Casey Anthony

YOU are the jury. What's your thoughts so far?

  • guilty.

    Votes: 9 90.0%
  • not guilty.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • undecided.

    Votes: 1 10.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
To me, Casey does have fake tears. I'm not saying that the television people who are on Tv announcing it knows everything, but they have been around the criminal system long enough to know if a person is a faker or not. And almost all of the news stations that have been broadcasting this trial, have all said- Casey has crocodile tears.
Right now, Casey is in jail, where I feel she belongs, that makes me pretty damn happy!
Good grief, people, this thread already has nearly 1900 hits, so lighten up. Just because the majority has Casey A.N.T.H.O.N.Y (giggle) convicted already doesn't mean a few of us (a very few, so quitcherbitchen) can't voice our own speculation on who, how, and what caused the death of Caylee.

This thread makes me doubt the jury system more and more.

We are not tied down to the rules of a jury or we wouldn't be discussing the case at all.

Certainly not. You can invoke any kind of reality you want...
unfortunatly , just like nancy grace , most of you have blinders on . also you have a crooked prosecuter who has made a complete mockery of the legal system . this entire case is based on guesswork and very sloppy police work . for one thing ask yourself this , why would george leave a note and drive an hour and a half to daytona to commit suicide if he wasnt guilty ? get real people . the defense case makes way more sense than the states bs fabricated evidence . the state did not prove its case to me in any way shape or form . yes she looks guilty , george looks guilty , lee looks guilty , cindy looks guilty , procecuter jeff dipshit is definatly guilty . why is he afraid of the defense witnesses telling their opinions or truth ? objection ! objection ! freaking moron ! his attitude im sure has already pushed some jurors toward NOT GUILTY due to his attitude and trying to manipulate witnesses by refusing to depose them just because hes scared of a truthfull opinion . heres the facts folks , all it is going to take is ONE JUROR LIKE ME TO VOTE NOT GUILTY ON ALL COUNTS , SHE WALKS DUE TO PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT IN THE EYES OF THE JURY. THE STATE DID NOT PROVE ITS CASE , DID NOT CONNECT CASEY TO THE CRIME . REASONABLE DOUBT WILL SET HER FREE . CHOKE ON THAT NANCY !

Mentally deranged moron, I personally have no love for Nancy Grace either, but I don't hate her. So get over your jealousy of her success. If you're a loser, don't blame her for it. Just saying. ;)

Anyway idiot, Did you ever think about the fact that maybe George realized that his daughter very well did murder his grandChild? Did that ever enter into your warped red diaper doper baby mind? Can even a bottomfeeding robot like yourself even comprehend what that would do to a father, and then a grandfather? I suppose you don't have a family and are not married?

How would you face or understand that your own daughter killed her own daughter (and who he deeply loved more than anything)? Try hard. Try really, really hard and think about other peoples feelings instead of your hero Casey the child killer.

So yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah rant away you mentally ill pop in, last quarter fraud. What? Do you play bunkO with maggie, or do you just paint sunshine's toe nails when she call's for an appointment?

I dunno. I do know this though, If there truly is just one single juror on this case who thinks like you (and that very well could be the case in fucked up amerika today), Then you might very well be correct for the first time in your pathetic existence on this panet.

1st post here eh? :eusa_shhh: Hey, I could be wrong, but it really sounds to me like Maggie and Sunshine payed off some dumbshit who cleans their septic tank out to register here in order to fight their battle for them. :razz:


LOL. I'm pretty sure my septic tank guy doesn't do discussion boards. But he DOES like gourmet coffee~ :tongue:

As do I. I really like Kona beans. The real ones, not those mixed with Arab beans. It's a medium blend, but just make it stronger. I enoy Costa Rica too. ~BH
unfortunatly , just like nancy grace , most of you have blinders on . also you have a crooked prosecuter who has made a complete mockery of the legal system . this entire case is based on guesswork and very sloppy police work . for one thing ask yourself this , why would george leave a note and drive an hour and a half to daytona to commit suicide if he wasnt guilty ? get real people . the defense case makes way more sense than the states bs fabricated evidence . the state did not prove its case to me in any way shape or form . yes she looks guilty , george looks guilty , lee looks guilty , cindy looks guilty , procecuter jeff dipshit is definatly guilty . why is he afraid of the defense witnesses telling their opinions or truth ? objection ! objection ! freaking moron ! his attitude im sure has already pushed some jurors toward NOT GUILTY due to his attitude and trying to manipulate witnesses by refusing to depose them just because hes scared of a truthfull opinion . heres the facts folks , all it is going to take is ONE JUROR LIKE ME TO VOTE NOT GUILTY ON ALL COUNTS , SHE WALKS DUE TO PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT IN THE EYES OF THE JURY. THE STATE DID NOT PROVE ITS CASE , DID NOT CONNECT CASEY TO THE CRIME . REASONABLE DOUBT WILL SET HER FREE . CHOKE ON THAT NANCY !

