CBS Poll: 76% say Jan 6 was "a protest that went too far"

If it's wrong it's wrong........but not to you it seems. You condemn one for doing the very thing you support and then think you are going to call me out.
Are Dimwingers un American? Yes or no.

Simple question.

After you answer please quote my post supporting those on Jan 6.
So much for the INSURRECTION.

Oh, and to nobody's surprise, CBS buried this part of their poll to try to cover up their findings.

CBS Buries Poll Results Showing Most Americans Of Both Parties Think Jan 6 Was ‘A Protest That Went Too Far’​

For starters, “a protest that went too far” was the overwhelming favorite of the 2,046 Americans who were polled with 76% agreeing with that characterization of Jan. 6. The second most popular result was “trying to overturn the election and keep Donald Trump in power” with 63%. Both of those options were omitted in the graphic bolstered by CBS. Meanwhile, “an insurrection,” which came at a distant third with 55% of Americans was kept in the graphic among the others which polled even less popular.

Law professor Jonathan Turley said, “Despite the constant media mantra that 1/6 was an insurrection, the vast majority of polled citizens view it as a protest that got out of hand, according to a CBS poll. It is the latest example of the MSM in framing a narrative.”

Tablet Magazine’s Noah Blum pointed out that the poll didn’t even offer “riot” as a choice in its list of descriptions. “The most accurate description (something along the lines of ‘violent riot’) isn’t even an option on this poll,” he said. “This type of poor methodology leads to a ‘circling the wagons’ effect that just spits out partisan results almost regardless of the question itself.”

Substack writer Jim Reacher concurred, albeit in more pointed language. “‘A riot’ isn’t one of the choices. It’s also the only accurate choice. This poll sucks,” he tweeted.

True. But Pelosi and the Dems are hoping their “useful idiots” will believe their insurrection lie. After all, wasn’t it H. L. Menchen who said nobody ever want broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people?
What I don’t get is how the FBI can say there was no insurrection (and there wasn’t), and yet their boss go after the rioters with a vengeance one would expect to see against domestic terrorists?

Same thing happened with the Loudoun County parents. The Dems, no longer in support of freedom of speech, want to make it apparent what happens to dissenters. Sort of like a public flogging.
Really, you aren't saying much by saying that. You protested over losing an election. Call it whatever you want.

*cough cough*

The FBI and the DOJ are two different organizations, and the DOJ is working with far more evidence, and it has only begun investigating.

I'm sure nothing will come of this, though!

What the fuck are you talking about? The FBI is an arm of the DOJ, you midwit.
The founders definitely supported protest but not over losing an election.

It's exactly what I said the day it happened. I said I supported the people's right to protest but I did not support what they were protesting over.

I supported both when people were protesting having their civil rights violated.

It's a serious offense to undermine an election, especially how it was done and what the left sold with it under scare tactics.
And the survey means.......that Dimm's truly remain unhinged!

Hit it!!, dancing yellow man....:dance:
The FBI and the DOJ are two different organizations, and the DOJ is working with far more evidence, and it has only begun investigating.

I'm sure nothing will come of this, though!
You need to educate yourself before you post and reveal your ignorance. The FBI falls under the DOJ.
Why do you feel compelled to be a lying sack of shit in every post, Tardboi? 76% if everyone polled, regardless of party.

Eighty percent of Republicans and 69% of Democrats described it as “a protest that went to far.” Even 70% of Biden voters characterized it that way.
2000 respondents in a poll that one alt-right publication says was buried, and another alt-right publication "interpreted" said results. Guess how much credence I'm going to give your OP?

Here you go, here's some context for you, Smooshy Faced Joe Biden. We know you're not interested though.


Hint, most Americans thought it was a deliberate attempt to overturn the results of a free and fairly held election.

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