Catholic celibacy open for debate

But getting back to the point, I think the Catholic Church truly needs to lighten up in areas where their rules are not Bible-based, or as in the case of celibacy, even historically-based. The Apostles were married, for goodness sake, and I wouldn't be surprised if JC himself wasn't married to Lazarus' sister, Mary.

And in fact, the RC Church's rules are different from the Orthodox Churches, which the RC Church considers part of the overall Church of Christ. And their priests can be married.

There are only two reasons why the Church clings to celibacy: Inconvenience and Inertia. (I reject the premise that the Church is secretly ruled by a Homosexual Cabal of Priests).

It's only a question of time before we have married and women priests. But I don't think I'll live long enough to see it.
which would be more important for the Priest ?

why get "married", just live together.

Do they watch a lot of people having sex?

Considering you think relationships are all about sex, and somehow having sex with alot of women = knowledge on sex with just one woman after that, then maybe he might have some pointers for you.

I never said that. You either totally missed the point or you are an asshole. Or both.

You sure as hell imply it.

And I am an asshole, just as you are a witless wonder.
In discussing the peculiarities of different religions you might ask a Jew why they have to wear a silly hat or why a Muslim has to stop and pray five times a day

But both look at celibate Catholic priests and say......Thats fucking nuts!
In discussing the peculiarities of different religions you might ask a Jew why they have to wear a silly hat or why a Muslim has to stop and pray five times a day

But both look at celibate Catholic priests and say......Thats fucking nuts!

The reason is to give all attention to.God
In discussing the peculiarities of different religions you might ask a Jew why they have to wear a silly hat or why a Muslim has to stop and pray five times a day

But both look at celibate Catholic priests and say......Thats fucking nuts!

The reason is to give all attention to.God

A husband and wife can't give attention to god?
All other religions do it

The true reason...

Catholics have an 11th is dirty
In discussing the peculiarities of different religions you might ask a Jew why they have to wear a silly hat or why a Muslim has to stop and pray five times a day

But both look at celibate Catholic priests and say......Thats fucking nuts!

The reason is to give all attention to.God

A husband and wife can't give attention to god?
All other religions do it

The true reason...

Catholics have an 11th is dirty

I told you the reason whether you agree or not is irrelevant
In discussing the peculiarities of different religions you might ask a Jew why they have to wear a silly hat or why a Muslim has to stop and pray five times a day

But both look at celibate Catholic priests and say......Thats fucking nuts!

Orthodox bishops are celibate, as are many holy traditions in buddhism and hinduism.

Its not only a Catholic thing.
In discussing the peculiarities of different religions you might ask a Jew why they have to wear a silly hat or why a Muslim has to stop and pray five times a day

But both look at celibate Catholic priests and say......Thats fucking nuts!

The reason is to give all attention to.God

A husband and wife can't give attention to god?
All other religions do it

The true reason...

Catholics have an 11th is dirty

No, sex is something that shouldnt be cavalierly thrown around like a chew toy. Inside marriage they are pretty cool with it, considering they ask if a couple will raise the children in the Church.
The reason is to give all attention to.God

A husband and wife can't give attention to god?
All other religions do it

The true reason...

Catholics have an 11th is dirty

No, sex is something that shouldnt be cavalierly thrown around like a chew toy. Inside marriage they are pretty cool with it, considering they ask if a couple will raise the children in the Church.

Even within marriage, Catholic doctrine treats sex as dirty. They understand that it is necessary for procreation but even married couples having recreational sex is frowned upon. How else can you explain the churches opposition to birth control and married couples getting sterilized? Unless sex can lead to procreation, it is considered dirty
A husband and wife can't give attention to god?
All other religions do it

The true reason...

Catholics have an 11th is dirty

No, sex is something that shouldnt be cavalierly thrown around like a chew toy. Inside marriage they are pretty cool with it, considering they ask if a couple will raise the children in the Church.

Even within marriage, Catholic doctrine treats sex as dirty. They understand that it is necessary for procreation but even married couples having recreational sex is frowned upon. How else can you explain the churches opposition to birth control and married couples getting sterilized? Unless sex can lead to procreation, it is considered dirty

They have no issue with the rythmn method, i.e. self control. They also dont say you have to stop having sex after menopause.

Catholic doctrine is consitent in its views on life. One must not prevent life and one must not terminate life by human means at any point of its existance, from conception to natural death.
what is it with you progressives and always wanting to tare down any Christian church? Do you fear God this much? He loves you no matter what.

How does allowing Priests to marry tear down the Catholic Church? Peter, who catholics say is the first Pope, was married. The not marrying thing was a medieval church development.

In fact, allowing them to marry might reinvigorate the Catholic Priesthood.
+1 He's interesting.

The whole celibacy thing has always weird-ed me out about the Catholics. To many pervs using celibacy as cover for their pedo love. Nutz. IMO they would be better off allowing normal men and women who, shock, marry each other instead of the church, be priests.

It's like what former Secretary of the Interior James Watt once said..

"You no playa the game, you no maka da rules"

A Priest is supposed to offer guidance to membrs of his parish. How do you give guidance on marital issues, raising children or relationships when you have never done it?

if we go by that logic how can politicans who have never worked in real industry be allowed to make rules regarding that industry? How can civilians be allowed to make decsions for the military? (which is how our consitution sets it up)

Your logic is flawed.

