Cato's map of defensive gun use

OK anti gunners you wanted to know how many cases there were when a gun was used in defense here is a thread to answer some of those questions.

No thread provided by bigreb, so I will help:

Guns in the Home and Risk of a Violent Death in the Home: Findings ...
Guns in the Home and Risk of a Violent Death in the Home: Findings from a National Study
by LL Dahlberg - 2004 - Cited by 72 - Related articles
To evaluate the relation between firearms in the home and violent deaths in the ... from death certificates received by the National Center for Health Statistics ...

The health risk of having a gun in the home | MinnPost
The health risk of having a gun in the home | MinnPost
Dec 17, 2012 – Having a gun in your home significantly increases your risk of death ... The study is based on based on US Vital Statistics data accessed from: ...
Guns in homes can increase risk of death and firearm-related violence
How many family members kill each other without guns each tear at home?

I'm wondering why a self proclaimed republican like starkey would use a democratic anti gun argument?

It is a pro-family, pro-life, pro-American argument, meathead.

Your argument is the same argument democrats use
However it's irrelevant to the topic of this thread.
It has absolutely nothing too do with this thread.
I'm wondering why a self proclaimed republican like starkey would use a democratic anti gun argument?

It is a pro-family, pro-life, pro-American argument, meathead.

Your argument is the same argument democrats use
However it's irrelevant to the topic of this thread.
It has absolutely nothing too do with this thread.

You raised the topic above, you are not mainstream Republican only reactionary militia mutt, and many mainstream Republicans and Democrats agree with me.
OK anti gunners you wanted to know how many cases there were when a gun was used in defense here is a thread to answer some of those questions.

No thread provided by bigreb, so I will help:

Guns in the Home and Risk of a Violent Death in the Home: Findings ...
Guns in the Home and Risk of a Violent Death in the Home: Findings from a National Study
by LL Dahlberg - 2004 - Cited by 72 - Related articles
To evaluate the relation between firearms in the home and violent deaths in the ... from death certificates received by the National Center for Health Statistics ...

The health risk of having a gun in the home | MinnPost
The health risk of having a gun in the home | MinnPost
Dec 17, 2012 – Having a gun in your home significantly increases your risk of death ... The study is based on based on US Vital Statistics data accessed from: ...
Guns in homes can increase risk of death and firearm-related violence

No thread provided by bigreb, so I will help:
Stupid in case you missed it I was the one who started this thread, it's about citizens using firearms in their defense or in the defense of others.
It's a common sense fact used by common sense Americans, Democrats and Republicans alike.

You know it to be true.

Are you still claiming your a true blue Republican?

Accidental shootings are less then 1000 a year. LESS then usually much less. But then you already know that don't you faky?

And they are in the home, yes?

No they are all not in the home, but lets assume they were shall we? That means at the high end 1000 accidental shootings occurred from a population of 320 MILLION. care to do the math? Or we can do it by weapon density, since accidental shootings also occur in police households we can say around 350 million weapons.

Using the 320 million figure that means there is a .0000031 chance of a person getting accidentally shot. You would deny a protected right because of an insignificant event ( to everyone except of course the family) that has almost no chance of happening?

More people die every year by 40 times that amount in car ACCIDENTS. And more are injured by an even greater amount in car accidents, It is not a protected right, yet I don't see you complaining about those numbers, now do I?
OK anti gunners you wanted to know how many cases there were when a gun was used in defense here is a thread to answer some of those questions.

No thread provided by bigreb, so I will help:

Guns in the Home and Risk of a Violent Death in the Home: Findings ...
Guns in the Home and Risk of a Violent Death in the Home: Findings from a National Study
by LL Dahlberg - 2004 - Cited by 72 - Related articles
To evaluate the relation between firearms in the home and violent deaths in the ... from death certificates received by the National Center for Health Statistics ...

The health risk of having a gun in the home | MinnPost
The health risk of having a gun in the home | MinnPost
Dec 17, 2012 – Having a gun in your home significantly increases your risk of death ... The study is based on based on US Vital Statistics data accessed from: ...
Guns in homes can increase risk of death and firearm-related violence

No thread provided by bigreb, so I will help:
Stupid in case you missed it I was the one who started this thread, it's about citizens using firearms in their defense or in the defense of others.

From his provided health link the following

Two-thirds of all murders between 2003 and 2007 involved guns. The average number of Americans shot and killed daily during those years was 33. Of those, one was a child (0 to 14 years), five were teenagers (15 to 19 years) and seven were young adults (20 to 24 years), on average.

Children in the U.S. get murdered with guns at a rate that is 13 times higher than that of other developed nations. For our young people aged 15 to 24, the rate is 43 times higher.

“The presence of a gun makes quarrels, disputes, assaults, and robberies more deadly. Many murders are committed in a moment of rage,” writes Hemenway.

“For example, a large percentage of homicides — and especially homicides in the home — occur during altercations over matters such as love, money, and domestic problems, involving acquaintances, neighbors, lovers, and family members; often the assailant or victim has been drinking. Only a small minority of homicides appear to be the carefully planned acts of individuals with a single-minded intention to kill. Most gun killings are indistinguishable from nonfatal gun shootings; it is just a question of the caliber of the gun, whether a vital organ is hit, and how much time passes before medical treatment arrives.”