Mentally deranged moron, I personally have no love for Nancy Grace either, but I don't hate her. So get over your jealousy of her success. If you're a loser, don't blame her for it. Just saying. ;)

Anyway idiot, Did you ever think about the fact that maybe George realized that his daughter very well did murder his grandChild? Did that ever enter into your warped red diaper doper baby mind? Can even a bottomfeeding robot like yourself even comprehend what that would do to a father, and then a grandfather? I suppose you don't have a family and are not married?

How would you face or understand that your own daughter killed her own daughter (and who he deeply loved more than anything)? Try hard. Try really, really hard and think about other peoples feelings instead of your hero Casey the child killer.

So yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah rant away you mentally ill pop in, last quarter fraud. What? Do you play bunkO with maggie, or do you just paint sunshine's toe nails when she call's for an appointment?

I dunno. I do know this though, If there truly is just one single juror on this case who thinks like you (and that very well could be the case in fucked up amerika today), Then you might very well be correct for the first time in your pathetic existence on this panet.

1st post here eh? :eusa_shhh: Hey, I could be wrong, but it really sounds to me like Maggie and Sunshine payed off some dumbshit who cleans their septic tank out to register here in order to fight their battle for them. :razz:


I rest my case about your own obvious mental illness, because reading your crap is like reading something someone writes who is allowed to have his straitjacket off twice a day. When you lace your "opinions" with garbage like that, any opinion loses any credibility it might have.

Oh calm down maggie, I own you now. I exposed your illness, plain and simple. Now you're back tracking and acting like I typed those words and opinions for you. Get a grip sistO. If you want blood, you got it.

Hey maggie? Yuh know that weird feeling that you get in your stomach when you go to log in here? That's BH inside your head, or stomach for that matter. Now it doesn't have to be that way though. Just suck it up and move on. I am more than willing to attempt in the future to have a discussion about this case without insults. :razz:

Obviously we all are interested in this case, and we all enjoy debating it. If we all agree to attack the message instead of the Messenger, I think it can all work out for the better. Doesn't mean we can't disagree, and we might have some ups and downs in the future again. However, it just means that we all do our best to not make it personal when we do.

The defense had possession of (eta; a copy) hard drive for over two years and never looked at the june 16th 2008 activity? nor its own forensic analysis of the drive?

how is this not incompetence? most certainly is grounds for an appeal.

ok, back to the bickering. :lol:
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Sorry I can't seem to make heads nor tails of your post, your grammar is terrible! And you definitely need some extra help in the spelling class.
Please graduate, then come back and maybe we all can respond accordingly.


Just by taking the small sampling here the free ICA camp can't type,
As if that's a first.

thinks Stacy Anderson is someone,
I made that faux pas twice? So sue me.

knows somehow Cindy in involved and or at fault, swears she was a great mother, believes there was no duct tape on the skull but it was placed after decomposition, and can't post without calling everyone else names while espousing their kinder nature and superior deductive skills.
Opinions opposite from yours. Um, so?

Looking good for conviction :eusa_pray:

Good grief, people, this thread already has nearly 1900 hits, so lighten up. Just because the majority has Casey A.N.T.H.O.N.Y (giggle) convicted already doesn't mean a few of us (a very few, so quitcherbitchen) can't voice our own speculation on who, how, and what caused the death of Caylee.

Sweetie, grow a brain. We can't convict her...thats the jury's job.

That you and the rest of the ICA team (1900 hits makes you the small egotistical minority :)) think they are so much more smarter than everyone else is what is funny. :lol:

Just by taking the small sampling here the free ICA camp can't type,
As if that's a first.

thinks Stacy Anderson is someone,
I made that faux pas twice? So sue me.

knows somehow Cindy in involved and or at fault, swears she was a great mother, believes there was no duct tape on the skull but it was placed after decomposition, and can't post without calling everyone else names while espousing their kinder nature and superior deductive skills.
Opinions opposite from yours. Um, so?

