Casey Anthony

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Ya know, I don't have a daughter but I have a son. He would rather toss his kid in the ocean than ever let me have the child. So could happen.
Ya know, I don't have a daughter but I have a son. He would rather toss his kid in the ocean than ever let me have the child. So could happen.

That's so sad. I'm really sorry to hear that.
As Casey has said directly to her parents in one of those jailhouse videos, "If I had wanted to be rid of Caylee in order to be free, I would have just left her with you."

Of course she would have. Problem solved
, with few, if any, repercussions. Instead she creates this gigantic series of weird scenarios packed with lies just to be free of the "burden" of her child? Who, according to e.v.e.r.y.o.n.e was never a "burden" to her in the first place.

No, No, No...let me tell you why and how I say NO.
I have a daughter, a daughter who is very much manipulative, a daughter who has lied to me, a daughter who has stolen from me, a daughter who has tried to kill me.
This same daughter had a daughter, and to get back AT ME, when she lost her child, because she didn't want ME to have the child, she tried everything in her power, to get her child into state's custody, so that ME, the Grandmother, would not have the child. Casey reminds me of my daughter somewhat.
They are not thinking of their child, or the Grandparents. They want to hurt us Grandmothers, punish us, for who knows what reason.
Rather that see that child in good hands, with family, some crazy gals will go to great lengths to keep the Grandmother (grandparents) from getting the child.
I can see it. I can see Casey not wanting Cindy or George to have Caylee, wanting to punish them in some way. I don't know why. But hand her over?? So she could be free?? If she has as much hatred and anger as it appears she does, letting her parents have her baby, was the last thing she wanted.

WOW. I just don't think we can extrapolate our own family's pathology onto a stranger.

I have a daughter, and I just don't see her wanting to 'hurt' her mother.

Casey does remind me of my own daughter. I know they are totally different people no doubt. But some of Casey's actions, are familiar to me. I had a psychologist tell me, that the reason my daughter didn't want me to have my granddaughter, was because she wanted to get back at me. Make me hurt. And because I loved my granddaughter so much, my own daughter saw that as a way of getting at me, to hurt me. My daughter has some serious issues. But then, so does Casey Anthony.
Does anyone recall if it was ever mentioned that Casey and Cindy were close, had a close bond as Mother and daughter?? I don't remember if I heard anything about that.
Who is this stupid bitch on HLN? (Name is Issues). The chick with the streaked hair.
I wanna bitchslap her so bad. Along with nancy grace. But I watch it because I tune out their rhetoric and grandstanding and listen instead to pieces I missed.

Jane Velez-Mitchell??
Who is this stupid bitch on HLN? (Name is Issues). The chick with the streaked hair.
I wanna bitchslap her so bad. Along with nancy grace. But I watch it because I tune out their rhetoric and grandstanding and listen instead to pieces I missed.

Perhaps those women and their shows serve a purpose with and for some, but I agree with you more than not! :evil: I don't watch the news or anything any more, and didn't ever get into much of the habit because there is such a manipulation going with the information and it seems that with this Casey Anthony trial it is so much more about every one else but the MOTHER of the CHILD. I have yet to hear a psychologist's view on Casey's state of mind, :eusa_hand: yet then again it would have been easy for me to have missed it.
Who is this stupid bitch on HLN? (Name is Issues). The chick with the streaked hair.
I wanna bitchslap her so bad. Along with nancy grace. But I watch it because I tune out their rhetoric and grandstanding and listen instead to pieces I missed.

Jane Velez-Mitchell??

I dunno. Bitch with the streaked hair that yells at the cameras.
No, No, No...let me tell you why and how I say NO.
I have a daughter, a daughter who is very much manipulative, a daughter who has lied to me, a daughter who has stolen from me, a daughter who has tried to kill me.
This same daughter had a daughter, and to get back AT ME, when she lost her child, because she didn't want ME to have the child, she tried everything in her power, to get her child into state's custody, so that ME, the Grandmother, would not have the child. Casey reminds me of my daughter somewhat.
They are not thinking of their child, or the Grandparents. They want to hurt us Grandmothers, punish us, for who knows what reason.
Rather that see that child in good hands, with family, some crazy gals will go to great lengths to keep the Grandmother (grandparents) from getting the child.
I can see it. I can see Casey not wanting Cindy or George to have Caylee, wanting to punish them in some way. I don't know why. But hand her over?? So she could be free?? If she has as much hatred and anger as it appears she does, letting her parents have her baby, was the last thing she wanted.

WOW. I just don't think we can extrapolate our own family's pathology onto a stranger.

I have a daughter, and I just don't see her wanting to 'hurt' her mother.

