Casey Anthony

YOU are the jury. What's your thoughts so far?

  • guilty.

    Votes: 9 90.0%
  • not guilty.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • undecided.

    Votes: 1 10.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
unfortunatly , just like nancy grace , most of you have blinders on . also you have a crooked prosecuter who has made a complete mockery of the legal system . this entire case is based on guesswork and very sloppy police work . for one thing ask yourself this , why would george leave a note and drive an hour and a half to daytona to commit suicide if he wasnt guilty ? get real people . the defense case makes way more sense than the states bs fabricated evidence . the state did not prove its case to me in any way shape or form . yes she looks guilty , george looks guilty , lee looks guilty , cindy looks guilty , procecuter jeff dipshit is definatly guilty . why is he afraid of the defense witnesses telling their opinions or truth ? objection ! objection ! freaking moron ! his attitude im sure has already pushed some jurors toward NOT GUILTY due to his attitude and trying to manipulate witnesses by refusing to depose them just because hes scared of a truthfull opinion . heres the facts folks , all it is going to take is ONE JUROR LIKE ME TO VOTE NOT GUILTY ON ALL COUNTS , SHE WALKS DUE TO PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT IN THE EYES OF THE JURY. THE STATE DID NOT PROVE ITS CASE , DID NOT CONNECT CASEY TO THE CRIME . REASONABLE DOUBT WILL SET HER FREE . CHOKE ON THAT NANCY !

Exactly. Ashton comes off as just a mean sonovabitch, and the jury will note that. The trial has become a circus: Ashton as a pissed-off prosecutor who thought he had a case for murder one based on shoddy evidence, and Baez as a goofy store-front lawyer who thinks court procedures apply to everyone but him. I keep thinking of the TV series "Boston Legal" where Denny Craig was allowed to go only so far with his blunders before Alan Shore stepped in and wrapped up the case.
It proved it's case. your girlie gets the chair. And JB looks the clown.

They haven't proven anything except that Caylee is dead. But I'm getting bored arguing that same thing with you people who are so convinced you're right that you should just storm the jail land drag Casey out and lynch her that I'm not even going to discuss it with you anymore. It's a waste of time.
Another thing that I'm gonna rant about. The clear badgering of "experts" presented by the defense team, and the clear attempt to "cheapen" the "value" of an expert's testimony by the State (Ashton) and the media is truly annoying and lacks objectivity. The testimony of the well respected Dr. Werner Spitz was skimmed over and was really eye popping to me. Dr. Werner Spitz raised more reasonable doubt in my mind than can be overcome by the tactics of the slimy Ashton.

So you won't be taping Dr. Henry Lee :lol:

I think Dr. Lee's purchase price was too high.

And thetruthsetufre still thougt he was testifying yesterday. Both wrong The taxpayers a picking up the tab so the sky is the limit.Cheney Mason had said in court earlier this year that Lee would be willing to work for a crate of oranges

The defense said Dr. Lee has nothing of value to contribute to the defense, and therefore won't be at trial. CLICK &

You gonna whine a call me names for pointing out a few more facts? :lol:
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And you know, something else that bugs the shit outta me! ICA glides in the courtroom, every damn day, with a smirk on her face, does anyone else notice that??
She doesn't appear upset, or look sad because she's not going to see her baby ever again. She doesn't appear distraught, like she sits in her cell and worries all night long. She doesn't appear to be anything, but a wicked witch, acting like she's all innocent and what's up with her constantly fixing her clothing??
Every time I see her, she is messing with her blouse or shirt, what's she wanting to be all pretty for??
God she makes me sick!

What kind of face should she have on Mom? Maybe what looks like a smirk to you is an attempt to look pleasant at least, and nothing else. Do you know her personally to determine her normal facial expressions? I'm guessing not.

But like the lady hangmen on HLN, those mundane things are what's important in forming their opinions. Yesterday evening, Jane Valez-Mitchell wasn't into her show ten minutes before she blurted out that Casey was faking tears.

