Caught at sea: Russia to deport Syrian refugee who tried to swim to Europe


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
What endurance!!! Instead of kicking him out of the country, Russia should use him for the next Summer Olympics.

Caught at sea: Russia to deport Syrian refugee who tried to swim to Europe

Samar Kriker has been held for almost a month in a Russian detention centre, where asylum seekers can be locked in cells for 23 hours a day


Kriker says he practised swimming for two months off the Turkish coast before attempting the crossing (UNHCR)

Mary Atkinson

Thursday 4 June 2015 16:49 BST
Last update:
Thursday 4 June 2015 20:15 BST


Russian authorities are poised to deport a Syrian refugee who says he ended up in Russia after a failed attempt to swim from Turkey to Greece to claim asylum in Europe.

Samar Kriker was picked up in early May five kilometres from the tiny Greek island of Chios by the Hero of Russia, a huge Chinese-built tanker bound for Russia.

On arrival Kriker, 27, was taken to Rostov-on-Don, a bustling port city close to the Ukrainian border, and transferred to an immigration detention centre - after nearly a month there, he could soon be sent back to Damascus.

A police source close to the case, who asked to remain anonymous, has told Middle East Eye that authorities are now looking to deport Kriker back to Syria as soon as Saturday, following the rejection of his asylum application.

Kriker, a former builder, had been in the water for two days when he was rescued, carrying two inflated basketballs as floats and wearing a pair of flippers and a face mask.

The tanker’s captain, Artem Goncharov, told a Russian news site that Kriker was barely able to speak when he was picked up, and was showing signs of hypothermia.

Kriker was kept in isolation for the first part of the four-day long boat journey to Russia, as the ship’s crew feared he could be carrying an infectious disease.

A picture taken by Kriker reportedly while on board Hero of Russia (NewsLife)

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Caught at sea Russia to deport Syrian refugee who tried to swim to Europe Middle East Eye
Detained for 6 months while criminal illegals allowed to stay...

Obama Set To Deport A Dozen Christians
September 19, 2015 | At the same time the Obama administration deporting Christians, it has over the years allowed in hundreds of Muslim migrants
More than half of the 27 Iraqi Christians the Obama administration has been holding for the past six months at an ICE detention center in Otay Mesa, California, are set to be deported in coming weeks, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement announced earlier this week. An immigration judge ordered the deportation of 15 of the Christians, ICE spokeswoman Lauren Mack said. Another five of the Iraqis have been charged with immigration fraud and remain under U.S. Marshal custody at the Otay prison. Seven already have been returned to Europe, where they were living before attempting to enter the United States illegally, said Mack.


Iraqi Christians have been forced out of their homes by ISIS, and many have died rather than agree to forced conversions to Islam.

Fifteen remain in ICE custody pending their deportation in the following weeks. Five of those are considered “pending cases,” Mack said. Generally, once deportees are given a final removal order by a judge, ICE officials begin making travel arrangements. If the European nations receiving these Christians decide to send them back to Iraq they will face almost certain death. The 27 Iraqi Christians — also known as Chaldeans — have been detained in Otay for about six months as their immigration cases proceeded, activists and family members told the San Diego Union-Tribune. The Chaldeans were detained by immigration authorities after they attempted to cross the U.S.-Mexico border through the San Ysidro Port of Entry without documentation several months ago.

Iraq emptied of its ancient Christian community

Iraq is home to one of the most ancient Christian communities, evangelized by the Apostle Thomas not long after the time of Jesus. It was home to 1.5 million Christians under Saddam Hussein but after the U.S. invaded in 2003, al-Qaida started bombing churches and kidnapping prominent Christian leaders. The attacks became more fierce after al-Qaida in Iraq morphed into ISIS and the country has been virtually emptied of its Christian population since then.


Iraqi Chaldean Catholics rally in support of 27 Chaldeans being held at an ICE detention center in California.

Estimates now range from 200,000 to 300,000 Christians remaining in the country, mostly in Baghdad and in Kurdish-controlled areas to the northeast. Many of Iraq’s historic churches, some dating back to the second and third century after Christ, have been destroyed or converted to mosques. Others sit empty.

