Zone1 Catholics: What canonized saints say about a heretical (so called) pope

the dark ages.

A so called "dark age" never existed in Germany - except partially or widespread from 1933-1945 ... and in the 30 years war (also modern times) .-. and perhaps in some other few little points of history.

But by the way: The word "Jehova" shows very well what's one of the problems of Jehovas witnesses: This word indeed never existed - it is a word with consonants from one word and the vocal signs of the Hebrew word for "Lord" on reason of the Jewish tradition not to speak out the name of the Lord (except on very important reasons). So "spiritual darkness" of the Jehovas witnesses is by the way an argument against your own organisation - specially when I think about problems which are reported from people who left your invasive organisation. Parents who disown their children - back your pardon: What kind of "dark age" is this?
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A so called "dark age" never existed in Germany - except partially or widespread from 1933-1945 ... and in the 30 years war (also modern times) .-. and perhaps in some other few little points of history.

But by the way: The word "Jehova" shows very well what's one of the problems of Jehovas witnesses: This word indeed never existed - it is a word with consonants from one word and the vocal signs of the Hebrew word for "Lord" on reason of the Jewish tradition not to speak out the name of the Lord (except on very important reasons). So "spiritual darkness" of the Jehovas witnesses is by the way an argument against your own organisation - specially when I think about problems which are reported from people who left your invasive organisation. Parents who disown their children - back your pardon: What kind of "dark age" is this?

Thats what men of darkness say about Gods name. Not taking into account God has always made his name known, and Jesus promised to keep on making it known( John 17:26)=Jehovah.
Jesus himself teaches--members of ones own household would become enemies. Matt 10:36)
And 1 Cor 5:9-13, clearly shows if one called a brother( baptized) becomes unrepentant--do not even eat a meal with the such( family is included) they have become Gods enemy and that is why they are our enemy as well in that teaching from Jesus. In the OT being stoned to death was the penalty for becoming unrepentant--So which would you choose for your family member? Be happy God changed it, now one can come to their senses and repent. Those who don't, have filled their hearts with hatred and their one sided story is rarely truth. They point the finger everywhere but in the proper direction, at self.
Thats what men of darkness say about Gods name. Not taking into account God has always made his name known, and Jesus promised to keep on making it known( John 17:26)=Jehovah.

"I made known to them your name, and I will continue to make it known, that the love with which you have loved me may be in them, and I in them."
John 17:26

Jesus himself teaches--members of ones own household would become enemies. Matt 10:36)

If so - what has this to do with what now? Do you use the bible now for to try to speak out nonsense?

And 1 Cor 5:9-13, clearly shows if one called a brother( baptized) becomes unrepentant--do not even eat a meal with the such( family is included) they have become Gods enemy and that is why they are our enemy as well in that teaching from Jesus.

So Jesus told you who is your enemy? And so you see in the Catholic Church your enemy now and that's why your ancestors left the Holy Church and started to brainwash each other including the own children? ?

In the OT being stoned to death was the penalty for becoming unrepentant--So which would you choose for your family member? Be happy God changed it, now one can come to their senses and repent. Those who don't, have filled their hearts with hatred

Ahemm ... "heart filled with hatred" ... somehow this remembers me to something what I heard just an minute ago when someone tried to tell something from the teaching of Jesus about his central message "hate others".

and their one sided story is rarely truth. They point the finger everywhere but in the proper direction, at self.

Did you ever look in a mirror in your whole life? What did you see there? Nothing?
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"I made known to them your name, and I will continue to make it known, that the love with which you have loved me may be in them, and I in them."
John 17:26

If so - what has this to do with what now? Do you use the bible now for to try to speak out nonsense?

So Jesus told you who is your enemy? And so you see in the Catholic Church your enemy now and that's why your ancestors left the Holy Church and started to brainwash each other including the own children? ?

Ahemm ... "heart filled with hatred" ... somehow this remembers me to something what I heard just an minute ago when someone tried to tell something from the teaching of Jesus about his central message "hate others".