Get real.
We have all seen MANY photos of Casey..when she was dancing, when she was partying, when she was holding Caylee, when she was with her brother, when she was with her friends, when she was out shopping and using her friend's checks that she stole.....plenty of photos of Casey.
One has had more than enough opportunities to get an idea of her personality, and she appears to me, to be smirking, in court.
She doesn't look distraught...for God's sake, wouldn't you be a basket case if it were YOUR little girl found in the woods??
And there sat your ass on trial for her murder??
I am pretty certain, that most people, the innocent people, would be sitting there NOT looking like Casey Anthony.
Hell half the time she looks pissed.

If she sat there in tears all the time, they'd have to call a recess every 15 minutes. No, you get real.
I think "thetruthsetufre" is a sock puppet.
They just became a member in June 2011.
They have only made 5 posts and all 5 have been in this thread *sigh*

How funny. You've got a month veteran status over "thetruthsetufre" -- yowza. And by the way, I can think of at least one person who used to post regularly on this board who easily could have created a sock puppet in you.

What's your point??

What was yours? I merely responded. D'oh...
Duct tape was NOT the "murder weapon." It's been proven that it was placed over or near her mouth AFTER she was already dead. Dr. G only testified that her finding would be that duct tape placed in that manner would constitute a homicide, but she DID NOT say that the duct tape caused her death.

As I've pointed out before, from records and testimony, Casey was driving Lazzaro's jeep between June 17th and June 22, 2008. So who was driving "her" car????

Stop pretending you're the end all and be all of evidence determination. The tape was placed on the babies mouth while alive has been proven to my satisfaction. Can you move on now?

No one, she parked it somewhere. Stole her boyfriends jeep for the week, typical ICA

Move on TO WHAT? You're the one who brought up duct tape again. My God, you people are just acting stupid now.

I'm not "pretending" anything, genius. I'm merely pointing out the flaws in the prosecution's evidence. And there are a slew of them, but of course you prefer to get your "information" from a biased blogsite or two, and "pretend" that YOU'RE the one that has got all the evidence needed.

It's a reg, check out the last post they made. They started out acting like they knew very little regarding the Anthony case (or is it the Anderson's) *haha*...and now they are full blown into listing all the facts.
I say it's a sock puppet all the way!
And that makes them even more pathetic, can't post in their own name.

It's unfortunate, but those of us who actually want the truth (regardless what it is) have to go to alternate sources from HLN which sets the stage for all the other "reports" on the news regarding this trial. It takes some digging, but of course you and R.D., et al., can't be bothered. Therefore, just accusing those of us who read and listen clearly to BOTH SIDES of the evidence are labeled pathetic, liars, sock puppets, blah blah blah. So typical of today's reactionary attitude. Now that's what's pathetic.

If "we" are that pathetic, why do you bother coming in here to post back with us??

Because I always try to keep it honest. Just ask R.D. It's why s/he loves coming after me.
It's unfortunate, but those of us who actually want the truth (regardless what it is) have to go to alternate sources from HLN which sets the stage for all the other "reports" on the news regarding this trial. It takes some digging, but of course you and R.D., et al., can't be bothered. Therefore, just accusing those of us who read and listen clearly to BOTH SIDES of the evidence are labeled pathetic, liars, sock puppets, blah blah blah. So typical of today's reactionary attitude. Now that's what's pathetic.

Remind us again who is Stacy Anderson? :funnyface:

Oh give it a rest, idiot(s).
It's unfortunate, but those of us who actually want the truth (regardless what it is) have to go to alternate sources from HLN which sets the stage for all the other "reports" on the news regarding this trial. It takes some digging, but of course you and R.D., et al., can't be bothered. Therefore, just accusing those of us who read and listen clearly to BOTH SIDES of the evidence are labeled pathetic, liars, sock puppets, blah blah blah. So typical of today's reactionary attitude. Now that's what's pathetic.

Remind us again who is Stacy Anderson? :funnyface:

Yes......yes, I clearly have been watching the Casey Anthony trial, haven't you R.D.??

