Catholic Health & Jesuits Speak Out On Obama "Compromise"


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2011
The Catholic Health Association is very pleased with the White House
announcement that a resolution has been reached that protects the
religious liberty and conscience rights of Catholic institutions. The
framework developed has responded to the issues we identified that
needed to be fixed.

We are pleased and grateful that the religious liberty and conscience
protection needs of so many ministries that serve our country were
appreciated enough that an early resolution of this issue was
accomplished. The unity of Catholic organizations in addressing this
concern was a sign of its importance.

This difference has at times been uncomfortable but it has helped our
country sort through an issue that has been important throughout the
history of our great democracy.

The Catholic Health Association remains committed to working with the
Administration and others to fully implement the Affordable Care Act
to extend comprehensive and quality health care to many who suffer
today from the lack of it. "

I predicted Obama would make some kind of compromise and then it would
be 2 - 3 weeks until you didn't hear anything more about this - except
of course from FOX and RWers.

Other than this the momentum of
religion's war on Obama seems to be waning:

Wait, there's more!

"The Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities (AJCU)
acknowledges and appreciates the compromise that President Obama has
made to accommodate religious institutions in regard to the birth
control mandate under the Affordable Care Act. We commend the Obama
Administration for its willingness to work with us on moving toward a
solution, and we look forward to working out the details of these new
regulations with the White House. [Association of Jesuit Colleges and
Universities, 2/10/12] "

So who will continue making a fuss a month from now? Those who oppose
him anyway. As stated before: It was a political mistake. He spun it. It's a wash.
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The women of America will remember who was on their side come election day.

Go Obama.
Be nice to have a link that works. That's dated Feb 10. I'd like to see whether they've said anything since.

Nevermind, I found it myself. I'll wait to see what they say once they realized it's bullshit.
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"The Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities (AJCU)
acknowledges and appreciates the compromise that President Obama has
made to accommodate religious institutions in regard to the birth
control mandate under the Affordable Care Act. We commend the Obama
Administration for its willingness to work with us on moving toward a
solution, and we look forward to working out the details of these new
regulations with the White House.
[Association of Jesuit Colleges and
Universities, 2/10/12] "

I had to cut all the extraneous bullshit out to highlight that one sentence. The Jesuits admit that NOTHING is done, and the 'details' need to be worked out.

It's ALL a bunch of Kabuki, and it's not going to end prettily for Christians.

Of course, that's been the plan all along...
"The Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities (AJCU)
acknowledges and appreciates the compromise that President Obama has
made to accommodate religious institutions in regard to the birth
control mandate under the Affordable Care Act. We commend the Obama
Administration for its willingness to work with us on moving toward a
solution, and we look forward to working out the details of these new
regulations with the White House.
[Association of Jesuit Colleges and
Universities, 2/10/12] "

I had to cut all the extraneous bullshit out to highlight that one sentence. The Jesuits admit that NOTHING is done, and the 'details' need to be worked out.

It's ALL a bunch of Kabuki, and it's not going to end prettily for Christians.

Of course, that's been the plan all along...

Exactly. They released a standard statement within a couple of hours of Obama's 'accommodation' and nothing since.

Any rational human being would be looking at the devil in the detail. The statement is nothing more than an acknowledgement.

The OP lacks both independence and logic. In fact, he shows himself to be happy to libel the Catholic Church with an unfounded and baseless allegation about the Bishops.
links in article at site.

Poll: 59% of Catholics Disapprove of Obama’s Performance
by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | | 2/14/12 12:28 PM

PrintEmailNational, Politics 49
ShareThe criticism of President Barack Obama in the Catholic community has been swift thanks to the pro-abortion mandate the president put in place forcing religious groups to pay for birth control and drugs that may cause abortions.

In what is the first major public measurement of the Catholic backlash Obama faces, a new Rasmussen poll finds 59 percent of Catholics don’t approve of his job performance. That poor standing with one of the major electoral constituencies that Obama needs this November may make it more difficult for him to win a second term.

