Casey Anthony

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From what I heard, the hair was not positively identified as being Caylee's... nor the odor for that matter. Were the flies tied into Caylee?

As mentioned in my last post, I have not heard there were fatty acids. Were those tied into Caylee.

And most importantly, can the body in the trunk of her car be tied directly to Casey? Obviously, something decomposed in the back of her car. Pizza? Come on, the defense could at least be a little creative.

I'm not saying Caylee was not in the back of the car. What I am asking is can the fact that she was there, be tied directly to Casey or is there a plausible "excuse" that the defense can come up with to explain this away and raise reasonable doubt.


The fatty acids are tied to a corpse in the trunk. Casey had sole possession of the car.
The odor ties to a corpse. And yes the flies were tied to Caylee

Remember the defense said no corpse was in the trunk
When I brought up the question, I mentioned I had not been watching the trial. Obviousely you did not read that. I was getting bits and pieces from the local news which has been covering the trial extensively because I am in Central Florida and this case is hot around here.

I asked the question, because what I am hearing is that the prosecution has done a piss poor job in this trial. Obviously there are some on the board that disagree with me. I believe Casey is guilty and have believed so since she was reported as missing. I don't want her to walk, but it seems that there has been nothing to directly tie her into the murder.

On the other hand, those on the board that disagree with me, seem to think that even if the prosecution has done such a piss poor job, the defense has screwed up even more so.

Now, regarding "her" hair, from what I understand they could not prove that the hair belonged to Caylee. And you are right, a some hair in the trunk would be explainable. On the other hand, from what I can tell, the prosecution has not presented any evidence of other body fluids belonging to Caylee in the trunk. How the hell can that be possible?

It has Immie, the hair can be traced as matenrally linking Cindy, Caylee and ICA as the donors....excluding George

It has also been established that the hair has never been processed, excluding Cindy and ICA

And the length is consistant only with Calyee at the time of June 16th

I'll take your word for that although that is not what has been reported here. It was reported that the hair was of the maternal line but that doesn't mean it was Caylee's and as BH pointed out, hair would be expected in the trunk of both Casey and Caylee. This does not prove murder.

I have read Dabs post about the stain. Had not heard that yet. Again, it seems to prove that the body was in fact in the trunk, but, does it prove that Casey had anything to do with it? Although, I would want to know how the hell she could not have known it was there. If there was an odor why the hell didn't she check the trunk of the car?

I'll take your word for that although that is not what has been reported here. It was reported that the hair was of the maternal line but that doesn't mean it was Caylee's and as BH pointed out, hair would be expected in the trunk of both Casey and Caylee. This does not prove murder.

I have read Dabs post about the stain. Had not heard that yet. Again, it seems to prove that the body was in fact in the trunk, but, does it prove that Casey had anything to do with it? Although, I would want to know how the hell she could not have known it was there. If there was an odor why the hell didn't she check the trunk of the car?


It was the hair with banding. (bolded) Cindy and ICA have been excluded. Who else could it be?
I'll take your word for that although that is not what has been reported here. It was reported that the hair was of the maternal line but that doesn't mean it was Caylee's and as BH pointed out, hair would be expected in the trunk of both Casey and Caylee. This does not prove murder.

I have read Dabs post about the stain. Had not heard that yet. Again, it seems to prove that the body was in fact in the trunk, but, does it prove that Casey had anything to do with it? Although, I would want to know how the hell she could not have known it was there. If there was an odor why the hell didn't she check the trunk of the car?


It was the hair with banding. (bolded) Cindy and ICA have been excluded. Who else could it be?

The exclusion of Cindy and Casey was not reported here and I watched a little of the "expert witness" on the hair. Are you saying it was excluded because of length as mentioned in your earlier post?

And again, Caylee's hair would be expected to be in the trunk. The fact that it was there does not prove anything at all by itself. Granted there is other evidence.

Okay, here is the point you seem not to understand. The trial is about whether or not Casey murdered Caylee. The Prosecution MUST prove that Casey murdered Caylee. The prosecution has spent 19 days trying to prove that Casey murdered Caylee. From everything I have seen, they have failed horribly. And if they failed, then she walks.

The Prosecution must prove that Caylee was murdered by Casey. The defense need only raise doubt in the minds of the jury that it was Casey that murdered Caylee which since there is no direct evidence linking Casey to the crime, it seems to me that they do not need to try very hard to achieve.

In opening statements the defense stated that Caylee drowned in the pool. The prosecution has proven that Caylee was murdered, but they have not proven that it was Casey that did it and the defense does not need to prove who killed her. They only need to raise reasonable doubt that it was Casey who did it.

That was why OJ walked. His defense team did not try to prove who murdered Nicole and Ron only raise doubts that it was OJ.