Did you ever look in a mirror in your whole life? What did you see there? Nothing?
i see nothing in your answers. There are no answers to truth.
Jesus didn't teach to hate others. He taught the true followers to be no part of this world.
i see nothing in your answers.

A wide spread phenomenon in the English speaking world.

There are no answers to truth.

One of my ideas about life is it that everyone is an answer to everything what had happened before. If this hypothese is true than everyone would also be a child of the truth.

Jesus didn't teach to hate others.

Now suddenly? How came? Did he change his mind in your last few posts? Just a moment ago your personal Jesus was ful of hate on Catholics.

He taught the true followers to be no part of this world.

Did he? He was executed from the Romans here in this world because his true followers have "to be no part of this world"? Nothing rememerbs me more to this world here than torture, pain and death. But "nice" to hear from a "JW" that the own martyrs of the JW who had been murdered from the Nazis because they did not like to fight for them are no true followers of the loveful humanity of Jesus - of the deep spirituality of the Holy Spirit - and of the power of the allmighty creator. Boy oh boy ... By the way: What do you like to tell me? ...
A wide spread phenomenon in the English speaking world.

One of my ideas about life is it that everyone is an answer to everything what had happened before. If this hypothese is true than everyone would also be a child of the truth.

Now suddenly? How came? Did he change his mind in your last few posts? Just a moment ago your personal Jesus was ful of hate on Catholics.

Did he? He was executed from the Romans here in this world because his true followers have "to be no part of this world"? Nothing rememerbs me more to this world here than torture, pain and death. But "nice" to hear from a "JW" that the own martyrs of the JW who had been murdered from the Nazis because they did not like to fight for them are no true followers of the loveful humanity of Jesus - of the deep spirituality of the Holy Spirit - and of the power of the allmighty creator. Boy oh boy ... By the way: What do you like to tell me? ...

I didn't say Jesus hated Catholics--he hates lies about his Father and his Fathers truth.
What are saying in your last paragraph?
Jesus would never condone the brothers in Christ standing on both sides of wars of hatred killing each other for mortal govts. Like the false religions allowed. The rev war, civil war, ww1, ww2. If the false religious teachers stood up for Jesus rather than fear men, they would have told the young men not to kill their own brothers in Christ who would be standing on the other side. Hitler wouldn't have had enough armies left to attack anyone. What an easy solution. millions of human beings lives would have been spared, instead satans will took place through those religions.
I didn't say Jesus hated Catholics--he hates lies about his Father and his Fathers truth.

Does he do so, god?

What are saying in your last paragraph?

Unimportant. If you don't like to understand you will not understand.

Jesus would never condone the brothers in Christ standing on both sides of wars of hatred killing each other for mortal govts.

You seem not to be informed about the real world: "Es kann der Frömmste nicht in Frieden leben, wenn es dem bösen Nachbarn nicht geälllt." Do you need a tranlation, allknowing entity? A nothing knowing machine translates it into: "The most pious cannot live in peace if the wicked neighbour does not like it."

Like the false religions allowed.

no comment

The rev war,

The what?

civil war, ww1, ww2.

? civil war? World war 1? World War 2?

If the false religious teachers stood up for Jesus rather than fear men, they would have told the young men not to kill their own brothers in Christ who would be standing on the other side.

The problem is the world not follows your abstrahotic thoughts - and in case it would follow: What would really happen? The kingdom of unknown New York atheists who founded a faith factory producing slaves?

Hitler wouldn't have had enough armies left to attack anyone.

Hitler - undear friend - was admired in the USA (and the rest of the world) very much during the first years of his tyranny. That's why sometimes concrete plans to kill him had to be stopped because the NAZI-movement otherwise had seen in him a martyr of their devilish nonsense movement. And don't try to tell me now JWs tried to kill him - and do not try to tell me the people who tried to kill him had been evil people. If they had killed him and had brought his movement down - what was unfortunatelly impossible in the end without a damned terrible war - they had also saved the asses of many JWs. Maybe a living ass is not important for you - but this is not everyone's opinion, for example not my opinion. I try to fight for every and all life - what not excludes a direct and extended self-defense. And by the way: It exists also a life before death which we also have to protect.

