CBS Sunday Morning Show on Inner City Gun Violence tells it exactly like it is.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
Ted Koppel hosted an excellent documentary on CBS Sunday Morning on the cycle of Inner City violence fueled by angry youth without Fathers. This would be a good show for IM2, Asclepias, PaulEssian and the gang to watch. No one in the documentary mentioned White Supremacists once.

Ted Koppel hosted an excellent documentary on CBS Sunday Morning on the cycle of Inner City violence fueled by angry youth without Fathers. This would be a good show for IM2, Asclepias, PaulEssian and the gang to watch. No one in the documentary mentioned White Supremacists once.

Were there any suggestions giving for improving the situation? I dont mean of the type where we dance on their graves and point and say, "Do better!". I mean actual solutions, with logistics, to improve the national embarrassment that is our urban crime culture.
Were there any suggestions giving for improving the situation? I dont mean of the type where we dance on their graves and point and say, "Do better!". I mean actual solutions, with logistics, to improve the national embarrassment that is our urban crime culture.
Everyone already knows the solution.

Put the Democrats out of power.

Everyone also knows that will never happen.

So it will be life as usual for those on the Democrat Plantations.
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Actually, all I did was mention racists. And you came running like you heard the dinner bell. Not coincidence.
No, you called people racists, just like you always do. Now there's something that isn't a coincidence. Keep trying to undo your own self inflicted damage though. Very entertaining.
Ted Koppel hosted an excellent documentary on CBS Sunday Morning on the cycle of Inner City violence fueled by angry youth without Fathers. This would be a good show for IM2, Asclepias, PaulEssian and the gang to watch. No one in the documentary mentioned White Supremacists once.
If they didn't blame the behavior of these animals on whitey, that's a fucking miracle.
Very sad that this is used as a racist topic.

Fact: white people are more likely to shoot themselves. Suicide perpetrator-victims will suffer for millennia. All Humans are Created Equal, but most white people are not used to hardships.

People of all races die by guns.

Were there any suggestions giving for improving the situation? I dont mean of the type where we dance on their graves and point and say, "Do better!". I mean actual solutions, with logistics, to improve the national embarrassment that is our urban crime culture.
All Humans are Created Equal.

Scandinavian Welfare State cares for all people in need and thus it has much lower crime rate. Guns are much more restricted there.
All people of all races lose lives to guns. Many white people who are not used to hardship commit suicide. All Humans are Created Equal and have paramount innate value.

The only conclusion is that American Society is less humane then Scandinavian Society which restricts guns and provides for everyone.

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