Casey Anthony

YOU are the jury. What's your thoughts so far?

  • guilty.

    Votes: 9 90.0%
  • not guilty.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • undecided.

    Votes: 1 10.0%

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That little heart sticker is her final undoing.. I wonder if she'll testify at all now.

The little heart sticker almost seals it for me.
They said it was a perfect match as other heart stickers found in the Anthony home...and granted, any person who lived in that home, had access to those stickers I'm sure.
But it definitely is a sure sign that whomever wrapped the duct tape around Caylee's mouth/head...loved her. It's a sure sign they felt something for that little girl, no complete stranger is going to do that.
And seriously, I can not see George Anthony placing a red heart sticker over the little girl's seems something more a woman would do, a love expression.
I'm guessing of course, but maybe, at that last moment, Casey (if she did place the heart sticker over Caylee's mouth)....maybe she felt a sudden burst of remorse and guilt, and that was her way of telling the little one she was sorry, she loved her and good-bye.
Damn, it's all so sad and creepy :(

Same measurement. And same measurement as one found on the cardboard.
Personally, After today's circus side show, I think she's screwed. She will get Life in prison or the death penalty. Nothing less than either though. That's my opinion on the matter, and my predicition. What I am wondering is though, is Where in the hell is Maggie and Sunshine when their beloved Casey needs their support the most?

Maybe shaking their ass at some club all drunk and doped up just like their hero Casey? I dunno. :eusa_whistle: ~BH
that's what I'm afraid of; is that our justice system will convict and hang someone based on hearsay, circumstancial evidence, pathalogical lying, and character in general. The day that our justice system quits embracing "beyond a reasonable doubt" , is the day that I will fear to live in this country. I don't think many realize the consequences this trial could have on the average american. Maybe i'm just taking this trial way too personal, but for some reason, I am drawn to this trial and its implications, thereof.

I personally, do feel that Casey Anthony is guilty of killing her little girl, but you know what, I don't have the evidence, neither does the prosecution, to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that she did it. So, I can't and won't judge her; that's not our job obviously; that will be taken care of by God; I suspect.
Show me some solid evidence to back you, state of Florida, and I'm behind you.
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that's what I'm afraid of; is that our justice system will convict and hang someone based on hearsay, circumstancial evidence, pathalogical lying, and character in general. The day that our justice system quits embracing "beyond a reasonable doubt" , is the day that I will fear to live in this country. I don't think many realize the consequences this trial could have on the average american. Maybe i'm just taking this trial way too personal, but for some reason, I am drawn to this trial and its implications, thereof.

I personally, do feel that Casey Anthony is guilty of killing her little girl, but you know what, I don't have the evidence, neither does the prosecution, to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that she did it. So, I can't and won't judge her; that's not our job obviously; that will be taken care of by God; I suspect.
Show me some solid evidence to back you, state of Florida, and I'm behind you.

Do some research on circumstantial evidence, bruddah.
Personally, After today's circus side show, I think she's screwed. She will get Life in prison or the death penalty. Nothing less than either though. That's my opinion on the matter, and my predicition. What I am wondering is though, is Where in the hell is Maggie and Sunshine when their beloved Casey needs their support the most?

Maybe shaking their ass at some club all drunk and doped up just like their hero Casey? I dunno. :eusa_whistle: ~BH

Much to my and your dismay....... Manslaughter, nowhere near life.
This just shows how everyone is gathering whatever little parts they hear and reach their own conclusion; that's fine and all; however , it's not good if you're about to convict or not convict someone and then give them capital punishment or life imprisonment. it just really frustrates me that we as Americans aren't more intelligent; I know there has to be more to this case than what they have given us; however, if not, apparently not, than we need to not forget "beyond a reasonable doubt" we absolutely cannot forget this privilege. If we abuse it then we are not free people anymore.:doubt:

That little heart sticker is her final undoing.. I wonder if she'll testify at all now.

The little heart sticker almost seals it for me.
They said it was a perfect match as other heart stickers found in the Anthony home...and granted, any person who lived in that home, had access to those stickers I'm sure.
But it definitely is a sure sign that whomever wrapped the duct tape around Caylee's mouth/head...loved her. It's a sure sign they felt something for that little girl, no complete stranger is going to do that.
And seriously, I can not see George Anthony placing a red heart sticker over the little girl's seems something more a woman would do, a love expression.
I'm guessing of course, but maybe, at that last moment, Casey (if she did place the heart sticker over Caylee's mouth)....maybe she felt a sudden burst of remorse and guilt, and that was her way of telling the little one she was sorry, she loved her and good-bye.
Damn, it's all so sad and creepy :(
I haven't even watched today. Looking at casey's weasel face and listening to JB is enough to make me puke.

