Causes of Atheism


Senior Member
Mar 16, 2014
It occurred to me recently that many celebrities who are atheist have pathetic, petty reasons for being so.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali:
Ayaan Hirsi Ali - Freedom From Religion Foundation
Ali considered herself a Muslim until May 28, 2002, when she said she became an atheist while sitting in an Italian restaurant drinking a glass of wine: ". . . I asked myself: Why should I burn in hell just because I'm drinking this? But what prompted me even more was the fact that the killers of 9/11 all believed in the same God I believed in"

Hugh Laurie:
No Cookies |
"I don't believe in God, but I have this idea that if there were a God, or destiny of some kind looking down on us, that if he saw you taking anything for granted he'd take it away.
"So he'll be like: 'You think this is going pretty well?' Then he'll go and send down some big disaster.''

Howard Stern:
27 Celebrities You Probably Didn?t Know Are Atheists - Think Atheist
"I’m sickened by all religions. Religion has divided people. I don’t think there’s any difference between the pope wearing a large hat and parading around with a smoking purse and an African painting his face white and praying to a rock."

To summarize, Ali thinks that God doesn't exist because it's not fair that wine isn't allowed in Islam and she doesn't want to be associated with a handful of terrorists; Laurie thinks that God would be mean and spiteful to him; and Stern thinks that people disagreeing is sickening, but also that there is no difference between religious rituals and customs.

When I was younger, I had a fairly low opinion of my fellow Christians, but only until I started meeting atheists. While standard atheist talking points focus on claims that they're smarter than everyone else because they don't worship "a magical sky wizard" or that they "think for themselves," most of the actual reasons for atheists becoming atheists are usually along the lines of "My parents made me go to church every Sunday when I was a kid and it was boring, so God doesn't exist," or "Individuals of a certain religion have done something to displease me, therefore absolutely every religion ever is completely false and God doesn't exist."

Atheists: What do you think of your fellow atheists being so petty? What are your personal reasons for turning to atheism?

Theists: Are atheists just a bunch of butthurt kids trying to be edgy and rebellious? What are your personal reasons for turning to your particular religion?

Agnostics: How do you feel about not being particularly hated by anybody?
... pathetic, petty reasons for being [atheist]

But preaching, being holier than thou, putting people down for their beliefs - THAT's not "pathetic and petty"?

Looks like we've got another god-hating bible thumper working to push people way from god.

Carry on.
It occurred to me recently that many celebrities who are atheist have pathetic, petty reasons for being so.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali:
Ayaan Hirsi Ali - Freedom From Religion Foundation
Ali considered herself a Muslim until May 28, 2002, when she said she became an atheist while sitting in an Italian restaurant drinking a glass of wine: ". . . I asked myself: Why should I burn in hell just because I'm drinking this? But what prompted me even more was the fact that the killers of 9/11 all believed in the same God I believed in"

Hugh Laurie:
No Cookies |
"I don't believe in God, but I have this idea that if there were a God, or destiny of some kind looking down on us, that if he saw you taking anything for granted he'd take it away.
"So he'll be like: 'You think this is going pretty well?' Then he'll go and send down some big disaster.''

Howard Stern:
27 Celebrities You Probably Didn?t Know Are Atheists - Think Atheist
"I’m sickened by all religions. Religion has divided people. I don’t think there’s any difference between the pope wearing a large hat and parading around with a smoking purse and an African painting his face white and praying to a rock."

To summarize, Ali thinks that God doesn't exist because it's not fair that wine isn't allowed in Islam and she doesn't want to be associated with a handful of terrorists; Laurie thinks that God would be mean and spiteful to him; and Stern thinks that people disagreeing is sickening, but also that there is no difference between religious rituals and customs.

When I was younger, I had a fairly low opinion of my fellow Christians, but only until I started meeting atheists. While standard atheist talking points focus on claims that they're smarter than everyone else because they don't worship "a magical sky wizard" or that they "think for themselves," most of the actual reasons for atheists becoming atheists are usually along the lines of "My parents made me go to church every Sunday when I was a kid and it was boring, so God doesn't exist," or "Individuals of a certain religion have done something to displease me, therefore absolutely every religion ever is completely false and God doesn't exist."

