CBC state run media headline: Narrative against Trump strengthens after ex-FBI director's testimony


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Yes, that's right. Canadian government media is so focused on convincing Canadians to hate the U.S government that they actually outright lie to us. Yeah, that testimony really hurt Trump, LOL!! You cannot make this up. The rest of the real world, even many Snowflakes with two brain cells could see that this makes the issue of obstructionism a non-starter now.

You can imagine how much effort it requires for someone like myself to actually educate this nation of one channel lemmings about the truth, not the Stasi propaganda. Now if only I could convince the U.S business community what is really going on in their businesses in Toronto...

No smoking gun, but narrative against Trump strengthens after ex-FBI director's testimony

Any day the former head of the FBI testifies that the president of the United States has repeatedly lied cannot be considered a particularly good day for the commander-in-chief.

But in his highly anticipated testimony, James Comey didn't drop any bombshells, any new devastating information that builds a vastly stronger case for those who talk impeachment or accuse the president of obstructing justice.

"Is this a great day for Donald Trump? Absolutely not," said Gary Nordlinger, of George Washington University's Graduate School of Political Management. "But I think impeachment [talk] is absolutely premature," he said.

Comey testified before the Senate intelligence committee on Thursday, just one of a number of committees and agencies, and a special counsel, that are investigating whether Russia meddled in the 2016 presidential election — or what's more politically explosive, whether members of the Trump campaign team co-ordinated efforts with officials from Moscow.

Later in the day, Comey spoke again with that same Senate intelligence committee behind closed doors, but it's unknown what was discussed and what his answers may have been to some pointed questions from senators about the Russian allegations.
Yes, that's right. Canadian government media is so focused on convincing Canadians to hate the U.S government that they actually outright lie to us. Yeah, that testimony really hurt Trump, LOL!! You cannot make this up. The rest of the real world, even many Snowflakes with two brain cells could see that this makes the issue of obstructionism a non-starter now.

You can imagine how much effort it requires for someone like myself to actually educate this nation of one channel lemmings about the truth, not the Stasi propaganda. Now if only I could convince the U.S business community what is really going on in their businesses in Toronto...

No smoking gun, but narrative against Trump strengthens after ex-FBI director's testimony

Any day the former head of the FBI testifies that the president of the United States has repeatedly lied cannot be considered a particularly good day for the commander-in-chief.

But in his highly anticipated testimony, James Comey didn't drop any bombshells, any new devastating information that builds a vastly stronger case for those who talk impeachment or accuse the president of obstructing justice.

"Is this a great day for Donald Trump? Absolutely not," said Gary Nordlinger, of George Washington University's Graduate School of Political Management. "But I think impeachment [talk] is absolutely premature," he said.

Comey testified before the Senate intelligence committee on Thursday, just one of a number of committees and agencies, and a special counsel, that are investigating whether Russia meddled in the 2016 presidential election — or what's more politically explosive, whether members of the Trump campaign team co-ordinated efforts with officials from Moscow.

Later in the day, Comey spoke again with that same Senate intelligence committee behind closed doors, but it's unknown what was discussed and what his answers may have been to some pointed questions from senators about the Russian allegations.

"Yes that's right"? No that's wrong. You can cower in your paranoia comic book all you like but I get CBC news every day and I have yet to hear any "hate the US government" rhetoric. If anything it's the opposite.

I realize you're hoping to ensnare the gullibles who don't hear CBC but ---- I already know better.
Yes, that's right. Canadian government media is so focused on convincing Canadians to hate the U.S government that they actually outright lie to us. Yeah, that testimony really hurt Trump, LOL!! You cannot make this up. The rest of the real world, even many Snowflakes with two brain cells could see that this makes the issue of obstructionism a non-starter now.

You can imagine how much effort it requires for someone like myself to actually educate this nation of one channel lemmings about the truth, not the Stasi propaganda. Now if only I could convince the U.S business community what is really going on in their businesses in Toronto...

