CBS News Bombshell: Student Leader Wasn't at School On Day of the Mass Shooting

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Plenty. The school was a crime scene.. You wouldn't be able to get within a couple miles of the place once you left
You do know that ALL the media, including your beloved FOX was allowed to be across the street from the school at the time Hogg was shooting with the camera he went home to get.
Of course you did.
They are so used to lying and so determined to demonize the kids who survived the massacre that they will argue with their lies all day long. No matter how much proof they are given, they will persist to attack the victim-students and victimized them all over again in their perverted fashion of heaping the bearing of false witness on innocent kids after they have been through a traumatic massacre.
i know what i saw in his video. i don't know where the new quote came from. they say it was to clear it up but being a writer, his new statement seems to be well worded to address things like twilight, time of day, and is 6pm twilight this time of the year? then why the focus on his camera bag when that had NOTHING to do with his original quote.

in "clearing it up" they put in a lot more valid questions. the left only wants to laugh and ridicule but not talk about it. gonna stop taking ignore off and take this am as a reminder why have them on ignore to begin with.
Again we see how the Right, when confronted with the truth, simply make up new lies, in this case a new timeline lie.

The "new quote" you claim came after the LIE of the OP to "clear it up" was published more than a month BEFORE the OP's lie that was crafted yesterday.

Florida shooting survivor explains how his generation can force a change on guns
By Jen Kirby [email protected] Feb 20, 2018, 8:30am EST

Jen Kirby

The activism of you and your fellow students has created the sense that, in the wake of this mass shooting, there’s a chance things might be different. Why do you think that is?

David Hogg

Because of timing. At 6 pm after the shooting, I took my camera, got on my bike. I rode in basically twilight. And I ride my bike three miles down winding sidewalks and find my way to the school, as I’ve done in previous years.
Did you know that in these so called Marches, that only 10% of the marchers are actually students, and that their transportation and lodging are all paid for by The Democrat Party?


Some transportation was donated by Kraft you know the republican owner of the New England Patriots and other was donated along with mother's in D.C. getting together to find houses for them stay in.
Can't wait for the "My Dad got a call from his friends in the FBI and suggested I stay home that day" revelation
Someone mentioned there is footage from Hogg in the closet during the shooting - anyone have that?

On a related note, I have recently posted on here a warning - to both sides - that there is new video editing software out there that is nearly undetectable; it will stitch a face to a body and portray said face doing whatever the "filmmaker" wishes said "person" to do. I also know that there are folks like me who can imitate nearly any voice. BOTH sides, all people, must be wary of the harsh reality that anything and everything we see and hear these days may be fake >.<

Yes thank you - here it is. Fake News of course - he made this video at his home a few days later. :rolleyes:

Thank you for posting that Sir, if you had done so straight off it would have put this thread to bed frankly.

Sometimes I think ya'll on the left like "playing around" just as much as you accuse the right of doing. I can only hope that it's just some small portion of the country that thinks this is just a game. It's a real shame that people are so shitty.
It appears a clever blogger remade the video to fool us. He ad-libbed the video to make it seem that he rode the bike to school after the shooting started.

It was taken out of context and rearranged to give a different story.

Red state has issued a retraction as well.

WevWe been had folks
That is what conservatives do best

Six months from now, they will still claim it is true
Bearing false witness, lying is now common routine practice for whatever these people are, Republicans, conservatives, Rrumproids, whatever.
Oh puhleeze. Slander is the stock in trade for snowflake douchebags like you. Did you find any proof that the Trump campaign colluded with the russian government yet?
So Fingerboy

You were caught spreading a lie. Ready to apologize to David Hogg?

Whether the story is innacurate remains to be estasblished, douchebag.

Gee whiz...I think you are having some regrets.
This says everything about who is fronting this fag hog


After the shooting the school went on lockdown. The students who were there were put in locations until united by family. Now all this happened somewhere around 2 PM so I doubt the cops would just let Hogg run around Willy nelly to and from home on his bike with his camera shooting photos. BTW. WHERE ARE THOSE PHOTOS?
show the video of his quote.

all you gotta do.
Here is the link to the transcription of the interview. You won't read it though, ignorance is the bliss of CON$ervoFascism.

Florida shooting survivor explains how his generation can force a change on guns
i have him on video saying the quote we have in question.

show me the video of him saying what is now being reported please.

no red herrings and no sideshow bobs. we either have him on video saying this new quote or we don't and if we don't, we have a problem.

You are very special.
Someone mentioned there is footage from Hogg in the closet during the shooting - anyone have that?