Atheists: What do you think of your fellow atheists being so petty? What are your personal reasons for turning to atheism?

Theists: Are atheists just a bunch of butthurt kids trying to be edgy and rebellious? What are your personal reasons for turning to your particular religion?

Agnostics: How do you feel about not being particularly hated by anybody?

I was a a Victory Motorcycle shop the other day, and they were offering a T-shirt for sale reading, "Victory. If you drive a Harley, I would have to explain it to you".

I think that the answer to your question about atheists could be, "Atheist. If you are a theist, I would have to explain it to you". Trouble is, none of us have the patience or interest to bother.
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THE MAIN CAUSE for Atheism =foolish non-thinking and allowing satan to use and blind you. WHAT SHAME AND GUILT to know that ALMIGHTY GOD says you are a fool.=a child of satan======That man is a fool who says to himself, “There is no God!” Anyone who talks like that is warped and evil and cannot really be a good person at all.Psalm 14:1===Only a fool would say to himself, “There is no God.” And why does he say it? Because of his wicked heart, his dark and evil deeds. His life is corroded with sin. PSALM 53:1 and you???
It occurred to me recently that many celebrities who are atheist have pathetic, petty reasons for being so.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali:
Ayaan Hirsi Ali - Freedom From Religion Foundation
Ali considered herself a Muslim until May 28, 2002, when she said she became an atheist while sitting in an Italian restaurant drinking a glass of wine: ". . . I asked myself: Why should I burn in hell just because I'm drinking this? But what prompted me even more was the fact that the killers of 9/11 all believed in the same God I believed in"

Hugh Laurie:
No Cookies |

Howard Stern:
27 Celebrities You Probably Didn?t Know Are Atheists - Think Atheist
"I’m sickened by all religions. Religion has divided people. I don’t think there’s any difference between the pope wearing a large hat and parading around with a smoking purse and an African painting his face white and praying to a rock."

To summarize, Ali thinks that God doesn't exist because it's not fair that wine isn't allowed in Islam and she doesn't want to be associated with a handful of terrorists; Laurie thinks that God would be mean and spiteful to him; and Stern thinks that people disagreeing is sickening, but also that there is no difference between religious rituals and customs.

When I was younger, I had a fairly low opinion of my fellow Christians, but only until I started meeting atheists. While standard atheist talking points focus on claims that they're smarter than everyone else because they don't worship "a magical sky wizard" or that they "think for themselves," most of the actual reasons for atheists becoming atheists are usually along the lines of "My parents made me go to church every Sunday when I was a kid and it was boring, so God doesn't exist," or "Individuals of a certain religion have done something to displease me, therefore absolutely every religion ever is completely false and God doesn't exist."

Atheists: What do you think of your fellow atheists being so petty? What are your personal reasons for turning to atheism?

Theists: Are atheists just a bunch of butthurt kids trying to be edgy and rebellious? What are your personal reasons for turning to your particular religion?

Agnostics: How do you feel about not being particularly hated by anybody?

I was a a Victory Motorcycle shop the other day, and they were offering a T-shirt for sale reading, "Victory. If you drive a Haley, I would have to explain it to you".

I think that the answer to your question about atheists could be, "Atheist. If you are a theist, I would have to explain it to you". Trouble is, none of us have the patience or interest to bother.
So you have the patience and interest to bother writing a post that says "lol not tellin," but not a post that has even a quick one-line explanation of why you have chosen atheism rather than some other religious affiliation?
"So you have the patience and interest to bother writing a post that says "lol not tellin," but not a post that has even a quick one-line explanation of why you have chosen atheism rather than some other religious affiliation? "

Not to put too fine a point on it, but "yes" to your first question and "no" to the second.
Theists: Are atheists just a bunch of butthurt kids trying to be edgy and rebellious?

That's about it.

What are your personal reasons for turning to your particular religion?