Casey does remind me of my own daughter. I know they are totally different people no doubt. But some of Casey's actions, are familiar to me. I had a psychologist tell me, that the reason my daughter didn't want me to have my granddaughter, was because she wanted to get back at me. Make me hurt. And because I loved my granddaughter so much, my own daughter saw that as a way of getting at me, to hurt me. My daughter has some serious issues. But then, so does Casey Anthony.
Does anyone recall if it was ever mentioned that Casey and Cindy were close, had a close bond as Mother and daughter?? I don't remember if I heard anything about that.

I don't recall that. But I have worked with women who have been abused by their fathers. In my own experience with them, they are not close to their mothers because they believe their mothers could have protected them from the abuse and did not. Many of them also do not want their own children alone with the grandparents because of the abuse issues which they fear will be visited on their own children.
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Who is this stupid bitch on HLN? (Name is Issues). The chick with the streaked hair.
I wanna bitchslap her so bad. Along with nancy grace. But I watch it because I tune out their rhetoric and grandstanding and listen instead to pieces I missed.

Jane Velez-Mitchell??

I dunno. Bitch with the streaked hair that yells at the cameras.

I'm sure it's Issues with Jane Velez-Mitchell- she has a mullet hair-style :lol:
WOW. I just don't think we can extrapolate our own family's pathology onto a stranger.

I have a daughter, and I just don't see her wanting to 'hurt' her mother.

Casey does remind me of my own daughter. I know they are totally different people no doubt. But some of Casey's actions, are familiar to me. I had a psychologist tell me, that the reason my daughter didn't want me to have my granddaughter, was because she wanted to get back at me. Make me hurt. And because I loved my granddaughter so much, my own daughter saw that as a way of getting at me, to hurt me. My daughter has some serious issues. But then, so does Casey Anthony.
Does anyone recall if it was ever mentioned that Casey and Cindy were close, had a close bond as Mother and daughter?? I don't remember if I heard anything about that.

I don't recall that. But I have worked with women who have been abused by their fathers. In my own experience with them, they are not close to their mothers because they believe their mothers could have protected them from the abuse and did not. Many of them also do not want their own children alone with the grandparents because of the abuse issues which they fear will be visited on their own children.

Forgive me if it seems I am picking on everything you say, cause I'm not, honestly.
But I was an abused child. I was verbally, emotionally and physically beaten by my Dad (SF)..and when my Mother tried to help, he turned and beat her.
But never one time, not once, did I ever blame my Mother. She loved me more than life itself. We tried to get help, but sadly, there was none back then.
Anyway, my main point is, my Mother and I were/are VERY close!! We shared a bond that made other daughters jealous *smiles*
It was awesome, I miss her...she passed away in 2005, lung cancer.
Does anybody know at what point NPD, manipulating, pathelogical liar becomes a "out of touch" in a clinical sense?

Casey is in her "own little world". How is she not insane?

Honest question. Not being snarky.

She's disassociated from reality, but I don't know what the clinical diagnosis is. When the defense begins, they will be questioning at least one psychiatrist on her state of mind, and she was also seeing a prison psychiatrist on a daily basis all during the time she was locked up.

My personal impression is that Stacy at some point developed an alter personality. She is so believable when talking about this Zanny person, I think Casey herself was Zanny (or other invisible babysitters) when she had to be. There were also two other nannies with different names that she mentioned. Her communication was almost exclusively done by texting, not by her own voice, which also raises an identity question for me.

Stacy couldn't deal with the tragic death of her daughter (however it happened), and it may have been the final event that pushed her over the edge, which is when Zanny the Nannie took over and started babysitting. That kept Caylee alive in Stacy's mind.
Zanny existed long before Caylee died

But Stacy/Zanny continued the charade with "Zanny" doing a lot more babysitting and moving around.
I don't know about anyone else, but for myself, I plan on going only by what is said and proven or shown and examied/cross examined in the court proceeding on TV as it progresses. I am pretending to be in the jury. Outside transcripts/blogs, websites the jurors cannot see or read, I will not click on any more.
But that's me.

I'm a little concerned to twice hear one of the inside reporters says that the jury doesn't seem to be taking notes at all. WHAT? That indicates to me, they've already made up their minds and it won't be good news for Casey.

Honestly, what does the Defense have? They have already presented their theory of how the child died. That was a huge mistake, in my estimation. The Presecution has presentled, knowingly or unknowingly, evidence that directly contradicts the defense theory. The Defense is now stuck with the lame theory. There is no way that they can go back on the drowning theory. I think she is cooked.

