Causes of Atheism

There is no such thing as ‘atheism,’ the word and its meaning are a contrivance of ignorant, arrogant theists who believe theism to be the ‘norm’ and ‘atheism’ the ‘aberration,’ when in fact the reverse is true.

Indeed, it is the ignorance and arrogance of most theists that compel those free from faith to realize the truth, that religion is a creation of man, reflecting man’s fear, ignorance, and hate, and although there are some theists of good faith, religion remains a dangerous manifestation in a free and diverse society.

Last, the premise of your thread fails as a hasty generalization fallacy.

Well if one knows God and then rejects Him ( as Karl Marx did prior to his involvment in the occult ) one cannot claim to be an atheist although there is nothing to stop them from doing it. They know that God is - they simply reject Him - perhaps they are rejecting Him on a false premise as Ali did. Who knows. Only God.

Nevertheless atheists are an abberation in every sense of the word. Man is a trichotomy created in the image of God. According to Genesis 1:26 we were made in Gods image. God is a trichotomy - Father - Son - Holy Spirit - we are a spirit, living in an earthly body ( temporal ) and we have a soul. ( King David refers to his soul - commanding it in Psalm 103 - Bless the Lord O my Soul and all that is within me bless His Holy Name - it begins ) The soul is the seat of the will, emotions, our spirit communes with God - God is a Spirit and those who worship Him do so in spirit and in truth.

We were created - designed to have communion with God. This is a fact. God created us to have a relationship with us and to give us dominion over all other creation - animal life - etc. We were created for high places not down in the mud with the sucker fish...

The vacuum - the empty place some try to fill with other things will never satisfy because only God can fill that place. He is our maker.

To reject God while enjoying all He has created is like walking into someones home and using whatever you feel like - trashing it and walking out as if nothing happened. People may get away with that for a time down here but when it comes to heaven? It won't happen.

There is only one way to live and that is by faith in God. All else will fail you, there is nothing that can sustain you through the storms in life as a relationship with Jesus Christ will. Without Him, Satan - the god of this world - will so blind your mind that you won't be able to believe anything and when the storms hit you'll be tossed all over the place.

The Lord is a strong tower and the righteous run into it and they are safe. The Lord is our refuge. These verses are powerful and tell us that above all we had better believe God. If you do not believe God start in the New Testament and keep reading until youre saved.
As for children......

It is the most natural thing for any child to come to God at a very young age. It's Normal.

I have never seen or heard a child talk about god before that child heard about god from others.

Maybe true. I'll try this thought again since the lame poster I originally addressed it to failed to respond (no doubt due to fear of sounding even more stupid).

So what about this- taking the assumption by atheists that God is solely an invention of man, why would man invent a deity unless man was first compelled to wonder of the origins of his own life?

A child may not speak of God, but a child will neither contemplate the existence of their own life, nor the heady intricacies of when the universe began, or what was the genesis that sparked life.
Well if one knows God and then rejects Him ( as Karl Marx did prior to his involvment in the occult ) one cannot claim to be an atheist although there is nothing to stop them from doing it. They know that God is - they simply reject Him - perhaps they are rejecting Him on a false premise as Ali did. Who knows. Only God.

Nevertheless atheists are an abberation in every sense of the word. Man is a trichotomy created in the image of God. According to Genesis 1:26 we were made in Gods image. God is a trichotomy - Father - Son - Holy Spirit - we are a spirit, living in an earthly body ( temporal ) and we have a soul. ( King David refers to his soul - commanding it in Psalm 103 - Bless the Lord O my Soul and all that is within me bless His Holy Name - it begins ) The soul is the seat of the will, emotions, our spirit communes with God - God is a Spirit and those who worship Him do so in spirit and in truth.

We were created - designed to have communion with God. This is a fact. God created us to have a relationship with us and to give us dominion over all other creation - animal life - etc. We were created for high places not down in the mud with the sucker fish...

The vacuum - the empty place some try to fill with other things will never satisfy because only God can fill that place. He is our maker.

To reject God while enjoying all He has created is like walking into someones home and using whatever you feel like - trashing it and walking out as if nothing happened. People may get away with that for a time down here but when it comes to heaven? It won't happen.

There is only one way to live and that is by faith in God. All else will fail you, there is nothing that can sustain you through the storms in life as a relationship with Jesus Christ will. Without Him, Satan - the god of this world - will so blind your mind that you won't be able to believe anything and when the storms hit you'll be tossed all over the place.

