CAUGHT RED HANDED - Virginia GOPer Calls Lloyd Austin a N***** who needs to BE LYNCHED

They lie about everything.... it's their "raison d'etre". Nobody believes a fucking word they say.
Another thing I have seen Facebook delete post far less offensive than the one highlighted here within 24 hours of it being posted yet this one it seems managed to stay up for over a year.
Because the fans pay for the event and do not deserve to have it defaced by some jerk athelete
Some fans (like myself) don’t have a problem with it. It’s racist Republicans that take issue with black athletes exercising their 1st Amendment rights.

A Republican official in Virginia is being pushed to resign by the local GOP after a Facebook post was discovered in which he used the N-word and floated the idea of "lynching" Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and other leaders in Washington, D.C.

The Republican Party of Hampton, Virginia last week became aware of a February 2021 Facebook post by Hampton Electoral Board Chair David Dietrich. In the post, Dietrich attacked Austin—the first Black Defense Secretary in U.S. history—and other Democratic leaders. The controversy was first reported by local WAVY News 10.

Dietrich said in the post that Austin's efforts to root out white nationalists in the military was actually a ploy "to remove conservative, freedom-loving Americans from the roles." He said Austin and other Democratic leaders are "vile and racist," describing them as "stinking" N-words.

"If it is a civil war they want, they will get it in spades," he wrote. "Perhaps the best way to pull us back from the brink is a good public lynching."

On Thursday, the Hampton GOP called on Dietrich to step down, reiterating the call on Friday—sharing a screenshot of the post. The local Republicans said Dietrich had used "abhorrent and unacceptable racist language that has no place in our Party or our Commonwealth." It said it immediately called on him to resign after learning of the post.

"In light of Mr. Dietrich's refusal to resign, the Hampton City Republican Party has asked the chief judge of the Hampton Circuit Court, the appointing authority for all electoral board members, to remove Mr. Dietrich from his position," the local Republican Party said.

Trouble in paradise over in Virginia for the GOP. They may end up having to KICK HIM OUT since he refuses to resign. He said Lloyd Austin is a n-word. Thoughts?!
The Prog comedy shills will tell us all about it along with the Prog talk shows and there will be a skit on SNL next week.
Some fans (like myself) don’t have a problem with it. It’s racist Republicans that take issue with black athletes exercising their 1st Amendment rights.
Doesn't it make sense if they were really concerned about it to go protest some police stations? Didn't see that happen did you.
The very second they heard it was disrespectful to out military members they should of stopped.
And yet Rudy Guliani called for Eminem to move to another country because he took a knee at the SB halftime show.
The national anthem was not playing and there were no players on the field.
THAT is how we know you guys ate full of crap with this ‘disrespecting the flag’ bullshit.
And yet Rudy Guliani called for Eminem to move to another country because he took a knee at the SB halftime show.
The national anthem was not playing and there were no players on the field.
THAT is how we know you guys ate full of crap with this ‘disrespecting the flag’ bullshit.
I'll asked the same unanswered question I asked another poster. Do you love our flag?
Again, they were not protesting the treatment of black folks by the military. The military was not being accused of killing unarmed black folks.
More unarmed whites are killed each year by law enforcement I bet you would be singing another tune all together if whites had done the same thing.
I'll asked the same unanswered question I asked another poster. Do you love our flag?
Let me answer that by asking you a question.
If this country was invaded by another country, and that country installed their own government how much respect would you have for the new flag?
I just said it was a bad thing, Ms. Menopause. Can you not read.

Find one racist post from me on this board. Go ahead.
Con-gratulations. How many GOP voters do you represent? ( I ask, because there's a tendency of GOPrs voting more than once)
Protest a police station? Seriously?
Think it through dude.
Hell their millionaires they could have had cameras there. Your woke ass media would of showed up. Don't ruin Americans pastime to protest your personal beefs.

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