In order to increase the percentage the study includes suicides AND Murders as claims that having a gun in the home is more dangerous then not.

No effort is made to establish the murders as occurring in the home with the firearm and no effort is made to establish that the suicide would not have occurred absent a gun or even that all the suicides occurred in homes with guns.

Further the supposed risk for children is compared to Countries with less firearms or no firearms and again includes suicide and murder numbers in it, not just accidental events, all with no attempt to establish those events occurred in a home with a Gun.

We can see now that the study takes any death of a child no matter where it occurred and no matter who did the shooting and claims it is a danger based on the availability of a firearm in the home.

can we say FLAWED, MISLEADING and out right LIES?
OK anti gunners you wanted to know how many cases there were when a gun was used in defense here is a thread to answer some of those questions.

No thread provided by bigreb, so I will help:

Guns in the Home and Risk of a Violent Death in the Home: Findings ...
Guns in the Home and Risk of a Violent Death in the Home: Findings from a National Study
by LL Dahlberg - 2004 - Cited by 72 - Related articles
To evaluate the relation between firearms in the home and violent deaths in the ... from death certificates received by the National Center for Health Statistics ...

The health risk of having a gun in the home | MinnPost
The health risk of having a gun in the home | MinnPost
Dec 17, 2012 – Having a gun in your home significantly increases your risk of death ... The study is based on based on US Vital Statistics data accessed from: ...
Guns in homes can increase risk of death and firearm-related violence

From your own link and violent deaths.

Although these studies are useful in demonstrating an association between access to firearms and rates of homicide and suicide at the aggregate level, it is not possible with this methodology to adequately assess whether access to a gun increases the risk of a violent death at the individual level.

Another blatant lie foisted on the public by people with an agenda.
OK anti gunners you wanted to know how many cases there were when a gun was used in defense here is a thread to answer some of those questions.

No thread provided by bigreb, so I will help:

Guns in the Home and Risk of a Violent Death in the Home: Findings ...
Guns in the Home and Risk of a Violent Death in the Home: Findings from a National Study
by LL Dahlberg - 2004 - Cited by 72 - Related articles
To evaluate the relation between firearms in the home and violent deaths in the ... from death certificates received by the National Center for Health Statistics ...

The health risk of having a gun in the home | MinnPost
The health risk of having a gun in the home | MinnPost
Dec 17, 2012 – Having a gun in your home significantly increases your risk of death ... The study is based on based on US Vital Statistics data accessed from: ...
Guns in homes can increase risk of death and firearm-related violence

The study " guns in the home etal" was done in 1993.
OK anti gunners you wanted to know how many cases there were when a gun was used in defense here is a thread to answer some of those questions.

No thread provided by bigreb, so I will help:

Guns in the Home and Risk of a Violent Death in the Home: Findings ...
Guns in the Home and Risk of a Violent Death in the Home: Findings from a National Study
by LL Dahlberg - 2004 - Cited by 72 - Related articles
To evaluate the relation between firearms in the home and violent deaths in the ... from death certificates received by the National Center for Health Statistics ...

The health risk of having a gun in the home | MinnPost
The health risk of having a gun in the home | MinnPost
Dec 17, 2012 – Having a gun in your home significantly increases your risk of death ... The study is based on based on US Vital Statistics data accessed from: ...
Guns in homes can increase risk of death and firearm-related violence

No thread provided by bigreb, so I will help:
Stupid in case you missed it I was the one who started this thread, it's about citizens using firearms in their defense or in the defense of others.

And we are talking about how dangerous firearms actually are to people. . . hmmm.

Your OP is fail.

Give it up; you are lost.
Accidental shootings are less then 1000 a year. LESS then usually much less. But then you already know that don't you faky?

And they are in the home, yes?

No they are all not in the home, but lets assume they were shall we? That means at the high end 1000 accidental shootings occurred from a population of 320 MILLION. care to do the math? Or we can do it by weapon density, since accidental shootings also occur in police households we can say around 350 million weapons.

Using the 320 million figure that means there is a .0000031 chance of a person getting accidentally shot. You would deny a protected right because of an insignificant event ( to everyone except of course the family) that has almost no chance of happening?

More people die every year by 40 times that amount in car ACCIDENTS. And more are injured by an even greater amount in car accidents, It is not a protected right, yet I don't see you complaining about those numbers, now do I?

Where did I ever say I would deny the right to own firearms or bear them?


Or are you a fuckbreath making up things, dimwit?

They are dangerous is what I am saying, not a magic panacea for making America better.
Last edited:
OK anti gunners you wanted to know how many cases there were when a gun was used in defense here is a thread to answer some of those questions.

No thread provided by bigreb, so I will help:

Guns in the Home and Risk of a Violent Death in the Home: Findings ...
Guns in the Home and Risk of a Violent Death in the Home: Findings from a National Study
by LL Dahlberg - 2004 - Cited by 72 - Related articles
To evaluate the relation between firearms in the home and violent deaths in the ... from death certificates received by the National Center for Health Statistics ...