The Lord is a strong tower and the righteous run into it and they are safe. The Lord is our refuge. These verses are powerful and tell us that above all we had better believe God. If you do not believe God start in the New Testament and keep reading until youre saved.
As for children......

It is the most natural thing for any child to come to God at a very young age. It's Normal.

I have never seen or heard a child talk about god before that child heard about god from others.

Maybe true. I'll try this thought again since the lame poster I originally addressed it to failed to respond (no doubt due to fear of sounding even more stupid).

So what about this- taking the assumption by atheists that God is solely an invention of man, why would man invent a deity unless man was first compelled to wonder of the origins of his own life?

A child may not speak of God, but a child will neither contemplate the existence of their own life, nor the heady intricacies of when the universe began, or what was the genesis that sparked life.

KNOWELEDGE OF GOD IS PROGRAMED INTO HUMAN DNA. For thoudands of years mankind everywhere ON EARTH know there is GOD. but you??
I have never seen or heard a child talk about god before that child heard about god from others.

Maybe true. I'll try this thought again since the lame poster I originally addressed it to failed to respond (no doubt due to fear of sounding even more stupid).

So what about this- taking the assumption by atheists that God is solely an invention of man, why would man invent a deity unless man was first compelled to wonder of the origins of his own life?

A child may not speak of God, but a child will neither contemplate the existence of their own life, nor the heady intricacies of when the universe began, or what was the genesis that sparked life.

KNOWELEDGE OF GOD IS PROGRAMED INTO HUMAN DNA. For thoudands of years mankind everywhere ON EARTH know there is GOD. but you??

I have no idea.
Maybe true. I'll try this thought again since the lame poster I originally addressed it to failed to respond (no doubt due to fear of sounding even more stupid).

So what about this- taking the assumption by atheists that God is solely an invention of man, why would man invent a deity unless man was first compelled to wonder of the origins of his own life?

A child may not speak of God, but a child will neither contemplate the existence of their own life, nor the heady intricacies of when the universe began, or what was the genesis that sparked life.

KNOWELEDGE OF GOD IS PROGRAMED INTO HUMAN DNA. For thoudands of years mankind everywhere ON EARTH know there is GOD. but you??

I have no idea.
GOD'S WORD says=A whip is for the horse, a bridle for the donkey, And a rod for the back of fools. 4Do not answer a fool according to his folly, Or you will also be like him. 5Answer a fool as his folly deserves, That he not be wise in his own eyes.…PROVERBS 26:4===That man is a fool who says to himself, “There is no God!” Anyone who talks like that is warped and evil and cannot really be a good person at all.Psalm 14:1===Only a fool would say to himself, “There is no God.” And why does he say it? Because of his wicked heart, his dark and evil deeds. His life is corroded with sin. PSALM 53:1 and you???
KNOWELEDGE OF GOD IS PROGRAMED INTO HUMAN DNA. For thoudands of years mankind everywhere ON EARTH know there is GOD. but you??

I have no idea.
GOD'S WORD says=A whip is for the horse, a bridle for the donkey, And a rod for the back of fools. 4Do not answer a fool according to his folly, Or you will also be like him. 5Answer a fool as his folly deserves, That he not be wise in his own eyes.…PROVERBS 26:4===That man is a fool who says to himself, “There is no God!” Anyone who talks like that is warped and evil and cannot really be a good person at all.Psalm 14:1===Only a fool would say to himself, “There is no God.” And why does he say it? Because of his wicked heart, his dark and evil deeds. His life is corroded with sin. PSALM 53:1 and you???

Can you not decipher the difference between saying '"God does not exist" and "I have no idea"?
I have no idea.
GOD'S WORD says=A whip is for the horse, a bridle for the donkey, And a rod for the back of fools. 4Do not answer a fool according to his folly, Or you will also be like him. 5Answer a fool as his folly deserves, That he not be wise in his own eyes.…PROVERBS 26:4===That man is a fool who says to himself, “There is no God!” Anyone who talks like that is warped and evil and cannot really be a good person at all.Psalm 14:1===Only a fool would say to himself, “There is no God.” And why does he say it? Because of his wicked heart, his dark and evil deeds. His life is corroded with sin. PSALM 53:1 and you???

Can you not decipher the difference between saying '"God does not exist" and "I have no idea"?

