CBS News Bombshell: Student Leader Wasn't at School On Day of the Mass Shooting

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forgive me - where have i heard hogg greive yet? he sure isn't doing it in this thread. he's more concerned with getting this "news" than he appears to be for his friends.
He obviously looked at this event as a big career advancement opportunity rather than something to grieve over.
You're a sick fuck. There's simply no other excuse.

Two of the kids shot and killed that day were his sister's best friends. One can feel nothing but pity for what a sick and disturbed person freak you are.

How many more false rumors are you going to spread about this kid?

If he wants to play with the big dogs, he better be ready to take the heat. No one feels sorry for a douchebag giving the commie salute to the entire nation and calling every member of the NRA a murderer.

Go fuck yourself, asshole. Hogg is a disturbed freak. He's a product of our government schools, just like the shooter. Both are proof that the government is fucking up our kids.

If you want to disagree with him on issues argue that. These personal attacks are disgusting. You are a disturbed freak as is all Trump supporters.
This worthless prick calls every one of us murderer's and crap and you think WE need to lay off? Fuck him.

Fuck you. All you do is hurt your case by these personal attacks.
forgive me - where have i heard hogg greive yet? he sure isn't doing it in this thread. he's more concerned with getting this "news" than he appears to be for his friends.
He obviously looked at this event as a big career advancement opportunity rather than something to grieve over.
You're a sick fuck. There's simply no other excuse.

Two of the kids shot and killed that day were his sister's best friends. One can feel nothing but pity for what a sick and disturbed person freak you are.

How many more false rumors are you going to spread about this kid?

If he wants to play with the big dogs, he better be ready to take the heat. No one feels sorry for a douchebag giving the commie salute to the entire nation and calling every member of the NRA a murderer.

Go fuck yourself, asshole. Hogg is a disturbed freak. He's a product of our government schools, just like the shooter. Both are proof that the government is fucking up our kids.

If you want to disagree with him on issues argue that. These personal attacks are disgusting. You are a disturbed freak as is all Trump supporters.
This worthless prick calls every one of us murderer's and crap and you think WE need to lay off? Fuck him.
did he hurt your feelings, snowflake? is that the reason for your tantrum? grow up, retard.
Absolutely. I'm looking for a story that mentions Hogg and his whereabouts during the shooting being in question. Not showing up.
You've been shown video's of him explaining his two stories. How long are you going to hang on to this failure?

Hiya Missouri_Mike ! How's the day treating ya?
Doing fine thanks. Lunch time so I got that going for me. And you?

Wonderful. Just gave myself the rest of the day off. Gonna go to the beach.

Are you going to man up and admit that you were duped by a fake news story?
Fake? Nothing this kid has said makes any sense at all. Even your latest excuse for him is off. He spent that time so distraught after the shooting after his parents finally got him home his first thought was riding his bike (wtf is a 17 year old rich kid riding a bike for anyway?) back to the school to get some activism in before dinner. And his beside themselves with grief parents did what? Holler and make sure he had his activism gear in order? Don't forget your camera little hogger!

All I see when this kid is on TV is a fake person who's entire being was invested in becoming a victim activist sjw snowflake. He must be the luckiest pencil neck on the planet to have been at that school. None of it rings as true or even real, like they don't care about the cause so much as the noteriety.
Listen, fella, you sound like the fake person living in a delusional world. Sorry, but you make things up and distort things constantly.
my minor was in journalism but this was long ago when you could trust the media.

i know what i saw in his video. i don't know where the new quote came from. they say it was to clear it up but being a writer, his new statement seems to be well worded to address things like twilight, time of day, and is 6pm twilight this time of the year? then why the focus on his camera bag when that had NOTHING to do with his original quote.

in "clearing it up" they put in a lot more valid questions. the left only wants to laugh and ridicule but not talk about it. gonna stop taking ignore off and take this am as a reminder why have them on ignore to begin with.
so what do you see in this video of Hogg?

There's no video of Hogg. There's only the still frame shown in your post.

We still haven't seen any actual video of Hogg in the closet.

Now you're simply lying. You've been shown this repeatedly. This video begins with him on lock down.

What total horseshit.
No shooting happened during this video. All he did was talk about hearing it.
Those kids weren't acting like they were scared.
Totally fake.

You are the horseshit.
The only fake thing is you. Garbage like you want to substitute conspiracies for facts and deny the facts. You are one sick individual.

Yeah fuck you, Dickhead.

No. Show us where any of the libs calling you a moron fell for a fake news story.

All those stories were posted in this forum, dumbass. I'm not going to go searching through all the posts in this forum to find what you are demanding. I have better things to do. However, you have defended plenty of the dumbest of fake news stories - the Russian "Collusion" story being the biggest.

You still haven't apologized for this thread.

Why would I apologize for this thread?
The Right never apologize for their lies.
This is the closest you will ever get from him.

When have you douchebags ever apologized for your lies?

