CBO: Effects of the Stimulus Spending Are Now 'Diminishing'

TM.. seek help... you desperately need it.

Don't encourage her. We the people probably cannot afford the breadth of help she requires. Just walk away. Quietly. Quickly, I've go Quiche in the oven.

I am inclined to agree.

TM does not deserve any responses to her posts. She is now shunned.

Oh, I don't advocate shunning her, just don't want to be responsible for her psych bills. Can you imagine the hours and hours and hours of one on one it will take to get her squared? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Note how when the cons are faced with facts they dont like and cant refute they resort to ignoring.

Its how they govern too.

Makes for REAL SHITTY policy moves.
Don't encourage her. We the people probably cannot afford the breadth of help she requires. Just walk away. Quietly. Quickly, I've go Quiche in the oven.

I am inclined to agree.

TM does not deserve any responses to her posts. She is now shunned.

Oh, I don't advocate shunning her, just don't want to be responsible for her psych bills. Can you imagine the hours and hours and hours of one on one it will take to get her squared? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Her posts are boring. They consist of vulgar expletives, unread links with no commentary, and accusations of lying, hating, etc.

I'm putting them in the same category as a Decaf Latte made with Non-Fat milk and Equal.

The category is "Why Bother?".
Texas is a casualty along with the others because the drilling moratorium

hey asshole did you notice its ONLY texas that is suffering because of the moritorium.

This asshole siad it was teh ONLY reason jobs were lost.

cant you read?

Please read your entire link. WE did. And in THAT link that YOU put up you will see that 5 other states are listed.

Please read your link.
Note how when the cons are faced with facts they dont like and cant refute they resort to ignoring.

Its how they govern too.

Makes for REAL SHITTY policy moves.

Are you under the care of a doctor?


We read your link, you didn't. The "facts" you use are refutted by your own link.

Are you just blathering to blather b/c your bored and can't get laid?
Texas is a casualty along with the others because the drilling moratorium

hey asshole did you notice its ONLY texas that is suffering because of the moritorium.

This asshole siad it was teh ONLY reason jobs were lost.

cant you read?

Please read your entire link. WE did. And in THAT link that YOU put up you will see that 5 other states are listed.

Please read your link.

Don't hold your breath waiting.

She is congenitally unable to read for either comprehension or retention.

read folks

Five states are now suffering because of the BP spill. Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi are hit by oil slicks that are devastating their fisheries and tourism. Texas is a casualty along with the others because the drilling moratorium that was poorly designed by Obama's team was created out of a political response.

where in that does it say anything about the first four suffering because of the moratorium?
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read folks

Five states are now suffering because of the BP spill. Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi are hit by oil slicks that are devastating their fisheries and tourism. Texas is a casualty along with the others because the drilling moratorium that was poorly designed by Obama's team was created out of a political response.

where in that does it say anything about the first four suffering because of the moratorium?

Five states are now suffering because of the BP spill. Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi (4) are hit by oil slicks that are devastating their fisheries and tourism. Texas plus (1) is a casualty along with the others because the drilling moratorium that was poorly designed by Obama's team was created out of a political response.

The moratorium payback will be the loss of thousands of jobs.

equal FIVE
so you still contend like the asshole I called a liar that the spill its self caused no lost jobs?
Hey dumbfuck.. did you read your own citation?

We estimate that an extended moratorium, which we now expect to continue because of Obama political calculus, will cost up to 200,000 higher-paying jobs in the oil drilling and oil service business and that the employment multiplier of 4.7 will put the total job loss at nearly 1 million permanent employment shrinkage occurring over the next few years.

It's the moratorium that is killing the jobs, not the spill. Geeze Louise... you are fucking stupid.

you are a fucking lying pos

now listen carefully you twatswallows, he lied the spill killed jobs

He lied just like I said
Obama's big stimulus PEAKED during the "Summer of Recovery".....:lol:....

Does anybody question that it's time for the Republicans to take over....?

ABC News' Ann Compton reports

The Congressional Budget Office has weighed in on the effects of the government’s stimulus spending this past summer and concludes that the Recovery Act raised the GDP, lowered unemployment, and increased the number of people with jobs, but the range of numbers is very, very broad.

The CBO also suggests the major effects of the stimulus peaked during what the administration once called the Summer of Recovery, are diminishing, and will “wane gradually” during these final months of 2010.