Dabbie and R.D. sittin' in a tree. How cute.
Another problem with this case is the extreme lack of objectivity by the media. The presentations and breakdown of each day are given to us by former prosecutors, law enforcement specialists, and people who automatically side with the State's theories no matter what. You throw the human element of a dead child into the issue and you get the type of universal response to Casey's weirdo type behavior to this circumstantial evidence case. Taking my dislike for Baez and Casey herself out of the picture, I can objectively say the State has FAILED to prove without reasonable doubt the murder of Caylee Anthony at the hands of her mother. I'm sorry but if I'm on that jury I convict her for being deceptive to the police and nothing else has been proven beyond reasonable doubt for me. Keep watching Nancy Grace and letting this bald headed TruTV guy tell you how to think.

The media frenzy over this has been going on for over two years. Every report, every tabloid "story" has Casey Anthony portrayed exactly the way the prosecution set her up in this trial, with not a single one of those story-tellers bothering to dig very deep into the entire dysfunctional family's habits and activities.

Well IF she is innocent, it is her lawyer's job (Baez) to get her out of the mess she created.

That's the only thing I can agree on. I don't know why Cheney Mason doesn't take the lead but it must have something to do with ego. I'd love to be a fly on the wall during the after-hours review of the daily proceedings.
Well then make your case, genius. You still haven't.

Ironically, you don't change your MO from topic to topic on this message board. You just assume everyone is going to take your word for something because you will unequivocally state what is, or is not, and that should be enough. (Well, R.D., sez, so it must be true...) Sorry, but you've never been able to suck me in with that strategy.

They have to prove motive?

I don't have to prove a thing you brat.

The State does and I have posted many times I agree with them and why . I am not playing detective like you and some others here who so desperately appear to be seeking some sick personal fulfillment in this tragedy.

You have doubts - no sh**? Stop asking questions if you don't like the factual testimonial answes you get

Stop trying to prove the case is already over, and I'll stop asking questions about "factual"??? information with holes as big as Texas. This is a fucking discussion board, and I'll say any goddamned thing I want. You don't rule.
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Move on TO WHAT? You're the one who brought up duct tape again. My God, you people are just acting stupid now.

I'm not "pretending" anything, genius. I'm merely pointing out the flaws in the prosecution's evidence. And there are a slew of them, but of course you prefer to get your "information" from a biased blogsite or two, and "pretend" that YOU'RE the one that has got all the evidence needed.


Maggie, all ribbing aside are you trying to be an ass for sport? I can't believe you're really as gullible as you come off in this thread. I assumed the back and forth was a game but I am beginning to wonder.

I answered "Duct tape" because I was asked what was the murder weapon in my view and the States theory.

You went ballistic, again, and started in on nonsense accusations. You do that constantly, what is the problem here? We all want the killer (hider) punished - or at least I thought we did. And pointing out the flaws of the other side is the debate Now I wonder about that too :(

Are you like thetruthsetufre that you know she is guilty, but know it hasn't been proven??? Because if so your superiority and persecution complexes are way too much for me to have any more fun poking at.
Duct tape was NOT the "murder weapon." It's been proven that it was placed over or near her mouth AFTER she was already dead. Dr. G only testified that her finding would be that duct tape placed in that manner would constitute a homicide, but she DID NOT say that the duct tape caused her death.

As I've pointed out before, from records and testimony, Casey was driving Lazzaro's jeep between June 17th and June 22, 2008. So who was driving "her" car????

No one. It had Caylee's dead body in the back, and it stunk.

Correct. And what difference do those specific dates mean?? Caylee was last seen alive on June 16th, and she was with Casey.

The forensic evidence was still being presented this morning which questions whether the body was in fact ever in the trunk. And George Anthony was the only one who SAID he saw Caylee alive on the 16th. And I don't believe him anymore than you believe Casey.
Well then make your case, genius. You still haven't.

Ironically, you don't change your MO from topic to topic on this message board. You just assume everyone is going to take your word for something because you will unequivocally state what is, or is not, and that should be enough. (Well, R.D., sez, so it must be true...) Sorry, but you've never been able to suck me in with that strategy.

They have to prove motive?

I don't have to prove a thing you brat.

