Casey Anthony

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Does anyone else notice, again I ask...about the homicide part??
The autopsy states Caylee's death was a homicide, by undetermined means. That means she was murdered. Somebody killed her.
How can they keep talking about an accidental drowning??
Accidental drowning is not a homicide.
Damn, I am so confused.

Because of piece of lying garbage is defending a murderer :evil:
Does anyone else notice, again I ask...about the homicide part??
The autopsy states Caylee's death was a homicide, by undetermined means. That means she was murdered. Somebody killed her.
How can they keep talking about an accidental drowning??
Accidental drowning is not a homicide.
Damn, I am so confused.
Caylee was still either "fresh" or alive when that tape was put on her mouth. Murder. Who did it? That is what the trial is about.
Here's what I think: I think casey fucked up. She accidentally killed caylee. But maybe caylee was not dead. She was comatose maybe. The choloroform did a number on her and casey didnt know HOW to wake her up. Hmm. Opportunity. She won't live anyway, she thinks. How do I explain this to the hospital, to dad and mom? They will say I'm a bad mother. Meanwhile, caylee is not waking up. Stuck. Rock and hard place. What to do. Leave her in trunk and think about it. Thought about it. Ok. Wait til ma and da are gone. Then go to house and bury her cuz she is surely dead since she still won't wake up and she is in the trunk. But when she does get home, or prior to, caylee dies. Bury her in yard. Oops. Can't. Ok. Dump her in sack, tape her mouth, place sticky on tape, throw in ditch.
I'm a little concerned to twice hear one of the inside reporters says that the jury doesn't seem to be taking notes at all. WHAT? That indicates to me, they've already made up their minds and it won't be good news for Casey.

Honestly, what does the Defense have? They have already presented their theory of how the child died. That was a huge mistake, in my estimation. The Presecution has presentled, knowingly or unknowingly, evidence that directly contradicts the defense theory. The Defense is now stuck with the lame theory. There is no way that they can go back on the drowning theory. I think she is cooked.

I agree with maggie. No notes. And one was even napping.

Know who to put this on? Defense. What a fucked up opening statement he did. From what I've seen, even the parents were concerned about JB being her defense attorney. He sucks.
Some are taking notes, it was the one who is uncomfortable passing judgement of people who was noticeably not taking notes is what I heard. She was also the one rolling her eyes as the interview with LE tapes were played
Honestly, what does the Defense have? They have already presented their theory of how the child died. That was a huge mistake, in my estimation. The Presecution has presentled, knowingly or unknowingly, evidence that directly contradicts the defense theory. The Defense is now stuck with the lame theory. There is no way that they can go back on the drowning theory. I think she is cooked.

I agree with maggie. No notes. And one was even napping.

Know who to put this on? Defense. What a fucked up opening statement he did. From what I've seen, even the parents were concerned about JB being her defense attorney. He sucks.
Some are taking notes, it was the one who is uncomfortable passing judgement of people who was noticeably not taking notes is what I heard. She was also the one rolling her eyes as the interview with LE tapes were played

No shit????
Honestly, what does the Defense have? They have already presented their theory of how the child died. That was a huge mistake, in my estimation. The Presecution has presentled, knowingly or unknowingly, evidence that directly contradicts the defense theory. The Defense is now stuck with the lame theory. There is no way that they can go back on the drowning theory. I think she is cooked.

I agree with maggie. No notes. And one was even napping.

Know who to put this on? Defense. What a fucked up opening statement he did. From what I've seen, even the parents were concerned about JB being her defense attorney. He sucks.
Some are taking notes, it was the one who is uncomfortable passing judgement of people who was noticeably not taking notes is what I heard. She was also the one rolling her eyes as the interview with LE tapes were played

Sorry, but who is LE??
Law Enforcement

I theorize there was a fight btwn Cindy and Cayse on Fathers day and she snapped. I can't explain the tape around her head in any other way. There is something evil in that.
Law Enforcement

I theorize there was a fight btwn Cindy and Cayse on Fathers day and she snapped. I can't explain the tape around her head in any other way. There is something evil in that.

