CBO: Effects of the Stimulus Spending Are Now 'Diminishing'

Hey dumbfuck.. did you read your own citation?

We estimate that an extended moratorium, which we now expect to continue because of Obama political calculus, will cost up to 200,000 higher-paying jobs in the oil drilling and oil service business and that the employment multiplier of 4.7 will put the total job loss at nearly 1 million permanent employment shrinkage occurring over the next few years.

It's the moratorium that is killing the jobs, not the spill. Geeze Louise... you are fucking stupid.

you are a fucking lying pos
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Stimulus and tax cuts now, smaller economy later, CBO report says - CSMonitor.com

Stimulus and tax cuts now, smaller economy later, CBO report says
Stimulus spending and extending the Bush tax cuts can help a little in the short term, but they would likely hurt America's long-term economic outlook, a CBO report issued Thursday says.

You conveniently leave out that they also mention Obamacre and no spending cuts having a detrimental effect on the equation. Funny how that works.

Most of us realize you ain't gonna tax your way outta this. Sorry, but the nanny state is breaking the bank. It's over friends, it's over.

Hey dumbfuck.. did you read your own citation?

We estimate that an extended moratorium, which we now expect to continue because of Obama political calculus, will cost up to 200,000 higher-paying jobs in the oil drilling and oil service business and that the employment multiplier of 4.7 will put the total job loss at nearly 1 million permanent employment shrinkage occurring over the next few years.
It's the moratorium that is killing the jobs, not the spill. Geeze Louise... you are fucking stupid.

you are a fucking lying pos

That's a direct quote from your citation. You can read, can't you?
That's hilarious... TM doesn't even take the time to read it's own citations. Great headline... let's run with it!
Obama's big stimulus PEAKED during the "Summer of Recovery".....:lol:....

Does anybody question that it's time for the Republicans to take over....?

ABC News' Ann Compton reports

The Congressional Budget Office has weighed in on the effects of the government’s stimulus spending this past summer and concludes that the Recovery Act raised the GDP, lowered unemployment, and increased the number of people with jobs, but the range of numbers is very, very broad.

The CBO also suggests the major effects of the stimulus peaked during what the administration once called the Summer of Recovery, are diminishing, and will “wane gradually” during these final months of 2010.

Price tag: CBO says the original price tag of $787 Billion is actually going to be higher for the 10 year period: $814 Billion spent into the economy 2009-2019.

CBO: Effects of the Stimulus Spending Are Now 'Diminishing' - Political Punch

from the article;

Jobs: CBO counts them differently than the Recovery Act, but concludes based on economic models that in just the third quarter, July through September, stimulus spending “increased the number of people employed by between 1.4 million and 3.6 million.”

How did 2.2 million people get jobs and the unemployment rate not go down?

Is NBC picking and chosing facts? Or is this more smoke and mirrors?

On a personnal level we had to cut our budget to the friggin bone just to keep the AC on. So I didn't feel any stimulous.
Stimulus and tax cuts now, smaller economy later, CBO report says - CSMonitor.com

Stimulus and tax cuts now, smaller economy later, CBO report says
Stimulus spending and extending the Bush tax cuts can help a little in the short term, but they would likely hurt America's long-term economic outlook, a CBO report issued Thursday says.

The tax cuts will be harmful in the long run only if government spending is not cut. The article even mentions this. Tax cuts alone are not enough. We actually have to shrink government at the same time.

Regardless, the link I provided earlier in this thread shows the CBO's analysis of just the stimulus bill and that the stimulus will be bad for the economy long term.
Thnaks for proving the stimulus worked.

Now why the fuck are the Rs stopping unemployment benifits right before christmas?

they are the best stimulus

Charming as usual.

The stimulus has not worked, unless you call propping up economically unjustifiable state and local jobs "working".

History proves that the deeper the recession, the stronger the natural growth cycle during recovery. We should be at 5%-7% GDP growth right now. Instead, 2010 growth will average at approximately 2.5% - half of what it should be.

We need 3% GDP growth just to keep up with the increase in population.

The Stimulus retarded the natural growth cycle by diverting income and capital away from the private sector, and further burdening the private sector.

This is why U3 unemployment remains at 9.5%+ and U6 is 17%.
Stimulus and tax cuts now, smaller economy later, CBO report says - CSMonitor.com

Stimulus and tax cuts now, smaller economy later, CBO report says
Stimulus spending and extending the Bush tax cuts can help a little in the short term, but they would likely hurt America's long-term economic outlook, a CBO report issued Thursday says.

The tax cuts will be harmful in the long run only if government spending is not cut. The article even mentions this. Tax cuts alone are not enough. We actually have to shrink government at the same time.