THE MOST IMPORTANT TRUTH IN THE KNOWN UNIVERSE with your eternity at stake and you say,"I have no idea" if GOD IS REAL????? DUH!!!
I have no idea.
GOD'S WORD says=A whip is for the horse, a bridle for the donkey, And a rod for the back of fools. 4Do not answer a fool according to his folly, Or you will also be like him. 5Answer a fool as his folly deserves, That he not be wise in his own eyes.…PROVERBS 26:4===That man is a fool who says to himself, “There is no God!” Anyone who talks like that is warped and evil and cannot really be a good person at all.Psalm 14:1===Only a fool would say to himself, “There is no God.” And why does he say it? Because of his wicked heart, his dark and evil deeds. His life is corroded with sin. PSALM 53:1 and you???

Can you not decipher the difference between saying '"God does not exist" and "I have no idea"?

I totally respect your honesty, Pennywise. Please forgive this guy and his replies. There is something missing in the message. It's called love. God's love.
GOD'S WORD says=A whip is for the horse, a bridle for the donkey, And a rod for the back of fools. 4Do not answer a fool according to his folly, Or you will also be like him. 5Answer a fool as his folly deserves, That he not be wise in his own eyes.…PROVERBS 26:4===That man is a fool who says to himself, “There is no God!” Anyone who talks like that is warped and evil and cannot really be a good person at all.Psalm 14:1===Only a fool would say to himself, “There is no God.” And why does he say it? Because of his wicked heart, his dark and evil deeds. His life is corroded with sin. PSALM 53:1 and you???

Can you not decipher the difference between saying '"God does not exist" and "I have no idea"?

I totally respect your honesty, Pennywise. Please forgive this guy and his replies. There is something missing in the message. It's called love. God's love.

The end of this age is very near and you want to play games?? no time for that!!! sound the warning,sound the alarm, you are about to meet GOD, WILL you meet JESUS as your LORD AND SAVIOR or your final judge!!! you must chose now!!
Well if one knows God and then rejects Him ( as Karl Marx did prior to his involvment in the occult ) one cannot claim to be an atheist although there is nothing to stop them from doing it. They know that God is - they simply reject Him - perhaps they are rejecting Him on a false premise as Ali did. Who knows. Only God.

Nevertheless atheists are an abberation in every sense of the word. Man is a trichotomy created in the image of God. According to Genesis 1:26 we were made in Gods image. God is a trichotomy - Father - Son - Holy Spirit - we are a spirit, living in an earthly body ( temporal ) and we have a soul. ( King David refers to his soul - commanding it in Psalm 103 - Bless the Lord O my Soul and all that is within me bless His Holy Name - it begins ) The soul is the seat of the will, emotions, our spirit communes with God - God is a Spirit and those who worship Him do so in spirit and in truth.

We were created - designed to have communion with God. This is a fact. God created us to have a relationship with us and to give us dominion over all other creation - animal life - etc. We were created for high places not down in the mud with the sucker fish...

The vacuum - the empty place some try to fill with other things will never satisfy because only God can fill that place. He is our maker.

To reject God while enjoying all He has created is like walking into someones home and using whatever you feel like - trashing it and walking out as if nothing happened. People may get away with that for a time down here but when it comes to heaven? It won't happen.

There is only one way to live and that is by faith in God. All else will fail you, there is nothing that can sustain you through the storms in life as a relationship with Jesus Christ will. Without Him, Satan - the god of this world - will so blind your mind that you won't be able to believe anything and when the storms hit you'll be tossed all over the place.

The Lord is a strong tower and the righteous run into it and they are safe. The Lord is our refuge. These verses are powerful and tell us that above all we had better believe God. If you do not believe God start in the New Testament and keep reading until youre saved.
As for children......

It is the most natural thing for any child to come to God at a very young age. It's Normal.

I have never seen or heard a child talk about god before that child heard about god from others.

Maybe true. I'll try this thought again since the lame poster I originally addressed it to failed to respond (no doubt due to fear of sounding even more stupid).

So what about this- taking the assumption by atheists that God is solely an invention of man, why would man invent a deity unless man was first compelled to wonder of the origins of his own life?

A child may not speak of God, but a child will neither contemplate the existence of their own life, nor the heady intricacies of when the universe began, or what was the genesis that sparked life.