I've never lied on here. I've made errors...and I readily admit them. Unlike you. You suck.
You are about a dumb bastard. Do you have to be at the scene of your friends slaughter to feel grief and anger about it?
forgive me - where have i heard hogg greive yet? he sure isn't doing it in this thread. he's more concerned with getting this "news" than he appears to be for his friends.
He obviously looked at this event as a big career advancement opportunity rather than something to grieve over.
You're a sick fuck. There's simply no other excuse.

Two of the kids shot and killed that day were his sister's best friends. One can feel nothing but pity for what a sick and disturbed person freak you are.

How many more false rumors are you going to spread about this kid?

If he wants to play with the big dogs, he better be ready to take the heat. No one feels sorry for a douchebag giving the commie salute to the entire nation and calling every member of the NRA a murderer.

Go fuck yourself, asshole. Hogg is a disturbed freak. He's a product of our government schools, just like the shooter. Both are proof that the government is fucking up our kids.

If you want to disagree with him on issues argue that. These personal attacks are disgusting. You are a disturbed freak as is all Trump supporters.
You mean it's not fair to make personal attacks on a douchebag who called every member of the NRA a murderer?

I didn't know that.
fuck you creep and all you right wing assholes that attack children.
yea, the left wing would NEVER attack children if it served their purpose...
You mean the way they attacked Palin's kids? They called her daughter a slut and even attack Trig, who has Down's Syndrome. Now they're crying about po witto Hoggie. Boo Hoo!
forgive me - where have i heard hogg greive yet? he sure isn't doing it in this thread. he's more concerned with getting this "news" than he appears to be for his friends.
He obviously looked at this event as a big career advancement opportunity rather than something to grieve over.
You're a sick fuck. There's simply no other excuse.

Two of the kids shot and killed that day were his sister's best friends. One can feel nothing but pity for what a sick and disturbed person freak you are.

How many more false rumors are you going to spread about this kid?

If he wants to play with the big dogs, he better be ready to take the heat. No one feels sorry for a douchebag giving the commie salute to the entire nation and calling every member of the NRA a murderer.

Go fuck yourself, asshole. Hogg is a disturbed freak. He's a product of our government schools, just like the shooter. Both are proof that the government is fucking up our kids.

If you want to disagree with him on issues argue that. These personal attacks are disgusting. You are a disturbed freak as is all Trump supporters.
You mean it's not fair to make personal attacks on a douchebag who called every member of the NRA a murderer?

I didn't know that.
are you still whining? grow up, lose some weight, and try to be less of a scumbag.
All those stories were posted in this forum, dumbass. I'm not going to go searching through all the posts in this forum to find what you are demanding. I have better things to do. However, you have defended plenty of the dumbest of fake news stories - the Russian "Collusion" story being the biggest.

You still haven't apologized for this thread.

Why would I apologize for this thread?
The Right never apologize for their lies.
This is the closest you will ever get from him.

When have you douchebags ever apologized for your lies?

I've never lied on here. I've made errors...and I readily admit them. Unlike you. You suck.

Yeah, right.
for normal people, aka with a spine and at least some amount of positive characteristics, there is no justification for lying and lying and lying, not even if they feel that their precious feelings were allegedly hurt by a commie salute, a cuban flag patch, a thin body and face, etc.
Kinda like the whole anti-2nd movement is about "getting it out there" that some kids and parents are afraid and pissed off, rather than talking about what actually happened at the school and in the government policies that failed to stop Cruz from shooting up the school?

Welcome to politics?

how is not wanting crazies and criminals to get guns, anti 2nd?

what are they lying about? come on. what are today's NRA talking points, snooks?

it's politics lying about someone because you're afraid of them?


I'm not an NRA member, nor even really a supporter per say.

They are lying to these kids that banning a single gun is going to stop school shootings.
They are lying to these kids that it is "right" "moral" or "constitutional" to "bend" the US Constitution to alleviate their fears without consequences.
They are lying to these kids by not putting blame upon the social engineering policies of their government that let this kid buy that gun.
They are lying to these kids by not explaining that the AR-15 is /not/ at fault, same with the NRA.

They are /covering/ for the mental illness and abject failure of multiple layers of government "protection" that let this happen; and then lying to these vulnerable kids that "their" multiple layers of government "protection" will stop them when they will not.

They imply that the government, the "police" will protect those who rights to do so themselves are removed by threat of law - and yet in the very example that brings them to the floor, the police /failed/ to protect, failed to act.

I find it offensive and detrimental to kids everywhere when politicians and political activists use deceptions and lies to forward regulations that lessen freedom in this nation.

I'm not afraid of them, I find them to not be honestly working toward positive change, and rather to be pushing for ideological beliefs that undermine the unique principles and beliefs that founded this nation. In this case specifically, the belief that American's have the right to defend themselves; from both the evils of individual men, and the evils of the government.

The NRA has gone too far too the right. I do agree that the age to own a rifle should be raised to 21. I do agree that bump stocks should be legislatively banned. I also would be open to barring people who are mentally ill from owning guns as long as there are strong protections built into it. Yet that apparently os too much for the NRA.