“Catholics strongly disapprove of the job President Obama is doing as the debate continues over his administration’s new policy forcing Catholic institutions to pay for contraception they morally oppose,” notes pollster Scott Rasmussen in the new survey. “While the president’s overall job approval ratings have improved over the past couple of months, they have remained steady among Catholics.”

the rest here..
Poll: 59% of Catholics Disapprove of Obama's Performance |
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links in article at site.

Poll: 59% of Catholics Disapprove of Obama’s Performance
by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | | 2/14/12 12:28 PM

PrintEmailNational, Politics 49
ShareThe criticism of President Barack Obama in the Catholic community has been swift thanks to the pro-abortion mandate the president put in place forcing religious groups to pay for birth control and drugs that may cause abortions.

In what is the first major public measurement of the Catholic backlash Obama faces, a new Rasmussen poll finds 59 percent of Catholics don’t approve of his job performance. That poor standing with one of the major electoral constituencies that Obama needs this November may make it more difficult for him to win a second term.

“Catholics strongly disapprove of the job President Obama is doing as the debate continues over his administration’s new policy forcing Catholic institutions to pay for contraception they morally oppose,” notes pollster Scott Rasmussen in the new survey. “While the president’s overall job approval ratings have improved over the past couple of months, they have remained steady among Catholics.”

the rest here..
Poll: 59% of Catholics Disapprove of Obama's Performance |

Oh, that's not good for the O.
links in article at site.

Poll: 59% of Catholics Disapprove of Obama’s Performance
by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | | 2/14/12 12:28 PM

PrintEmailNational, Politics 49
ShareThe criticism of President Barack Obama in the Catholic community has been swift thanks to the pro-abortion mandate the president put in place forcing religious groups to pay for birth control and drugs that may cause abortions.

In what is the first major public measurement of the Catholic backlash Obama faces, a new Rasmussen poll finds 59 percent of Catholics don’t approve of his job performance. That poor standing with one of the major electoral constituencies that Obama needs this November may make it more difficult for him to win a second term.

“Catholics strongly disapprove of the job President Obama is doing as the debate continues over his administration’s new policy forcing Catholic institutions to pay for contraception they morally oppose,” notes pollster Scott Rasmussen in the new survey. “While the president’s overall job approval ratings have improved over the past couple of months, they have remained steady among Catholics.”

the rest here..
Poll: 59% of Catholics Disapprove of Obama's Performance |

Oh, that's not good for the O.

reading that made me smile..

lets roll..
Now if they would call him out on his usurping his Constitutional authority for every American?
The Catholic Health Association is very pleased with the White House
announcement that a resolution has been reached that protects the
religious liberty and conscience rights of Catholic institutions. The
framework developed has responded to the issues we identified that
needed to be fixed.

We are pleased and grateful that the religious liberty and conscience
protection needs of so many ministries that serve our country were
appreciated enough that an early resolution of this issue was
accomplished. The unity of Catholic organizations in addressing this
concern was a sign of its importance.

This difference has at times been uncomfortable but it has helped our
country sort through an issue that has been important throughout the
history of our great democracy.

The Catholic Health Association remains committed to working with the
Administration and others to fully implement the Affordable Care Act
to extend comprehensive and quality health care to many who suffer
today from the lack of it. "

I predicted Obama would make some kind of compromise and then it would
be 2 - 3 weeks until you didn't hear anything more about this - except
of course from FOX and RWers.

Other than this the momentum of
religion's war on Obama seems to be waning:

Wait, there's more!

"The Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities (AJCU)
acknowledges and appreciates the compromise that President Obama has
made to accommodate religious institutions in regard to the birth
control mandate under the Affordable Care Act. We commend the Obama
Administration for its willingness to work with us on moving toward a
solution, and we look forward to working out the details of these new
regulations with the White House. [Association of Jesuit Colleges and
Universities, 2/10/12] "

So who will continue making a fuss a month from now? Those who oppose
him anyway. As stated before: It was a political mistake. He spun it. It's a wash.

Link doesn't work.
I went to main link and found your link to the statement on the 10th. I found this, that follows it:

CHAUSA | HHS Mandate

CHA Will Review the Proposed New Rules for the HHS Mandate

CHA looks forward to reviewing the specifics of the changes in the mandated benefits. Many members have called with questions about these since they were a concern as first published. On Friday, Feb. 10, 2012, we were notified that our organizations would not have to buy or refer employees for contraception and other services. We were also told that the self-insured plans would be accommodated in this. At this time, there are many unanswered questions about specifics. We now have the challenging work of reviewing the proposed rules, examining their impact and giving input before they are finalized.