What an easy solution. millions of human beings lives would have been spared, instead satans will took place through those religions.

It's always easy to be on the good side of the wall. And the own side of the wall is always the good side because the other unkown side is always only evil, isn't it? And Catholics are always on the other side of all walls.

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Does he do so, god?

Unimportant. If you don't like to understand you will not understand.

You seem not to be informed about the real world: "Es kann der Frömmste nicht in Frieden leben, wenn es dem bösen Nachbarn nicht geälllt." Do you need a tranlation, allknowing entity? A nothing knowing machine translates it into: "The most pious cannot live in peace if the wicked neighbour does not like it."

no comment

The what?

? civil war? World war 1? World War 2?

The problem is the world not follows your abstrahotic thoughts - and in case it would follow: What would really happen? The kingdom of unknown New York atheists who founded a faith factory producing slaves?

Hitler - undear friend - was admired in the USA (and the rest of the world) very much during the first years of his tyranny. That's why sometimes concrete plans to kill him had to be stopped because the NAZI-movement otherwise had seen in him a martyr of their devilish nonsense movement. And don't try to tell me now JWs tried to kill him - and do not try to tell me the people who tried to kill him had been evil people. If they had killed him and had brought his movement down - what was unfortunatelly impossible in the end without a damned terrible war - they had also saved the asses of many JWs. Maybe a living ass is not important for you - but this is not everyone's opinion, for example not my opinion. I try to fight for every and all life - what not excludes a direct and extended self-defense. And by the way: It exists also a life before death which we also have to protect.

It's always easy to be on the good side of the wall. And the own side of the wall is always the good side because the other unkown side is always only evil, isn't it? And Catholics are always on the other side of all walls.

Yes the world, Jesus taught to be no part of says its ok to kill ones own brothers in Christ= darkness.
Catholicisms own translating exposes them as false.
Hitler was not admired by any true followers. Only by those mislead by the darkness.
The real world=2Timothy 3.
Yes the world, Jesus taught to be no part of says its ok to kill ones own brothers in Christ= darkness.
Catholicisms own translating exposes them as false.
Hitler was not admired by any true followers.

It may not be what may not be?

Only by those mislead by the darkness.
The real world=2Timothy 3.

You are really a poor guy. Did you ever try to think about your own "powerless pretence of piety"?
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I hate to break it to you but the Bible says all believers are saints.
Not only are all Christians saints, but we're also a “priesthood”:

1 Peter 2:9, “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light;”
Good grief. You are in a damned ugly situation. What are you really fighting for?

Its not me in that situation. I listen to Jesus. No church on earth teaches all that Jesus taught. Matt 28:19-20--Jesus told his teachers to teach everything he commanded. Learning and applying ALL that Jesus teaches makes one a true follower. His teachers teach ALL he commanded without fail. Yet Few on earth knows what he actually taught because they listen to blind guides.
Its not me in that situation. I listen to Jesus.


No church on earth teaches all that Jesus taught.

So you are not a member of a or the Christian church.

Matt 28:19-20--Jesus told his teachers to teach everything he commanded. Learning and applying ALL that Jesus teaches makes one a true follower.

Disciples with smart-phones and "likes"? I dislike by the way short forms as to write "Matt 28:19-20". There's no need to be in hurry while reading the bible. But let me ask: Since when accept the JWs the triune god?

His teachers teach ALL he commanded without fail.

What means "His teachers". The centre of the JWs in NY? And what do they try to teach Jesus?

Yet Few on earth knows what he actually taught because they listen to blind guides.

Are you sure, blind guide?
There is truth in all religions, whether Mormon or Catholic or Methodist or Buddhist

That does not mean God ordains that we be a member of just any old church so called.

No, He wants us all to be in the Church that saves, the Church HE established which is the Roman Catholic Church (again: no longer in the Vatican but extant just the same). "I will build My Church and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it" (mt 16:18)

So you are not a member of a or the Christian church.