Regardless, the link I provided earlier in this thread shows the CBO's analysis of just the stimulus bill and that the stimulus will be bad for the economy long term.

You did. There are some stuck in this world of "if we just tax that guy over there some more".......... Spending is outta control. PERIOD. Get real on the spending front, then let's talk about higher taxes.
That's hilarious... TM doesn't even take the time to read it's own citations. Great headline... let's run with it!

Didn't dante do that same crud yesterday?

And just about 2 weeks ago I cought another lib not reading his own link.


And then you post the text directly from the passage that states it is the moratorium that is killing jobs, and she calls me a lying pos. That's just scary... way beyond simple denial.
Hey boody, you have your facts wrong yet again

Know yourself out, you nattering nabob of nothingness.

Here's the link to the BEA where you can query GDP growth and look at the rates after after various recessions.

U.S. Department of Commerce. Bureau of Economic Analysis

And here is a list of the recessions that have occurred in the U.S. I suggest you focus on the Great Depression and onward.


Hey dumbfuck.. did you read your own citation?

We estimate that an extended moratorium, which we now expect to continue because of Obama political calculus, will cost up to 200,000 higher-paying jobs in the oil drilling and oil service business and that the employment multiplier of 4.7 will put the total job loss at nearly 1 million permanent employment shrinkage occurring over the next few years.

It's the moratorium that is killing the jobs, not the spill. Geeze Louise... you are fucking stupid.

you are a fucking lying pos

I checked your link, when I saw it was huffpoop I almost didn't bother, but I read it and heres a copy/paste from it

Five states are now suffering because of the BP spill. Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi are hit by oil slicks that are devastating their fisheries and tourism. Texas is a casualty along with the others because the drilling moratorium that was poorly designed by Obama's team was created out of a political response.

The moratorium payback will be the loss of thousands of jobs.

We now add the Alaska pipeline as a possible casualty, because of insufficient throughput due to the shutdown of existing drilling thousands of miles from the Gulf. The pipeline is built for 2 million barrels a day capacity. It currently carries about 700,000 which is near the minimum necessary to operate. It is supplied by oil drilled offshore. If it doesn't maintain sufficient volume of warm oil the oil will cool and congeal. Five existing offshore wells that would keep the volume sufficient are now affected by the Obama moratorium.

We estimate that an extended moratorium, which we now expect to continue because of Obama political calculus, will cost up to 200,000 higher-paying jobs in the oil drilling and oil service business and that the employment multiplier of 4.7 will put the total job loss at nearly 1 million permanent employment shrinkage occurring over the next few years. Five states have a regional recession/depression development underway. Alaska could become the sixth state on the damaged list.

That makes you the lying pos

Even huffpoo knows obama is a fucking job killing moron but they also know thier "readers" are too fucking stoopid to get past the headline and into the facts.

I take it back, you are not a liar, your just to fucking dumb to read your own post so you actually didn't know the truth.
In their report, Congress's nonpartisan budget accountants estimated that maintaining the Bush tax cuts and avoiding cutbacks in government spending would have some positive effects on the economy in the short run. By pumping more money into the economy now, the gross domestic product (GDP) would be larger next year, and unemployment might be about half a percentage point lower.

But, because it would increase the nation's public debt, the boost would come at a price.

why do you people lie so much?
Thnaks for proving the stimulus worked.

Now why the fuck are the Rs stopping unemployment benifits right before christmas?

they are the best stimulus

Charming as usual.

The stimulus has not worked, unless you call propping up economically unjustifiable state and local jobs "working".

History proves that the deeper the recession, the stronger the natural growth cycle during recovery. We should be at 5%-7% GDP growth right now. Instead, 2010 growth will average at approximately 2.5% - half of what it should be.

We need 3% GDP growth just to keep up with the increase in population.

The Stimulus retarded the natural growth cycle by diverting income and capital away from the private sector, and further burdening the private sector.

This is why U3 unemployment remains at 9.5%+ and U6 is 17%.

Please stop using "logic" and "numbers" with TM. She can't read her own links, so whatever you put up will only confuse and anger her further.
In their report, Congress's nonpartisan budget accountants estimated that maintaining the Bush tax cuts and avoiding cutbacks in government spending would have some positive effects on the economy in the short run. By pumping more money into the economy now, the gross domestic product (GDP) would be larger next year, and unemployment might be about half a percentage point lower.

But, because it would increase the nation's public debt, the boost would come at a price.

why do you people lie so much?

What lies?

What part of "and avoiding cutbacks in government spending" isn't getting through?

Every conservative and right of center mod WANTS SPENDING TO BE CUT.

Or are you just being dim to be dim?

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