Because many members have asked about specifics in the rules and also the process for applying for the one-year exception, we have included links to the rules and to the guidance on the safe harbor with this email.

As more is known about this, we will be getting that information out to the membership as quickly as possible.

> Final Rules

> Guidance on Safe Harbor

We'll have to wait and that is from a very far left board.
"The Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities (AJCU)
acknowledges and appreciates the compromise that President Obama has
made to accommodate religious institutions in regard to the birth
control mandate under the Affordable Care Act. We commend the Obama
Administration for its willingness to work with us on moving toward a
solution, and we look forward to working out the details of these new
regulations with the White House.
[Association of Jesuit Colleges and
Universities, 2/10/12] "

I had to cut all the extraneous bullshit out to highlight that one sentence. The Jesuits admit that NOTHING is done, and the 'details' need to be worked out.

It's ALL a bunch of Kabuki, and it's not going to end prettily for Christians.

Of course, that's been the plan all along...

Exactly. They released a standard statement within a couple of hours of Obama's 'accommodation' and nothing since.

Any rational human being would be looking at the devil in the detail. The statement is nothing more than an acknowledgement.

The OP lacks both independence and logic. In fact, he shows himself to be happy to libel the Catholic Church with an unfounded and baseless allegation about the Bishops.

LOL! Yes of course. You're back to your old whackjobbery. If someone disagree with you, they're not "Independent or Logical".
See sweetie, the problem with people like yourself is that your views are spoon fed to you like a baby. And you're instructed by those who tell you what to think that it's all or nothing. Either someone agrees with you (actually, your Thought Masters) on everything or they must be "one of them". Whackjobbery that has taken over 40% of the country. Shame.
This is easy to prove, btw.

Oh and nice dodge of the statement by the Catholic Health Association! ConservaRelubLitarian, right?
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"The Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities (AJCU)
acknowledges and appreciates the compromise that President Obama has
made to accommodate religious institutions in regard to the birth
control mandate under the Affordable Care Act. We commend the Obama
for its willingness to work with us on moving toward a

and we look forward to working out the details of these new
regulations with the White House.
[Association of Jesuit Colleges and
Universities, 2/10/12] "

I had to cut all the extraneous bullshit out to highlight that one sentence. The Jesuits admit that NOTHING is done, and the 'details' need to be worked out.

It's ALL a bunch of Kabuki, and it's not going to end prettily for Christians.

Of course, that's been the plan all along...

LOL! More typical whackjobbery! Let's see what we get if we don't have the eyes of a drone that focus ONLY on what they WANT to see? Above?

And of course like the other whackjobs, quickly ignores what? The statement by Catholic Health? Yeah that. :lol:
links in article at site.

Poll: 59% of Catholics Disapprove of Obama’s Performance
by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | | 2/14/12 12:28 PM

PrintEmailNational, Politics 49
ShareThe criticism of President Barack Obama in the Catholic community has been swift thanks to the pro-abortion mandate the president put in place forcing religious groups to pay for birth control and drugs that may cause abortions.

In what is the first major public measurement of the Catholic backlash Obama faces, a new Rasmussen poll finds 59 percent of Catholics don’t approve of his job performance. That poor standing with one of the major electoral constituencies that Obama needs this November may make it more difficult for him to win a second term.

“Catholics strongly disapprove of the job President Obama is doing as the debate continues over his administration’s new policy forcing Catholic institutions to pay for contraception they morally oppose,” notes pollster Scott Rasmussen in the new survey. “While the president’s overall job approval ratings have improved over the past couple of months, they have remained steady among Catholics.”

the rest here..
Poll: 59% of Catholics Disapprove of Obama's Performance |

Oh NO! Not..... a POLL?!?!?!?

