Catholic celibacy open for debate

I've said it before, and I'll say it again.

This Pope has really surprised me.

And in a good way.

I really like the guy.

+1 He's interesting.

The whole celibacy thing has always weird-ed me out about the Catholics. To many pervs using celibacy as cover for their pedo love. Nutz. IMO they would be better off allowing normal men and women who, shock, marry each other instead of the church, be priests.

Its original purpose was to basically limit the offspring of politically and economically important families. In medival Europe and after the eldest son inhereted, leaving the others to either conquer for thier wealth, or join the Church. preventing them from having legitatmate offspring cut down the family size and allowed the wealth to remain whole through the generations.

It also gave wealthy younger sons positions of imporatance, education and relative comfort.

Possibly but it never worked because back when children of the peerage took the clothe they still had children, they still married etc.

Hell, plenty of Popes had kids
No, sex is something that shouldnt be cavalierly thrown around like a chew toy. Inside marriage they are pretty cool with it, considering they ask if a couple will raise the children in the Church.

Even within marriage, Catholic doctrine treats sex as dirty. They understand that it is necessary for procreation but even married couples having recreational sex is frowned upon. How else can you explain the churches opposition to birth control and married couples getting sterilized? Unless sex can lead to procreation, it is considered dirty

They have no issue with the rythmn method, i.e. self control. They also dont say you have to stop having sex after menopause.

Catholic doctrine is consitent in its views on life. One must not prevent life and one must not terminate life by human means at any point of its existance, from conception to natural death.

Why should a married couple have to exercise self control?
Sex is part of a normal relationship and children should be conceived when the couple wants them
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In discussing the peculiarities of different religions you might ask a Jew why they have to wear a silly hat or why a Muslim has to stop and pray five times a day

But both look at celibate Catholic priests and say......Thats fucking nuts!

Well, apparently THEY don't believe in God enough to give up the wordly pleasures in His service.

Your response seems to confirm that sex is looked at as dirty
Why would god want you to refrain from sex?

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