Casey Anthony

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On the outside of the duct tape, whose DNA was on that duct tape? All of the Anthony's have been excluded.

And the underside of the duct tape -- you know, the tape that the State says was placed on Caylee's mouth and is the murder weapon? There was no DNA at all found on it, in fact Caylee Anthony was excluded from the sticky part of that tape. How does one suffocate by having tape placed over their nose and mouth and not leave DNA?

I don't think the State has proved this case beyond a reasonable doubt, but now let's see what evidence the Defense has to offer.
Cheney Mason didn't appear incompetent today at all. He knows exactly what he's talking about as far as weak evidence. At the very least, there will be an appeal if Casey is convicted on such controversial material. He's much more forceful than that dud Baez, who appears terrified of the judge. They should have sat him down on day one.

Cheney said there is no evidence when or how she's their whole case that they know.

To me, Cheney Mason argument for acquittal seemed to boil down to this: Your honor, our client managed to slow the investigation with her lies, she successfully hid the body, allowing decomposition to occur obliterating the definitive cause of death and now she claims it was an accident. For her achievements to date, she should be awarded an acquittal. :lol: :lol:

Exactly what I was thinking. I heard that and thought 'THAT'S YOUR DEFENSE!!!!'

I continue to think it's downright hilarious that so many of you think that peanut gallery comments from blog sites are gospel. Cheney Mason did not say, nor did he intimate, any such thing. But carry on. It takes my mind off a few more serious things I should be thinking about.
On the outside of the duct tape, whose DNA was on that duct tape? All of the Anthony's have been excluded.

And the underside of the duct tape -- you know, the tape that the State says was placed on Caylee's mouth and is the murder weapon? There was no DNA at all found on it, in fact Caylee Anthony was excluded from the sticky part of that tape. How does one suffocate by having tape placed over their nose and mouth and not leave DNA?

I don't think the State has proved this case beyond a reasonable doubt, but now let's see what evidence the Defense has to offer.

There was no tissue to sample, it was all decomposed = no DNA to test. It's phony data

It was in the elements for 6 months as well
But she didn't, did she?

She left home and avoided her parents

Which is another reason I feel like she didn't want her Mom to have Caylee either, she would rather rid of the little girl than have her Mom raise her...that's what I see anyway.

I think she is more psychopathic. Most of the fights it seems is over her being a bad mother, right? If she walked away and gave her up she could still be perceived as a bad mother, so instead she got rid of what made her a bad mother- Caylee.

Instead she would become (when the friggn' hell she gets around to it) the poor loving mother whose child was stolen.

There was not a shred of evidence provided that Casey was a bad mother. Not one. In fact, just the contrary.
so what's the deal with the new defense witness?

Casey Anthony trial: Acquittal denied; defense introduces convict Vasco Thompson

"...Thompson, according to the filing, "was connected to George Anthony through his cell phone records." Records show four calls between Caylee's grandfather and Thompson on July 14, 2008 — a day beforeCindy Anthony reported Caylee's disappearance to theOrange County Sheriff's Office.

The court records also state "Thompson has a violent criminal history and has served a ten year prison sentence for kidnapping."

anybody? bueller?

I think [someone] has determined that the phone number was "similar" to George Anthony's work number and it was a misdial.
Cheney said there is no evidence when or how she's their whole case that they know.

To me, Cheney Mason argument for acquittal seemed to boil down to this: Your honor, our client managed to slow the investigation with her lies, she successfully hid the body, allowing decomposition to occur obliterating the definitive cause of death and now she claims it was an accident. For her achievements to date, she should be awarded an acquittal. :lol: :lol:

Exactly what I was thinking. I heard that and thought 'THAT'S YOUR DEFENSE!!!!'

I continue to think it's downright hilarious that so many of you think that peanut gallery comments from blog sites are gospel. Cheney Mason did not say, nor did he intimate, any such thing. But carry on. It takes my mind off a few more serious things I should be thinking about.

Get off your high horse.

The first comment was mine, and right on. The second sourced comment was funny. You are one piss poor sport
so what's the deal with the new defense witness?

Casey Anthony trial: Acquittal denied; defense introduces convict Vasco Thompson

"...Thompson, according to the filing, "was connected to George Anthony through his cell phone records." Records show four calls between Caylee's grandfather and Thompson on July 14, 2008 — a day beforeCindy Anthony reported Caylee's disappearance to theOrange County Sheriff's Office.

The court records also state "Thompson has a violent criminal history and has served a ten year prison sentence for kidnapping."

anybody? bueller?

Desperate attempt, last gasp, wrong #.......Until proven otherwise. Or, it could be to slow down the trial, so the defense can regroup....Haven't seen that yet, have we?:eusa_whistle: Although, to be fair, the DT has not much to work with, only ICA.....

So the ol' "until proven otherwise" works for you only when the defense is at bat. Got it.
Which is another reason I feel like she didn't want her Mom to have Caylee either, she would rather rid of the little girl than have her Mom raise her...that's what I see anyway.