Certainly the origins of life are one thing which could bring about god as an invention of man. However, I'd say there are many other things which could also be triggers for god as an invention : fear of death, ignorance of the workings of the world around us (by which I mean things like deciding the sun is a god, or storms are created by gods rather than natural phenomena, etc.), a desire for comfort, things like that.

Anyway, the reason I brought up children learning about god rather than coming up with it on their own was in response to the idea that everyone is born with the knowledge of god.
This religious dogma was created by men and taught to you by men, it is imbued with the faults and failings of man, and is consequently rendered devoid of any merit or authority.

Actually the bible is agreed among scholars to be the most accurate - intact work of antiquity on earth today. It merits more authority than any other single work - it's historical value alone is priceless.

Bruce Metzger said that of all the literary compositions by the Greek people, the Homeric poems are best suited to comparison with the Bible. He said that in the complete range of ancient Greek and Latin literature, the Iliad ranks next to the New Testament in possessing the greatest amount of manuscript testimony.

Here is how the comparison breaks down according to Geisler and Nix ( all of these men are scholars ) Next to the New Testament , there are more extant manuscripts of Iliad ( 643) than any other book. Both the Iliad and the bible were considered sacred and both underwent textual changes and criticism in their Greek manuscripts. The New testament has about 20,000 lines.

They continue by saying that the Iliad has about 15,600. Only 40 lines ( or 400 words ) of the New testament are in doubt whereas 764 lines of the Iliad are questioned. This five percent texual corruption compares with one half a percent of similar emendations in the New Testament - quote from Geisler and Nix

So as you can see the top scholars in the world agree that the Bible is today the most accurate - intact work of antiquity on earth. Thanks for reading. - Jeri

What makes Geisler and Nix authorities, and where do you get the information which leads you to conclude that "the bible is agreed among scholars to be the most accurate - intact work of antiquity on earth today."? That's a pretty vague statement. What constitutes a work of antiquity? What determines the accuracy of the work? Are there many intact works of antiquity to compare to?

They are both highly respected bible scholars. Where are your credentials? Do you have any?
In response to the second question - the bible scholars who participated in the research for the book Evidence that Demands a Verdict all concluded unanimously it is the most authentic - intact - as in original state from manuscripts to now - of all books on the earth today. The second to it would be the Iliad. That isn't a vague statement. That is a factual statement and you can buy the book and read it for yourself if you doubt it. The footnotes go on and on and on and on and on.... not like what we find in the book Godless Constitution - what rubbish!

It was compared to the Iliad which if you had bothered to read my post in its entirety - you'd know.

Now tell me. What are your credentials for critiquing the top bible scholars in the world? Anything notable? Are you the author of a book? A scholar?

Here are their credentials......

About the Author
NORMAN GEISLER (Th.B., William Tyndale College; A.B., Wheaton College; M.A., Wheaton College Graduate School; Ph.D., Loyola University) Distinguished Professor of Apologetics at the Veritas Evangelical Seminary in Murrieta, California He is the author or co-author of some 80 books including A General Introduction to the Bible, Baker Dictionary of Christian Apologetics, Christian Ethics, and Systematic Theology. He has also written hundreds of articles. He and his wife of 57 years, Barbara, have six children, fifteen grandchildren, and three great grandchildren. They live in Charlotte, North Carolina.

WILLIAM E. NIX (A.B., Wayne State University; A.M., University of Michigan; Ph.D., University of Oklahoma) is an editorial and educational consultant based in Dallas, Texas. He has taught at several colleges and seminaries, and served as Dean at Southern Evangelical Seminary. Dr. Nix currently serves at Veritas Evangelical Seminary, Murrieta, CA as Professor of Historical and Theological Studies and Director of Master of Theological Studies. He is also President of The Electronic Bible Society. Dr. Nix is co-author with Dr. Norman L. Geisler of From God to Us and A General Introduction to the Bible. In addition, Dr. Nix has edited several books and written numerous articles. He resides with his wife, Eulaine, in Dallas, Texas.


More About the Author
› Visit Amazon's Norman L. Geisler Page
Norman Geisler (PhD, Loyola University) is president of Southern Evangelical Seminary and author or coauthor of over fifty books including Decide for Yourself.
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Can you not decipher the difference between saying '"God does not exist" and "I have no idea"?

I totally respect your honesty, Pennywise. Please forgive this guy and his replies. There is something missing in the message. It's called love. God's love.

