Cattle Battle 2014: Please fill me in

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Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Ok guys, I've been busy the past week or two...well, having a life, enjoying the beach and nice weather. I just checked back into politics, and saw we had "Cattle Battle" where federal law enforcement showed up to enforce a law, and were turned back by a horde of armed citizens.

Now, if this was in Detroit, and the DEA tried to raid a drug house, and a horde of armed locals tried to stop them......well, it would have ended badly. If the FBI showed up in Miami to take down a house of rapists or serial killers, and a horde of armed locals showed to stop them, Miami SWAT would have dealt with it swiftly and easily.

SO.......that tells me "Cattle Battle" wasn't a cut and dry LEO operation. It was one that involved a lot of gray areas.

And I don't know anything about it, or, have the motivation to Google that shit. So please, fill me in:

- What law, if any, did the guy break?
- How long has he been breaking it (if he has)?
- How long was he given a chance to comply?
- If he broke a law, what actual harm did he cause?
- If he didn't, why are Feds there with guns?
- What did the local armed group want to happen?
- Why did the Feds pull back? Wouldn't that be refusing to enforce a federal law......which people are angry that immigration laws aren't being enforced?

Lots of questions.
Ok. So its sounding like:

The Feds were trying to enforce a pretty stupid law, but nonetheless a law on the books.

And a Tea Party rally on steroids broke out.

That's all I got so far.
The Feds crack down on small farm all the time.

They even crack down on Community dinners.

The "FED" backs corporations that hold Monopolies. Not the people, not the small business. This is FACT and very easily proven.
Ok. So its sounding like:

The Feds were trying to enforce a pretty stupid law, but nonetheless a law on the books.

And a Tea Party rally on steroids broke out.

That's all I got so far.
If your looking for are in the wrong place! Everyone is so partisan, they can't discern reality from fiction. Google it and use you own will make you a man.
So I read a bit more.

Since 1993, he has had this problem. 21 years the Feds have tried to get him to pay the "rent" he owed for the Feds allowing him to use that land for his cattle to graze (About $1.50 per cow. Seriously.)

He didn't pay it, and multiple attempts through court orders have failed.

So, the Feds....after 21 years of trying it the civil way, finally showed up to remove the cows. And militias showed up.

My opinion stands as this:

1) The government had EVERY RIGHT to do what it did by law; However, it was a kinda dumb law to enforce especially based on the insignificance of that piece of land, and the budget cuts that should prioritize law enforcement to crucial operations only

2) Mr. Bundy was violating the law, and the agreement he had with the Feds. He owes the money for back-pay of the grazing fee he was paying. Plain and simple, he had a debt he didn't want to pay, and, didn't want to stop using that land.

3) Militia members made this situation FAR worse than it had to be. It basically became an excuse, or a scapegoat, to break out their guns and rally like they were gonna fight the Civil War all over again.

Basically a collision of 3 idiots.
Ok guys, I've been busy the past week or two...well, having a life, enjoying the beach and nice weather. I just checked back into politics, and saw we had "Cattle Battle" where federal law enforcement showed up to enforce a law, and were turned back by a horde of armed citizens.

Now, if this was in Detroit, and the DEA tried to raid a drug house, and a horde of armed locals tried to stop them......well, it would have ended badly. If the FBI showed up in Miami to take down a house of rapists or serial killers, and a horde of armed locals showed to stop them, Miami SWAT would have dealt with it swiftly and easily.

SO.......that tells me "Cattle Battle" wasn't a cut and dry LEO operation. It was one that involved a lot of gray areas.

And I don't know anything about it, or, have the motivation to Google that shit. So please, fill me in:

- What law, if any, did the guy break?
- How long has he been breaking it (if he has)?
- How long was he given a chance to comply?
- If he broke a law, what actual harm did he cause?
- If he didn't, why are Feds there with guns?
- What did the local armed group want to happen?
- Why did the Feds pull back? Wouldn't that be refusing to enforce a federal law......which people are angry that immigration laws aren't being enforced?

Lots of questions.

There’s nothing to be ‘filled in’ on.

This is yet another example of the partisan right attempting to contrive a controversy where none exists – and failing as usual.

It's a non-issue.
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