Cash for Clunkers didn't work

Cash for clunkers didn't help the economy - The Week

Evidence shows that the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (ARRA) more widely known as the Obama stimulus worked. An analysis from the White House's Council of Economic Advisers found that the stimulus saved or created about 1.6 million jobs a year for four years, through the end of 2012. The ARRA also raised the level of real economic activity by between 2 and 3 percent from late 2009 through mid-2011. And the extra government debt added by the stimulus may have been entirely offset by new economic activity.

Pardon me if I'm skeptical about a report coming from the White House evaluating their own stimulus package.

The cost of the ARRA was $831 billion. If their claim that it saved 1.6 million jobs is accurate, then we spent $519,375 saving each job.

Only in the minds of the economic illiterate is such a folly deemed a success.

By all accounts, the Stimulus worked

It did what it was supposed to......stimulate a crashing economy

Too bad it wasn't bigger

Yeah, too bad. (sic)

Another example of a wasteful federal program. Since when did the Constitution say Uncle Sam was supposed to get in the used car business?
Liberal revisionist need to stop trying to rewrite history to glorify Obama. He DID NOT save us from another Great Depression. The economic downturn had been a slow creep and unemployment was only around 9%. In 1932 it was 25% +. thats a "depression." Obama is not FDR. Nice try libs.
It worked? So, $7,000,000,000,000 in new debt, lowest labor participation rate in 40 years, 1/6 of Americans on public assistance and it worked?


More evidence liberals are insane.
They were so obsessed with GW Bush that they became delusional. When Obama ran in 2008 they gathered in Denver like some kind of cult and cried and wept over their new god. When he was elected they thought he would save the world from mean ol' GW Bush and his cronies. that's why now some of you think Obama has not done enough. There was never that much to do from the start because America was never that bad off. Man you people are weak of mind.
Cash for clunkers didn't help the economy - The Week

Evidence shows that the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (ARRA) more widely known as the Obama stimulus worked. An analysis from the White House's Council of Economic Advisers found that the stimulus saved or created about 1.6 million jobs a year for four years, through the end of 2012. The ARRA also raised the level of real economic activity by between 2 and 3 percent from late 2009 through mid-2011. And the extra government debt added by the stimulus may have been entirely offset by new economic activity.

Pardon me if I'm skeptical about a report coming from the White House evaluating their own stimulus package.

The cost of the ARRA was $831 billion. If their claim that it saved 1.6 million jobs is accurate, then we spent $519,375 saving each job.

Only in the minds of the economic illiterate is such a folly deemed a success.

By all accounts, the Stimulus worked

It did what it was supposed to......stimulate a crashing economy

Too bad it wasn't bigger

Even though I was against the stimulus, Bush started it, so are you also praising Bush for coming up with the idea?

Remember this bit of propaganda from liberal media in 2008. What a joke!:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
This administration told us the stimulus would keep unemployment under 8%. It didn't. It's funny watching them move the goalposts though.

Even Newsweek got in on the propaganda wagon. Glad conservatives have fought back to save our nation from the Democratic-Socialist.
No shit Sherlock. The stimulus didn't work either by the way.

Do you have any evidence?

Nothing but old warehouses and abandoned buildings existed in these photographs a few years ago. What you don't see is a new light rail and subway system which exists from the San Mateo County Line to downtown SF, and soon to be completed to China Town, North Beach and end at Fisherman's Warf.

Mission Bay | San Francisco Aerial Photography - Images | Aerial Archives | San Francisco

The Construction you see includes is high tech, and an expansion of the U. of California at San Francisco (Medical, Dental and research); see:

Mission Bay News - San Francisco Business Times

Much of this construction, the new Eastern Span of the Bay Bridge, the light rail/subway and infrastructure received funding from the act the right regularly considers a boondoggle.

Maybe Rocko has some evidence to support his opinion - likely not.
Pardon me if I'm skeptical about a report coming from the White House evaluating their own stimulus package.

The cost of the ARRA was $831 billion. If their claim that it saved 1.6 million jobs is accurate, then we spent $519,375 saving each job.

Only in the minds of the economic illiterate is such a folly deemed a success.

By all accounts, the Stimulus worked

It did what it was supposed to......stimulate a crashing economy

Too bad it wasn't bigger

Even though I was against the stimulus, Bush started it, so are you also praising Bush for coming up with the idea?