The end of this age is very near and you want to play games?? no time for that!!! sound the warning,sound the alarm, you are about to meet GOD, WILL you meet JESUS as your LORD AND SAVIOR or your final judge!!! you must chose now!!

I did. I invited Jesus Christ into my heart on October 18, 1989 at 8:58 p.m. and was born again. No one badgered me into it. I did it by the conviction of the Holy Ghost. That is how it happens. Salvation is a miracle. Give God some room here!
I totally respect your honesty, Pennywise. Please forgive this guy and his replies. There is something missing in the message. It's called love. God's love.

The end of this age is very near and you want to play games?? no time for that!!! sound the warning,sound the alarm, you are about to meet GOD, WILL you meet JESUS as your LORD AND SAVIOR or your final judge!!! you must chose now!!

I did. I invited Jesus Christ into my heart on October 18, 1989 at 8:58 p.m. and was born again. No one badgered me into it. I did it by the conviction of the Holy Ghost. That is how it happens. Salvation is a miracle. Give God some room here!

GOOD FOR YOU!!! Now share with others so they too can live in the love and blessings of GOD!
Fun filled fact: One is born an atheist.

Actually you are wrong about that. According to the book of Luke chapter 1 verse 39 - 44 John the Baptist was still in his mothers womb when Mary the mother of Jesus showed up for a visit. When Elizabeth ( Johns Mother) heard Marys' salutation John the Baptist leaped in his mothers womb and Elizabeth was immediately filled with the Holy Ghost. John was in the womb. Not born yet.

He was chosen by God for his calling before the foundations of the earth.

Read it for yourself.

It's Luke Chapter 1: 39 - 44 in your bible.

ZEUS was the King of the Gods, and the god of weather, fate, law and order.

He had numerous lovers in mythology. This page describes three of his mortal liaisons in detail: Danae who was seduced by the god in the form of a golden shower, Antiope, by the god disguised as a Satyr, and Kallisto, by Zeus disguised as the goddess Artemis.

LOVES OF ZEUS 3 : Greek mythology

List of people who have been considered deities - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Divine births are a dime a dozen.
Atheism is caused by an emergence of common sense

I AGREE WITH GOD 100% ==GOD'S WORD says=A whip is for the horse, a bridle for the donkey, And a rod for the back of fools. 4Do not answer a fool according to his folly, Or you will also be like him. 5Answer a fool as his folly deserves, That he not be wise in his own eyes.…PROVERBS 26:4===That man is a fool who says to himself, “There is no God!” Anyone who talks like that is warped and evil and cannot really be a good person at all.Psalm 14:1===Only a fool would say to himself, “There is no God.” And why does he say it? Because of his wicked heart, his dark and evil deeds. His life is corroded with sin. PSALM 53:1 and you???
Your posts, duh.

Again, please explain to me the origin of life. Simple question, requires a simple answer.

I gave you one and you don't like it. My posts reveal no such thing. Where in my posts does it say that I hate religion? Locate them.

You gave nothing to indicate that you know the origin of life. For that matter, no one knows, it's an enigma.

So save your proclamations that Jesus was fictional, and that God doesn't exist. You are in no position to claim anything, anymore than I am. The big difference between people like you and people like me, is I admit I could never know the truth. You're just a loudmouth positing your opinions as "facts". Save it. :eusa_whistle:

Let's get this straight. There is no historical Jesus. It took 8 centuries to develop a Christology. That information right there has nothing to do with you and your question to the origin of life. The difference between people like me and people like you is that people like me know that. The historical Jesus, of which there is none, has not a damn thing to do with the origin of life- You uneducated hilljack.
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YES!!! Little demon inspired man has thousands of years has been trying to attack GOD AND GOD'S LIVING ETERNAL INSPIRED(GOD BREATHED) Word, most are long dead and in hell but GOD'S WORD goes on into eternity!!! PTL.
The end of this age is very near and you want to play games?? no time for that!!! sound the warning,sound the alarm, you are about to meet GOD, WILL you meet JESUS as your LORD AND SAVIOR or your final judge!!! you must chose now!!

I did. I invited Jesus Christ into my heart on October 18, 1989 at 8:58 p.m. and was born again. No one badgered me into it. I did it by the conviction of the Holy Ghost. That is how it happens. Salvation is a miracle. Give God some room here!

GOOD FOR YOU!!! Now share with others so they too can live in the love and blessings of GOD!

How many hours a day do you pray before you go out and witness for the LORD?

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