CCP is in trouble - the communist miracle is over

Well, yes they are credible as they are based on data and a methodology to derive them, while yours are based on your feelings.

Even the study you claimed supported your number does not do so, yet you persist because you are a moron that does not understand data and stats.
No, they aren't, but, like I said, losing almost a billion people in 50 years is far worse than losing that number over 75 years.
No, they aren't, but, like I said, losing almost a billion people in 50 years is far worse than losing that number over 75 years.

Yes, it is worse, good thing for China that will not happen.

Not to mention, your first claim was that it was going to happen in 20 to 25 years.
Try reading on the subject.

I don't subscribe to tin foil hat publications, and wild conspiracy theories like you and Dudley.
There really is a lot of serious geo-political shit going on in the real world that I have deep concerns about, that is trying to turn the world to authoritarian dictatorships, with a few favoured oligarchs supporting the corrupt dictatorships. Putin's Russia and Xi's China being the templates.

Trump is working towards that goal in the USA, and so are you.
Yes, it is worse, good thing for China that will not happen.

Not to mention, your first claim was that it was going to happen in 20 to 25 years.
No, I said they will drop to 650 million in 20 years. Then take another 50 years to drop to the 525 million mark.

And yeah, it is going to happen. All that central planning and China managed to screw themselves up pretty good.
I don't subscribe to tin foil hat publications, and wild conspiracy theories like you and Dudley.
There really is a lot of serious geo-political shit going on in the real world that I have deep concerns about, that is trying to turn the world to authoritarian dictatorships, with a few favoured oligarchs supporting the corrupt dictatorships. Putin's Russia and Xi's China being the templates.

Trump is working towards that goal in the USA, and so are you.
Neither do I. But, by all means, remain ignorant on the subject.

That's the one quality you have.
No, I said they will drop to 650 million in 20 years

Yes, that is the number you made up. Even the study you cited does not support it, but since it is based on nothing but your feelings, you do not give a crap
No, I said they will drop to 650 million in 20 years. Then take another 50 years to drop to the 525 million mark.

And yeah, it is going to happen. All that central planning and China managed to screw themselves up pretty good.

Here is a breakdown of China's population by age. In order for your numbers to be correct everyone over the age of 45 today will have to be dead in the next 20 years, plus not a single new child born. This from a country with a life expectancy of 78

Only underachievers and unmotivated people would like communism.

Here's a clue, Blaster. You're the one proposing elevating underachievers and unmotivated people. By giving jobs to undeserving and unmotivated white males, ahead of more qualified women and minorities. THIS is what created a "culture of mediocrity" and "entitlement".

But Republicans broke the compact when they started promoting off-shoring as a means to raise profits. But profits went sky high so fuck American workers. And those are the people you're voting for.
Does this mean that Biden has completely neutered the Chinese threat in Asia?

I guess Biden wasn’t selling out the USA to China after all. The Quadrilateral Defence treaty, trade deals with India and Viet Nam.

Kind of puts the lie to the notion that Joe Biden is in Xi’s pocket.
Nope Biden hasn't done shit except takes bribes and sell out USA foreign policy. He's a traitor.
Yes, that is the number you made up. Even the study you cited does not support it, but since it is based on nothing but your feelings, you do not give a crap

That's the problem with the MAGA crowd. They make things up and then try to prove what they say is valid, and it never is.

Even your premise that the USA was "Great" in the 1950's before the Women's Lib movement, and before the Civil Rights Act, and Gay Marriage - when WHITE MEN ruled the earth, is a lie.

North America didn't thrive and prosper throughout the 50's and 60's because white men ruled and nobody else had any rights. The USA became the richest nation on earth during this time because all of Europe and Japan had been bombed back to the Middle Ages. All of their manufacturing had been bombed out of existence.

You got to be the richest, most powerful nation in the world by rebuilding Europe and Japan. Not because white men had all of the power. And the women who looked after things at home while their men went off to war, and the racial minorities who fought and died for freedom, and the ones interred because of their heritage, decided that enough was enough.

Start living in the REAL world, and stop believing the MAGA bullshit about a world that never was.
Nope Biden hasn't done shit except takes bribes and sell out USA foreign policy. He's a traitor.

Since there is absolutely no evidence that he's ever done any of this, thank you for proving that you'll believe anything that Donald Trump tells you.
1. What a shame!!!

2. Reportedly, the first ten years of Communist rule were great.

3. For the first time in Chinese history, everyone had enough food and housing and basic medical care. Kids had a basic education.

4. Then of course absolute power absolutely corrupted Mao.

5. Today China has another Mao-like dictator.

6. No wonder the youth of China are disillusioned.
No, I said they will drop to 650 million in 20 years.

In order for this to happen the number of people dying would have to go up by 10% every single year for 20 years and not one single baby be born in the country.
Whoever says communist china is invincible

No nation is invincible. The belief in invincibility gave us Napolean, Hitler, and Putin.

Trump is asking for "absolute immunity" which reminds us that "Power corrupts. Absolutely power corrupts absolutely". We saw just how corrupt Trump became with limited immunity from prosecution and his attempts to cling to power when it became clear he'd lost the election.

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