The health risk of having a gun in the home | MinnPost
The health risk of having a gun in the home | MinnPost
Dec 17, 2012 – Having a gun in your home significantly increases your risk of death ... The study is based on based on US Vital Statistics data accessed from: ...
Guns in homes can increase risk of death and firearm-related violence

The study " guns in the home etal" was done in 1993.

Then we need new data, yes?
No thread provided by bigreb, so I will help:

Guns in the Home and Risk of a Violent Death in the Home: Findings ...
Guns in the Home and Risk of a Violent Death in the Home: Findings from a National Study
by LL Dahlberg - 2004 - Cited by 72 - Related articles
To evaluate the relation between firearms in the home and violent deaths in the ... from death certificates received by the National Center for Health Statistics ...

The health risk of having a gun in the home | MinnPost
The health risk of having a gun in the home | MinnPost
Dec 17, 2012 – Having a gun in your home significantly increases your risk of death ... The study is based on based on US Vital Statistics data accessed from: ...
Guns in homes can increase risk of death and firearm-related violence

The study " guns in the home etal" was done in 1993.

Then we need new data, yes?

No what you need to do is start a thread of your own. It has absolutely nothing too do with this thread.
No thread provided by bigreb, so I will help:

Guns in the Home and Risk of a Violent Death in the Home: Findings ...
Guns in the Home and Risk of a Violent Death in the Home: Findings from a National Study
by LL Dahlberg - 2004 - Cited by 72 - Related articles
To evaluate the relation between firearms in the home and violent deaths in the ... from death certificates received by the National Center for Health Statistics ...

The health risk of having a gun in the home | MinnPost
The health risk of having a gun in the home | MinnPost
Dec 17, 2012 – Having a gun in your home significantly increases your risk of death ... The study is based on based on US Vital Statistics data accessed from: ...
Guns in homes can increase risk of death and firearm-related violence

No thread provided by bigreb, so I will help:
Stupid in case you missed it I was the one who started this thread, it's about citizens using firearms in their defense or in the defense of others.

And we are talking about how dangerous firearms actually are to people. . . hmmm.

Your OP is fail.

Give it up; you are lost.

Well start a thread with that as a topic it has nothing to do with this thread plus using 1992 data makes you look desperate
Stupid in case you missed it I was the one who started this thread, it's about citizens using firearms in their defense or in the defense of others.

And we are talking about how dangerous firearms actually are to people. . . hmmm.

Your OP is fail.

Give it up; you are lost.

Well start a thread with that as a topic it has nothing to do with this thread plus using 1992 data makes you look desperate

Then we will check your anecdotal dates and the latest data.
OK anti gunners you wanted to know how many cases there were when a gun was used in defense here is a thread to answer some of those questions.

No thread provided by bigreb, so I will help:

Guns in the Home and Risk of a Violent Death in the Home: Findings ...
Guns in the Home and Risk of a Violent Death in the Home: Findings from a National Study
by LL Dahlberg - 2004 - Cited by 72 - Related articles
To evaluate the relation between firearms in the home and violent deaths in the ... from death certificates received by the National Center for Health Statistics ...

The health risk of having a gun in the home | MinnPost
The health risk of having a gun in the home | MinnPost
Dec 17, 2012 – Having a gun in your home significantly increases your risk of death ... The study is based on based on US Vital Statistics data accessed from: ...
Guns in homes can increase risk of death and firearm-related violence

People who own a gun and commit suicide are more likely to use a gun than people who do not own a gun and commit suicide. Interesting.
No thread provided by bigreb, so I will help:

Guns in the Home and Risk of a Violent Death in the Home: Findings ...
Guns in the Home and Risk of a Violent Death in the Home: Findings from a National Study
by LL Dahlberg - 2004 - Cited by 72 - Related articles
To evaluate the relation between firearms in the home and violent deaths in the ... from death certificates received by the National Center for Health Statistics ...

The health risk of having a gun in the home | MinnPost
The health risk of having a gun in the home | MinnPost
Dec 17, 2012 – Having a gun in your home significantly increases your risk of death ... The study is based on based on US Vital Statistics data accessed from: ...
Guns in homes can increase risk of death and firearm-related violence

The study " guns in the home etal" was done in 1993.

Then we need new data, yes?

No, we need to admit that all the date that exists has not established causation, and that even the studies that are specifically designed to find a correlation cannot readily establish a statistically significant link unless they include people who are trying to kill themselves.
The study " guns in the home etal" was done in 1993.

Then we need new data, yes?

No, we need to admit that all the date that exists has not established causation, and that even the studies that are specifically designed to find a correlation cannot readily establish a statistically significant link unless they include people who are trying to kill themselves.

Worse, his health link specifically counts ALL children murdered with firearms as numbers for determining the danger of firearms in the home. No effort was made to determine which of the children actually died due to a firearm owned or possessed at the home, no effort made to separate the thousands killed on the street by gang members or other people.

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