Poll: Catholics Approve Of Obama's New Contraception Rule
A new poll conducted Friday night by Public Policy Polling (D) shows Catholics support President Obama's rule change to the contraception coverage requirement at religious organizations. The poll of 466 Catholic voters showed that 57% of Catholics support the new policy, which allows women who work at religiously-affiliated organizations like hospitals to get contraception cost-free as required under the Affordable Care Act through their insurer. 29% opposed the new policy for not going far enough while 5% opposed it because they think the original rule was fair. Catholic women support the compromise more than men. Respondents preferred Obama's position over Romney's opposition to any birth control coverage requirement 51% to 38% and Hispanic Catholics preferred Obama's 59% to 32%.

The survey was done on behalf of the Coalition to Protect Women's Health Care, a coalition of 28 women's health advocacy groups who came together Friday to work to protect access to birth control in the wake of the administration's rule change. The survey's margin of error is +/-4.5%.

Is this poll any more objective than the other one? Who cares? :lol:
I had to cut all the extraneous bullshit out to highlight that one sentence. The Jesuits admit that NOTHING is done, and the 'details' need to be worked out.

It's ALL a bunch of Kabuki, and it's not going to end prettily for Christians.

Of course, that's been the plan all along...

Exactly. They released a standard statement within a couple of hours of Obama's 'accommodation' and nothing since.

Any rational human being would be looking at the devil in the detail. The statement is nothing more than an acknowledgement.

The OP lacks both independence and logic. In fact, he shows himself to be happy to libel the Catholic Church with an unfounded and baseless allegation about the Bishops.

LOL! Yes of course. You're back to your old whackjobbery. If someone disagree with you, they're not "Independent or Logical".
See sweetie, the problem with people like yurself is that your views are spoon fed to you like a baby. And you're instructed by those who tell you what to think that it's all or nothing. Either someone agrees with you (actually, your Thought Masters) on everything or they must be "one of them". Whackjobbery that has taken over 40% of the country. Shame.
This is easy to prove, btw.

Oh and nice dodge of the statement by the Catholic Health Association! ConservaRelubLitarian, right?

Well you've proven you are one of those 40% with this post and a few of your threads.

good grief
"The Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities (AJCU)
acknowledges and appreciates the compromise that President Obama has
made to accommodate religious institutions in regard to the birth
control mandate under the Affordable Care Act. We commend the Obama
for its willingness to work with us on moving toward a

and we look forward to working out the details of these new
regulations with the White House.
[Association of Jesuit Colleges and
Universities, 2/10/12] "

I had to cut all the extraneous bullshit out to highlight that one sentence. The Jesuits admit that NOTHING is done, and the 'details' need to be worked out.

It's ALL a bunch of Kabuki, and it's not going to end prettily for Christians.

Of course, that's been the plan all along...

LOL! More typical whackjobbery! Let's see what we get if we don't have the eyes of a drone that focus ONLY on what they WANT to see? Above?

And of course like the other whackjobs, quickly ignores what? The statement by Catholic Health? Yeah that. :lol:

DependentLogicless, you should more closely read your own fucking threads...

CHA Will Review the Proposed New Rules for the HHS Mandate

CHA looks forward to reviewing the specifics of the changes in the mandated benefits. Many members have called with questions about these since they were a concern as first published. On Friday, Feb. 10, 2012, we were notified that our organizations would not have to buy or refer employees for contraception and other services. We were also told that the self-insured plans would be accommodated in this. At this time, there are many unanswered questions about specifics. We now have the challenging work of reviewing the proposed rules, examining their impact and giving input before they are finalized.

I'd call you a retard, but I don't want to insult retards...
I had to cut all the extraneous bullshit out to highlight that one sentence. The Jesuits admit that NOTHING is done, and the 'details' need to be worked out.

It's ALL a bunch of Kabuki, and it's not going to end prettily for Christians.

Of course, that's been the plan all along...

LOL! More typical whackjobbery! Let's see what we get if we don't have the eyes of a drone that focus ONLY on what they WANT to see? Above?

And of course like the other whackjobs, quickly ignores what? The statement by Catholic Health? Yeah that. :lol:

DependentLogicless, you should more closely read your own fucking threads...