No smoking gun, but narrative against Trump strengthens after ex-FBI director's testimony

Any day the former head of the FBI testifies that the president of the United States has repeatedly lied cannot be considered a particularly good day for the commander-in-chief.

But in his highly anticipated testimony, James Comey didn't drop any bombshells, any new devastating information that builds a vastly stronger case for those who talk impeachment or accuse the president of obstructing justice.

"Is this a great day for Donald Trump? Absolutely not," said Gary Nordlinger, of George Washington University's Graduate School of Political Management. "But I think impeachment [talk] is absolutely premature," he said.

Comey testified before the Senate intelligence committee on Thursday, just one of a number of committees and agencies, and a special counsel, that are investigating whether Russia meddled in the 2016 presidential election — or what's more politically explosive, whether members of the Trump campaign team co-ordinated efforts with officials from Moscow.

Later in the day, Comey spoke again with that same Senate intelligence committee behind closed doors, but it's unknown what was discussed and what his answers may have been to some pointed questions from senators about the Russian allegations.

"Yes that's right"? No that's wrong. You can cower in your paranoia comic book all you like but I get CBC news every day and I have yet to hear any "hate the US government" rhetoric. If anything it's the opposite.

I realize you're hoping to ensnare the gullibles who don't hear CBC but ---- I already know better.

You know better do you? I watch it everyday and have since I was a kid, the anti-America has existed at least for 25-30 years. Come and speak to Canadians about what they think about Americans, they make fun of America constantly and most of them don't even know bloody thing about your system.

This anti-American sentiment on CBC reached it's peak when George W Bush was in power and it has not subsided. Any Republican party, any right leaning government official. Trump is the worst for Canada as he is exposing the unfair deal America and it's workers have experienced and is he is trying to bring this fight back to it's capitalist basis, not the theft of workers by Canada via state agents. This scares Canada greatly as we have been a neo-communist country for some time, noone calling us out on it. Now not only is Trump, but so is Wilbur Ross and others in support of the border tax.

The fact that you took such a position actually suggests to me you DON'T watch CBC, certainly not enough to allow you to come to that conclusion

You know better do you? I watch it everyday and have since I was a kid, the anti-America has existed at least for 25-30 years. Come and speak to Canadians about what they think about Americans, they make fun of America constantly and most of them don't even know bloody thing about your system.

--which you demonstrate on these pages every day.

Actually I speak to a lot of Canadians, worked many years for a Canadian company, with Canadians, and have been there literally more times than I can count. Never heard this "anti-American" sentiment except from you.

This anti-American sentiment on CBC reached it's peak when George W Bush was in power and it has not subsided.

:lol: False. Anti-Bush maybe, but that goes for the whole world. We were all embarrassed by that. I recall the first time I was out of the country after Bush was selected -- happened to be in Montréal. Soon as it came out that I was from the US I hung my head and said "Yeah I know -- we're working on it". Canadians didn't make me do that --- USians who voted for Shrub did it. And it wouldn't have mattered what country I had gone to.

Any Republican party, any right leaning government official.

Pfft. No I doubt that. The last two Republican POTUSES yes, but they're both a joke. And again, that opinion is worldwide, in no way peculiar to Canada. Every analysis I hear on CBC is painstakingly fair, and well-informed as well. That's partly why I use the service.

Trump is the worst for Canada as he is exposing the unfair deal America and it's workers have experienced and is he is trying to bring this fight back to it's capitalist basis, not the theft of workers by Canada via state agents.

Rump is the worst for the whole world. Again, a universal sentiment.
And we're painfully aware of it here.

The fact that you took such a position actually suggests to me you DON'T watch CBC, certainly not enough to allow you to come to that conclusion

"Watch"? :lol: The fact that you're talking about television explains your gullibility. I don't even own a television. Everything it does is by definition a lie, with the exception of live sports, and even then it's two-dimensional so that's in effect a lie too. Radio is an inherently superior medium, always has been, always will be. My CBC comes from internet radio indoors and satellite radio in the car.

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