Yeah, as ashamed as I am to say it, looking at Casey makes me wanna hurl. She sits there acts like this is all a bothersome thing to her, like she should be doing other things.......she prolly doodles and daydreams about when she'll go free.
And I loathe the way she smiles at Baez.
Call me crazy, but it wouldn't surprise me if she was fucking him to get free legal *ugh*
If you watch her closely, at women, she sours- but at men, she gets this flirty look on her face, like her fucking smile is gonna save her ass.
I don't think the judge thinks she's any cute :evil:
I have to say; i did catch that flirtatious behaviour toward the men. Good eye!! I thought the same thing. But, even as sick as it all probably is so; we still have not solid evidence against Casey Anthony. I'm sure there is; but as u said, POLITICS; no telling who's f.....g who>
Good points! I do agree it seems to be nothing more than a circus show; however; I can't seem to shake the thought of this particular judge and jury losing the focus of the freedom and privilege we have called , "beyond a reasonable doubt", do you know what I'm saying?? the whole crime has made me sick , but I also know that if we can't punish the one who took the life of this innocent little baby, then God will; so for us here on Earth and in America; we have to stick to our guns if we want to live as free people with a solid justice system; okay, maybe not solid , but atleast a little more believable than it would be otherwise.
Personally, After today's circus side show, I think she's screwed. She will get Life in prison or the death penalty. Nothing less than either though. That's my opinion on the matter, and my predicition. What I am wondering is though, is Where in the hell is Maggie and Sunshine when their beloved Casey needs their support the most?

Maybe shaking their ass at some club all drunk and doped up just like their hero Casey? I dunno. :eusa_whistle: ~BH

Much to my and your dismay....... Manslaughter, nowhere near life.
Then teach me; afterall; that's why I'm in this stinking discussion board in the first place, to learn something that will help me think differently about this trial. Your one-liner quotes are too enticing, sorry :) Just discuss with me will you? thanks
that's what I'm afraid of; is that our justice system will convict and hang someone based on hearsay, circumstancial evidence, pathalogical lying, and character in general. The day that our justice system quits embracing "beyond a reasonable doubt" , is the day that I will fear to live in this country. I don't think many realize the consequences this trial could have on the average american. Maybe i'm just taking this trial way too personal, but for some reason, I am drawn to this trial and its implications, thereof.

I personally, do feel that Casey Anthony is guilty of killing her little girl, but you know what, I don't have the evidence, neither does the prosecution, to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that she did it. So, I can't and won't judge her; that's not our job obviously; that will be taken care of by God; I suspect.
Show me some solid evidence to back you, state of Florida, and I'm behind you.

Do some research on circumstantial evidence, bruddah.
Old Salt; Old Fart (I'm guessing)
New at this; so hope this message finds you; wanted to thank you for the advice, I really do; I needed that; makes me think much more clearly about the whole entire trial. I researched circumstancial evidence and it can be used just the same as direct evidence. I sure didn't realize that; it still doesn't seem quite fair. But, if that is all you have; and that does seem to be all we have is indirect evidence, then, that's what the jury has to use and I have to shut up and deal with it.
So thanks Old Fart/salt :):cool:
This just shows how everyone is gathering whatever little parts they hear and reach their own conclusion; that's fine and all; however , it's not good if you're about to convict or not convict someone and then give them capital punishment or life imprisonment. it just really frustrates me that we as Americans aren't more intelligent; I know there has to be more to this case than what they have given us; however, if not, apparently not, than we need to not forget "beyond a reasonable doubt" we absolutely cannot forget this privilege. If we abuse it then we are not free people anymore.:doubt:

Well now, being of so little intelligence I was able to process the circumstantial evidence, corroborating evidence and other factual information and still think she will be found guilty of first degree murder. So far. JB still gets his dog and pony show :eusa_whistle:

Are you suggesting these trials, criminal and civil, should be done away with completely?
Williams said he was aware Casey had a daughter and testified that she said Caylee was with a nanny when he saw her on July 15. He said Casey told him the toddler would be with her on the 19th when she came in for her next appointment CLICK

This blows a huge hole in the defense theory this was a memorial tattoo,"Bella Vita" (beautiful life) on July 2

It can't be a good thing the defense starts on the 16th :eek:
82 google searches on her computer for chloroform
Duct tape wrapped her head while alive or just after death, (to me indicates she was still thought alive)
Lying for years about a nanny (where was Caylee all those times?)

To me it's been established
82 google searches on her computer for chloroform
Duct tape wrapped her head while alive or just after death, (to me indicates she was still thought alive)
Lying for years about a nanny (where was Caylee all those times?)

To me it's been established

But there is no proof that ICA conducted those searches.

ETA: Additionally, nanny and duct tape are after the fact, don't see this as premeditation.

ETA: or is this a possession is 9/10th of the law?

ETA: interesting state position re: premeditation.
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82 google searches on her computer for chloroform
Duct tape wrapped her head while alive or just after death, (to me indicates she was still thought alive)
Lying for years about a nanny (where was Caylee all those times?)

To me it's been established

But there is no proof that ICA conducted those searches.

ETA: or is this a possession is 9/10th of the law?

The work journals entered into evidence yesterday is the proof both George and Cindy were at work at the search times as well as when ICA backed into the drive on the days in question.
82 google searches on her computer for chloroform
Duct tape wrapped her head while alive or just after death, (to me indicates she was still thought alive)
Lying for years about a nanny (where was Caylee all those times?)

To me it's been established

But there is no proof that ICA conducted those searches.

ETA: or is this a possession is 9/10th of the law?

The work journals entered into evidence yesterday is the proof both George and Cindy were at work at the search times as well as when ICA backed into the drive on the days in question.

ok. thank you.

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