Disciples with smart-phones and "likes"? I dislike by the way short forms as to write "Matt 28:19-20". There's no need to be in hurry while reading the bible. But let me ask: Since when accept the JWs the triune god?

What means "His teachers". The centre of the JWs in NY? And what do they try to teach Jesus?

Are you sure, blind guide?
Jw,s are taught--EVERY utterance from God, as Jesus said--man MUST live by every utterance. Jesus is with the JW leaders. He is the head of the congregation. Jesus is only with those that teach everything he taught. I have been kicked out of a few trinity sights for showing them 8 teachings from Jesus that prove the JW teachers are his teachers. They say Jesus didn't teach those things, yet all 8 teachings are in every translation on earth. Proving they do not get taught what Jesus actually teaches. And trinity religions do not teach all that Jesus taught, thus he is not with them- Matt 28:19-20-- The JW,s do it for 0 pay, they doit out of love, while trinity clergy's get paid to fail Jesus and their flocks.
Jw,s are taught--

From their leaders in NY.

EVERY utterance from God, as Jesus said--man MUST live by every utterance. Jesus is with the JW leaders.

Okay. That's exactly what I said. Who are this people? Atheists? As is unfortunatelly for example also the current patriarch of Moscow?

He is the head of the congregation. Jesus is only with those that teach everything he taught.

Jesus is with everyone who he loves. His love has no conditions. It is what it is: love. Who really loves god doesn't like to make him sad - that's perhaps our part. But to make him happy is also a good idea. When did you tell god the last time a joke for example?

have been kicked out of a few trinity sights for showing them 8 teachings from Jesus that prove the JW teachers are his teachers.

Totally uninteresting for me. The world is full of people who say "god is me" and try to teach Jesus - and god - what he has to say and to do or not to say and not to do.

They say Jesus didn't teach those things,

Aha. But he taught to make in NY a centre for the only true belief in god by "degoding" god and to make new apostles who made a joke when they founded a new religion very far from all other Christian traditions. I had by the way yesterday a nice talk with some of our people here. I showed them a little part of the universality of my form of belief in god. And I made very clear that the Catholic church is my church.

yet all 8 teachings are in every translation on earth. Proving they do not get taught what Jesus actually teaches. And trinity religions do not teach all that Jesus taught, thus he is not with them- Matt 28:19-20-- The JW,s do it for 0 pay, they doit out of love, while trinity clergy's get paid to fail Jesus and their flocks.

What will you do when God will tell you to use your own bible as toilet paper?

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From their leaders in NY.

Okay. That's exactly what I said. Who are this people? Atheists? As is unfortunatelly for example also the current patriarch of Moscow?

Jesus is with everyone who he loves. His love has no conditions. It is what it is: love. Who really loves god doesn't like to make him sad - that's perhaps our part. But to make him happy is also a good idea. When did you tell god the last time a joke for example?

Totally uninteresting for me. The world is full of people who say "god is me" and try to teach Jesus - and god - what he has to say and to do or not to say and not to do.

Aha. But he taught to make in NY a centre for the only true belief in god by "degoding" god and to make new apostles who made a joke when they founded a new religion very far from all other Christian traditions. I had by the way yesterday a nice talk with some of our people here. I showed them a little part of the universality of my form of belief in god. And I made very clear that the Catholic church is my church.

What will you do when God will tell you to use your own bible as toilet paper?

The real Jesus-John 20:17, Rev 3:12--Eph 1:3,17, Coll 1:3, 2 Cor 1:3, 1 Cor 15:24-28--1Peter 1:3--the real gospel
There are conditions--proof of ones love for Jesus and God= obeying--not pick and choose-Every utterance. John 14:15--Matt 28:19-20-- That is Jesus' Fathers will, and Jesus assures at Matt 7:21--only those living now to do his fathers will get to enter his kingdom( be saved)

You would already know these facts if you were taught by the teachers who have Jesus. But since you proved you do not know the teachings, proves you listen to blind guides.

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