I think she is more psychopathic. Most of the fights it seems is over her being a bad mother, right? If she walked away and gave her up she could still be perceived as a bad mother, so instead she got rid of what made her a bad mother- Caylee.

Instead she would become (when the friggn' hell she gets around to it) the poor loving mother whose child was stolen.

There was not a shred of evidence provided that Casey was a bad mother. Not one. In fact, just the contrary.


Yeah, she just sucked at mourning, dialing 911, going to work, picking nannies and taking out the trash
That other bottomfeeder Scott Peterson was convicted of 1st degree murder by circumstantial evidence. I believe that the same thing will happen here. ~BH

If I remember correctly Scott Peterson was convicted on a little more than circumstantial evidence... isn't he the one the fed his wife to the sharks outside the Golden Gate?


Careful, fellas, Dabs doesn't like anyone discussing other cases... She always has her trigger finger on the neg rep.
I'm not harping on ya.....Circumstantial evidence can convict. Has, and will.

The problem is that I have not once said circumstantial evidence cannot convict.

I have said that it is easier to raise doubt with circumstantial evidence.


And a lot of it depends on the juries and their strict instructions from the judge before they begin deliberations.
Yeah, but if it were you, you'd a spoke up by now......huh?

My conduct would have been most certainly different, yet we are all f*cked up in our own way...who the hell knows. ICA obviously isn't equipped with life sustaining tools, maybe she was always taught to rug sweep and deny and pretend it isn't happening and it'all go away. ICA was how old when this began? 21'ish? If from a dysfunctional family than had not the time to detox poor behavioral thinking and cultivate healthy actions.

thank goodness this isn't my family is all i can say...and mine is no normal rockwell painting!

bruins win!

Good for You!!! I think the Defense has it's work cut out for it. Despite some preconceived notions, I'll reserve judgment....

That's at least all I ask. I've been sickened by the lop-sided press commentary and I hope and pray some jury members don't have access to a cell phone secretly placed somewhere so that they too would be exposed to it all.
On the outside of the duct tape, whose DNA was on that duct tape? All of the Anthony's have been excluded.

And the underside of the duct tape -- you know, the tape that the State says was placed on Caylee's mouth and is the murder weapon? There was no DNA at all found on it, in fact Caylee Anthony was excluded from the sticky part of that tape. How does one suffocate by having tape placed over their nose and mouth and not leave DNA?

I don't think the State has proved this case beyond a reasonable doubt, but now let's see what evidence the Defense has to offer.

There was no tissue to sample, it was all decomposed = no DNA to test. It's phony data

It was in the elements for 6 months as well

So the unidentified DNA on the outside of the duct tape survived 6 months in the elements, but no DNA on the inside of the duct tape survived.

Okaaayyyyy . . .

AND why is the State so determined for the Jury to not hear about the paternity test that excludes Lee Anthony as Caylee's father. Seems to me it would make their denial of sexual abuse that much stronger.

And a sidenote: for those that say this also excludes George Anthony -- maybe a DNA test should be done on Lee Anthony to prove that paternity. These people are pathological liars. All of them. :eusa_whistle:
I don't see where this matters. The defense claims drowning and no foul play = no blood.

The States case is poisoning and suffocation = no blood.

JB fool is trying to get to the no blood point across right now which is stupid, everyone agrees there was no blood.

He also just put into evidence there was possibly female DNA on the shovel, idiot. Again it's his claim she didn't try to bury Caylee

eta: He's trying to say DNA on shovel but not tape. Lame. It wasn't her shovel and the DNA can't be linked to her or Caylee

"No blood" indicates she indeed died by some means other than what would DRAW blood (like drowning). A no-brainer. That Casey borrowed a shovel for some nefarious purpose was NOT proven. Why SHOULDN'T the defense defend those issues???
Well, her hair was in the pair of pliers and there was a witness that saw him loading a "bulk" according to the article into his truck on the morning of his "fishing trip".

In the Anthony case, there is nothing even remotely like that.

Was Caylee's DNA even found in the trunk of the car? I would think that if he body had been left in the trunk long enough to decompose, her DNA would be found in the trunk.


Hair, odor, flies and fatty acids.

And I read where one expert testified that there was a stain in Casey's trunk, that was in the shape of a small child, lying in a fetal position. He stated the stain was visible because the body had been lying there for a few days.
In other words, her little body was rotting onto the fabric in the trunk, therefore making an outline of how she was laying. How sad.

Which "could have been" a small child. Once again, there was ZERO proof that's what it was.
When I brought up the question, I mentioned I had not been watching the trial. Obviousely you did not read that. I was getting bits and pieces from the local news which has been covering the trial extensively because I am in Central Florida and this case is hot around here.

I asked the question, because what I am hearing is that the prosecution has done a piss poor job in this trial. Obviously there are some on the board that disagree with me. I believe Casey is guilty and have believed so since she was reported as missing. I don't want her to walk, but it seems that there has been nothing to directly tie her into the murder.

