Zone1 Catholics: What canonized saints say about a heretical (so called) pope


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2022

I didn't know a website called betrayedCatholics existed... glad to find it. I'm not sure the site is sedevacantist, though?


[Saint] Bellarmine... taught that “if a papal election is really doubtful for any reason, the one elected should resign so that a new election may be held… But if he refuses to resign, the bishops can and ought to decide who is the legitimate pope…That is what the Council of Constance did”

This is interesting since he does not say the Cardinals should decide, but the bishops! That sounds totally reasonable. Cardinals hang around the (not infamous) Vatican. The bishops are all over the world.

The saints are great for clearing up things.

a Sedevacantist at novus ordo Watch (site) wrote this (my comments are in brackets):

The reason [I myself think there is more than one reason] it is impossible for the Church to have a publicly heretical Pope is that this would destroy the unity of the Church, one of the hallmarks of her nature. The Church is necessarily united in Faith; if her head publicly held a different faith, she would cease to be one and be no better than the local Protestant church down the street, where each believer may disagree with any other, even with the pastor, about what the truth really is.

I've read the entire Bible and know that is NOT there.

so much for going by the Scriptures alone. Protestants do that... until they don't

You're dismissed.

1 Corinthians 1:2
English Standard Version

2 To the church of God that is in Corinth, to those csanctified in Christ Jesus, dcalled to be saints together with all those who in every place ecall upon the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, both their Lord and ours:

Acts 26:10
English Standard Version

10 dAnd I did so in Jerusalem. I not only locked up many of the saints in prison after receiving authority efrom the chief priests, but fwhen they were put to death I cast my vote against them.

Romans 1:7
English Standard Version

7 To all those in Rome who are loved by God and called to be saints:
oGrace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
You're dismissed.

1 Corinthians 1:2​

English Standard Version

2 To the church of God that is in Corinth, to those csanctified in Christ Jesus, dcalled to be saints together with all those who in every place ecall upon the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, both their Lord and ours:

Acts 26:10​

English Standard Version

10 dAnd I did so in Jerusalem. I not only locked up many of the saints in prison after receiving authority efrom the chief priests, but fwhen they were put to death I cast my vote against them.

Romans 1:7​

English Standard Version

7 To all those in Rome who are loved by God and called to be saints:
oGrace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.


It clearly says


"called to be saints"

and also, even ifsome person (still living on Earth) is called by another sinful human being, a "saint" that alone does not make the person one. It is GOD who knows who a saint is.. and a saint can only be a publicly declared saint AFTER death, after it has been shown through some miracle, some answered prayer or another, that that person is in Heaven (i.e the prayer is answered)

It clearly says


"called to be saints"

and also, even ifsome person is called by another sinful human being, a "saint" that alone does not make the person one. It is GOD who knows who a saint is.. and a saint can only be a saint AFTER death, after it has been shown through some miracle, some answered prayer or another, that that person is in Heaven (the prayer is answered)

You aren't very good at this. You really don't know what the Bible actually says.
You aren't very good at this. You really don't know what the Bible actually says.
ha ha... the only lame ass answer you come up with is

Nuh uh!!!


Nuh uh is kind of like

I know you are, but what am I
No, you are...

I've read the entire Bible and know that is NOT there.

so much for going by the Scriptures alone. Protestants do that... until they don't
Protestants cant help it. Catholicism translated errors in by satans will to fit their false council teachings. When the protestants translated,( 1300,s) they had no clue, nor much access to writings, nor any originals were left. So they saw Jesus was not with Catholicism and ran but could not fix it out of their error filled translations.
Catholicism= the tree trunk, protestants= branches--A good tree produces good fruit, a rotten tree produces rotten fruit.
99% of all religion claiming to be christian--are not in reality.
He hates God. He says God is mean. He says God is petty. Don't expect a reasonable conversation with someone who hates God

Hmmm. Are there any examples of God being mean or being petty in the Bible? I agree. You shouldn't be arguing with anyone until you read the Bible. Read about this God guy in the Bible. You will find He is entirely different than the God that you concocted out of your own imagination. Nevermind. Don't read the Bible. Never ever read it. People like you provide me hours of entertainment. If you actually read the Bible instead of caressing it and hugging it then you would become boring. Don't be boring.
Hmmm. Are there any examples of God being mean or being petty in the Bible? I agree. You shouldn't be arguing with anyone until you read the Bible. Read about this God guy in the Bible. You will find He is entirely different than the God that you concocted out of your own imagination. Nevermind. Don't read the Bible. Never ever read it. People like you provide me hours of entertainment. If you actually read the Bible instead of caressing it and hugging it then you would become boring. Don't be boring.
The Bible is clear that God's ways are not our ways, nor His thoughts our thoughts. Human emotions are projected onto God. People's emotions prompt them to seek out what is good for self.