The State does and I have posted many times I agree with them and why . I am not playing detective like you and some others here who so desperately appear to be seeking some sick personal fulfillment in this tragedy.

You have doubts - no sh**? Stop asking questions if you don't like the factual testimonial answes you get

Stop trying to prove the case is already over, and I'll stop asking questions about "factual"??? information with holes as big as Texas. This is a fucking discussion board, and I'll say any goddamned thing I want. You don't rule.

There, there. Settle down. You're beginning to sound like ICA in one of her jail phone conversations. Is that your watch beeping?:eusa_whistle:
What kind of face should she have on Mom? Maybe what looks like a smirk to you is an attempt to look pleasant at least, and nothing else. Do you know her personally to determine her normal facial expressions? I'm guessing not.

But like the lady hangmen on HLN, those mundane things are what's important in forming their opinions. Yesterday evening, Jane Valez-Mitchell wasn't into her show ten minutes before she blurted out that Casey was faking tears.

Get real.
We have all seen MANY photos of Casey..when she was dancing, when she was partying, when she was holding Caylee, when she was with her brother, when she was with her friends, when she was out shopping and using her friend's checks that she stole.....plenty of photos of Casey.
One has had more than enough opportunities to get an idea of her personality, and she appears to me, to be smirking, in court.
She doesn't look distraught...for God's sake, wouldn't you be a basket case if it were YOUR little girl found in the woods??
And there sat your ass on trial for her murder??
I am pretty certain, that most people, the innocent people, would be sitting there NOT looking like Casey Anthony.
Hell half the time she looks pissed.

If she sat there in tears all the time, they'd have to call a recess every 15 minutes. No, you get real.

I am real lady. :up_yours:
So you won't be taping Dr. Henry Lee :lol:

I think Dr. Lee's purchase price was too high.

And thetruthsetufre still thougt he was testifying yesterday. Both wrong The taxpayers a picking up the tab so the sky is the limit.Cheney Mason had said in court earlier this year that Lee would be willing to work for a crate of oranges

The defense said Dr. Lee has nothing of value to contribute to the defense, and therefore won't be at trial. CLICK & Casey Anthony defense needs to extend their time for experts January 25 2011

You gonna whine a call me names for pointing out a few more facts? :lol:

Lee had already billed them $7,000+ for his testimony in 2008. I don't think he comes cheap. I have no idea what more he could offer now, so if he's expensive, why pay for redundancy?
Move on TO WHAT? You're the one who brought up duct tape again. My God, you people are just acting stupid now.

I'm not "pretending" anything, genius. I'm merely pointing out the flaws in the prosecution's evidence. And there are a slew of them, but of course you prefer to get your "information" from a biased blogsite or two, and "pretend" that YOU'RE the one that has got all the evidence needed.


Maggie, all ribbing aside are you trying to be an ass for sport? I can't believe you're really as gullible as you come off in this thread. I assumed the back and forth was a game but I am beginning to wonder.

I answered "Duct tape" because I was asked what was the murder weapon in my view and the States theory.

You went ballistic, again, and started in on nonsense accusations. You do that constantly, what is the problem here? We all want the killer (hider) punished - or at least I thought we did. And pointing out the flaws of the other side is the debate Now I wonder about that too :(

Are you like thetruthsetufre that you know she is guilty, but know it hasn't been proven??? Because if so your superiority and persecution complexes are way too much for me to have any more fun poking at.

My "problem" is the same as it's been from the outset, before I even began posting here. I believe in that old-fashioned rule that everyone is presumed innocent until proven guilty. And I think there is enough provable history of this dysfunctional family's lifestyle that leads me to believe that this was NOT all Casey's doing. And I believe the prosecution has not made it's case that it is. It's really that simple.

But when I see that 99% of the people posting in this thread have got the whole thing locked up, Casey's guilty as charged, and then the ugly comments that they want to see her rot in jail before the trial even gets going, really REALLY pisses me off.

