Catholicism is truly the best religion going


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2008
your dreams

Two Reasons

1) Let's face it, the purpose of religions is to keep the masses in line. Regardless of whether there is or isn't a God, I'd wager that the way God is depicted by any and all religions is a steaming pile of hooey anyway. I know there are many that would argue that we don't need religions for this purpose anymore, yadda yadda yadda, but I think those people are short-sighted fools. But that's neither here nor there and a debate for another time. The fact is religions do exist, and are still a tool for control. And Catholicism IMO does this in the most reasonable and effective manner relative to other major religions.

2) Catholicism is allowed to change over time. Sure, they were a little late with the whole pedophile thing, but over the centuries they've managed by and large to stay current with the needs of the present. Catholicism now even supports the theory of evolution. Even though the Pope officially denounces abortion, I've been to at least 1,000 masses in my life and have never once heard a priest mention it. They no longer consider birth control a sin when used by a married couple. I've also never heard a priest say that non-Catholics are going to hell. The precise reason why many people condemn Catholicism is what IMO makes it the best religion: They don't stick relentlessly to outdated dogma. But at the same time they're quite careful and deliberate about the pace of change.
[SIZE=+1]Pope Immune from Sex Charges?[/SIZE]
Bush knew what Benny wanted for Xmas - September 20, 2005
Link Excerpt:
ROME — The U.S. Justice Department has told a Texas court that a lawsuit accusing Pope Benedict XVI of conspiring to cover up the sexual molestation of three boys by a seminarian should be dismissed because the pontiff enjoys immunity as head of state of the Holy See. Assistant U.S. Attorney General Peter Keisler said in Monday's filing that allowing the lawsuit to proceed would be "incompatible with the United States' foreign policy interests." A 1994 Texas lawsuit against Pope John Paul II was dismissed after the U.S. government filed a similar motion.
I like to ride in a car with Catholics and look at that plastic Jesus on the dashboard. Too bad it couldn't be a bobblehead figure!:lol:
Catholic girls are sexy!

This is their private schools uniforms!

Hasn't the vatican pretty much fought any effort to update catholocism, from letting priests fuck (not kids, wives) to female preists?

I have to disagree. the premise of a pope this side of the age of enlightenment dooms Catholicism to fail. In fact, isn't it specifically catholics who are losing membership more than any other denomination these days?
Hasn't the vatican pretty much fought any effort to update catholocism, from letting priests fuck (not kids, wives) to female preists?

I have to disagree. the premise of a pope this side of the age of enlightenment dooms Catholicism to fail. In fact, isn't it specifically catholics who are losing membership more than any other denomination these days?

Why do they insist priests and nuns must be celibate and there can be no female priests?

It's odd, I would say about 95% of my friends who are atheist were raised with a Catholic upbringing. I wonder why that is? I wonder if it's because the religion is more "strict" then the basic Protestants?
One of my observations through over 12 years of 'higher education' is how many of the professors were anti-private schools, yet were nearly exclusively products of such. Check out Congress and CEO's, how many are private, particularly Catholic schools educated? It's the joke on public school grads in universities, that wonder why they fail to enter grad schools. BTW, homeschoolers are doing even better, but those figures are really hidden.
One of my observations through over 12 years of 'higher education' is how many of the professors were anti-private schools, yet were nearly exclusively products of such. Check out Congress and CEO's, how many are private, particularly Catholic schools educated? It's the joke on public school grads in universities, that wonder why they fail to enter grad schools. BTW, homeschoolers are doing even better, but those figures are really hidden.

What's this have to do with being Catholic? Are you saying the Catholic private schools are the best of all the private schools out there? I know some of my friends went to Catholic schools, and are now sending their kids to them too.

So you're saying the public school graduates can't get in grad school? :confused:
One of my observations through over 12 years of 'higher education' is how many of the professors were anti-private schools, yet were nearly exclusively products of such. Check out Congress and CEO's, how many are private, particularly Catholic schools educated? It's the joke on public school grads in universities, that wonder why they fail to enter grad schools. BTW, homeschoolers are doing even better, but those figures are really hidden.

What's this have to do with being Catholic? Are you saying the Catholic private schools are the best of all the private schools out there? I know some of my friends went to Catholic schools, and are now sending their kids to them too.

So you're saying the public school graduates can't get in grad school? :confused:
Take the average Catholic school student and he will outperform the average public school student in nearly every academic test. But those are just averages.