The Defense hasn't even had their time in court yet. When you hear the words "the prosecution rests," the next court business day will see the beginning of the defense phase of the litigation. Until then, the defense team can only try to discredit witnesses and evidence presented by the prosecution, which is exactly what they have done.
Does anyone else notice, again I ask...about the homicide part??
The autopsy states Caylee's death was a homicide, by undetermined means. That means she was murdered. Somebody killed her.
How can they keep talking about an accidental drowning??
Accidental drowning is not a homicide.
Damn, I am so confused.

Because of the duct tape. Without it, the report would have said accidental.
I'm a little concerned to twice hear one of the inside reporters says that the jury doesn't seem to be taking notes at all. WHAT? That indicates to me, they've already made up their minds and it won't be good news for Casey.

Honestly, what does the Defense have? They have already presented their theory of how the child died. That was a huge mistake, in my estimation. The Presecution has presentled, knowingly or unknowingly, evidence that directly contradicts the defense theory. The Defense is now stuck with the lame theory. There is no way that they can go back on the drowning theory. I think she is cooked.

The Defense hasn't even had their time in court yet. When you hear the words "the prosecution rests," the next court business day will see the beginning of the defense phase of the litigation. Until then, the defense team can only try to discredit witnesses and evidence presented by the prosecution, which is exactly what they have done.

If JB can get his shit together, try not to grandstand or pull dramatics out of his hat like he did with opening statement, he may be able to pull off whatever it is he aiming for. That is, if he doesn't make the judge continually sustain him with stupid circus antics.
Does anyone else notice, again I ask...about the homicide part??
The autopsy states Caylee's death was a homicide, by undetermined means. That means she was murdered. Somebody killed her.
How can they keep talking about an accidental drowning??
Accidental drowning is not a homicide.
Damn, I am so confused.
Caylee was still either "fresh" or alive when that tape was put on her mouth. Murder. Who did it? That is what the trial is about.
Here's what I think: I think casey fucked up. She accidentally killed caylee. But maybe caylee was not dead. She was comatose maybe. The choloroform did a number on her and casey didnt know HOW to wake her up. Hmm. Opportunity. She won't live anyway, she thinks. How do I explain this to the hospital, to dad and mom? They will say I'm a bad mother. Meanwhile, caylee is not waking up. Stuck. Rock and hard place. What to do. Leave her in trunk and think about it. Thought about it. Ok. Wait til ma and da are gone. Then go to house and bury her cuz she is surely dead since she still won't wake up and she is in the trunk. But when she does get home, or prior to, caylee dies. Bury her in yard. Oops. Can't. Ok. Dump her in sack, tape her mouth, place sticky on tape, throw in ditch.

So why not bury her in some remote place rather than within one mile of the Anthony homestead? And do it long before she stunk up her car? I can poke so many holes in that theory it ain't funny.

Nope. Too many unanswered mysteries. The day and evening of June 15th, Cindy and Caylee had spent the day together with Cindy's father, then later gone for a swim in the pool. Casey allegedly left the house on the morning of June 16th with Caylee and two backpacks (according to George). Casey never returned and her odyssey of living arrangements and lies about Caylee's babysitter began that day. Hmmm...
Honestly, what does the Defense have? They have already presented their theory of how the child died. That was a huge mistake, in my estimation. The Presecution has presentled, knowingly or unknowingly, evidence that directly contradicts the defense theory. The Defense is now stuck with the lame theory. There is no way that they can go back on the drowning theory. I think she is cooked.

I agree with maggie. No notes. And one was even napping.

Know who to put this on? Defense. What a fucked up opening statement he did. From what I've seen, even the parents were concerned about JB being her defense attorney. He sucks.
Some are taking notes, it was the one who is uncomfortable passing judgement of people who was noticeably not taking notes is what I heard. She was also the one rolling her eyes as the interview with LE tapes were played

Well then she's been passing judgment already. :eusa_eh:
Law Enforcement

I theorize there was a fight btwn Cindy and Cayse on Fathers day and she snapped. I can't explain the tape around her head in any other way. There is something evil in that.

Jealousy. Her parents don't see HER. They see CAYLEE. Well, fix them, she will. Yep. She will be the vindictive bitch she already admitted she is. She will wrap tape around that little face and head. Take THAT mom and dad.

Oh please. Now you're sounding as nutty as the the family.
Yeah, some fucking evil one wrapped duct tape around the baby's mouth. How could anyone do something so cruel?? And how could anyone defend someone like her??
And how can they say accidental drowning, and yet....explain the damn duct tape!??!!??!!?!!

They are paid to defend her. I think JB thought up the drowning thing and casey went along with it. I also bet it was JB that said "hey, lets say you were molested too" and she went along with that as well. She wants to get off. Period. JB wants the glory of getting her off. Period. But I think he failed because it was a dumb move.

You should go to work at HLN and help out all the other unbalanced reporters. They must be exhausted by now trying to convince everyone that Casey is a wicked woman, period.

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