Cawthorn vs. McKinley: Another intra-GOP spat breaks out on House floor

there's only one way to settle the OCTAGON!

"At one point, the conflict turned into a yelling match on the House floor filled with slights and suggestions of retaliation, according to four sources. One onlooker thought the two men's floor altercation would devolve into a fistfight at one point; it ended Thursday with Cawthorn taking a shot at McKinley as a career politician in an interview

Cawthorn’s office said that the confusion stemmed from the lawmaker's mistaken attachment to a drug pricing bill when he had asked to cosponsor separate legislation that would expand telehealth services for substance use disorder treatment.

At one point in the office spat, Cawthorn asked McKinley's staff if his boss "was that guy with the mustache that nobody f---ing knows."

It became a shouting match, with McKinley repeatedly referring to Cawthorn as "junior."

According to sources later told of the fight, Cawthorn at one point asked McKinley how he would like it if he signed the West Virginia lawmaker onto pro-abortion legislation or pro-weed legislation, comments that some sources say McKinley perceived as a threat do so. Cawthorn had made a similar point while in McKinley’s office with his staff, according to two sources.

Recalling that he criticized McKinley for supporting a bipartisan commission to investigate the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, Cawthorn suggested he might use a fellow Republican's vote against him on the campaign trail.

"I said, ‘Your district will remember that. And if you want to run for re-election and you’re going to sit here and attack me all over this stuff, I will make sure they remember,'" Cawthorn recalled later in an interview. "And then he started getting all kinds of angry.""
i have to side with Cawthorn obviously, but the GOP needs to unite!

How can the GOP unite? Unite on what?

Half the GOP are the old guard losers who want to take a back seat, go easy on themselves and let the Dems have the floor.

The rest of them want small government, low taxes, freedom, and American greatness.

Many on the Left are getting tired of the party politics, too.

Many will leave BOTH parties to eventually side behind a third candidate or party that represents real American values, not party politics.
"Two sources familiar with the move"? Is that the best they can come up with?
i remember when Cawthorn 1st ran, Trump didn't endorse him in the primary, he won by 40 points, appeared on Morning Joe where they said he was gonna be "a new kind of Republican"...and now Madison is the Trumpiest fucking Republican out there

the GOP are the gang that couldn't shoot straight...if anything, they shoot one another! (figuratively)
It’s good to see elected reps argue with swamp jerks. He’s doing his job as a civil servant.
And as long as he still recognizes that the democrat party is the greatest existential threat to the country.

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