Bush and Paulson

Many stupid assed Republicans opposed the Bush stimulus. Of those Republicans who supported the Bush stimulus, NONE would support the same thing from Obama
We have spent the most on short circuiting the recession of any government. We have gotten the weakest recovery on record. Those two things are causal. The more gov't interferes with recession, the worse the subsequent recovery. Spending $7T to get growth under 2% is a fool's bargain. Unfortunately most Democrats are fools.
Not only did the stimulus not work, they were warned by over 100 economists, inclduing 2 Nobel Prize winners, that it wouldn't work.
By all accounts, the Stimulus worked

It did what it was supposed to......stimulate a crashing economy

Too bad it wasn't bigger

Even though I was against the stimulus, Bush started it, so are you also praising Bush for coming up with the idea?

Bush and Paulson

Many stupid assed Republicans opposed the Bush stimulus. Of those Republicans who supported the Bush stimulus, NONE would support the same thing from Obama

The far left still can not admit to voting for twice worse than Bush..
No shit Sherlock. The stimulus didn't work either by the way.

Do you have any evidence?

Nothing but old warehouses and abandoned buildings existed in these photographs a few years ago. What you don't see is a new light rail and subway system which exists from the San Mateo County Line to downtown SF, and soon to be completed to China Town, North Beach and end at Fisherman's Warf.

Mission Bay | San Francisco Aerial Photography - Images | Aerial Archives | San Francisco

The Construction you see includes is high tech, and an expansion of the U. of California at San Francisco (Medical, Dental and research); see:

Mission Bay News - San Francisco Business Times

Much of this construction, the new Eastern Span of the Bay Bridge, the light rail/subway and infrastructure received funding from the act the right regularly considers a boondoggle.

Maybe Rocko has some evidence to support his opinion - likely not.

Showing us infrastructure projects as proof of the stimulus working is a farce.

Of course infrastructure projects at the cost of the deficit and debt will create jobs....but the problem is, they are temporary jobs for once the project is done, the job is done.

And what do people do when they know their job is temporary?

They save as much of their income as possible.

Not fucking rocket science.

Show me how private industry is thriving with the hiring of PERMANENT employees at 35 and 40 hours a week due to expansion, and THEN you can claim the stimulus worked. will show me some article with spin and don't waste your time.

Bottom line....there are less people working now than when the stimulus was enacted....and household incomes are down as well.

That's all we need to know to determine if the stimulus worked.

Enough said.
The Stimulus worked better than expected, but it wasn't a magic bullet and was a lot smaller than it should have been.
The Stimulus was $840 Billion. How much SHOULD it have been?

The stimulus was a far left money laundering scheme designed to give money to those that gave money to them. More far left supporters got rich off failed government invested business than the loyal programmed followers are willing to admit.
No shit Sherlock. The stimulus didn't work either by the way.

Do you have any evidence?

Nothing but old warehouses and abandoned buildings existed in these photographs a few years ago. What you don't see is a new light rail and subway system which exists from the San Mateo County Line to downtown SF, and soon to be completed to China Town, North Beach and end at Fisherman's Warf.

Mission Bay | San Francisco Aerial Photography - Images | Aerial Archives | San Francisco

The Construction you see includes is high tech, and an expansion of the U. of California at San Francisco (Medical, Dental and research); see:

Mission Bay News - San Francisco Business Times

Much of this construction, the new Eastern Span of the Bay Bridge, the light rail/subway and infrastructure received funding from the act the right regularly considers a boondoggle.

Maybe Rocko has some evidence to support his opinion - likely not.

Showing us infrastructure projects as proof of the stimulus working is a farce.

Of course infrastructure projects at the cost of the deficit and debt will create jobs....but the problem is, they are temporary jobs for once the project is done, the job is done.

And what do people do when they know their job is temporary?

They save as much of their income as possible.

Not fucking rocket science.

Show me how private industry is thriving with the hiring of PERMANENT employees at 35 and 40 hours a week due to expansion, and THEN you can claim the stimulus worked. will show me some article with spin and don't waste your time.

Bottom line....there are less people working now than when the stimulus was enacted....and household incomes are down as well.

That's all we need to know to determine if the stimulus worked.

Enough said.
Never mind that/ The stupidity of saying, Here's a city block beofre and after the stimulus. See how much better it looks? The stimulus must have worked" is beyond bounds. You look at the results. The results are fewer people working for less money with lower economic growth.
Even though I was against the stimulus, Bush started it, so are you also praising Bush for coming up with the idea?

Bush and Paulson

Many stupid assed Republicans opposed the Bush stimulus. Of those Republicans who supported the Bush stimulus, NONE would support the same thing from Obama

The far left still can not admit to voting for twice worse than Bush..

The irony?

Whenever Obama is criticized, the left responds with "Bush did it too."

So they compare what they deem as the best President ever to the what they deem as the worst president equals.


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