You have any idea just how retarded you appear by referring to me as “faux” in a thread you started based on fake news?? :eusa_doh:

"Faux" is entirely appropos since virtually everything you post is fake.


Wrong, I posted a story.

a "story" that is a proven lie.

It may be erroneous, but it's not a lie.

One has to wonder why all you snowflake douchebags don't get this irate over all the fake news that CNN and other outlets broadcast on a daily basis.

A Rasmussen poll shows that Fox News is the winner of the fake news award. They beat CNN by 20.
They are lying to these kids that banning a single gun is going to stop school shootings.
The students know it will not stop shootings, but they also know that banning the assault style guns and the large capacity clips will slow down the carnage. If he can't shoot so fast and has to reload more often it will create more opportunities to stop the shooter and limit the deaths and destruction.

That will also limit the ability of Americans to defend themselves.

Go fuck yourself.

Right....most citizens walk around with AKs..what a dunce....
Kinda like the whole anti-2nd movement is about "getting it out there" that some kids and parents are afraid and pissed off, rather than talking about what actually happened at the school and in the government policies that failed to stop Cruz from shooting up the school?

Welcome to politics?

how is not wanting crazies and criminals to get guns, anti 2nd?

what are they lying about? come on. what are today's NRA talking points, snooks?

it's politics lying about someone because you're afraid of them?


I'm not an NRA member, nor even really a supporter per say.

They are lying to these kids that banning a single gun is going to stop school shootings.
They are lying to these kids that it is "right" "moral" or "constitutional" to "bend" the US Constitution to alleviate their fears without consequences.
They are lying to these kids by not putting blame upon the social engineering policies of their government that let this kid buy that gun.
They are lying to these kids by not explaining that the AR-15 is /not/ at fault, same with the NRA.

They are /covering/ for the mental illness and abject failure of multiple layers of government "protection" that let this happen; and then lying to these vulnerable kids that "their" multiple layers of government "protection" will stop them when they will not.

They imply that the government, the "police" will protect those who rights to do so themselves are removed by threat of law - and yet in the very example that brings them to the floor, the police /failed/ to protect, failed to act.

I find it offensive and detrimental to kids everywhere when politicians and political activists use deceptions and lies to forward regulations that lessen freedom in this nation.

I'm not afraid of them, I find them to not be honestly working toward positive change, and rather to be pushing for ideological beliefs that undermine the unique principles and beliefs that founded this nation. In this case specifically, the belief that American's have the right to defend themselves; from both the evils of individual men, and the evils of the government.

The NRA has gone too far too the right. I do agree that the age to own a rifle should be raised to 21. I do agree that bump stocks should be legislatively banned. I also would be open to barring people who are mentally ill from owning guns as long as there are strong protections built into it. Yet that apparently os too much for the NRA.

The Russian collaborating NRA wants all loons to have guns....
forgive me - where have i heard hogg greive yet? he sure isn't doing it in this thread. he's more concerned with getting this "news" than he appears to be for his friends.
He obviously looked at this event as a big career advancement opportunity rather than something to grieve over.
You're a sick fuck. There's simply no other excuse.

Two of the kids shot and killed that day were his sister's best friends. One can feel nothing but pity for what a sick and disturbed person freak you are.

How many more false rumors are you going to spread about this kid?

If he wants to play with the big dogs, he better be ready to take the heat. No one feels sorry for a douchebag giving the commie salute to the entire nation and calling every member of the NRA a murderer.

Go fuck yourself, asshole. Hogg is a disturbed freak. He's a product of our government schools, just like the shooter. Both are proof that the government is fucking up our kids.

If you want to disagree with him on issues argue that. These personal attacks are disgusting. You are a disturbed freak as is all Trump supporters.
You mean it's not fair to make personal attacks on a douchebag who called every member of the NRA a murderer?

I didn't know that.

There are quite a few things you don't know.

You don't help your case by personally attacking people. Try being smart for a change instead of pushing fake news.
He obviously looked at this event as a big career advancement opportunity rather than something to grieve over.
You're a sick fuck. There's simply no other excuse.

Two of the kids shot and killed that day were his sister's best friends. One can feel nothing but pity for what a sick and disturbed person freak you are.

How many more false rumors are you going to spread about this kid?

If he wants to play with the big dogs, he better be ready to take the heat. No one feels sorry for a douchebag giving the commie salute to the entire nation and calling every member of the NRA a murderer.

Go fuck yourself, asshole. Hogg is a disturbed freak. He's a product of our government schools, just like the shooter. Both are proof that the government is fucking up our kids.

If you want to disagree with him on issues argue that. These personal attacks are disgusting. You are a disturbed freak as is all Trump supporters.
This worthless prick calls every one of us murderer's and crap and you think WE need to lay off? Fuck him.

Fuck you. All you do is hurt your case by these personal attacks.
Sounds like ewe bee the asshole personally attacking others!
Let me tell you asstards on the left. This “child’ is on every TV station pushing the political agenda of gun control. We can attack him if we want. If you don’t want him attacked advise him to get off the stage.
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