Nowhere to hide
So Russian mafia are exporting jewish settlers to Palestine and kidnapping syrian migrants to deport them to Damascus!
Detained for 6 months while criminal illegals allowed to stay...

Obama Set To Deport A Dozen Christians
September 19, 2015 | At the same time the Obama administration deporting Christians, it has over the years allowed in hundreds of Muslim migrants
More than half of the 27 Iraqi Christians the Obama administration has been holding for the past six months at an ICE detention center in Otay Mesa, California, are set to be deported in coming weeks, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement announced earlier this week. An immigration judge ordered the deportation of 15 of the Christians, ICE spokeswoman Lauren Mack said. Another five of the Iraqis have been charged with immigration fraud and remain under U.S. Marshal custody at the Otay prison. Seven already have been returned to Europe, where they were living before attempting to enter the United States illegally, said Mack.


Iraqi Christians have been forced out of their homes by ISIS, and many have died rather than agree to forced conversions to Islam.

Fifteen remain in ICE custody pending their deportation in the following weeks. Five of those are considered “pending cases,” Mack said. Generally, once deportees are given a final removal order by a judge, ICE officials begin making travel arrangements. If the European nations receiving these Christians decide to send them back to Iraq they will face almost certain death. The 27 Iraqi Christians — also known as Chaldeans — have been detained in Otay for about six months as their immigration cases proceeded, activists and family members told the San Diego Union-Tribune. The Chaldeans were detained by immigration authorities after they attempted to cross the U.S.-Mexico border through the San Ysidro Port of Entry without documentation several months ago.

Iraq emptied of its ancient Christian community

Iraq is home to one of the most ancient Christian communities, evangelized by the Apostle Thomas not long after the time of Jesus. It was home to 1.5 million Christians under Saddam Hussein but after the U.S. invaded in 2003, al-Qaida started bombing churches and kidnapping prominent Christian leaders. The attacks became more fierce after al-Qaida in Iraq morphed into ISIS and the country has been virtually emptied of its Christian population since then.


Iraqi Chaldean Catholics rally in support of 27 Chaldeans being held at an ICE detention center in California.

Estimates now range from 200,000 to 300,000 Christians remaining in the country, mostly in Baghdad and in Kurdish-controlled areas to the northeast. Many of Iraq’s historic churches, some dating back to the second and third century after Christ, have been destroyed or converted to mosques. Others sit empty.

Nowhere to hide

They made a bad move with this man. He could have been an award-winning Olympics swimmer like Lenny (Leonid) Krayzelburg from the former Soviet Union. My goodness, he might have been so good tha he eventualy could have owned a dacha in one of the Black Sea resorts just like Lenny owns a condominium in the Brighton Beach neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York (where I am sure he finds many restaurants selling borscht and schav to make him feel at home)..
So Russian mafia are exporting jewish settlers to Palestine and kidnapping syrian migrants to deport them to Damascus!

Here once again is Freeman, that devout Sunni Muslim who can't be be bothered with answering if he believes in tolerance for all religions as well as for other sects. However, he is back to his usual shtick about Israel. I have a new thing with which Freeman should concern himself and should tell the viewers of this board what he thinks. We all know that there are pediophiles in every group, but does Freeman think his brethren are going a bit far.

"The State Department, in its annual human rights report, has consistently said that sexual abuse of children remains pervasive in Afghanistan. And it documents the practice called "bacha bazi" — which means dancing boys. Bacha Bazi involves the sexual abuse of boys, often by powerful or wealthy local businessmen, who sexually abuse young boys trained to dance in female clothes.

An Afghan militia commander who was working with the Americans but also was discovered to have kept a boy chained to his bed as a sex slave."

Members of the American military were kicked out of the service for complaining about this, being told that this is part of the culture. I guess it is also part of the culture to murder Gays, but maybe the Muslims there haven't yet figured out that these perverts not only are pedophiles but Gay also. After all, straight men don't bother with other males no matter their age. So can we hear your thought on this matter, Freeman? You can forget Israel for a moment and can complain about that country later since the Jews have had the audacity to rule some land in the Middle East when all the land should be ruled by Muslims. Now don't hide, Freeman. I am sure all the viewers would be interested in what you have to say.

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