Price tag: CBO says the original price tag of $787 Billion is actually going to be higher for the 10 year period: $814 Billion spent into the economy 2009-2019.

CBO: Effects of the Stimulus Spending Are Now 'Diminishing' - Political Punch

Stimulus is not meant to be a permanent fix. It's meant to be a bridge from recession to the eventual swing of the business cycle.
Obama's big stimulus PEAKED during the "Summer of Recovery".....:lol:....

Does anybody question that it's time for the Republicans to take over....?

ABC News' Ann Compton reports

The Congressional Budget Office has weighed in on the effects of the government’s stimulus spending this past summer and concludes that the Recovery Act raised the GDP, lowered unemployment, and increased the number of people with jobs, but the range of numbers is very, very broad.

The CBO also suggests the major effects of the stimulus peaked during what the administration once called the Summer of Recovery, are diminishing, and will “wane gradually” during these final months of 2010.

Price tag: CBO says the original price tag of $787 Billion is actually going to be higher for the 10 year period: $814 Billion spent into the economy 2009-2019.

CBO: Effects of the Stimulus Spending Are Now 'Diminishing' - Political Punch

Stimulus is not meant to be a permanent fix. It's meant to be a bridge from recession to the eventual swing of the business cycle.

Vewy expensive bridges,, to nowhere! pissed away, never to be seen again a one trillion dollar bridge.
Thnaks for proving the stimulus worked.

Now why the fuck are the Rs stopping unemployment benifits right before christmas?

they are the best stimulus

Charming as usual.

The stimulus has not worked, unless you call propping up economically unjustifiable state and local jobs "working".

History proves that the deeper the recession, the stronger the natural growth cycle during recovery. We should be at 5%-7% GDP growth right now. Instead, 2010 growth will average at approximately 2.5% - half of what it should be.

No, history doesn't "prove that". History proves that the economy responds to market-demand driven recessions differently than it responds to recessions created by financial deleveraging.

And it demonstrates that extensive deleveraging leads to recoveries with slower growth rates and slower gains in employment.

The Stimulus retarded the natural growth cycle by diverting income and capital away from the private sector, and further burdening the private sector.

"Diverting income from the private sector"? Where, praytell ,was that money from and where was it headed if not US treasuries? Based on current treasury sales, I'm thinking the flight to safety demanded them.

read folks

Five states are now suffering because of the BP spill. Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi are hit by oil slicks that are devastating their fisheries and tourism. Texas is a casualty along with the others because the drilling moratorium that was poorly designed by Obama's team was created out of a political response.

where in that does it say anything about the first four suffering because of the moratorium?

You're mentally hanicapable aren't you.

Five states are now suffering because of the BP spill. Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi are hit by oil slicks that are devastating their fisheries and tourism. Texas is a casualty along with the others because the drilling moratorium that was poorly designed by Obama's team was created out of a political response.

Thank you for proving yourself wrong.
Obama's big stimulus PEAKED during the "Summer of Recovery".....:lol:....

Does anybody question that it's time for the Republicans to take over....?

ABC News' Ann Compton reports

The Congressional Budget Office has weighed in on the effects of the government’s stimulus spending this past summer and concludes that the Recovery Act raised the GDP, lowered unemployment, and increased the number of people with jobs, but the range of numbers is very, very broad.

The CBO also suggests the major effects of the stimulus peaked during what the administration once called the Summer of Recovery, are diminishing, and will “wane gradually” during these final months of 2010.

Price tag: CBO says the original price tag of $787 Billion is actually going to be higher for the 10 year period: $814 Billion spent into the economy 2009-2019.

CBO: Effects of the Stimulus Spending Are Now 'Diminishing' - Political Punch

Stimulus is not meant to be a permanent fix. It's meant to be a bridge from recession to the eventual swing of the business cycle.

No it wasn't. It was never designed to do that or billions would not have been wasted on pork.

It was designed to crush the economy, and force people to rely on the goverment for daily needs.
Obama's big stimulus PEAKED during the "Summer of Recovery".....:lol:....

Does anybody question that it's time for the Republicans to take over....?

Stimulus is not meant to be a permanent fix. It's meant to be a bridge from recession to the eventual swing of the business cycle.

Vewy expensive bridges,, to nowhere! pissed away, never to be seen again a one trillion dollar bridge.

Yup.....here's one example of Obama's real bridges to nowhere....


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