yes. But I am still open to what everyone has to say and sometimes utterances I read make me go hmmmmmmm as well. Can you try to just discuss without being so snarky?
Yeah, some fucking evil one wrapped duct tape around the baby's mouth. How could anyone do something so cruel?? And how could anyone defend someone like her??
And how can they say accidental drowning, and yet....explain the damn duct tape!??!!??!!?!!

They are paid to defend her. I think JB thought up the drowning thing and casey went along with it. I also bet it was JB that said "hey, lets say you were molested too" and she went along with that as well. She wants to get off. Period. JB wants the glory of getting her off. Period. But I think he failed because it was a dumb move.

You should go to work at HLN and help out all the other unbalanced reporters. They must be exhausted by now trying to convince everyone that Casey is a wicked woman, period.

You clearly are mentally ill Maggie. Why exactly is it that all you do here is defend the scum sucking maggots of the earth? I bet you thought OJ was innocent too? Yeah, I figured so. LMAO! Doctor must have dropped you on your head eh? People like you should be locked up 24/7 in a straight jacket inside a padded room. No worries though Maggie, You get cable and internet access. You will just have to learn how to type with your toes. :razz: ~BH
She's done....friggin' toast......She's on the narcissist train sitting right next to OJ.....No feeling, nothing.....It's all about her and nobody else, too include her daughter.
Good Mornin' Y'all.

Sorry, I haven't checked in before this, but I spent last night lost in the reading transcripts from Hell and this morning in a video conference.

Wow. So much information to go through and absorb.
I thought the research for my books was all consuming, I can't even imagine doing this for a living.

Anyway -- a few WOW moments from reading over here:

Case Documents Released*|*

"Toxicology testing detected no drugs."

They tested for Caylee's hair for eleven different types of drugs, but oddly enough did not test for Chloroform.

Why the Hell wouldn't they test for that? That's the State's entire case.

And . . .

"Duct tape had been placed on her head while her body was still fresh or while she was alive."
"This duct tape was clearly placed prior to decomposition, keeping the mandible in place."

Hmmm . . . really.

There's also a really sad exchange of emails between Cindy and her brother, Rick. He's pleading for her to quit acting and looking like a moron and also talks about George's family and his families history of "mental illness". :-o

Again, if you're really interested in the facts of this case -- this is a great site full of transcripts of sworn statements, DNA information and evidence reports.

Yes, they did, and it was indeterminable. See Pathologist's report at page 6474 (scroll almost to bottom).

Good catch! I kept thinking how is that possible??
Ok. The dogs hitting on two spots in the yard. I think they hit two spots because thats where the body was placed while a location was being tested to make a hole. None could be found that would suffice, so the body had to be put back IN the trunk. Dryer sheets were kept in the car to hide the smell.
(How does this woman drive around with the body of her daughter in the trunk beginning to rot?)
She finally decides to wrap the body in the bags, tape for whatever reason, her mouth, then place the sticker. Placed in the woods and that's it. The question is...was it Casey alone, Casey with help (her father)?
Do I think it accidental, the death? Yes. The mess started when she refused to tell it was an accident and tried to cover it up.

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