I actually have to disagree. I think the logic is sound. Politicians who haven't worked in real industry shouldn't be making rules regarding that industry. And they wouldn't be if we returned to limited government.
It's like what former Secretary of the Interior James Watt once said..

"You no playa the game, you no maka da rules"

A Priest is supposed to offer guidance to membrs of his parish. How do you give guidance on marital issues, raising children or relationships when you have never done it?

if we go by that logic how can politicans who have never worked in real industry be allowed to make rules regarding that industry? How can civilians be allowed to make decsions for the military? (which is how our consitution sets it up)

Your logic is flawed.

Politicians have expert advisors who are subject matter experts in economics, science. business, miltary.....

Priests do not call in experts in marital relations when they give advice...and it shows

Priests have an expert too: God. And He is freely accessible at all hours of the day, every day of the year.
A husband and wife can't give attention to god?
All other religions do it

The true reason...

Catholics have an 11th is dirty

No, sex is something that shouldnt be cavalierly thrown around like a chew toy. Inside marriage they are pretty cool with it, considering they ask if a couple will raise the children in the Church.

Even within marriage, Catholic doctrine treats sex as dirty. They understand that it is necessary for procreation but even married couples having recreational sex is frowned upon. How else can you explain the churches opposition to birth control and married couples getting sterilized? Unless sex can lead to procreation, it is considered dirty

The scriptures command married couples to have sex. the Commandment to be fruitful and multiple has never been rescinded. It was the first commandment given to man.

The opposition to birth control and sterilization has nothing to do with viewing sex as dirty. It has to do with seeing life as sacred. They believe that a married couple shouldn't prevent God from giving them a life to take care of.

I tend to agree. Though I realize there are other reasons women are on birth control than just preventing children.
Considering you think relationships are all about sex, and somehow having sex with alot of women = knowledge on sex with just one woman after that, then maybe he might have some pointers for you.

I never said that. You either totally missed the point or you are an asshole. Or both.

You sure as hell imply it.

And I am an asshole, just as you are a witless wonder.

I was only speaking on one part of it. If you had thought after you read it, we would not be having this dissuasion.

Do not fret, you were 50 percent right on what you said, the first is correct.
But getting back to the point, I think the Catholic Church truly needs to lighten up in areas where their rules are not Bible-based, or as in the case of celibacy, even historically-based. The Apostles were married, for goodness sake, and I wouldn't be surprised if JC himself wasn't married to Lazarus' sister, Mary.

And in fact, the RC Church's rules are different from the Orthodox Churches, which the RC Church considers part of the overall Church of Christ. And their priests can be married.

There are only two reasons why the Church clings to celibacy: Inconvenience and Inertia. (I reject the premise that the Church is secretly ruled by a Homosexual Cabal of Priests).

It's only a question of time before we have married and women priests. But I don't think I'll live long enough to see it.

Here's the thing. This world means nothing compared to everlasting life with God in Heaven. That's what Christianity is all about, getting with God. So if a priest, who has dedicated his life to God and to leading God's people on the right path to God...if that priest can't even give up the worldly things, how can a pathetic little sinner like myself be able to. I have known many inspirational priests, who put aside the things of this world to serve God. Who live modest lives dedicated to God. That is inspirational. That helps strengthen my weak faith to see someone like that.

I once knew a priest who was dying of pancreatic cancer. In the last weeks of his life he wrote me a letter because I was getting married. He was supposed to have performed the wedding, but couldn't because of his illness. He commented that here I was, just starting on my spiritual journey with my new husband, and here he was, on his final journey. And then he said..."ISN'T GOD GREAT!!!" He had just spoken about the fact that he was dying and exclaims about how great God is! How inspiring is that? That is so far and above and beyond any stupid sex. I mean, to have a belief and faith that strong that you look upon your own death with joy...that is better than any worldly pleasures!

And that's how I want my priests to be. True men of God. Not some two-bit preachers who go through the motions and then go home and screw their wife at night.

And as far as women priests? Forget about it!

Women priests, married priests...all these concessions just show that people aren't serious about God, Jesus Christ and the afterlife. They don't really believe in it, or they wouldn't be quibbling about bending the Church to fit the preferences of people. They would be living a good and simple life and looking forward to the next life. And instead of complaining about changing things in the Church, they'd be saying, "Isn't God great!"
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In discussing the peculiarities of different religions you might ask a Jew why they have to wear a silly hat or why a Muslim has to stop and pray five times a day

But both look at celibate Catholic priests and say......Thats fucking nuts!

Well, apparently THEY don't believe in God enough to give up the wordly pleasures in His service.
In discussing the peculiarities of different religions you might ask a Jew why they have to wear a silly hat or why a Muslim has to stop and pray five times a day

But both look at celibate Catholic priests and say......Thats fucking nuts!

The reason is to give all attention to.God

A husband and wife can't give attention to god?
All other religions do it

The true reason...

Catholics have an 11th is dirty

That's not true at all. Sex is encouraged in marriage, and not just for procreation. The Church encourages sex in marriage because it keeps a marriage strong. :)

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