On a related note, I have recently posted on here a warning - to both sides - that there is new video editing software out there that is nearly undetectable; it will stitch a face to a body and portray said face doing whatever the "filmmaker" wishes said "person" to do. I also know that there are folks like me who can imitate nearly any voice. BOTH sides, all people, must be wary of the harsh reality that anything and everything we see and hear these days may be fake >.<

Yes thank you - here it is. Fake News of course - he made this video at his home a few days later. :rolleyes:

Thank you for posting that Sir, if you had done so straight off it would have put this thread to bed frankly.

Sometimes I think ya'll on the left like "playing around" just as much as you accuse the right of doing. I can only hope that it's just some small portion of the country that thinks this is just a game. It's a real shame that people are so shitty.

Oh please.
Thank you for posting that Sir, if you had done so straight off it would have put this thread to bed frankly.

Sometimes I think ya'll on the left like "playing around" just as much as you accuse the right of doing. I can only hope that it's just some small portion of the country that thinks this is just a game. It's a real shame that people are so shitty.

Frankly I'd forgotten about it until you reminded me. Thanks
Unbelievable, right?

What more evidence is needed to demonstrate how conservatism is a mental disease?

Lord you are terminally stupid.
Where in the video does he say he was not at the shooting?
i never said that - keep up. all i said was we have him on video saying one thing then we have CBS now saying he said something else and editing out his original quote.

maybe it's all fine and proper. but this new quote doesn't "read" like a high school student and seems like he had help with it. much like their marches, ability to be away from school for so much now and so on. if someone were speaking FOR gun rights, would they be allowed the same time off school?
It appears he was lying for self promotion based on the videos & transcripts.

Everyone trying to claim this was edited or that was edited only proves one thing to me.

my minor was in journalism but this was long ago when you could trust the media.

i know what i saw in his video. i don't know where the new quote came from. they say it was to clear it up but being a writer, his new statement seems to be well worded to address things like twilight, time of day, and is 6pm twilight this time of the year? then why the focus on his camera bag when that had NOTHING to do with his original quote.

in "clearing it up" they put in a lot more valid questions. the left only wants to laugh and ridicule but not talk about it. gonna stop taking ignore off and take this am as a reminder why have them on ignore to begin with.
You poor thing, bless your heart. That interview by Jen Kirby is not new. It was posted online 5 weeks ago.

Seek help before it’s too late.
This says everything about who is fronting this fag hog



Valerie attended the March as did a whole lot of other politicians and celebs. She met David Hogg?

Wow, guess you really got us this time :rolleyes:

I heard The Beatles bankrolled the entire operation!

Plenty. The school was a crime scene.. You wouldn't be able to get within a couple miles of the place once you left
You do know that ALL the media, including your beloved FOX was allowed to be across the street from the school at the time Hogg was shooting with the camera he went home to get.
Of course you did.
They are so used to lying and so determined to demonize the kids who survived the massacre that they will argue with their lies all day long. No matter how much proof they are given, they will persist to attack the victim-students and victimized them all over again in their perverted fashion of heaping the bearing of false witness on innocent kids after they have been through a traumatic massacre.
It’s truly pathetic and revolting to see.

Add this to their ever grow list of conspiracies made up about those teens.
I'd be careful pointing too many fingers here lefties; your camp still believes that Palin said she could see Russia from her backyard. My husband had to correct his new manager on that just last week; the tool box made a point to argue about it in front of all the employees, attempting to make my husband look bad, and is now forever labeled a dumbass.

It's easy to fool people and I dare say everyone alive has been fooled by someone at some point in their lives. This is the normal human condition and thus not really a "flaw" in anyone. As the Chinese would say - "mei ban fa" (which basically means "shit happens and there's not much you can do about it")
Awesome thread.
Unbelievable, right?

What more evidence is needed to demonstrate how conservatism is a mental disease?

Lord you are terminally stupid.
Where in the video does he say he was not at the shooting?
i never said that - keep up. all i said was we have him on video saying one thing then we have CBS now saying he said something else and editing out his original quote.

maybe it's all fine and proper. but this new quote doesn't "read" like a high school student and seems like he had help with it. much like their marches, ability to be away from school for so much now and so on. if someone were speaking FOR gun rights, would they be allowed the same time off school?
It appears he was lying for self promotion based on the videos & transcripts.

Everyone trying to claim this was edited or that was edited only proves one thing to me.


You are STILL buying?

Man. I thought I would get my apology by now.
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