Jealousy. Her parents don't see HER. They see CAYLEE. Well, fix them, she will. Yep. She will be the vindictive bitch she already admitted she is. She will wrap tape around that little face and head. Take THAT mom and dad.
Yeah, some fucking evil one wrapped duct tape around the baby's mouth. How could anyone do something so cruel?? And how could anyone defend someone like her??
And how can they say accidental drowning, and yet....explain the damn duct tape!??!!??!!?!!
Yeah, some fucking evil one wrapped duct tape around the baby's mouth. How could anyone do something so cruel?? And how could anyone defend someone like her??
And how can they say accidental drowning, and yet....explain the damn duct tape!??!!??!!?!!

They are paid to defend her. I think JB thought up the drowning thing and casey went along with it. I also bet it was JB that said "hey, lets say you were molested too" and she went along with that as well. She wants to get off. Period. JB wants the glory of getting her off. Period. But I think he failed because it was a dumb move.
Yeah, some fucking evil one wrapped duct tape around the baby's mouth. How could anyone do something so cruel?? And how could anyone defend someone like her??
And how can they say accidental drowning, and yet....explain the damn duct tape!??!!??!!?!!

And remember, in August '08:

"Someone just said that Caylee was dead this morning. That she died in the pool," Cindy Anthony told her daughter.

"Surprise, surprise," Casey Anthony responded.

Now it's their defense? Rrriigghhttt :doubt:
Thank you RD. It does raise a good point; how much does the jury rely on the defense teams' credibility?

Here is an interesting blog from a florida state attorney (who could be as wackadoo as the rest.) To me, the interesting component is his theory that perhaps Casey met with JB BEFORE she was arrested. He blindly took the case based on their first meeting and then found himself backed into a corner. This could explain some of JB's courtroom performance. As a public defender he did win 32 of 34 cases, just nothing as serious a murder 1 in a capital case.

Jose Baez – bLAWg, bLOG, BLAHg by Criminal Lawyer Richard Hornsby

Oh what a tangled web we weave....

On a personal observation note; I have suffered deep and serious trauma to the point where I could barely function on a basic level (ie; eating, urinating, sleeping.) How this woman could maintain a conversation with her family when first incarcerated on such a cavalier level is to me, astounding. I would have been shaking, my voice would have quivered, I would have looked like death warmed over and moreover I would have been begging my family to please please please find my daughter and end this nightmare. Perhaps projection on my part.

She is the champion compartementalizing narcisstic personality disorder defendant.

Why must everyone be, er, compartmentalized to act in a way that only you, personally, would act? Once again, I'm seeing a totally different Casey Anthony in those videos. An otherwise extremely attractive woman, she's a mess. Does she first appear laughing and excited to see her parents? To see anybody? Why wouldn't she, when she was locked behind bars 99% of the day with her only "company" that of other inmates and the guards?

Then there's the issue of the Guilty As Charged Brigade who consider themselves credible "reporters" from HLN and TruTV who get their panties all in a wad because Casey sits quietly and mostly expressionless at the defense table. Um, how should she act? Wailing into a hanky all day long? Sudden outbursts that cause the court to call recess after recess? Should she be squirming? Giggling? Giving the finger? How about frequently rolling her eyeballs to create that real crazy bitch look. Ya think?
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In other words...still in denial of what their daughter is. The guy that bailed her out the first time..can't think of his name. He said a few things that clicked home to me. Zanni the nanny..short for xanax. That folks in florida call it that. And she wanted caylee to go to sleep but maybe ran out, so used chloroform. Didn't count on killing her, but mainly wanted to party. Once found the kid, shrug it off, get a story going, dump the body, continue on as before with partying.