That was a long drawn out process that took place over a span of about 15 years of reading, with some formal and informal study thrown in. It just makes sense.

Atheists, on the other hand, just follow along with a crowd. Have you ever noticed that by and large, atheists lean to the left politically? Beats thinking, I guess.
I can't speak for others but for me, the "cause" for my atheism is my ability to think for myself. I was raised going to church but from a very early age, I knew it didn't make sense. The more I read, the more I learned about the natural world, the more I questioned the basic premise of first one belief and then others.

I have very strong religious and spiritual beliefs. They just don't include a belief in an invisible Big Daddy of the Sky who blackmails and punishes me for my beliefs while accepting the worst behavior as long as I "believe" in him. And, I certainly don't believe the outlandish and outrageous tales in the christian bible.

I doubt that many believers really do believe in a god but, as long as they don't try to force their beliefs on me, on my government and on my children, they're welcome to whatever it is that gets them through the night.
All belief is an act of choice sooner or later.

even if you had religion beaten into you as a kid, sooner or later you have to decide to believe or not.

Personally I chose not to believe in the biblical deity and have adopted an agnostic outlook albeit with atheistic leanings.
I've heard this argument before and still can't quite grasp it. It's like saying one is born a Holocaust denier.

No. It isn't even close. Not by a long shot. Try again.

"lolnope" isn't an explanation. Not by a long shot. Try again.

Honey, if you can't figure out that it is taught then you are a lost cause and definitely a waste of my time. You're pulling crap out of your behind because you just want to be silly.
I've heard this argument before and still can't quite grasp it. It's like saying one is born a Holocaust denier.

No. It isn't even close. Not by a long shot. Try again.

"lolnope" isn't an explanation. Not by a long shot. Try again.

It's a stupid quip written by a mental midget. Even if one assumes God is an invention of man, that means Man's search for meaning found what was a reasonable explanation to the mysteries of life, so one is not born a non-believer, but a seeker of understanding. The two are not the same.

But I guess bumper sticker slogans really rock their world. You don't grasp it because it's silly and trite.
No. It isn't even close. Not by a long shot. Try again.

"lolnope" isn't an explanation. Not by a long shot. Try again.

Honey, if you can't figure out that it is taught then you are a lost cause and definitely a waste of my time. You're pulling crap out of your behind because you just want to be silly.

Oh, so disbelief in the Holocaust is taught, but disbelief in a deity is entirely 100% natural and inherent to every human being? Is this your argument?

I'm trying to understand where you're coming from.
"lolnope" isn't an explanation. Not by a long shot. Try again.

Honey, if you can't figure out that it is taught then you are a lost cause and definitely a waste of my time. You're pulling crap out of your behind because you just want to be silly.

Oh, so disbelief in the Holocaust is taught, but disbelief in a deity is entirely 100% natural and inherent to every human being? Is this your argument?

I'm trying to understand where you're coming from.

You understood completely the first time.
I'll tell you what my journey to Atheism was like.

I went to a Catholic School. Which means, after about fourth grade or so, they sicced the nuns on us. A bunch of angry old women who were using religion to beat down their lesbian feelings, and they inflicted them on kids.

Well, one day, one of these old hags was telling us all about Noah's Ark. And how God drowned everyone but Noah and his family because they were 'wicked'. When I asked why God drowned the babies, the old crone screeched. 'They were wiiiicked babies.. Wiiiiiicked!!!!!"

Anyway, a few years later my mom got cancer and despite everyone in the Parish praying for her to get better, she died. Another one of these nuns said at her funeral, "God had a good reason for this.' If I smashed her head into the wall, God would have had a good reason for that, too.

Long story, short, I really started to question the whole bullshit that these folks had been laying out to me for 12 years. Why would a eternal, omnipotent God care about any one person living or dying? If God created the universe and the universe is at least 14 billion years old, why would he care about one person on one planet in an nearly infinite universe?

If he cared about all humanity, then why was religion geographically limited? If Yahweh was the real "God" and Zeus and Odin and Krishna and Amaterasu were all fakes, then why was only one tribe aware of him until about 2000 years ago.

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