CHA Will Review the Proposed New Rules for the HHS Mandate

CHA looks forward to reviewing the specifics of the changes in the mandated benefits. Many members have called with questions about these since they were a concern as first published. On Friday, Feb. 10, 2012, we were notified that our organizations would not have to buy or refer employees for contraception and other services. We were also told that the self-insured plans would be accommodated in this. At this time, there are many unanswered questions about specifics. We now have the challenging work of reviewing the proposed rules, examining their impact and giving input before they are finalized.

I'd call you a retard, but I don't want to insult retards...

Oh it's okay! Coming from a retard who cant figure out what this means:

We are pleased and grateful that the religious liberty and conscience protection needs of so many ministries that serve our country were appreciated enough that an early resolution of this issue was accomplished.

It really wouldn't have much effect, would it?

Here, tell ya what. Let's make a bet. I'll bet that in two weeks, this whole issue is off the news cycles completely. FOX may air it a bit here and there but even that channel will have gotten bored and for the most part swept it under the rug. CNN, MSNBC, Major newspapers & internet sites (other than the extreme stuff like drudge, dailykos etc...).
LOL! More typical whackjobbery! Let's see what we get if we don't have the eyes of a drone that focus ONLY on what they WANT to see? Above?

And of course like the other whackjobs, quickly ignores what? The statement by Catholic Health? Yeah that. :lol:

DependentLogicless, you should more closely read your own fucking threads...

CHA Will Review the Proposed New Rules for the HHS Mandate

CHA looks forward to reviewing the specifics of the changes in the mandated benefits. Many members have called with questions about these since they were a concern as first published. On Friday, Feb. 10, 2012, we were notified that our organizations would not have to buy or refer employees for contraception and other services. We were also told that the self-insured plans would be accommodated in this. At this time, there are many unanswered questions about specifics. We now have the challenging work of reviewing the proposed rules, examining their impact and giving input before they are finalized.

I'd call you a retard, but I don't want to insult retards...

Oh it's okay! Coming from a retard who cant figure out what this means:

We are pleased and grateful that the religious liberty and conscience protection needs of so many ministries that serve our country were appreciated enough that an early resolution of this issue was accomplished.

It really wouldn't have much effect, would it?

Here, tell ya what. Let's make a bet. I'll bet that in two weeks, this whole issue is off the news cycles completely. FOX may air it a bit here and there but even that channel will have gotten bored and for the most part swept it under the rug. CNN, MSNBC, Major newspapers & internet sites (other than the extreme stuff like drudge, dailykos etc...).

That's the price they pay for putting out a statement without having bothered to study the details of the 'accommodation'.

Both your 'independence' and your 'logic' is shown to be bogus.
LOL! More typical whackjobbery! Let's see what we get if we don't have the eyes of a drone that focus ONLY on what they WANT to see? Above?

And of course like the other whackjobs, quickly ignores what? The statement by Catholic Health? Yeah that. :lol:

DependentLogicless, you should more closely read your own fucking threads...

CHA Will Review the Proposed New Rules for the HHS Mandate

CHA looks forward to reviewing the specifics of the changes in the mandated benefits. Many members have called with questions about these since they were a concern as first published. On Friday, Feb. 10, 2012, we were notified that our organizations would not have to buy or refer employees for contraception and other services. We were also told that the self-insured plans would be accommodated in this. At this time, there are many unanswered questions about specifics. We now have the challenging work of reviewing the proposed rules, examining their impact and giving input before they are finalized.

I'd call you a retard, but I don't want to insult retards...

Oh it's okay! Coming from a retard who cant figure out what this means:

We are pleased and grateful that the religious liberty and conscience protection needs of so many ministries that serve our country were appreciated enough that an early resolution of this issue was accomplished.

It really wouldn't have much effect, would it?

Here, tell ya what. Let's make a bet. I'll bet that in two weeks, this whole issue is off the news cycles completely. FOX may air it a bit here and there but even that channel will have gotten bored and for the most part swept it under the rug. CNN, MSNBC, Major newspapers & internet sites (other than the extreme stuff like drudge, dailykos etc...).

LOL, you can DREAM this is settled and people will forget about it. BUT the MILLIONS of people who are religious won't be forgetting soon and hopefully we will see that reflected in November.

Poll: 59% of Catholics Disapprove of Obama’s Performance

You know that saying, Fool me once, shame on you..Fool me twice, shame on me..

time to roll folks.
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