Oh, and they profess to know that she died in the pool. None of that has yet been introduced into evidence. The defense doesn't even need to mention the pool in their arguments if they don't want to.

The odor in the car? She forgot hamburger in her trunk for several days. It spoiled and the car still reeks.

The sticker and duct tape? No proof that it was Casey that put it on Caylee's mouth and suffocated her.

The tatoos? Makes the prosecution appear desperate.

The hair proved nothing.

What evidence besides "she's a pathological liar" do you point to that says... Casey Anthony killed her daughter and no one else possibly could have done it?

One of the red flags I feel is that Caylee was missing for so long. That leads me to suspicion of Casey, but, I have not heard anything that proves that it means that she murdered her daughter.

And for the record, I'm not saying you are wrong that she will be convicted. Only that from what I have heard, the prosecution has failed miserably. We can only wait to hear what the jury has to say about that.


Those are all the points I've made all along, but haven't posted here for several days, so I'm just now getting caught up. We don't know (yet) what Casey's reasoning might have been for lying for 31 days, but that should not have any bearing on her guilt unless there is solid proof that she was indeed riding all around town with her child's dead body in the trunk. Which I highly suspect is totally not true. She was covering up the truth as long as she could get away with it, but we don't know why.

I keep returning to a question even the Judge asked the prosecution at one point: "If Casey just wanted to be rid of the child so she could go out and party, why wouldn't she have just left Caylee with the grandparents?" (Implying why she would have KILLED HER instead?) The grandparents loved the child and would have happily raised her and let Casey do her own thing.

And I will answer the same as I did before when this very question was brought up.
Casey was not close to her parents, and whether people choose to believe it or not, young people, meaning George and Cindy's daughter Casey, can be a total bitches!
Maybe she did want rid of her daughter but at the same time, she didn't want her parents to have her either. You'd be surprised what people will do for spite. Casey may have thought, nobody will get Caylee ever. As I recall from earlier on, Casey didn't even want the child, she was going to give the baby away, but Cindy wouldn't hear of it.
So maybe Casey resented her Mother in some way for that, and she got back at her...just a theory, a thought.

So it's okay for you to put out hypotheses (maybe she did this, maybe she did that), but that makes me wrong and you right. Got it.

How do you know Casey wasn't close to her parents? Got inside information no one but you knows about? According to all the testimony thus far, they were extremely close--so close in fact that Casey 'maybe' felt smothered and needed to lie to escape from the house occasionally to be able to act like a young woman instead of a coddled child who still had Winnie The Pooh decorations in her bedroom at 16 years old.
There's really no proof that it was a heart sticker at all. It was something that "resembled a piece of a heart shaped object." And then, of course, there's no CSI photo of it--just a mock up. I cracked up the other day listening to one of the get-Casey pundits almost peeing his pants over the heart-shaped image being approximately the size of a dime. "Oh LOOK!! A heart-shaped sticker [one of many sizes found in Casey's bedroom] IS the same size as a dime!" Well that was enough "proof" for that jerk!

Your assumption FBI agents are lying doesn't make others jerks.

Where did I say they lied? They could NOT come up with a true heart shape. They came up with half a heart that "was about the size of a dime." Oh wow. Such lame evidence belongs on SNL not in a real life murder trial. My criticism of that media jerk is that none of them have yet been willing to offer any alternative scenarios. Instead they jump on these mundane and inconclusive pieces of "evidence" that prove zilch and run with it as more proof of Casey's guilt. It's hogwash.
The exclusion of Cindy and Casey was not reported here and I watched a little of the "expert witness" on the hair. Are you saying it was excluded because of length as mentioned in your earlier post?

And again, Caylee's hair would be expected to be in the trunk. The fact that it was there does not prove anything at all by itself. Granted there is other evidence.


Yes, the length and that both woman have had processed hair the sample did not.

Again it was the (death) banded sample, not just any hair.
I did at first. Until the prosecution started flubbing it. In this case I think the prosecution did a fairly good job. We'll have to see how they handle cross examination of whatever the defense brings up.

But, my stumbling block here is how do you get around the fact that there is no evidence that directly links Casey to the death of Caylee? All of us seem to think she is guilty because of her behavior, but I certainly hope it takes more than that convicts her.

She was the last person to see her alive.

So they say... That's another thing the prosecution did not prove. They based that assumption on George and Cindy's testimony, period, neither of whom had any proof to back their statements either. Just their say-so.
So it's okay for you to put out hypotheses (maybe she did this, maybe she did that), but that makes me wrong and you right. Got it.

How do you know Casey wasn't close to her parents? Got inside information no one but you knows about? According to all the testimony thus far, they were extremely close--so close in fact that Casey 'maybe' felt smothered and needed to lie to escape from the house occasionally to be able to act like a young woman instead of a coddled child who still had Winnie The Pooh decorations in her bedroom at 16 years old.

