CBO is great news for freedom lovers

Liberals are convinced that nobody will do anything unless govt forces them to. Government is everything to them.

The idea of people actually having freedom make their own choices, causes liberal fanatics to laugh out loud, as you see here.

When the government stops forcing me to buy unnecessary military assets, and stops forcing me to pay for unnecessary wars,

then maybe I'll reconsider the merits of your point.
Liberals are convinced that nobody will do anything unless govt forces them to. Government is everything to them.

The idea of people actually having freedom make their own choices, causes liberal fanatics to laugh out loud, as you see here.

When the government stops forcing me to buy unnecessary military assets, and stops forcing me to pay for unnecessary wars,

then maybe I'll reconsider the merits of your point.
And you get to decide what's necessary? Why don't you run for emperor?
I had breakfast club this morning with some friends of mine in SLC.

The active members of the LDS Church agreed the new AHCA proposed bill was just wrong scripturally.

I nearly snorted my toast when I heard them express themselves honestly and accurately.
Liberals are convinced that nobody will do anything unless govt forces them to. Government is everything to them.

The idea of people actually having freedom make their own choices, causes liberal fanatics to laugh out loud, as you see here.
Ya, let's nationalize agriculture and see what that gets us..
They basically have. With subsidize that go to farmers who pay outrageous prices for seeds, fertilizer and chemicals in the Midwest to grow GMO soy and corn. That corn is used for ethanol which is subsidized, the feed lots are subsidized, The small guy that raised cows, pigs and a few crops is no more because they can't compete with the mega operations that receive the big subsidies.

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