On the other hand, those on the board that disagree with me, seem to think that even if the prosecution has done such a piss poor job, the defense has screwed up even more so.

Now, regarding "her" hair, from what I understand they could not prove that the hair belonged to Caylee. And you are right, a some hair in the trunk would be explainable. On the other hand, from what I can tell, the prosecution has not presented any evidence of other body fluids belonging to Caylee in the trunk. How the hell can that be possible?

It has Immie, the hair can be traced as matenrally linking Cindy, Caylee and ICA as the donors....excluding George

It has also been established that the hair has never been processed, excluding Cindy and ICA

And the length is consistant only with Calyee at the time of June 16th

In other words that was a d'oh moment for the prosecution.
So the unidentified DNA on the outside of the duct tape survived 6 months in the elements, but no DNA on the inside of the duct tape survived.

Okaaayyyyy . . .

AND why is the State so determined for the Jury to not hear about the paternity test that excludes Lee Anthony as Caylee's father. Seems to me it would make their denial of sexual abuse that much stronger.

And a sidenote: for those that say this also excludes George Anthony -- maybe a DNA test should be done on Lee Anthony to prove that paternity. These people are pathological liars. All of them. :eusa_whistle:
Paternity tests have been done....both excluded.

That is just how ugly bs get creditably for some people

The State doesn't want it in becuase it has nothing to do with anything in real life It's leading. The fact that Lee is not the father is the fact

I suspect if JB wants to play that card he damn well better put ICA on the stand so they can face their accuser :lol:
It has Immie, the hair can be traced as matenrally linking Cindy, Caylee and ICA as the donors....excluding George

It has also been established that the hair has never been processed, excluding Cindy and ICA

And the length is consistant only with Calyee at the time of June 16th

In other words that was a d'oh moment for the prosecution.[/QUOTE]

Dream on
Well, her hair was in the pair of pliers and there was a witness that saw him loading a "bulk" according to the article into his truck on the morning of his "fishing trip".

In the Anthony case, there is nothing even remotely like that.

Was Caylee's DNA even found in the trunk of the car? I would think that if he body had been left in the trunk long enough to decompose, her DNA would be found in the trunk.


Hair, odor, flies and fatty acids.

From what I heard, the hair was not positively identified as being Caylee's... nor the odor for that matter. Were the flies tied into Caylee?

As mentioned in my last post, I have not heard there were fatty acids. Were those tied into Caylee.

And most importantly, can the body in the trunk of her car be tied directly to Casey? Obviously, something decomposed in the back of her car. Pizza? Come on, the defense could at least be a little creative.

I'm not saying Caylee was not in the back of the car. What I am asking is can the fact that she was there, be tied directly to Casey or is there a plausible "excuse" that the defense can come up with to explain this away and raise reasonable doubt.


I think the baby's body WAS in the trunk for at least 24 hours until they could figure out how to dispose of it permanently. In Florida's heat and humidity, 24 hours would be long enough to create a horrific smell, but there would have been another longer time frame after it was removed for the smell to subside and it would be minimal thereafter.
So the unidentified DNA on the outside of the duct tape survived 6 months in the elements, but no DNA on the inside of the duct tape survived.

Okaaayyyyy . . .

AND why is the State so determined for the Jury to not hear about the paternity test that excludes Lee Anthony as Caylee's father. Seems to me it would make their denial of sexual abuse that much stronger.

And a sidenote: for those that say this also excludes George Anthony -- maybe a DNA test should be done on Lee Anthony to prove that paternity. These people are pathological liars. All of them. :eusa_whistle:
Paternity tests have been done....both excluded.

That is just how ugly bs get creditably for some people

The State doesn't want it in becuase it has nothing to do with anything in real life It's leading. The fact that Lee is not the father is the fact

I suspect if JB wants to play that card he damn well better put ICA on the stand so they can face their accuser :lol:


The State doesn't mind if the fact the actual test was done comes in or not. What they don't want to come in is why Agent Savage asked for it.

You should really spend some time reading the case files. They can be quite enlightening.
From what I heard, the hair was not positively identified as being Caylee's... nor the odor for that matter. Were the flies tied into Caylee?

As mentioned in my last post, I have not heard there were fatty acids. Were those tied into Caylee.

And most importantly, can the body in the trunk of her car be tied directly to Casey? Obviously, something decomposed in the back of her car. Pizza? Come on, the defense could at least be a little creative.

I'm not saying Caylee was not in the back of the car. What I am asking is can the fact that she was there, be tied directly to Casey or is there a plausible "excuse" that the defense can come up with to explain this away and raise reasonable doubt.


The fatty acids are tied to a corpse in the trunk. Casey had sole possession of the car.
The odor ties to a corpse. And yes the flies were tied to Caylee

Remember the defense said no corpse was in the trunk

Between June 17 and June 19th, Casey was driving a borrowed Jeep from Lazzaro. So that begs the question who had the car and who was with Caylee when her dead body landed in the trunk sometime between June 17 and June 22?

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