Looking good for conviction :eusa_pray:

Good grief, people, this thread already has nearly 1900 hits, so lighten up. Just because the majority has Casey A.N.T.H.O.N.Y (giggle) convicted already doesn't mean a few of us (a very few, so quitcherbitchen) can't voice our own speculation on who, how, and what caused the death of Caylee.

This thread makes me doubt the jury system more and more.
No me :eusa_hand:
If she isn't convicted then we will agee

Seriously, murderers go free all the time. Sitting on a jury is hard ....talking smak on a message board wanting to free a child killer is easy
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The defense had possession of (eta; a copy) hard drive for over two years and never looked at the june 16th 2008 activity? nor its own forensic analysis of the drive?

how is this not incompetence? most certainly is grounds for an appeal.

ok, back to the bickering. :lol:

I don't know. Appealing due to defense incompetence is hard

Me bicker, why I oughta!!!
And you know, something else that bugs the shit outta me! ICA glides in the courtroom, every damn day, with a smirk on her face, does anyone else notice that??
She doesn't appear upset, or look sad because she's not going to see her baby ever again. She doesn't appear distraught, like she sits in her cell and worries all night long. She doesn't appear to be anything, but a wicked witch, acting like she's all innocent and what's up with her constantly fixing her clothing??
Every time I see her, she is messing with her blouse or shirt, what's she wanting to be all pretty for??
God she makes me sick!

What kind of face should she have on Mom? Maybe what looks like a smirk to you is an attempt to look pleasant at least, and nothing else. Do you know her personally to determine her normal facial expressions? I'm guessing not.

But like the lady hangmen on HLN, those mundane things are what's important in forming their opinions. Yesterday evening, Jane Valez-Mitchell wasn't into her show ten minutes before she blurted out that Casey was faking tears.

Get real.
We have all seen MANY photos of Casey..when she was dancing, when she was partying, when she was holding Caylee, when she was with her brother, when she was with her friends, when she was out shopping and using her friend's checks that she stole.....plenty of photos of Casey.
One has had more than enough opportunities to get an idea of her personality, and she appears to me, to be smirking, in court.
She doesn't look distraught...for God's sake, wouldn't you be a basket case if it were YOUR little girl found in the woods??
And there sat your ass on trial for her murder??
I am pretty certain, that most people, the innocent people, would be sitting there NOT looking like Casey Anthony.
Hell half the time she looks pissed.
The defense had possession of (eta; a copy) hard drive for over two years and never looked at the june 16th 2008 activity? nor its own forensic analysis of the drive?

how is this not incompetence? most certainly is grounds for an appeal.

ok, back to the bickering. :lol:

I don't know. Appealing due to defense incompetence is hard

Me bicker, why I oughta!!!

zoom, bang, right to the moon alice!
:frown: I had meeting tonight and actually missed some of the trial

Catching up this made me laugh: Richard Hornsby tweet:
"Jose Baez still hasn't made one point in the #CaseyAnthony trial!"

It's funny 'cause it's true :lol::
Read Casey's diary, anyone?

This girl is guilty as hell....

Which part? The controversial entry produced as evidence by the prosecution is, ONCE AGAIN, pure speculation, because it does not say exactly what she was referring to.

The entry is dated June 21, but it is unknown when it was written. It also includes "03" in a facing page, which the defense says means it was written before Caylee Anthony was born.

"I have no regrets, just a bit worried. I just want for everything to work out okay.
I completely trust my own judgement & know that I made the right decision. I just hope that the end justifies the means.

I just want to know what the future will hold for me. I guess I will soon see -- This is the happiest that I have been in a very long time.

I hope that my happiness will continue to grow -- I've made new friends that I really like. I've surrounded myself with good people -- I am finally happy. Let's just hope that it doesn't change."

Read more: Casey Anthony Diary Entry - Orlando News Story - WESH Orlando
When we are talking about a murder trial this is what I need:

- A murder weapon
- A motive
- Link the defendant to the murder weapon
- Link the defendant to the crime scene or scenes
- Or a confession

What do we have in this case? Weird behavior by the defendant, a smell, no DNA or blood evidence, no linking of the defendant to a murder weapon (tape?), no linking of a defendant to the recovery scene. I'm sorry but the entire world has jumped to conclusions here. Like I said I "think" she's guilty of being involved or taking her daughter's life but in the court of law the burden of proof is on the state and the state hasn't proven without a shadow of a doubt the guilt of this defendant.

