Cats or Dogs?

Awwww......I am so sorry you lost your buddy. That was a great story, Si modo. Thankies.

That hush puppy is my kidlet's fav breed, Si modo, but I'd imagine they usually get beyond 25 lbs. And anyway, if I got a dog I'd get a rescue dog....I hardly think people are abandoning their hush puppies.

Well Mad.

I have 4 dogs. My Border Collie, Jake, is a rescue. He is one awesome sheepherder. I competed with him for a few years.

I also have 3 shelter dogs.

Zip, who's a Schnauzer/Cairn mix. He's one super guy. He wights 27 pounds.

Murph, a Schnauzer/Poodle mix. He was on death row at my local shelter. He had been adopted out twice an returned because they said he was dog agressive. Yep. All 18 pounds of him was dog agressive. Well I adopted the little guy. Took him home and introduced him to the three dogs I already had. Dog agressive?? Not hardly. If he sees a strange dog he barks like crazey. His little tailess butt just a going. When he gets to the other dog he sniffs. All done. Jeeze people are so stupid.

My newest additon is Abbie. She's a German Shepherd Dog. She's around 8 months old and just the sweetest, smartest little girl alive. She's a very black, black sable in color. She was picked up stray at one of our local shelters and no one came lookiing for her. Go figure. I have her entered for obedicence classes on the 11th of this month.

I showed dogs in obedience for years and am looking forward to doing it again.

As for cats. Well. I'm really not a cat person. Would never hurt one, but they just ain't my cup a tea.

My sister has 12 cats. I think theres a big sign on the front of her house that say, "Hey. If your starving, pregnant and need a place to flop, here it is" LOL She spays and neuters all her cats and take good care of em. They are indoor, outdoor cats and you won't find a litter box in her house.

Dog or Cat?? Both are great.
I ilke cats, but dogs are special.

Besides, I couldn't have a cat even if I wanted one. Buddy hates cats. He's got his own special bark just for cats. I can't even say the word "cat" around him without him going nuts.
I ilke cats, but dogs are special.

Besides, I couldn't have a cat even if I wanted one. Buddy hates cats. He's got his own special bark just for cats. I can't even say the word "cat" around him without him going nuts.
Dogs are funny that way. I couldn't say "George McGovern" around my last setter without his going ballistic. He was a good dog, a very good dog. :lol:
I like both but since I live in a city and dont want to have to walk a dog a few times a day I have 2 cats.
The kids have a dog and a cat. Me, I am partial to chickens. You don't become attached and when they stop laying, they make a damn fine Sunday dinner.
I am a total cat person. Ive just lost two old boys, and now have new 3 kittens.
I like having cats around, and I'm very fond of them.

But I love dogs. And horses. Cats are more...expendable. Not that I don't take good care of them, I do, but a cat's life is an iffy thing, because of their level of independence.

I don't keep cats in the house. If I can't let them out, I don't havc them.

Dogs...I have to have a fenced yard. If I don't, I don't have them.

I have one dog, 2 cats, 3 kittens, and 2 horses currently. I toy with the idea of another dog but honestly, the one we have keeps us plenty busy.
I grew up with a cocker spaniel...

I had a burmese cat and a russian blue...

now I have a bunny.

I love all of them. The cats were the easiest because i didn't have to walk them. And I love the bunny, but he isn't waking me up in the morning by meowing into my face.
dogs rule and cat's drool.

i have my two Danes plus if we have puppies. And my daughter has her chocolate lab puppy. My son likes cats, so we have one who lives in the garage. And some wild ones in the barn, but they aren't pets. The are just scary. Also cattle, horses, ducks, geese,and a donkey. Blah, it's like I'm old McDonald, but I love that part of living in Arkansas.
I like both, but I am very partial to cats. Someone once told me they are the perfect geek-pet. And its true. They just dont require lots of that "physical activity" stuff everyone is always on about. Im sitting here typing on the net, with my cat on my lap and shes perfectly content. :)

Here's my pup.

You dun have to walk a cat....but you dun have to change a dog's litter box. So which is better?

I don't know which is better, but I can't have cats anymore. I'm allergic to them.

I have four dogs, but they are the supposed "hypoallergenic" kind.

Two schnoodles and two poodles!
You dun have to walk a cat....but you dun have to change a dog's litter box. So which is better?

I don't know which is better, but I can't have cats anymore. I'm allergic to them.

I have four dogs, but they are the supposed "hypoallergenic" kind.

Two schnoodles and two poodles!

Scnoodles must be just about perfect doggies. Poodles can be, if not bred to insanity.....what colors, TPS?

Here's my pup.


English setter spaniel?

Pretty doggie, Toro. Somehow I am surprised, though. I had always imagined your doggie would be a.......


Actually, standard poodles are righteous doggies. Wonder if the pink dye job embarrasses them?
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You dun have to walk a cat....but you dun have to change a dog's litter box. So which is better?

I don't know which is better, but I can't have cats anymore. I'm allergic to them.

I have four dogs, but they are the supposed "hypoallergenic" kind.

Two schnoodles and two poodles!

Scnoodles must be just about perfect doggies. Poodles can be, if not bred to insanity.....what colors, TPS?

Here's the schnoodles:


Although her muzzle is white now.

Here's the poodles!

They are just rough housing in that picture, they aren't fighting! :D
Here's a better picture of the male schnoodle, so you can see those soulfull eyes of him. And he always has a toy in his mouth.


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