So you believe "that guy." Got it.
No. I think that guy is pond scum.
Right now, I'm watching the forsenic evidence.
Do I think she killed caylee, accidentally or intentionally? Yep.
In other words...still in denial of what their daughter is. The guy that bailed her out the first time..can't think of his name. He said a few things that clicked home to me. Zanni the nanny..short for xanax. That folks in florida call it that. And she wanted caylee to go to sleep but maybe ran out, so used chloroform. Didn't count on killing her, but mainly wanted to party. Once found the kid, shrug it off, get a story going, dump the body, continue on as before with partying.

And I am beginning to see this as feasible. But how in the world can these actions not present the mother as insane? Rhetorical question. Being of rational minds, we can't help but think "she's nuts."

Can it really be that simple? A young mom felt strapped and burdened by the presence of her young daughter and would *poof* her away for a few hours so as not to interrupt mommy's play time.

I can't help but think of a couple we (hubster and I) knew years ago who once forced nyquil down their 6 year old daughters' throat because mommy and daddy wanted to hang out. I remember that child resisting because she knew what was going to happen and she didn't like it. Needless to say, we promptly left and never returned and maybe a phone call was placed to authorities.

My point is, as inconceivable as it is, I have witnessed this very occurance. :(

As Casey has said directly to her parents in one of those jailhouse videos, "If I had wanted to be rid of Caylee in order to be free, I would have just left her with you."

Of course she would have. Problem solved, with few, if any, repercussions. Instead she creates this gigantic series of weird scenarios packed with lies just to be free of the "burden" of her child? Who, according to e.v.e.r.y.o.n.e was never a "burden" to her in the first place.
She lies, Maggie. She says she would have given Caylee to her parents. Was that a lie too? Nobody knows.
As of now, I think she accidentally killed her. Her. Casey. Nobody else. Then she had to do something with the body.
They didn't plead insanity. Someone on one of the report shows on tv asked that same question.
She is as "sane" as susan smith. Both deserve whatever they get.

Yeah, i think the "they know right from wrong" thing is the court definition of insanity.

But still I wonder, where is the line...

I am still on the fence in that the prosecution hasn't proven murder, only looney tunes. But we've much to go.

I believe Florida follows the M’Naghten rule when it comes to an insanity defense. Basically the defense would have to prove either that the 1) defendant does not know the nature and quality of her act, or 2) she does not know what she was doing was wrong.

What I'm wondering is if the defense is trying really hard to make Casey look insane because they aren't shying away from her lies coming out in testimony. It almost looks like Casey had fabricated her own imaginary world, friends, jobs, etc. with the elaborateness of the lies that she told and that her mother testified to. Most all the people she mentions do not even exist. It's possible Casey actually BELIEVES her own lies. Even if the defense doesn't actually plead insanity (and I think I read somewhere that Casey did not want to plead insanity), they may be hoping to spare her the death penalty and she just get life in prison because the jury will think she is insane. The tactic reminds me of what happened in the movie "Primal Fear".

It's certainly much easier to believe that from the evidence and testimony that has happened than George covered up an accidental drowning and that he was molesting his daughter.

But in "Primal Fear" (great movie) the motive for the murder was justified in the mind of the kid, as I recall. But he was smart enough to know if he didn't play the insanity card by demonstrating it at trial, justified or not, he was going to be convicted. In Casey's case, we're seeing evidence of her mental condition that had gone on long before they even knew a murder trial would take place.
One more thing that has been bugging me. They have all this talk about Caylee's death being an 'accidental drowning'- yet the official autopsy report, signed by Dr. G. herself, states that the child's death was a HOMOCIDE: by undetermined means.
So where's 'accidental drowning' fit into the homocide category??

We're not there yet.
Oh yeah..great flick!! The ending was just awesome. I didn't see it coming until a split second before he outted himself as quite sane (but criminally insane).

We haven't seen what casey was like before all this so how can this be evidence of a mental condition? Susan Smith looked and acted "normal". Diane Downs did too. Andrea Yates...that's another whole ballgame.
The forensics are what will break or make the prosecution. So far, Casey is screwed.

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