The projection of emotions to the divine is to demonstrate how God is working for what is for the good of the whole, for the good of the Divine Plan. Somehow this part is so often lost in the translation of the Hebrew into other languages.
Protestants cant help it. Catholicism translated errors in by satans will to fit their false council teachings. When the protestants translated,( 1300,s) they had no clue, nor much access to writings, nor any originals were left. So they saw Jesus was not with Catholicism and ran but could not fix it out of their error filled translations.
Catholicism= the tree trunk, protestants= branches--A good tree produces good fruit, a rotten tree produces rotten fruit.
99% of all religion claiming to be christian--are not in reality.

Says a rotten bulb to all "other" light bulbs in the night?

You aren't very good at this. You really don't know what the Bible actually says.

¿actually? ... hmmm ... What says the bible actually?

We look up at the stars
And we're desperate to get up there
Hope is often greater than chance
Whoever wins
Has lost a thousand times
We believe even in the impossible
And build dreams out of nothing
We rarely burn for life
That hides only in our heart
But what if all goes well
What if every plan succeeds
What if we can celebrate
Because everything is finally right
And what if we reach the top
And stay who we are
What if everything goes well
What if all goes well
We enjoy the moment
Before we jump into the unknown
Even if we can't believe our eyes
We just try blindly
Walk head first through walls
To lose them all the time
What can you change
If you don't even try
Not even trying
For what if all goes well
What if every plan succeeds
What if we can celebrate
Cause everything is finally right
And what if we reach the top
And stay who we are
What if everything goes well
What if everything goes well
Goes well
What if all goes well
Goes well
But what if everything goes well
What if every plan succeeds
What if we can celebrate
Cause everything is finally right
What if we reach the top
And stay who we are
What if everything goes well
What if everything goes well

oh yes
Last edited:
Says a rotten bulb to all "other" light bulbs in the night?

The JW religion made the required corrections to translating errors. Not only that but in every translation on earth the teachings of Jesus back the JW religion, as does true God worship history. Most are to lazy to look and just believe a man wearing a white collar who gets paid to teach a religions brand of dogma and little of what Jesus actually taught. Jw teachers get 0 pay, they do it out of Love. They teach us--EVERY utterance from God as Jesus said--Man MUST live by them. Not only if they want to, no pick and choose, but they MUST live by them. That is his Fathers will. And Jesus assures( Matt 7:21) only those living now to do his Fathers will get to enter his kingdom( be saved)--So without fail, the real teachers who have Jesus, out of love, teach the flock EVERY utterance from God--Its as easy as 1+1 to look at ones teacher and see if he listens to Jesus.
The JW religion made the required corrections to translating errors. Not only that but in every translation on earth the teachings of Jesus back the JW religion, as does true God worship history. Most are to lazy to look and just believe a man wearing a white collar who gets paid to teach a religions brand of dogma and little of what Jesus actually taught. Jw teachers get 0 pay, they do it out of Love. They teach us--EVERY utterance from God as Jesus said--Man MUST live by them. Not only if they want to, no pick and choose, but they MUST live by them. That is his Fathers will. And Jesus assures( Matt 7:21) only those living now to do his Fathers will get to enter his kingdom( be saved)--So without fail, the real teachers who have Jesus, out of love, teach the flock EVERY utterance from God--Its as easy as 1+1 to look at ones teacher and see if he listens to Jesus.

Sounds as if you would not be a Catholic like I but a Jehovas witnesss like you on your own. So what do you expect to hear from me now? A discussion about the flavour of the light bulbs in the sky?

Sounds as if you would not be a Catholic like I but a Jehovas witnesss like you on your own. So what do you expect to hear from me now? A discussion about the flavour of the light bulbs in the sky?

No, a discussion of bible truth. Do your teachers teach you every utterance from God? If not, they fail both Jesus and you.

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