And one other thing: If I didn't already know your method of posting, I might have thought you were "poking fun" if you had given some clue that you were. But I know you can't stand to be wrong, and you're not having "fun," but insistent that you have the last word, which you hope will be seen as some sort of truth just because you say so. As I said, that's your MO. And suddenly I'm supposed to think you're just "ribbing" me? Uh, no.
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Get real.
We have all seen MANY photos of Casey..when she was dancing, when she was partying, when she was holding Caylee, when she was with her brother, when she was with her friends, when she was out shopping and using her friend's checks that she stole.....plenty of photos of Casey.
One has had more than enough opportunities to get an idea of her personality, and she appears to me, to be smirking, in court.
She doesn't look distraught...for God's sake, wouldn't you be a basket case if it were YOUR little girl found in the woods??
And there sat your ass on trial for her murder??
I am pretty certain, that most people, the innocent people, would be sitting there NOT looking like Casey Anthony.
Hell half the time she looks pissed.

If she sat there in tears all the time, they'd have to call a recess every 15 minutes. No, you get real.

I am real lady. :up_yours:

Your avatar is quite appropriate.
Move on TO WHAT? You're the one who brought up duct tape again. My God, you people are just acting stupid now.

I'm not "pretending" anything, genius. I'm merely pointing out the flaws in the prosecution's evidence. And there are a slew of them, but of course you prefer to get your "information" from a biased blogsite or two, and "pretend" that YOU'RE the one that has got all the evidence needed.


Maggie, all ribbing aside are you trying to be an ass for sport? I can't believe you're really as gullible as you come off in this thread. I assumed the back and forth was a game but I am beginning to wonder.

I answered "Duct tape" because I was asked what was the murder weapon in my view and the States theory.

You went ballistic, again, and started in on nonsense accusations. You do that constantly, what is the problem here? We all want the killer (hider) punished - or at least I thought we did. And pointing out the flaws of the other side is the debate Now I wonder about that too :(

Are you like thetruthsetufre that you know she is guilty, but know it hasn't been proven??? Because if so your superiority and persecution complexes are way too much for me to have any more fun poking at.

My "problem" is the same as it's been from the outset, before I even began posting here. I believe in that old-fashioned rule that everyone is presumed innocent until proven guilty. And I think there is enough provable history of this dysfunctional family's lifestyle that leads me to believe that this was NOT all Casey's doing. And I believe the prosecution has not made it's case that it is. It's really that simple.

But when I see that 99% of the people posting in this thread have got the whole thing locked up, Casey's guilty as charged, and then the ugly comments that they want to see her rot in jail before the trial even gets going, really REALLY pisses me off.

And one other thing: If I didn't already know your method of posting, I might have thought you were "poking fun" if you had given some clue that you were. But I know you can't stand to be wrong, and you're not having "fun," but insistent that you have the last word, which you hope will be seen as some sort of truth just because you say so. As I said, that's your MO. And suddenly I'm supposed to think you're just "ribbing" me? Uh, no.

There's therapy for that.
My "problem" is the same as it's been from the outset, before I even began posting here. I believe in that old-fashioned rule that everyone is presumed innocent until proven guilty. And I think there is enough provable history of this dysfunctional family's lifestyle that leads me to believe that this was NOT all Casey's doing. And I believe the prosecution has not made it's case that it is. It's really that simple.
No, your hostility has got to be more than that.
But when I see that 99% of the people posting in this thread have got the whole thing locked up, Casey's guilty as charged, and then the ugly comments that they want to see her rot in jail before the trial even gets going, really REALLY pisses me off.
Why? It doesn't piss me off that you want to blame other people for the death
And one other thing: If I didn't already know your method of posting, I might have thought you were "poking fun" if you had given some clue that you were. But I know you can't stand to be wrong, and you're not having "fun," but insistent that you have the last word, which you hope will be seen as some sort of truth just because you say so. As I said, that's your MO. And suddenly I'm supposed to think you're just "ribbing" me? Uh, no.
You really don't see the irony in this post? I think closer to the truth is you hate to be disagreed with and I very seldom do agree with you.

You win, though. I will never point out when you're wrong ever again :eusa_angel: I won't even disagree with you, ever.

Maggie is always right from this day forward.

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