Not so Maggie, evidence has come in to a rocky relationship.

(bolded) Or....she was a Spiteful bitch who hated that her mother frowned upon her bad mothering skills and left to party and behave like a childless woman
So they say... That's another thing the prosecution did not prove. They based that assumption on George and Cindy's testimony, period, neither of whom had any proof to back their statements either. Just their say-so.


The defense didn't even say otherwise.
I also want to reiterate before I forget, the relationship between chloroform and chlorine (the latter used to purify POOL WATER). There are a variety of articles on the chemical similarities, and surprisingly, no one at the courthouse seems to make the possible connection that the strong smell of what was believed to be chloroform was in fact chlorine from the pool.

Showering with Chlorinated Water Produces Chloroform Steam!

Hate to break it to you Maggie but it appears they didn't use chlorine in their pool

Bacquacil listed as an item found in the Anthony shed. Page 5, # 6 and 7

Once again, convenient receipts that might have been culled from many others. And didn't the defense poke holes in the use of the term "significant" amounts of chloroform could be smelled and/or were found, when in fact the smell of chloroform was only vague at best? The FBI found chemical traces of it in the trunk, but the "smell" test of rotting flesh would have overwhelmed "traces" of chloroform in any event.
Has the prosecution proven that Casey made those searches? Could someone else have had access to her computer?

And the T-Shirt? Have they proven it was Casey that put her in the T-Shirt after she died?

The prosecution has presented their case. Evidently they have proven Caylee was murdered. Now all the defense has to do is raise reasonable doubt that Casey was the killer. All they need to do is convince the jury that grandpa might have killed Caylee and tried to blame Casey.

Grandpa used Casey's computer to search for Chloroform and neck breaking because he had abused her and was afraid of being caught. He killed Caylee and placed her in Casey's car. He later discarded the body. Casey found out about it. He threatened to kill her thus her silence for 31 days. Being afraid of her father, Casey attempted to claim that Caylee drowned in the pool.

Would she be lying? I think so... but she only needs to raise reasonable doubt to save her ass. What do I think? She's a cold hearted Bitch who murdered her daughter. I simply don't think the prosecution has done its job to prove that.


God damn dude, it has already been made known to everyone...those in the court room, the jury, the Tv viewers, the hobos down the the time the searches were done on CASEY'S computer for chloroform, it was proven that George and Cindy Anthony BOTH were at work!!!!

Anyone can access their home computer from work, and they all had access to the desktop in the Anthony home. But that's beside the point. The search for chloroform could have been an innocent attempt to find out what her boyfriend was driving at when he posted that YouTube thing about chloroforming your girlfriend. Operative words here: COULD HAVE BEEN. So once again, different interpretations can be made of that search. The prosecution chose the one convenient to their case.

Lee Anthony's Interview with LE July 29, 2008 anthony.pdf

Page 18/Line 19

LA -- "Yes. Uhm, this was uhm, around midnight. I went and picked up uhm, my
sister's laptop. Uhm, well it's actually my mom's laptop, but you know, my sister
was, she's had it for that past month or so."

Technically, according to Lee Anthony, the laptop was not Casey's.

Just an FYI on that laptop. And the other computer, the desk top -- was not just Casey's. It has been described and referred to numerous times as the "family computer."
So, the facts are that Casey didn't own a computer of her own.
And yes, a home computer can be accessed from anywhere, but I don't know if that would leave a trail on the hard drive or not.
You can always put yourself in the shoes of the jury, they are you and me. If my child was missing, I would report it immediately. I wouldn't go shopping and dancing.

Unless it was all part of an elaborate coverup that went bad. "Just act normal, Casey...go out and have one will be the wiser..."

In order to buy into the GA theory, you have to believe that he held that much power over her. If the defense can illustrate ways that GA has unduly influenced bad decisions in ICA's life previous to this, they may have a good shot.

One thing that struck me in the jailhouse phone conversations was when Casey was in tears saying that she missed her mother and father and interacting with them (not her exact words). She specifically said that she missed "you, dad, since we haven't been [connecting] for such a long time." Why is it no one but me thinks it's more than odd that a 22-year old attractive woman living in Florida still lives at home with mommy and daddy? (I realize it's not uncommon now because of the bad economy, but we're talking pre-2008.) Do I think Cindy and George controlled her? Yes, I do.
You can always put yourself in the shoes of the jury, they are you and me. If my child was missing, I would report it immediately. I wouldn't go shopping and dancing.

Unless it was all part of an elaborate coverup that went bad. "Just act normal, Casey...go out and have one will be the wiser..."

There is no way he would go along with a cover up of that little girl's death. The only one who covered it up was Casey. She was pretty dumb about it too.

