CBO Reports Don’t Give Confidence On HealthCare Bill They Show Danger!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
The truth of the matter is that America’s Federal Budget is in a state of crisis, roughly one trillion dollar yearly deficits projected for the next decade, and these Democrat Health Care bills if enacted into law are going to blow this hole in the Federal budget dramatically bigger. The CBO’s reports, if one looks beyond the often cited “manipulated” conclusion for the bills of a $143 billion deficit reduction over the first decade, indicate not only will these bills bring an increase in the deficit by $54 billion over the first decade but these bills raise alarms that other areas of the budget affected by the bills could be in danger of significantly increasing the deficit. There really isn’t an issue that passing these bills is reckless, irresponsible and economically super dangerous for America. The critics of these bills have done a good job of pointing out that this $143 billion deficit reduction figure doesn’t include the Medicare “doctor fix” which any honest person will tell the American people from a practical standpoint has to happen which will cost $208 billion over a decade (CBO estimate). The “doctor fix” refers to the fact that current Medicare law mandates Medicare doctor payments be reduced by 21% and even more in future years and Congress always postpones implementation of these cuts (at a cost) because for one if they didn’t Doctors would likely stop taking new Medicare patients and Medicare beneficiaries vote; the Democrat Healthcare overhaul involves cutting approximately $500 billion from Medicare and using it on healthcare spending programs created by the bills what the critics are saying is that if the Democrats want to use cuts to Medicare over the next decade they also must use known expenditure increases to Medicare over the next decade (the $208 billion) which will result in the overhaul at least producing a deficit of $ 54 billion otherwise they are not being honest.

The CBO in their budget calculations for the health care bills scores $ 70.2 billion of income over the first decade from the Community Living Assistance Support and Savings program (a long-term care program) created by the bills, this $70.2 billion consists of premiums enrollees in the program will pay in over the first decade minus benefits paid out by the program plus costs to administer the program. The Democrats aren't being honest brokers including this money because one this money is supposed to be reserved to pay benefits to enrollees in the long-term care program not for things like subsidies to lower and middle class families to be able to buy health insurance; plus, the revenue from this program is artificially high over the first decade because the program doesn't start paying out benefits to enrollees until they have been paying premiums for five years so the cost of the Democrat health care reform is being muted. The Democrats are using this program as a money generator for the Federal government when prudence calls for classifying this program as a money loser and a big one at that for the Federal government. There is sea of people that have looked at this program and said that it will soon be operating in the red, the monthly premium is expected to be $123 per month to start with which would lead a prudent person to conclude that people will wait until their older and approaching retirement age and would need the benefit until they join the program and because the benefit ($50/day minimum) is a lifetime benefit America will see a large number of claimants taking money out of the program compared to the number of enrollees just paying premiums. The likelihood of this scenario occurring is magnified if one considers that the Secretary of Health and Human Services is mandated by the bill to increase premiums on a yearly basis to make the program solvent seventy-five years into the future, but this premium increase is only for new enrollees, once one joins the program the premium at the time of entrance is the premium for life. Therefore, premium prices for the program will skyrocket and not only considering the resulting daunting premium cost to begin with but also that private long-term care programs will likely offer better deals entry into the program will be dramatically lower than what is needed for the program to succeed. The Office of Actuary for Medicare wrote a report coming to this same conclusion, they described this scenario that will result as the program will enter into a death spiral. This program is such a financial time bomb that over fifty percent of the current Senate members voted to drop the program from the bill but because of procedural rules a super majority of votes was needed for the amendment to pass!

The Reconciliation bill terminates a Federal program that provides loan guarantees and otherwise compensates "private lenders" that provide college loans to Americans the money saved is in part used to expand a college loan program directly offered by the Department of education. It is actually a good idea that has long been proposed by countless Americans, tax payer monies should be maximally used for legitimate services not for private companies that administer these services. The Democrat leadership governmental abuse in this whole matter is that they plan to score $19 billion of the $58 billion dollars saved by cutting this program as deficit reduction brought about the health care reform legislation. $36 of the remaining $39 billion will go to increasing spending on the Pell Grant program. Currently, the Pell Grant program gives grants to Americans to go to college with the current maximum grant $5550 and the Reconciliation bill to increase it $425.00 over the next nine years. This is some of the aspects of this whole issue that should concern Americans over the Democrats scoring a $19 billion dollar deficit reduction with this initiative. Currently, the Pell grant program is $19 billion dollars in the hole, yes the Democrats plan to shift $13.5 billion of this $58 billion saved to fill this hole but what about the remaining $5.5 billion dollar hole? Moreover, the Federal government hugely underestimated the number of people seeking to participate in the program it was off by around 765,000 people, if there off in future estimates do you think members of Congress are going to tell those students, sorry no grants or appropriate the money? Remember, Democrat politicians have been telling their constituents for years that the Federal government can cut this program and give the saved money to families struggling to send their children to college, you think these politicians are going to forget about this $19 billion they saved when they could channel it to help Americans with college funding, a wise person would doubt it? The average tuition price of a public four year education in America is $7,020 if college tuition increases on average 3% (miraculous development) per year this would increase this tuition figure $2100 and Pell grants will only be going up $425 during this period - Good sense would doubt it!

Another area where the Congressional Budget Office projections could be off by billions of dollars per year is the Expansion of Medicaid program. The Democrat Health Care Reform bills will expand the eligibility of this program from 100 % of the Federal Poverty Level to 133 % of the Federal Poverty Level and for the increased number of people entering these state Medicaid programs the Federal Government will pick up at least ninety percent of the tab instead of fifty-seven percent and during the first three years of this expansion starting in 2014, the Fed's will pick-up 100% of this tab then in 2017-95%, 2018-94% and 2019-93%. It is estimated this change will add an additional fifteen million people to the Medicaid and Chip rolls. If authorities and people of influence in a state know that the Federal government is going to pick-up this super high percentage of the medical costs for these low-income people many that have significant health related problems to begin with that is why many of them have low incomes they are going to encourage and promote these indigent people to use medical services to the maximum and bring Federal dollars to the state. A reasonable person should conclude that the Federal government is going to see whopping Medicaid and Chip program bills. The Congressional Budget Office estimates the cost of these programs to the Federal Government to start at $ 28 billion in 2014 and rise to around $90 billion in 2019 if there projections are off and for the above mentioned reasons they very likely will be the CBO's first decade deficit projections for the Democrats Healthcare Bill could be off by ten plus billions of dollars that is the cost of the bills would be ten plus billion dollars more than projected.
Probably some do. But the leadership figures it will be someone else's problem. They are right.

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