:clap2: Short and to the point. Good job.
When we are talking about a murder trial this is what I need:

- A murder weapon
- A motive
- Link the defendant to the murder weapon
- Link the defendant to the crime scene or scenes
- Or a confession

What do we have in this case? Weird behavior by the defendant, a smell, no DNA or blood evidence, no linking of the defendant to a murder weapon (tape?), no linking of a defendant to the recovery scene. I'm sorry but the entire world has jumped to conclusions here. Like I said I "think" she's guilty of being involved or taking her daughter's life but in the court of law the burden of proof is on the state and the state hasn't proven without a shadow of a doubt the guilt of this defendant.

-Duct tape
-Not the law. State does not have to prove motive, although I think they have
-Done and
-Done she lived at the home, had sole access to the car and was Caylee's mother with primary custody and access to the dump site. Add to that the guilt associated with deliberate lies is common sense you can toss out only to find a doubt as easliy as you can assume guilt.
-Aint gonna happen - thats why its a circumstantial case

Duct tape was NOT the "murder weapon." It's been proven that it was placed over or near her mouth AFTER she was already dead. Dr. G only testified that her finding would be that duct tape placed in that manner would constitute a homicide, but she DID NOT say that the duct tape caused her death.

As I've pointed out before, from records and testimony, Casey was driving Lazzaro's jeep between June 17th and June 22, 2008. So who was driving "her" car????
When we are talking about a murder trial this is what I need:

- A murder weapon
- A motive
- Link the defendant to the murder weapon
- Link the defendant to the crime scene or scenes
- Or a confession

What do we have in this case? Weird behavior by the defendant, a smell, no DNA or blood evidence, no linking of the defendant to a murder weapon (tape?), no linking of a defendant to the recovery scene. I'm sorry but the entire world has jumped to conclusions here. Like I said I "think" she's guilty of being involved or taking her daughter's life but in the court of law the burden of proof is on the state and the state hasn't proven without a shadow of a doubt the guilt of this defendant.

The heart
The Laundry bag
The Winnie the Pooh blanket.
The diary
I have no further doubts....

Casey, Cindy, George all had access to those. The diary is not proof either.
I think "thetruthsetufre" is a sock puppet.
They just became a member in June 2011.
They have only made 5 posts and all 5 have been in this thread *sigh*

How funny. You've got a month veteran status over "thetruthsetufre" -- yowza. And by the way, I can think of at least one person who used to post regularly on this board who easily could have created a sock puppet in you.
I think "thetruthsetufre" is a sock puppet.
They just became a member in June 2011.
They have only made 5 posts and all 5 have been in this thread *sigh*

How funny. You've got a month veteran status over "thetruthsetufre" -- yowza. And by the way, I can think of at least one person who used to post regularly on this board who easily could have created a sock puppet in you.

What's your point??
Well, you have company, let's chat a bit, shall we?? :lol:

:lol::lol: How yoo doin'?

Did you watch this morning? Bozo is going to be in some deep doodoo after this trial is lost

Yeppers, and the deeper, the better :clap2:

You've got to be kidding. If Baez is proven incompetent in her defense, she gets a whole new trial. But I wouldn't hold my breath; I don't think that's what they're aiming for anyway.
I think "thetruthsetufre" is a sock puppet.
They just became a member in June 2011.
They have only made 5 posts and all 5 have been in this thread *sigh*

Oohh, DayDreamer? TW?

It's a reg, check out the last post they made. They started out acting like they knew very little regarding the Anthony case (or is it the Anderson's) *haha*...and now they are full blown into listing all the facts.
I say it's a sock puppet all the way!
And that makes them even more pathetic, can't post in their own name.

It's unfortunate, but those of us who actually want the truth (regardless what it is) have to go to alternate sources from HLN which sets the stage for all the other "reports" on the news regarding this trial. It takes some digging, but of course you and R.D., et al., can't be bothered. Therefore, just accusing those of us who read and listen clearly to BOTH SIDES of the evidence are labeled pathetic, liars, sock puppets, blah blah blah. So typical of today's reactionary attitude. Now that's what's pathetic.
:lol::lol: How yoo doin'?

Did you watch this morning? Bozo is going to be in some deep doodoo after this trial is lost

Yeppers, and the deeper, the better :clap2:

You've got to be kidding. If Baez is proven incompetent in her defense, she gets a whole new trial. But I wouldn't hold my breath; I don't think that's what they're aiming for anyway.

And her ass still sits in jail :lol:

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