CBS in bed with's proof!


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
Before any of you wise-ass liberals discount this story because of its source, let me say your reasoning is invalid. CBS and Obama together have intentionally misled the American people. I will do my best to boycott CBS and their advertisers.

CBS Busts Obama--and Itself: Unaired 60 Minutes Clip Proves White House Lied About Benghazi

CBS News has released a clip of an interview by Steve Kroft of 60 Minutes on Sep. 12 with President Barack Obama that indicates Obama knew the assault on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya was a premeditated terror attack--and suggests the White House later deceived the public by blaming protests against an anti-Islam video. CBS chose not to air the clip for over a month--but did air Obama’s attack on Romney that same night.

The new CBS footage suggests that Obama did, in fact, describe the Benghazi attacks as premeditated terrorism--not in the Rose Garden but in the White House itself, in a portion of an interview that did not air until more than a month later.

During that time, both CBS and Obama could have referred to the interview, but did not--likely because doing so would have vindicated Obama at the cost of exposing his subsequent deceit.

The fact that CBS refrained from publishing the critical clip from the interview widens the political scandal surrounding Benghazi into a media scandal.

National Public Radio’s Mara Liasson criticized CBS on Fox News Special Report yesterday, saying that CBS ought to have made the entire interview with Obama available immediately, in the public interest.

Together with the president, CBS has much to explain.
I think we knew all along where CBS has stood with its political favoritism. The last asshole that hosted the CBS Evening News is now back in Texas picking the splinters out of his sorry ass. His name was Dan Rather. And he went to any and all lengths to nail Bush and couldn't do it in 8 long freaking years, because there was nothing Bush left out there to nail.
Gasbag blamed the polls earlier. Now we have the blaming of the media.

Everyone except Romney. Seems the party of "accountability" doesn't hold their candidates to that standard.
Somehow that "party of personal responsibility" rhetoric dissapeared during the Bush years.
I can't imagine why? ;)
Note the date of this POLL Data from CBS/USA TODAY!!
For example here is a CBS/USATODAY poll that has (and I usually go to their sampling methodology) can NOT be biased when this occurs:
CBS News State of the Union Poll - CBS News

The above CBS poll of 659 people in January 2011...

44% or 290 were Democrats almost 43% more Democrats were asked then GOP!
31% or 204 were Independent
25% or 165 were GOP

Now of the 204 Independents how many leaned more Democrat the GOP???

Almost two-thirds of those who call themselves independent lean to either the Democratic or Republican Party.
This leaves no more than one in five American voters completely unattached to a party.

Independent Lean Democrat 17%
Independent Lean GOP 13%
Strong Democrat 18%
Not strong Democrat 12%
Independent, lean Democrat 17%
Independent, not lean 20%
Independent, lean Republican 13%
Not strong Republican 8%
Strong Republican 13%
Independent Does Not Mean Nonpartisan Or Non-Ideological | NDN

So it is NO wonder CBS has been so in bed with Democrats/Obama... starting with biasing the news to skewing the polls with More democrats to this latest episode..
rightfully so CBS is now known as Clearly-Barack's-Slut!

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