Caspian ecologists raise the alarm!


Sep 24, 2013
Over the last couple of years our Azeri environmentals together with Iranian colleagues (contact. az/docs/2012/Economics&Finance/082700008820en. htm) try to attract everyone's attention to problems of the Caspian Sea pollution. As an expert I'm working in this sphere for over 10 years and at this moment I have to declare that further Shah Deniz field development by BP-led consortium will have extremely disastrous ecological consequences for the whole Caspian basin.
Take, for instance, one of recent accidents at the BP platform in the Caspian Sea, located 70 km south-east of Baku. As development of oil reserves has been carried out at deрth of 600 m there with the help of technology originally developed for the Gulf of Mexico, there is no surprise that the BP oil and gas extraction in general has become the source of so large-scale pollution of waters of the Caspian basin now!
Moreover, the BP continues to use here the technology that led to the largest accidental oil spill in the history of the whole petroleum industry, because our authorities always keep silence towards such accidents, as they fear to lose so rich Shah Deniz project's investor!
But if nobody forces the BP leaders to refuse from their dangerous technologies for saving unique nature of Caspian basin, large oil spillages will minimize chances of surviving any living objects here...

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