CBS poll: Biden approval at 50%. And 48% in Ipsos

Conservatives will not like it when they realized that they were cherry-picking polls, in order to pretend Joe Biden had an approval of 40%.

I am sure this was posted somewhere in the previous 5 pages, as it was easy pickings, but talk about cherry picking. See cumulative polls. Although, we have seen in recent history polls can be off by a good bit. With Biden as bad as he is, I am surprised he has anyone that approves of the job he is doing...Unless it is someone like Castro, Marx, Lenin, etc.

Rasmussen which I don't take overly seriously has Biden 41% Trafalgar 40% YouGov 44% Politico 45% Quinnipiac 40% given this I would say his approval rating of 43% is pretty accurate.
I'll just stand over here and LMAO. He would be lucky to get 20% after all the shit he's pulled.

You voted for that walking, talking disaster. Congrats.
They treat the bad polls as gospel. Once it goes above a certain level, they figure it's "fake news".

Pavlov's Dogs. They don't know any better.
I have yet to see a single legitimate sample process with any of them and none of them are using empirical collection and analysis ....that's both sides BTW.

anyone who believes his poll numbers are actually 50% with this current shit show that's going on is truly retarded.
You really need to stop reading right wing nonsense.

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