In short, it is well-established that few entities in America can compete with the Catholic education system in quality, scope, and cost per pupil.
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One of my observations through over 12 years of 'higher education' is how many of the professors were anti-private schools, yet were nearly exclusively products of such. Check out Congress and CEO's, how many are private, particularly Catholic schools educated? It's the joke on public school grads in universities, that wonder why they fail to enter grad schools. BTW, homeschoolers are doing even better, but those figures are really hidden.

What's this have to do with being Catholic? Are you saying the Catholic private schools are the best of all the private schools out there? I know some of my friends went to Catholic schools, and are now sending their kids to them too.

So you're saying the public school graduates can't get in grad school? :confused:
Take the average Catholic school student and he will outperform the average public school student in nearly every academic test. But those are just averages.

In short, it is well-established that few entities in America can compete with the Catholic education system in quality, scope, and cost per pupil.

Hmmm, then maybe all schools should be run by the Catholics, eh?

But that would make sense, smaller classrooms, involved parents who are willing to pay for school, teachers who probably don't have a LOT of behavior problems with the kids..............
What's this have to do with being Catholic? Are you saying the Catholic private schools are the best of all the private schools out there? I know some of my friends went to Catholic schools, and are now sending their kids to them too.

So you're saying the public school graduates can't get in grad school? :confused:
Take the average Catholic school student and he will outperform the average public school student in nearly every academic test. But those are just averages.

In short, it is well-established that few entities in America can compete with the Catholic education system in quality, scope, and cost per pupil.

Hmmm, then maybe all schools should be run by the Catholics, eh?
If it wasn't for constitutional issues, I would agree.

But that would make sense, smaller classrooms, involved parents who are willing to pay for school, teachers who probably don't have a LOT of behavior problems with the kids..............
Having attended Catholic schools for a good part of my life, I can tell you that the Catholic school students are just as rebellious as public students.

The difference lies in the discipline. One of my high school teachers carried around a 3-foot stick. Whenever he would see a football player or jock bullying someone in the hall, he'd walk up and hit him in the back, ass, or legs. Made the bullies really skiddish.

In a Public School, that would be considered "assault." In a Catholic school, that is standard operating procedure.
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Take the average Catholic school student and he will outperform the average public school student in nearly every academic test. But those are just averages.

In short, it is well-established that few entities in America can compete with the Catholic education system in quality, scope, and cost per pupil.

Hmmm, then maybe all schools should be run by the Catholics, eh?
If it wasn't for constitutional issues, I would agree.

But that would make sense, smaller classrooms, involved parents who are willing to pay for school, teachers who probably don't have a LOT of behavior problems with the kids..............
Having attended Catholic schools for a good part of my life, I can tell you that the Catholic school students are just as rebellious as public students.

The difference lies in the discipline. One of my high school teachers carried around a 3-foot stick. Whenever he would see a football player or jock bullying someone in the hall, he'd walk up and hit him in the back, ass, or legs. Made the bullies really skiddish.

In a Public School, that would be considered "assault." In a Catholic school, that is standard practice.

LOL, you nutty Catholics!

I use tasers on my students! :eusa_shhh:

I remember 13 years ago {when I started teaching} the principal calling me in the office, asking me to be a witness to her paddling a kid. He screamed and cried like a little girl, Mr. Tuff Guy.

They outlawed paddling in my state a 2 years later here.
Hmmm, then maybe all schools should be run by the Catholics, eh?
If it wasn't for constitutional issues, I would agree.

But that would make sense, smaller classrooms, involved parents who are willing to pay for school, teachers who probably don't have a LOT of behavior problems with the kids..............
Having attended Catholic schools for a good part of my life, I can tell you that the Catholic school students are just as rebellious as public students.

The difference lies in the discipline. One of my high school teachers carried around a 3-foot stick. Whenever he would see a football player or jock bullying someone in the hall, he'd walk up and hit him in the back, ass, or legs. Made the bullies really skiddish.

In a Public School, that would be considered "assault." In a Catholic school, that is standard practice.

LOL, you nutty Catholics!

I use tasers on my students! :eusa_shhh:
Tasers? YIKES! Don't taze me bro!

I remember 13 years ago {when I started teaching} the principal calling me in the office, asking me to be a witness to her paddling a kid. He screamed and cried like a little girl, Mr. Tuff Guy.

They outlawed paddling in my state a 2 years later here.
And people wonder why our education system has been falling apart?

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