And you know You and Dabs seem to have insider information on the family history. Imagine that. Spill it, ladies.
Did I hear right?
Was there just testimony that there was no DNA profile that fit Caylee Anthony found in the trunk of the car?

If so, the fact that Caylee was in that trunk makes about as much sense as the State's theory that Casey Anthony handled the body of her daughter a minimum of 5 times without leaving one shred of forensic evidence.

Especially when you toss in the supposed outline of a body. How does that happen? How can a body lie in a trunk long enough to leave an outline, but leaves no DNA?

This case baffles me.
God damn dude, it has already been made known to everyone...those in the court room, the jury, the Tv viewers, the hobos down the the time the searches were done on CASEY'S computer for chloroform, it was proven that George and Cindy Anthony BOTH were at work!!!!

Anyone can access their home computer from work, and they all had access to the desktop in the Anthony home. But that's beside the point. The search for chloroform could have been an innocent attempt to find out what her boyfriend was driving at when he posted that YouTube thing about chloroforming your girlfriend. Operative words here: COULD HAVE BEEN. So once again, different interpretations can be made of that search. The prosecution chose the one convenient to their case.

The research was done on the home computer at the times George and Cindy were at work. And yes one can access their computers from anydamnwhere, I access mine from my phone, BUT.....every internet access has it's own ISP.
Just because someone can access something from their home Pc, or from a work Pc, does not make it a perfect match....there can't be one.
It can be proven that the searches were done on that particular home Pc, not from somebody's work place or phone, or a neighbor's Pc, they were done on Casey's computer.
So, Maggie, you try and explain away the chloroform, how do explain the searches for NECK BREAKING??

Ironically, it's not up to me to prove anything. You make the allegations (as does the prosecution), so you prove that she searched for chloroform and neck breaking with the INTENT of finding out ways to murder her child. In cleaning out my expansive history files little by little and revisiting some of the pages, I couldn't figure out from just the title where my head was at with some, but when I clicked on the title I remembered it had nothing to do with me or my own life at all, but had to do with something I'd seen in a newspaper or magazine.

And by the way, was Caylee's neck broken?
I also want to reiterate before I forget, the relationship between chloroform and chlorine (the latter used to purify POOL WATER). There are a variety of articles on the chemical similarities, and surprisingly, no one at the courthouse seems to make the possible connection that the strong smell of what was believed to be chloroform was in fact chlorine from the pool.

Showering with Chlorinated Water Produces Chloroform Steam!

Hate to break it to you Maggie but it appears they didn't use chlorine in their pool

Bacquacil listed as an item found in the Anthony shed. Page 5, # 6 and 7

Good work R.D.
Well....Maggie...we're waiting...what's your say now??
Still going with the pool chlorine?? :lol:

I merely put out food for thought, just as you do. But we're all supposed to unquestionably BELIEVE you, cuz you think of yourself as the new Queen of USMB. :lol:
Did I hear right?
Was there just testimony that there was no DNA profile that fit Caylee Anthony found in the trunk of the car?

If so, the fact that Caylee was in that trunk makes about as much sense as the State's theory that Casey Anthony handled the body of her daughter a minimum of 5 times without leaving one shred of forensic evidence.

Especially when you toss in the supposed outline of a body. How does that happen? How can a body lie in a trunk long enough to leave an outline, but leaves no DNA?

This case baffles me.

Not actually. JB made the point there was no blood. No one said there was
Nor would I! I'd probably be a frigging basket case, but that is just me.

The same goes for if she drowned in the pool. The first thing I would do is call 911. I'm not qualified to say whether or not someone is dead. I'd be screaming bloody murder to get paramedics there twenty minutes ago.

In fact, the "pool defense", raises more suspicion in me than anything I have seen from the prosecution. What the hell? You found your daughter face down in the pool and then just assumed she was dead? I don't buy it.


If she drowned, it may not have been Casey who found her.

Even so, they would have called 911. At least if it were an accident they would have.


Not if you believe what Baez said in his opening argument.

Casey Murder Trial Brings Tears, Blame And Shame - News Story - WFTV Orlando
"How in the world can a mother wait 30 days to report a child missing? It's insane. Something's just not right about that. The answer is relatively simple. She never was missing. Caylee Anthony died on June 16, 2008, when she drowned in her family's swimming pool," Baez stated.

Baez claimed that George Anthony said to Casey after finding Caylee allegedly dead in the pool, "Look what you’ve done! You're mother will never forgive you! And you will go to jail for child neglect for the rest of your freaking life!"

Casey's attorney said that George covered up Caylee's accidental death.

Baez also stated, "On June 16, 2008, after Caylee died, Casey did what she’s been doing all her life, or most of it, hiding her pain. She went back to that deep, dark place called denial to pretend as if nothing was wrong."

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