CAUGHT RED HANDED - Virginia GOPer Calls Lloyd Austin a N***** who needs to BE LYNCHED

Are you sure it harms the Republican party with it's base?
Maybe not so much

the base has learned to deal with harsh language and insults from the left

if the left cant do the same thats their problem

but there is no reason to go looking for trouble either

So out of respect for innocent black people who have done me no harm I dont go around using the n-word
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The offender needs to apologize: "I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings by calling you a 'N that needs to be lynched'.... I thought you already knew."

Then can we get back to the stuttering shit clown and his brown slut-monkey destroying this country?

Let's go groomers.
Protesting rights, something not all countries have, over what the people consider to be an injustice is one of the freedoms those soldiers fought and died for. They didn't fight and die for some fragile little girls who can't accept criticism of the policing and treatment of citizens by police, even when there is video evidence of mistreatment.
So spitting on our country and our service men was the way to do it? Answer this question do you love our flag?
Caught red handed:

There’s no question that Lyndon Johnson, despite championing the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964 and signing it into law, was also a sometime racist and notorious vulgarian who rarely shied away from using the N-word in private. For example, he reportedly referred to the Civil Rights Act of 1957 as the “****** bill” in more than one private phone conversation with Senate colleagues. And he reportedly said upon appointing African-American judge Thurgood Marshall to the Supreme Court, “Son, when I appoint a ****** to the court, I want everyone to know he’s a ******.

No calls to impeach, no bad press, no Democrats screaming racist, no Republicans insisting on his death. Just differing opinions in a political arena...
When is the right time to protest police brutality?
What is the right way to protest police brutality?
Well when you are millionaires like those players are you have a lot of resources on your side to make it happen. They are interviewed on TV all the time. They could of wore tee-shirts about their cause on it while doing those interviews. There are a myriad of ways. Are they doing it now? Hell no they aint. Why? Because players share in TV revenue with the owners, and the ratings fell so low they lost a bunch of money. So, in the end it was just about their money anyway.
I doubt that it affects peoples perception of the GOP.
Folk can judge the party by its antics during the recent Supreme Court hearings.
So spitting on our country and our service men was the way to do it? Answer this question do you love our flag?
There was no spitting involved in NFL players kneeling during the required recital of the national song. It was not a protest against the men and women of the military. It wasn't about loving the flag. It was about perceived police brutality. Trying to tie the protests to those other' heart strings' was a ploy to distract the public from the real issue. Do you love police brutality?
What is the purpose of this post? One person did a bad thing? And?
There was no spitting involved in NFL players kneeling during the required recital of the national song. It was not a protest against the men and women of the military. It wasn't about loving the flag. It was about perceived police brutality. Trying to tie the protests to those other' heart strings' was a ploy to distract the public from the real issue. Do you love police brutality?
The very second they heard it was disrespectful to out military members they should of stopped.
There was no spitting involved in NFL players kneeling during the required recital of the national song. It was not a protest against the men and women of the military. It wasn't about loving the flag. It was about perceived police brutality. Trying to tie the protests to those other' heart strings' was a ploy to distract the public from the real issue. Do you love police brutality?
No, it was about attention whoring.

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